btw ejad sebut 'WHAT?!' tu mmg sangat class sounds so right and so firm yg kita rasa wow...hahaha..unlike hati perempuan ni...perempuan tu FIRM LAH SANGAT!
are well all soulmate too?? we connected at one soul as well.....kita semua bersetuju dengan luahan kita masing-masing...semua paham apa yg one another nak luahkan kn...virus soulmate bang mael dah merebak la...bahahaha
Post time 1-4-2015 01:15 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
eazy replied at 1-4-2015 01:11 PM
btw ejad sebut 'WHAT?!' tu mmg sangat class sounds so right and so firm yg kita rasa wow. ...
Haaa @eazy...Ada tgk citer HP ya..hehe..I tgkla smlm sambil tunggu waktu bebuka....takdo feel..hbs TV (reason tggu azan) hehe solat terus...
@bungaros..wah..best2..Kirimkan pic yg best di Sana ya..
Iols baru perasan EP7 yg Kyra called EL time dia tgh makan ngan zara...dia panggil Kyra Wooden..bahahahaha pastu dok ckp bro bro...UIA ni mmg one of a kind la...pastu terus sakit perut tu...Abg Ngah mana boleh berak bersepah...bodo laaaa adlib UIA ni...merapu!