lupe nak citer.,,perjalanan awal disember..tu jela cuti panjang..n ber'uang' skit |
10 hari x cukup kot nak p 5 negara tu.
kami dulu 2 gurls pun pegi 10 hari.
rushing dan sekejap2 je satu2 tmpt tu.
ur case plak ada budak n nak pegi dis = winter.
sy cadangkan skip swiss sbb adalah rugi pegi swiss tu sekejap.
tren dia mahal, kalu bli pass ada baloi skit tp kena make full use of d pass.
paling kurang 4 hari kat swiss baru cun, pass tu pun dah 8rat sorang.
kami jln sendiri je haritu tp xde bli apa2.
i mean kami redah kat sana tp route sudah ada.
mmg betul perancangan kena rapi.
kalu dah dpt route bleh cari best deal unt transportation.
book ahead, bleh save.
each negara yg u nak p, list kan tmpt menarik yg mesti nak singgah.
susun jadual ikut lokasi, jgn lupa cek kalu2 ada restricted time.
contoh museum bukak kul bape, tutup kul bape ada hari dia tutup ker.
mmg byk keja, tp nanti at the end.
bila u balik dgn suksess, rasa puas! |
nak tanya..kalau transport Orly Airport ke Paris city..yg mana better..bus or train?
transgenix Post at 11-3-2011 09:06
bus is cheaper. train is faster...
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1308# yellowtulip
dah kna start beli buku trip to europe..sebab still lost lagi..ok thanks yellowtulip..nak manage budak2 kecik ni bukan senang..tu ingat nak p ngan agent..ade org cakap p ngan agent kalau family lagi jimat..kalau single better backpacking..itu yg i dengar2la..but i try la buat schedule sendiri dulu.. |
bus is cheaper. train is faster...
(posted by mobile)
boocik04 Post at 11-3-2011 19:07 
Thanks boocik04 !
Actually bln dpn nk pegi..start london end up in Paris..tgh survey2 hotel..preferably budget hotel..hmm..any suggestion?
Thanks in advance. |
Thanks boocik04 :) !
Actually bln dpn nk pegi..start london end up in Paris..tgh survey2 hot ...
transgenix Post at 11-3-2011 11:41
i stayed at alfa hotel, nation (11th arr.). it was EU44 for a double room with toilet inside.
very clean and very near the bus station as well as the metro. easy to get around paris...
ada gak forummer yang duduk appi hotel for EU30 and you can also try etap hotel.
both these hotels are also budget hotel but the toilets are shared. they only have sinks in the room.
for ensuite toilet, it would cost more...
(posted by mobile) |
i stayed at alfa hotel, nation (11th arr.). it was EU44 for a double room with toilet inside.
boocik04 Post at 11-3-2011 20:02 
dah go thru website alfa..seems nice..& since ada toilet inside..byk budget hotel lain rate yg sama tp ada sink jer..
etap ada byk tempat ye..anyway will keep on searching for the suitable one..
tqvm for the info..really appreciate it!  |
Reply 1313# transgenix
yes, etap hotel tu chain company. ada banyak kat paris and UK.
kalau you register, they will e-mail you bila ada sale... dapat harga murah jugak la.
(posted by mobile) |
Reply transgenix
yes, etap hotel tu chain company. ada banyak kat paris and UK.
kalau you regi ...
boocik04 Post at 11-3-2011 23:31 
ok..noted..tq.. |
boocik, saya dah booking Thalys on line.. (1st time booking ni), after kasi credit card no. kat diaorg, click confirm payment, tapi tak de respond pun? diaorg akan respond confirmation tiket via email yang kita berikan ke? selalunye berapa lama nak respond? dah cuak nih... |
Reply 1316# AlessandroDP
u book thalys guna website mana? ada tak dorang suruh isi e-mail details semua tu?
masa saya book dulu saya guna raileurope punya website.
after a few days dapat ticket confirmation in my e-mail.
(posted by mobile) |
Post Last Edit by Vokuro at 14-3-2011 16:29
di website tersebut kamu boleh mendapat pelbagai tips berguna untuk ke paris dan semasa stay di sana.
sangat banyak yg saya pelajari di websites tersebut especially tentang culture orang sana.
yg paling saya amuse membaca pengalaman seorang foreign student di paris yg makan breakfast dan meminta bill sebelum habis makan sebab sudah terlewat ke kuliah, beliau kena lecture dengan waiter itu supaya makan habis dahulu dan refused untuk bawakan bill until beliau habis makan  |
boocik, saya dah booking Thalys on line.. (1st time booking ni), after kasi credit card no. kat diao ...
AlessandroDP Post at 12-3-2011 23:11 
kamu booking website mana ya?normally confirmation email almost instantaneous.
cuba kamu check spam inbox email kamu or something |
saya booking via website Thalys tu sendiri.. Friday nite sampai skang Mon morning pun tak de mende confirmation pun... mcmana ni? spam inbox pun tak de mende.. |
saya booking via website Thalys tu sendiri.. Friday nite sampai skang Mon morning pun tak de mende c ...
AlessandroDP Post at 14/3/2011 09:16 
cuba e-mail thalys dan tanyakan tentang booking you tu.
ada booking number, kan? pastu check samada your CC dah caj amount tu ke belum... |
I dah check CC, takde transaction done..selamat fuuhh... .. agaknya ada error kot masa saya book tu.. perhaps saya missed out something... tapi tak de plak web tu bounce message apa2 kalau ada error... ok, ni nak try via raileurope plak.. |
Reply 1322# AlessandroDP
I beli kat Thalys web tu okay jer, tp i kene pilih yg collect tix kat sana. |
gilakentang, u meant yang paper ticket ke? collect kat auto machine or counter? |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 14-3-2011 10:52
ok, ni nak try via raileurope plak.....
AlessandroDP Post at 14/3/2011 09:58 
gi website raileurope world tau...
sini ---> http://www.raileurope-world.com/ |
boocik, raileurope tak boleh book from paris to antwerp le plak...  |
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