5 People Injured In Rimba Blast
By Azlan Othman & James Kon
Bandar Seri Begawan - A Pipe leak causing an explosion at a gas cylinder storeroom outside a supermarket in Rimba yesterday injured five workers |
Airport Mall Takes Off Again
By Zasika Musdi
Bandar Seri Begawan - Close to B$10 million will be spent on completing the Airport Mall after construction work was abandoned in June 2006.
A signing ceremony to resume the construction of the Mall in Jaya Setia Square was held yesterday between Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei (TAIB) and United Engineers (B) Sdn Bhd. Signing on behalf of Perbadanan TAIB was Pg Hj Abd Rahman bin Pg Hj Mat Salleh, Acting Managing Director of Perbadanan TAIB and Mr John Lee Seng Poh on behalf of United Engineers (B) Sdn Bhd.
Also present at the signing ceremony was Dato Paduka Dr Hj Mat Suny bin Hj Hussein, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Development, who is also the Chairman of the TAIB Board of Directors. He congratulated both parties and said that many customers will be looking forward to the completion of the beautiful building.
According to Y C Lee, from Y C Lee & Lee, Outside Council and Legal Advisor for TAIB, Perbadanan TAIB, as the financier of the developer, decided to assume the task of completing the Airport Mall by reason of the former developer's failure to do so. He did not disclose the reasons behind the failure.
Since construction came to a halt in 2006, legal proceedings have given time for TAIB to recover its outstanding financing, and also enabled the bank to look for new contractors. Y C Lee said that contractors and purchasers of units would finally see their investment bear fruit.
The completion work of the Airport Mall project is a joint effort between TAIB, who has been the financier since the start of the project, and landowners.
Y C Lee said that TAIB's continuous involvement in the project shows the bank's responsibility in fulfilling community duty, as there have been too many failed projects in the country and to leave an important one such as the Airport Mall would be a total waste.
The new anticipated mall will accommodate 100 units of normal shop units altogether, also with large spaces designed for a supermarket and a recreational centre. These spaces, as well as some of the normal shop units, are still available to be sold.
Additionally, there will be 285 spaces for basement parking, as well as 42 parking spaces outside the mall. There will be three floors, a ground floor and a basement. The total area of land will be 3.905 acres.
The completion work for the Airport Mall, mainly mechanical and engineering works, will take approximately 10-12 months and it is expected to be over by September 2009.
"I find the location of the upcoming Airport Mall quite strategic for those living in the Berakas and Muara area," said a member of the public. "However, I foresee road conditions worsening because of the nearby schools and traffic in that area. I'm looking forward to it though." -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
His Majesty Visits Sandhurst As Prince Begins Course
Bandar Seri Begawan - His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei recently visited the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, RMAS, in the United Kingdom with His Royal Highness Prince Hj 'Abdul 慉zim, who began his Commissioning Officers' Cadet course there. RMAS is one of the most renowned military academies in the world.
The visit of His Majesty and His Royal Highness began at the Academy's Government House. On arrival, His Majesty was greeted by Major General DJ Rutherford-Jones who was appointed as the Commandant of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst a year ago. His Royal Highness Prince Hj 'Abdul `Azim later proceeded to the Old College, where His Royal Highness will spend the first term of the one-year course of the Academy's 083 intake.
The first term of five weeks training will teach the cadets basic military skills such as tactics, weapon handling and leadership.
The Commissioning Officers' Course took place two days after His Royal Highness was awarded his Bachelor of Science Honours Degree from the Oxford Brookes University.
His Majesty was later invited to visit the old College and was taken on a tour of His Highness' accommodation.
His Majesty himself is not a stranger to life at the RMAS. His Majesty undertook military training at Sandhurst and was promoted to the rank of Captain in 1967.
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, commonly known as Sandhurst, was formed in 1947.
Among the Academy's former students are members of royalty and dignitaries from outside the United Kingdom. Besides His Majesty, other members of royalty who have undergone training at Sandhurst include His Majesty King Abdullah the Second of Jordan and His Majesty Sultan Qaboos of Oman. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
China's Guangdong To Help Develop Brunei's Fisheries
By P. Marilyn
Bandar Seri Begawan - The Department of Fisheries reached another milestone yesterday with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Guangdong Provincial Oceanic and Fishery Administration, the People's Republic of China to collaborate and cooperate in areas related to fisheries.
