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Author: mijot

[Buku] Saya sedang baca buku... [bah 2]

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Post time 4-12-2016 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 4-12-2016 04:28 PM
wah menarik. Dah friend dengan penulis kat FB
nanti nak cari
tq Fly

try beli dengan penulis
kot boleh dapat autograph .. hehehe
berharga wooo
hari tu fly beli buku dengan Arman Jazee ...
buku legasi 1 dan 2 dan Perhitungan ...
dapat autograph .. heheh

nak tanya ada baca buku dari maya iris?
ada sekali tu siapa namanya ... promo buku Konspirasi Suami - Maya Iris
fly baca perghh best ... terus cari Mahar Cinta Cinderella
kebetulan ada last ketul .. beli kat
ni tengah tunggu Fugitif .. trilogi Mahar Cinta Cinderella ...
buku ni dicetak oleh SO Publishing ...

betul don't judge the book by its title
sometimes tajuk je cinta tapi isi nya tidak tidak sekali ...


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Post time 4-12-2016 10:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky replied at 4-12-2016 05:28 PM
try beli dengan penulis
kot boleh dapat autograph .. hehehe
berharga wooo

Hehehe saya friend dgn kak maya iris kt fb. InsyaAllah, nak dptkan jugak buku dia

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Post time 4-12-2016 10:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky replied at 4-12-2016 05:28 PM
try beli dengan penulis
kot boleh dapat autograph .. hehehe
berharga wooo

Oh ya, nak tanya, singapore ghost true stories tu ada version e-book tak?

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Post time 4-12-2016 10:56 PM | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 4-12-2016 10:30 PM
Oh ya, nak tanya, singapore ghost true stories tu ada version e-book tak?

buku asian susah sikit nak cari ebook
suggest beli ... huhuhu
either physical or ebook version
kalau buku yang dari luar asian .. UK, US .. etc


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Post time 4-12-2016 10:57 PM | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 4-12-2016 10:28 PM
Hehehe saya friend dgn kak maya iris kt fb. InsyaAllah, nak dptkan jugak buku dia

.... cool ...

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Post time 4-12-2016 11:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky replied at 4-12-2016 09:56 PM
buku asian susah sikit nak cari ebook
suggest beli ... huhuhu
either physical or ebook version

Oh i see...ok tq

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Post time 6-12-2016 12:48 PM | Show all posts
minggu lepas kucen abiskan
cinta untuk sedetik lagi <-- sedihnye citer ni....
perempuan paling bahagia <-- dh berapa kali dh baca?
smalam kucen abiskan Bila Hati Kata Sayang
lepas tu sambung Proposal Cinta Selamanya

x de buku baru lagi...jd baca mana2 yg rasa best

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Post time 8-12-2016 09:40 PM | Show all posts
Imam Tulang Rusuk : Anekdot Daim #1
Himpunan kisah lucu dan ringkas mengenai seorang pemuda sengal, nakal dan licik bernama Daim, yang mencari bakal isteri.

Daim, bukan coklay. Bukan juga ahli korporat. Daim cuma pemuda biasa. Dia sengal. Dia nakal. Tapi, dia banyak akal. Daim bukan buaya, tapi dia pencinta wanita.

Ini Daim punya cerita.

Setiap babak mengundang tawa.

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer
The New York Times bestselling author of A Man Called Ove, My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She’s Sorry, and Britt-Marie Was Here offers an exquisitely moving portrait of an elderly man’s struggle to hold on to his most precious memories, and his family’s efforts to care for him—even as they must find a way to let go.

“Isn’t that the best of all life’s ages, an old man thinks as he looks at his grandchild, when a boy is just big enough to know how the world works but still young enough to refuse to accept it.”

Grandpa and Noah are sitting on a bench in a square that keeps getting smaller every day. The square is strange but also familiar, full of the odds and ends that have made up their lives: Grandpa’s work desk, the stuffed dragon that Grandpa once gave to Noah, the sweet-smelling hyacinths that Grandma loved to grow in her garden.

As they wait together on the bench, they tell jokes and discuss their shared love of mathematics. Grandpa recalls what it was like to fall in love with his wife, what it was like to lose her. She’s as real to him now as the first day he met her, but he dreads the day when he won’t remember her.

Sometimes Grandpa sits on the bench next to Ted, Noah’s father—Ted who never liked math, prefers writing and playing guitar, and has waited his entire life for his father to have time for him, to accept him. But in their love of Noah, they have found a common bond.

Grandpa, Grandma, Ted, and Noah all meet here, in this peculiar space that is growing dimmer and more confusing all the time. And here is where they will learn to say goodbye, the scent of hyacinths in the air, nothing to fear. This little book with a big message is certain to be treasured for generations to come.

