Baru jumpe ni uolsss....layanzzzz sore Soltan yg membuai2 dlm VC ni....
credit to Aryn...
Warda Post at 20-4-2011 11:21
wow3x .....mabeles performance...actually this is amongst the best performance utk Kau tercipta
utkku yg pernah akim bawa...penghayatan yg sangat baik...persembahan yg santai n relax...part sore
memang tok sah cakaplah...sedapppp.....TQVM to our dearest aryn yg gigih merekod VC neh...closed
up lagi...jelasssss segala2nya
sejujurnya Akim membuat good closing utk konsert jelajah hotlink bahagian timur neh...lagu2 yang
disampaikan ketika konsert amat santai dan bersahaja...relaxxxx jer persembahan dier..penampilan pon ok
.....luv it so much.....overalll amat menghiburkan...good job akim
sekarang dressing akim dah ada perubahan kan.. nampaknya Akim sgt alert dgn komen2 kite yg suruh dia ubah gaya...we should appreciate his effort...
jmy_83 Post at 20-4-2011 18:43
btul tu joanna......mencuba adalah lebih baik dari diam tanpa membuat apa2...mudah2an
dier akan dpt cari style yg suitable for his age n to compliment his good features
ok joanna darling...suka dpt chat ngan joanna arini...have to go now...kalo tak ada aral kita jumpa
kemudian nanti...see you dear n take care....muach2x
Post Last Edit by cintahati_Along at 20-4-2011 19:08
Oopsss lupa plak...sblum tu nak post yg neh dr fb cornetto...just tengok2lah sapa yg kena
It is time to focus on your relationship this week. This will lead to fully connecting with that someone
whom you've been developing something special with for a while.
Relationships will go through some ups and downs and it’s hard to express yourself. Some negative
feelings may prevail. It is difficult to act on instincts and easy to second-guess.
Love is in the air this week. Your relationship will assume more importance in your life but ups and
downs are highly likely as well. Feelings of being misunderstood are quite possible.
This week, you may be argumentative and irritable, and particularly impatient with vagueness. Be
careful to avoid hurting words. Not the best time for new relationship.
It is favourable to enter into a new relationship this week. Existing relationship will expand with your desires. Be open to your partner’s feelings to feel elated in love.
Dissatisfaction may lead to verbal conflicts. It is possible that you may find it hard to express
your thoughts to others. Misinterpretation or miscommunication may lead to chaos.
You may feel somewhat blocked where relationships are concerned. Not the best time to begin
a new relationship. Existing ones may need to be handled carefully.
This week, you will be compassionate and sympathetic to your partner. Expressing your feelings
and spending some time together is favoured.
It is possible to meet someone special who is parallel with your vibes this week. Take time to put
a seal on the relationship that elevates and supports you. Avoid over-demanding your partner.
Love expands this week. You will be able to express your feelings in various ways. Sweet communications and gifts will make you feel elated in love. Existing relationship will improve.
Your partner will be cooperative and feelings will be reciprocated this week. Plan a drive- or dine-out with
your partner. If you are single, take slow and steady steps to find the right person.
If you are single, dress up to kill this week as a new romance is just around the corner. If you are
attached, avoid criticising your partner but rather cooperate and support each other.
yg kaler pink tu utk KIMCYYYYYYYYYY....terutama yg kena jewk ngan kimcyyy
n me (tetibe)....nak gak tumpang sekaki....hehehe
hailooo uolls....ary nie amani ade satu citer..yg agak..errr ... tah ler...
semalam kan...iolls m ...
AmaniGafimmers Post at 20-4-2011 13:21
Hi Amani...windu kat adik tecit ni gak...hamboiiii..mabelesnyaaa mimpi amani..jeles akk dehhh....nextime kalau nak mimpi akk enterprem skali k...
mula2 org ingatkan sambungannya "menunggu",tapi production team tengah brainstorming idea untu "mesti ada cinta" mungkin itu sambungan nye kut..
jmy_83 Post at 20-4-2011 18:35
Tak kot...akak ade a little bit info pasal MV MAC ni...nnt2 akak pm k...Insya Allah
nak out dulu...ade urusan perlu dibereskan...