The MoU was signed at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources by Director of Fisheries, Hajah Hasnah Ibrahim, and the Deputy Director General of Guangdong Oceanic and Fishery Administration, Mr Chen Liangyao. Present as the guest of honour to witness the signing ceremony was the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Hamid bin Haji Mohd Jaafar.
Also in attendance to witness the MoU signing was Madam Tong Xiaoling, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Brunei Darussalam.
The agreement between Brunei and the People's Republic of China aims to enhance the establishment of relationships between the private sectors of the two countries, collaboration work on red tide, organisation of training, workshops and seminars related to the Fisheries Department, including study visits, work attachments and exchange of experts.
Other areas of cooperation include the implementation of joint projects of interests such as offshore aquaculture development and other projects that are beneficial to both organisations in terms of fisheries.
Director of Fisheries, Hajah Hasnah Ibrahim, in her address, highlighted the role of the Department of Fisheries in overseeing the development ofthe local fisheries industry and in assisting entrepreneurs to increase their production for the local as well as export markets.
She said the department also plays a pivotal role in developing the local fisheries industry in order to fulfill the country's aspiration to diversify the economy.
The Guangdong Provincial Oceanic and Fishery Administration, meanwhile, is a provincial governmental organisation tasked with coastal and oceanic management and the development of the fisheries industry in the Guangdong province.
"The People's Republic of China, especially in Guangdong, has a lot of expertise in fisheries especially in aquaculture and this expertise can be shared and contribute to the development of the fisheries industry in Brunei," said Hajah Hasnah.
Recently, the Brunei Government through the Fisheries Department purchased the square and round cages for inshore and offshore cage culture operations from the People's Republic of China, which have been tested and verified by the Guangdong Provincial Ocean and Fishery Administration.
This project, said Hjh Hasnah, is intended to upgrade the fish cage culture technology and further develop the industry in Brunei Darussalam.
The capture fisheries industry in the People's Republic of China is also involved in the production of tuna and this presents one of the activities to be explored, in conjunction to the development of the fisheries resources in Zone 4 of Brunei waters, added Hjh Hasnah. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
Company Charged Over Illegal Deposits
By Rol Ezam
Bandar Seri Begawan - Pan Phoenix Dina (B) SDN BHD together with its directors has been charged in the High Court with deposit-taking activities without a license to carry on a banking business in contravention of section 93(1) of the Banking Order, 2006. The Ministry of Finance issues such licenses.
The company's directors are Hasri bin Mohd Noor, Md AzIan bin Hj Md Yussof and Haji Abdul Hamid bin Haji Simpol, a press release from the Ministry of Finance stated. Meanwhile, Pan Phoenix Dina (B) SDN BHD's related company, Brumental Dina SDN BHD is also currently-being investigated by the Royal Brunei Police Force for similar deposit-taking activities without proper licenses. Both companies are suspected of illegally taking, accepting and receiving deposits from the public with the guarantee of extraordinary returns within a contractual period, ffnd are beyond the standard practices of licensed financial institutions in the country or abroad.
Pan Phoenix Dina (B) SDN BHD and Brumetal Dina SDN BHD operate from the same premises at Ground floor/I" floor, Lot 49-50, Wisma Java, Jalan Sultan in the capital.
Meanwhile, it is learnt (through a press release dated April 8, 2008) that Bank Negara Malaysia is
currently investigating Pan Phoenix Dina SDN BHD and its related companies in Malaysia for suspicion of conducting illegal deposit taking and money laundering activities. The raids on the companies were conducted on April 8, 2008 at the companies' premises in Kota Bharu and Kuala Lumpur. Brunei's Ministry of Finance has reminded the public not to be easily influenced by any companies, organizations or individuals that have not obtained the necessary licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Finance to take, accept and receive deposits.
Under the Banking Laws of Brunei Darussalam, any person who receives, takes or accepts deposits except those licensed under section 4(1) of the Banking Order, 2006 to conduct banking business, constitutes an offence under section 93(1) of the Banking Order, 2006. If found guilty, such person (s) will be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding B$10 million, imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or both and in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding B$100,000 for every day during which the offence continues after conviction under the Banking Order, 2006.
The Ministry of Finance has also advised the public to provide information on any possible unlicensed activities relating to unlicensed investment advice and services (including those available on the Internet). If in doubt, contact the Ministry of Finance through the Financial Institutions Division (HD), level 7 of the Ministry of Finance building at 2381367 or email: [email protected]. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
Home Alone: Plight Of Three Seria Siblings
By Liza Mohd
Seria - A 16-year-old boy, his 10-year-old brother and nine-year-old sister have been left to fend for themselves allegedly by their parents for over three months now without proper food or money to cover their daily expenses.