Treasures (Stars of Mithra #3)
Secret Star
Lieutenant Seth Buchanan's investigation was thrown into turmoil when Grace Fontaine turned up very much alive - and with one of the huge blue diamonds known as the Stars of Mithra. But Seth was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate, with no mystery more compelling than Grace herself.

Treasures Lost, Treasures Found
Kate Hardesty had inherited a pile of mysterious notebooks, mapping the way to sunken treasure. Returning to the island where she grew up, Kate hired deep-sea diver Ky Silver - the man she'd left behind four years ago. But working with Ky meant more to Kate than any underwater riches...

curently tengah baca Treasures - Nora Roberts
dah lama simpan ... beli kat BBW .. tahun 2014

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Post time 9-12-2016 03:07 PM | Show all posts
tengah baca Langit Petang ~ A. Samad Said

Agak menarik dan ada pengisian juga. Tapi belum habis. Baru Bab 4.

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Post time 13-12-2016 11:40 AM | Show all posts
masterudeng82 replied at 9-12-2016 03:07 PM
tengah baca Langit Petang ~ A. Samad Said

Agak menarik dan ada pengisian juga. Tapi belum habis.  ...

saya ada satu buat buku a samad said, lama dah hold ...
baca baru beberapa bab ...
Hujan Pagi saya baca 27-04-14
dah 48% baca ... tapi stop sebab tak boleh hadam
huhu ...


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Post time 14-12-2016 04:14 PM | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky replied at 13-12-2016 11:40 AM
saya ada satu buat buku a samad said, lama dah hold ...
baca baru beberapa bab ...
Hujan Pagi s ...

uih buku tu macam ada sejarah, arkeologi semua.. memang saya pun tak masuk cerita macam tu. hehe, langit petang ni hmm macam motivasi kehidupan kot sebab baca tak habis lagi. jenuh kejar masa. buku fly a man called love tu pun belum sempat nak mencari dan membeli

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Post time 14-12-2016 08:19 PM | Show all posts
masterudeng82 replied at 14-12-2016 04:14 PM
uih buku tu macam ada sejarah, arkeologi semua.. memang saya pun tak masuk cerita macam tu. hehe,  ...

buku hujan pagi - a samad said
ada arkeologi, sejarah bagai ...?
biar betik?

a man called ove .. ada kat MPH, Kinokuniya ada
price RM 35.90


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Post time 14-12-2016 09:00 PM | Show all posts

When Ellie Hall lands her dream job running the little teashop in the beautiful but crumbling Claverham Castle, it’s the perfect escape from her humdrum job in the city. Life is definitely on the rise as Ellie replaces spreadsheets for scones, and continues her Nanna’s brilliant baking legacy.

When Lord Henry, the stick-in-the-mud owner, threatens to burst her baking bubble with his old-fashioned ways, Ellie wonders if she might have bitten off more than she can chew. But cupcake by cupcake she wins the locals over, including teashop stalwart, Doris, and Ellie’s showstopping bakes look set to go down in castle history!

Now all that’s missing in Ellie’s life is a slice of romance – can Joe, the brooding estate manager, be the one to put the cherry on the top of Ellie’s dream?

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Post time 15-12-2016 12:25 PM | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky replied at 14-12-2016 08:19 PM
buku hujan pagi - a samad said
ada arkeologi, sejarah bagai ...?
biar betik?

eh takde ke? saya review je.. tak baca pun.. sorry kalau silap..

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Post time 15-12-2016 01:46 PM | Show all posts
masterudeng82 replied at 15-12-2016 12:25 PM
eh takde ke?  saya review je.. tak baca pun.. sorry kalau silap..

saya tak habis baca ... so tak tahu
saya baca kat memang ada unsur arkeologi, sejarah, lagenda, astronomi, polik
hmmm nanti ler cari mood baca
huhu ..

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Post time 16-12-2016 08:31 PM | Show all posts

‘Cakes, castles and oodles of charm: this book is huge fun and pure escapism’ Cathy Bramley

From sleigh bells to wedding bells . . .

After a rocky start, Ellie Hall baked her way into everyone’s hearts at Claverham Castle – even the miserly Lord Henry was won over – and the run-down teashop regained its old sparkle.

Now Ellie has upgraded cupcakes for fairytale masterpieces as the proud caterer for an ever-growing list of weddings at the castle. The teashop team love baking to the tune of happy ever afters, but can they pull together when a certain bridezilla pushes them all to boiling point?

Christmas is just around the corner, and a last minute booking threatens to snow the team under. Ellie and her hunky hubby Joe have their own Christmas dreams to chase, but they’re determined to pull through and give this special couple the winter wonderland wedding they deserve.

