Info menarik dgn isi yg padat 
Igt nak bercuti ke uganda next week, tp trus tukar plan bercuti ke Melaka bila dh bc info kt sini  |
infor yg mmg menarik..
gamba pun..best..
byk boleh dikongsi..
good effort...good luck n all ...
yeepi_33 Post at 13-2-2012 20:10 
thanx yeepi gud luck tu yu tuu |
Reply 11# ketupat79
macih... kamera chap ayam jah... |
Reply KumbangPolkaDot
apa dah jadi ngn caen??? dier tak bukak thread umah melaka sampai s ...
blazzard Post at 13-2-2012 20:10 
team mate dia  |
Reply 86# KumbangPolkaDot
maksud ko?  |
Reply KumbangPolkaDot
maksud ko?
blazzard Post at 13-2-2012 20:13 
team mate dia pon tak bukak lagi ke thread  |
I always nak pegi bukit Cina... tak kunjung tiba.
Makan Sultan Mansur kew sultan mahmud yg titah Jebat & Tuah dihukum bunuh terasing dalam sepi nun di atas sana, di kelilingi jirat sang cina |
Rupa2nya banyak lagi tempat di Melaka ni yang ai belum gi....nice info  |
Reply 88# KumbangPolkaDot
blum lagi... |
Aah... aku masih belum sampai kat Kolam Air Panas Gadek.
huhuhu... suatu tempat yg bernama Gadek yg terkenal dgn Tok Uban nya. |
Reply 27# Amaryscloset
Thanks, Darling for your suggestion.Should we preserve all the heritages for our future generation no matter what kind of culture & tradition they are holding to.
1 MalaysiaPEACE! |
Stadhuys.... kalo wat photography... very artful... |
Reply 731# juju_amin84
motip vespa oren terpilih jadi tuan rumah??? adakah ini hint bg juara minggu pertama?  |
Apa ada dlm melaka tropical fruit tu... Entrance fee dia bape eh |
Reply 24# hunt_fear
mana pi thread sting? napa? dia tak masuk amazing race kew? dr Fesbuk aku nak klik link tak dapat?pelikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
Reply 23# stingbeh
tak faham......napa dah tamat?
tadi link ikut fesbuk...pun aku tak leh buka |
Mcm bace blog je... Tp gamba lawa |
Reply 28# sya_sugar_sugar
Yes we should preserve the old buildings that reflect our heritage, culture and history for future generations you are most welcome darling  |
Skng ni mlk tgh pemes ngn river cruise dia...
Tmn buaya tu rumah antu dia ada lg x? |
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Category: Negeri & Negara