The three siblings, who are staying in one of the squatter houses in Kampong Jabang Seria, are surviving on fish they catch in the river near their house. Their only source of drinking water is rain. "Sometimes we would go without eating the whole day," said Bobby Anak Belun, studying Secondary Three in a government school in Seria.
Bobby, in an interview with the media, claimed his parents, who are both unemployed, would only visit them twice monthly and then head back to Bangtujoh, Ulu Belait to continue living their lives by fishing.
A neighbor, who is aware of the children's plight,also confirmed this.
During the interview, the teary-eyed boy said that he couldn't help but feel neglected by his parents.
He even had to skip school for nearly a month and miss his qualifying examinations to raise some money to support his siblings, both currently studying in Primary Four at different government schools in Seria.
He told the media that he has taken up a job of carrying heavy loads at a private company and earns $15 per day to buy daily necessities for his siblings.
This has affected his performance in school with PMB public examinations coming soon, he added.
He also has to take care of the needs of his siblings daily by cooking and washing their clothes.
One of Bobby's classmates said that he has the potential to excel in studies but his present condition doesn't let him focus on his studies.
Since their house has no electricity, their only source of light is the candle, which they use to do their homework or study during their spare time.
And during heavy rains, the siblings are splattered with water due to the had state of ceiling and missing windowpanes. Their wooden home is also on the verge of collapse and is not safe for many people to enter. Bobby said he wishes to be a policeman when he grows up and is determined to pursue his dreams despite the odds.
The plight of the three siblings has been brought to the attention of Penghulu of Mukim Seria Awang Haji Jamail bin Haji Linap who thanked the media and members of the public for highlighting the deprived conditions of the children.
The Penghulu through the Mukim Consultative Council will conduct a thorough investigation and inform the Community Development Centre (JAPEM) and also the head of the longhouse in-Ulu Belait to alert the parents.
"Although the parents could be away to find food to feed their children, it is irresponsible to leave them on their own for weeks or months together. The children could stray and indulge in unhealthy activities," he said.
He is aware that the children are staying illegally in the squatter housing area in Seria, but as the leader of the Mukim he said he would assist the children, who are permanent residents. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
Brunei Woman Officer Makes Country Proud
Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei's woman officer, Major Hjh Wan Shahlimar Hj Suhaili, made history by becoming the first international female officer to undergo Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF) 39th Command and Staff Course (CSC) this year, the highest level of formal military education offered in the city-state.
Having 24 years of experience with the Royal Brunei Air Force, she is one of five Malay officers who underwent the nine-month course, Berita Harian reported. Major Hjh Shahlimar, 42, received her certificate along with 124 other graduates from Singapore's Minister of Defence, Teo Chee Hean, at a function held at the Istana Wednesday night.
Major Hjh Shahlimar said the course was really challenging. "I was told how challenging the CSC would be and I had prepared myself. A lhamdullilah, I managed to get through. I'm proud to be the first international woman officer to undergo this course," she said with a smile.
Nonetheless, the challenge faced by this mother of three while being away from her family is noteworthy.
"I'm close with my children and while undergoing this course I tried to be with them every month on the weekends, either I would go to Brunei or they would come here. Although it was difficult, it was a sacrifice I had to make. I'm thankful for the support of my husband and children," said Major Hjh Shahlimar.
Among the modules of CSC that fascinated her was creative thinking. "I will try to practise what I have learnt once I'm back in Brunei," she added.
One of the two Malay officers of SAF who did the CSC this year, Major Mohammed Salleh Mohammed Anuar, 34, said he appreciated the opportunity to learn alongside officers of various nationalities.
For the first time, there were officers from Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Thailand and the United States. They are now part of the distinguished alumni of 155 friends from 23 countries who have attended the course since 1984.
Mr. Teo said that in an increasingly interconnected world, threats could come from unexpected sources and directions.
For instance, the ease of air travel has allowed viral outbreaks to leap across continents, and failed or unstable states in one region could become safe havens for terrorists to mount attacks in other regions.