Will Christmas at the Cosy Teashop be a showstopper to remember?

bila baca buku ni terasa nak makan kek, cup cake weeeee

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Post time 17-12-2016 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Baru selesai menghabiskan novel Langit Petang ~ A.Samad Said. Penulisan sastera. Nak hadam tu ambil masa sikit. Tapi overall buku ni menarik jugalah. Ada 3 kisah dalam satu buku. Kisah wartawan yang sakit leukimia mencari apa yang penting untuk mengisi sisa-sisa hidupnya. Kisah perempuan yang berdendam dengan lelaki sebab dah banyak kali ditipu oleh janji manis. Dan kisah seorang lelaki yang puas hati sebab dapat tengok kemerdekaan yang diperjuangkan.

Ok sekarang baru nak buka novel Emily Giffin ~ The one and only. Tengok review banyak one star je tapi takpelah try baca dulu. Kalau tak sedap beralih kepada novel lama RAM ~ Rayyan Fantasi. Tak pernah baca lagi.



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Post time 18-12-2016 06:37 PM | Show all posts
What happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince of all time and he turns out to be...well...a lot less than the man of her dreams?

As a boy, William Goldman claims, he loved to hear his father read the S. Morgenstern classic, The Princess Bride. But as a grown-up he discovered that the boring parts were left out of good old Dad's recitation, and only the "good parts" reached his ears.

Now Goldman does Dad one better. He's reconstructed the "Good Parts Version" to delight wise kids and wide-eyed grownups everywhere.

What's it about? Fencing. Fighting. True Love. Strong Hate. Harsh Revenge. A Few Giants. Lots of Bad Men. Lots of Good Men. Five or Six Beautiful Women. Beasties Monstrous and Gentle. Some Swell Escapes and Captures. Death, Lies, Truth, Miracles, and a Little Sex.

In short, it's about everything.

mula-mula ingat nak baca Khaled Hosseini - And the Mountain Echoes tapi entah ler macam tak ready nak baca novel sappy
and tergerak buka The Princess Bride .. buku lama, classic and dah buat movie
perghhh Robin Wright and Cary Elwes
memang padan ler kalau kata Buttercup the most beautiful girl sebab Robin Wright memang sesuai
memang lawa sungguh .. Cary Elwes memang handsome ...
so tak payah imagine ...

belum tengok movie nya tapi maybe lepas habis kot ...

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Post time 21-12-2016 09:25 AM | Show all posts
The imprisonment and execution of Queen Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's second wife, in May 1536 was unprecedented in English history. It was sensational in its day, and has exerted endless fascination over the minds of historians, novelists, dramatists, poets, artists and film-makers ever since.

Anne was imprisoned in the Tower of London on 2 May 1536, and tried and found guilty of high treason on 15 May. Her supposed crimes included adultery with five men, one her own brother, and plotting the King's death.

Mystery surrounds the circumstances leading up to her arrest. Was it Henry VIII who, estranged from Anne, instructed Master Secretary Thomas Cromwell to fabricate evidence to get rid of her so that he could marry Jane Seymour? Or did Cromwell, for reasons of his own, construct a case against Anne and her faction, and then present compelling evidence before the King? Or was Anne, in fact, guilty as charged?

Never before has there been a book devoted entirely to Anne Boleyn's fall. Alison Weir has reassessed the evidence, demolished many romantic myths and popular misconceptions, and rewritten the story of Anne's fall, creating a richly researched and impressively detailed portrait of the dramatic last days of one of the most influential and important figures in English history.

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Post time 29-12-2016 11:43 AM | Show all posts
minggu ni abis kucen baca 3 buah buku yg kucen order minggu lepas.
meh nak review sikit. ni pendapat kucen lain kucen x tau

bagi kucen, buku ni best. pandai penulis dia garap citer. misteri hingga la akhir. tp part wat kucen ketawa bab last sekali. bila Aya terjatuh dari tangga & kepala Adam terhantuk. terus Adam jadi K & K siap nk selamatkan Aya sedangkan situasi asal dh lain. comey je sikap K masa ni....hihihi

sesuatu yg lain dr lain. misteri, thriller & wat kucen tertanya2 siapa sebenarnya watan antagonis kat sini. pandai penulis dia wat citer yg misteri & wat semer org x nak letak. & saper baja mesej by anna lee, Nik & Aria ada kat sini tau!

kucen x suka sgt citer ni. macam x abis je tp usaha penulis nk wat citer ni kucen hargai. mesej dia sampai

kak @fatehana ni review buku2 baru kucen beli ari tu...



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