kekekekke....lawak tak hinggat ep.13 nie.
mase nak tentukan group je dah lawok....dengan si kangin buat joke dgn SDY tu.
kangin tarik tali tu terus gedebuk jatuh..mcm tak puas hati je tarik lagi 1 tali pun gedebuk jatuh gak
mase nie hannie tak dek pulak...mane pi daaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
mase test dog gigit tangan tu lawaok betui...wookie dah takut giler dah..
SDY pun same....sampai tertanggal tempat gigit tu..
dan yg tak tahan gelak tengok teuki le....sampai satu kawasan tu dia lari...sampai semua org takut.
mase kat luar pulak sesi kutip tuttttt...adus lawok tui si wookie tunjuk benda tu kat kangin.menjerit terus
si kangin tu... time dorang nak buat ujikaji pasai dong tu..siap sembur limau le...yesung pandai lak buat
aksi kalu dong tu hidu bau2 tu.... mase kat luar tu baru nampak my hannie...
General answer: Nobody's bad (bumglish?!!), everybody's good
chul: eunhyukkie. becos he's too kind and innocent till sometimes i even think he's pabo. (^^) there are times when i feel very sorry to him cos even if i joke with him and he will retort back, he will be like 'hyung, but i feel.... hyung, but i feel......' his voice will become softer and softer.
i should say he's still like a child, even though he is very humourous but he's still like a child.. he's really good.. (as in temper ^^)
Qn: Who's the best to fans?
chul: hankyung is really good to fans. to korean fans, he will try his best to talk to them more, and it's the same toward china and taiwan and other overseas fans. he will use his own mother tongue (mandarin) to talk to them. cos it's his own language, he talks very well, but sometimes when he speaks korean, he will say it quite funnily as say the fans will ask, 'wahh hankyung oppa you did this!,' and he will reply (chul imitates geng's accent LOL ^^), 'thank you thank you i know already the weather is cold hurry up and go back. its so cold be careful you will catch a cold,' (LOL at hannie he's not replying the fan's questions LMAO) then i'll hear him speak in chinese to his parents on the phone and i'll feel he's really good, to his friends and his fans as well. (^^)
Qn: Who loves to joke around the most?
Chul: Kangin. although he speaks very well and is funny as well, hah let me imitate his actions. (this part is really hilarious ROFL) actually he's always observing his surroundings and he will suddenly go, 'you did well!! (whacks!) and then he will walk around and then he will go, 'if this continues i want to go off already (as in get off work) im going off now! im going off now! ohhh of course not of course not it's ok it's ok (LOL at kang haha it's not very funny when u read it like that but watching chul imitate is entertaining to the core LMAO ^^)
Qn: Who had the greatese change?
Chul: ryeowook? at first he never talked much.. ahhhh it's possible that i was the one that changed him (oh chul ^^) becos at that point of time i was still a little cool but now he can joke around more. like when he's cooking and i walk over, he will go, 'heechul hyung!! you are here!' he became very cute and more cheerful and is very good to the hyungs and his looks wise also became better. i guess ryeowook is the one that changed the most. he became closer (as in friendlier) and more humourous ^^
quote from soompi
thanks to iflytothesky for translation....
[ Last edited by rukiaichigo at 4-2-2008 01:24 PM ]
dh tgk yg interview dgn Patty tuh....lawak biler tgk muka masing2 biler Patty ckp umur dia 42 tahun....
Patty pun ckp dia ada anak 3 org, sorg dh masuk kolej....sumer ternganga....
aku pun mcm x caya giler....