Mr. Teo stressed that in many cases such challenges cannot be addressed by a single country acting on its own. International cooperation and action is required. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
Halal Check On Ramadhan Stalls
By James Kon
Bandar Seri Begawan - To ensure that Ramadhan food stalls are selling meat that originate from locally-accredited abattoirs or approved by the religious council, a group of officers from the Halal Food Control Division under the Ministry of Religious Affairs conducted inspections of the Ramadhan food stalls located at Pasar Gadong and opposite the Royal Regalia yesterday afternoon.
It was the first time this year that such an operation has been conducted, inspecting hundreds of Ramadhan food stalls in both areas in the capital. Many of the stallholders were caught off-guard and could not produce the receipts of purchase for the meat. However, they were advised to bring along the documents for the next inspection.
According to Hamdani Othman, Religious Education Officer (Auditor and Inspector), "This is an annual inspection that is conducted by the Halal Food Control Division under the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
"No stallholders were found guilty of breaking any regulation. If there are any, then we will seize the meat."
He added, "In addition to stalls that are located at `proper' locations, we also carry out inspections of stalls located at the roadsides and any stalls that have received complaints from the public".
He urged all food stall owners, especially those selling meat items, including chicken, to cooperate with the Halal Food Control Division by producing the receipts to show where the meat was purchased. This will help smoothen the procedure of carrying out the inspection.
He strongly advised all the stallholders to obey the rules and regulations, as well as always conduct their business in an "honest" manner.
The inspection will be conducted from time to time at various places where such food stalls are set up. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin |
Originally posted by TheHawk at 12-9-2008 09:44 PM 
Brunei Woman Officer Makes Country Proud
Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei's woman officer, Major Hjh Wan Shahlimar Hj Suhaili, made history by becoming the first international female officer to u ...
Bravo and Tahniah Major Wan Shahlimar... |
hi hom ...
tak ada berita dari brunei lagi ke ? |
hi hom
kita baik baik sajaaa ... lama tak buraks
kat brunei lg ke ?
semoga semua pengiran dan dayang dayangnya sihat sihat sajaaa  |
Reply #1331 budakjawa's post
A ah.. still kat Brunei  |
Published on The Brunei Times (http://www.bt.com.bn/en)
Gearing SPN21 to face global challenges

SPN21 launched: (Above) Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Hj Abdul Rahman Dato Setia Hj Mohamed Taib (2nd R) visiting the classes during the launch of the SPN21 held at the Rimba 1 primary school, Kg Rimba. Picture: BT/ Zamri Zainal
Hana Roslan
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
THE Ministry of Education is planning to join the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Programme International Student Assessment (Pisa) to ensure that the new education System (SPN21) achieves its objectives and Brunei's education system is on par with global standards.
"By joining the Pisa, we will be able to determine whether the standard of education in Brunei is aligned with global standards," said Minister of Education Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Hj Abdul Rahman Dato Setia Hj Mohamed Taib.
"This will help Brunei iron out the weaknesses and shortcomings of our education system and further improve it," the minister said during the launching of SPN21 at Rimba 1 Primary School yesterday.
This move is aligned with the ministry's vision of ensuring that the new education system produces students who are well prepared to face global challenges.
According to the OECD website, Pisa is an internationally standardised assessment that was jointly developed by participating countries and administered to 15-year-olds in schools.
The Pisa assesses how far students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in society.
In all cycles, the domains of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy are covered not merely in terms of mastery of the school curriculum, but in terms of important knowledge and skills needed in adult life.
Based on tests carried out among 400,000 students in 57 countries in 2006, the latest Pisa survey focuses particularly on students' abilities in comprehending and tackling scientific problems, and provides an update on performance in reading and mathematics compared with surveys in 2000 and 2003.
OECD's latest Pisa survey of the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds shows that some countries have seen significant improvements in student performance since 2000.
Korea increased its strong reading performance between 2000 and 2006 by 31 score points, the equivalent of almost a school year, mainly by raising the proportion of top-performers; Poland increased its reading performance by 29 score points over the same period.
Mexico and Greece saw significant improvements in Mathematics performance between 2003 and 2006.
However, across the OECD area as a whole, learning outcomes have generally remained flat, while expenditure on education in OECD countries rose by an average of 39 per cent between 1995 and 2004. The Brunei Times
Source URL:
http://www.bt.com.bn/en/en/home_news/2009/01/06/gearing_spn21_to_face_global_challenges |
Published on The Brunei Times (http://www.bt.com.bn/en)
Question mark over industrial safety
Hadi DP Mahmud
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
THE factory blast that killed three foreign labourers last week came as a shock to many Bruneians and shed some light on the lack of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) compliance in Brunei's lesser-known industrial establishments. The incident has also put a question mark on overall industrial safety in the Sultanate.A probe launched by the Fire and Rescue Department revealed that the deceased workers were conducting installation works for a refrigeration system without any professional certification or proper authorisation from a competent authority. Welding and electrical wiring works were done during installation of the refrigeration system.
The workers, who used oxygen to build up the system's internal pressure, may or may not have known the consequences of their actions, but it ruptured the ammonia tank and led to their inevitable deaths. "Pressure testing for such a system should not be carried out in such a way and should be tested using low compression substances (such as water)," the Fire and Rescue Department said in a statement.
Whether this is pure carelessness by the workers or plain negligence by the manager at this time remains to be seen and subject to further investigation. However, it is the responsibility of the manager to continuously monitor HSE compliance to protect the duty-holders at work, especially in high-risk jobs.
In Brunei, like many South-East Asian nations where labour is cheap, it is common to see hazardous practices carried out by labourers on a daily basis.
Take for instance, the grasscutters plying their trade at the side of the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Highway. How many times have you approached grasscutters on the highway and realise that they are positioned just inches away from the high-speed traffic? How many times has it forced you to veer away, even just slightly, to avoid hitting one of them? Construction workers were also seen putting finishing touches on the gold-plated dome of the Sultan Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Mosque (in preparation for its golden jubilee celebrations) in the capital last year without wearing harnesses.
Speaking on conditions of anonymity, an Indonesian construction labourer recounted to The Brunei Times of the fate suffered by some of his compatriots during their line of work.
"I had a friend who fell off a temporary scaffold about five storeys high to the ground. He died instantaneously."
"Another one died when reinforced iron pipes fell on him while he was resting."
The Indonesian, who has been working in the construction industry in Brunei since the mid-90s, said incidents like these were not uncommon in Brunei. "Cases like these never make it to the media.
"They are usually hushed up, and usually the insurance claims are paid in full to keep a lid on them. If they go public, the employers would be in deep trouble," he said.
Safety does not come cheap. In a construction company, safety equipment, such as helmets, harnesses, safety gloves and boots and training, make up a considerable portion of the annual budget.
But it is the moral and professional duty of the employer to take care of the safety of his workers.
By neglecting this aspect, they are not only violating industrial laws, but also putting many lives in danger.
The Brunei Times
Source URL:
http://www.bt.com.bn/en/en/home_news/2009/01/07/question_mark_over_industrial_safety |
hom ada laman web kereta di brunei tak ?
tgk harga kereta baru dan terpakai sat.
bank apa yang ada dan bagus kualitinya di sana ya ?
tk. hom  |
Reply #1335 budakjawa's post
nanti hom ngan felow Bruneian poremer tolong CARI wokey... |
|  | $1.7M riverside project in Belait takes shape
| By James Kon
Minister of Home Affairs laying the foundation for the project. - COURTESY KB & SERIA MUNICIPAL BOARD | 
The layout plan for the Belait riverside project. - PHOTOS: JAMES KON | 
Pehin Awg Hj Adanan at the exhibition. | 
The Minister touring the project site. | Residents of the Belait District will soon have a new place to relax and unwind with their family members. A B$1.7 million project to beautify the riverside of Belait's River and its surroundings is currently in progress and will be completed by August this year. The BND$1,690,000 project that covers 3.5 acres has been initiated by the Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board and is being undertaken by Encore Sdn Bhd. When completed, a stretch of the Belait River will have a conventional hall, children's playground, food court, footpath or jogging track, walkway bridge, pier/sight seeing, turfing, compound light, landscaping, outdoor performance stage and stage seating platform. The beautification of the Belait River bank and its surroundings come under the 8th National Development Plan. A foundation laying ceremony for the project was officiated by Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Adanan bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Mohd Yusof, Minister of Home Affairs. Also present were Pehin Orang Kaya Dewa Pahlawan Dato Paduka Awang Haji Dani bin Hj Ibrahim, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs; Awang Hj Mohd Shafiee bin Ahmad, member of the Legislative Council; Pengiran Abd Haris bin Pengiran Hj Shabudin, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs; as well as head of departments and senior officers from the ministry. Following the foundation laying ceremony, the Minister of Home Affairs and his deputy toured the construction site. During the tour, the minister inspected some of the facilities and made suggestions on improving the facilities.
Price of daily goods to come down
| By Azlan OthmanThe price of daily necessities will gradually come down once the new stocks come in and the old are cleared. The assurance came from an authoritative source who spoke to the Bulletin following public grievances that have been highlighted in the Opinion column of the Borneo Bulletin in recent weeks. "The concern about the surging price of goods is due to the old stocks. However, the gradual decrease in price is taking longer than expected. "The writer may just have a general idea of what's going on around him but when you look at the Consumer Price Index (CPI), it gives a broader picture and perspective of the price. The inflation rate on the monthly basis has been going down. The number of goods covered in that CPI is plenty," he official added. Members of the public who wrote to the Bulletin's Opinion column said the price of basic necessities was rising everyday and retailers have been giving oil prices as an excuse, which they said was leading to a rise in transportation charges. This affects low-income earners who have other commitments such as loans, bills and school children's needs. Oil prices have plummeted from a record high of US$147 per barrel in mid-July last year to US$48 per barrel at present. With the recent drop in fuel prices, lower prices of food items and other goods are expected. The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI), for the month of October 2008, rose by 0.8 per cent from September. The increase in the overall index was attributed to some prices reverting to its original levels after the Brunei Grand Sale. The rise in the overall index was also due to the higher prices of food and beverages, clothing and footwear, housing, water, electricity and maintenance, household goods, services and operations, transport, education, medical and health, recreation and entertainment, and miscellaneous other goods and services. The CPI in October 2008 was 3.6 per cent higher than that of the same month in 2007. Furthermore, over the past 10 months, from January until October 2008, the CPI rose by 2.7 per cent as compared to the same period last year. The cost of food and beverages rose by 0.5 per cent from the previous month due to higher prices for commodities such as flour, noodles, biscuits, fresh and frozen meat, milk, eggs, fresh vegetables, fresh tropical fruits and sauces and soup. Other food items also recorded a notable price increase in October, as compared to the previous month, such as red snapper and grouper fish, Chinese white cabbage, rice flour and spinach. Meanwhile, vegetable oil, small and big prawns, and ladies fingers showed a notable decrease in cost.
Published on The Brunei Times (http://www.bt.com.bn/en)
BEDB to build first commercial 'green' building as showcase
Thursday, January 8, 2009
BRUNEI will have its first commercial "green" building, aimed at inspiring future building designs as well as encouraging the government to reward energy-saving initiatives soon. The Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) hopes construction of the eco-friendly structure will be completed by the end of this year or the first quarter of 2010.
"We hope that this (building) would not only be a showcase for future building design but also spur the creation of government policies to encourage energy saving," BEDB Chief Executive Officer Vincent Cheong said yesterday.
Planned to be built near BEDB's iCentre, the proposed seven-storey building is designed to minimise the amount of sunlight and heat entering the building, thus reducing energy used by air conditioners to cool the building, Cheong told The Brunei Times.
He said that it will also have a garden terrace and other vegetation planted at specified locations in the building to reduce the building's carbon footprint.
There are also plans to install solar panels to supplement some of the building's energy needs. Although the solar technology would not be used to supply 100 per cent of the building's energy, the panels would aid in powering some of its electronic appliances, he explained. For instance, the power generated from the panels could be used to light the stairwells, he said.
Cheong said that it was important to "look at where Brunei is today", in terms of eco-friendly initiatives. He highlighted the Ministry of Energy's drive to promote awareness on energy usage and inculcating the energy-saving culture through the Energy Week.
"This (building) is one of our responses to the ministry's initiative," he said, adding that incorporating the energy-saving devices and strategies into the building did not "cost very much".
The new building is meant to set an example for others to take the environment into consideration when they plan to build a structure.
With regard to government policies, he said that an incentive for companies who opt to go "green" has yet to be introduced and he suggested that this was an area which the authorities could look into to decrease dependency and increase sustainability of the country's natural resources.
He further expressed BEDB's hope that from the construction of the "green" building, government agencies would be encouraged to implement more initiatives so that the public would find it more inviting to become eco-friendly.
Among the potential tenants for the new building is the Ministry of Defence and its contractors, who could use the building for research and development and other developmental work, Cheong said.
The CEO announced the introduction of the "green" building yesterday during his address at the opening ceremony of the Second International Economics Conference at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. - Ubaidillah Masli The Brunei Times
Source URL:
http://www.bt.com.bn/en/en/home_news/2009/01/08/bedb_to_build_first_commercial_green_building_as_showcase |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara