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Author: hijau88

[SBS] The Penthouse S1, 2, 3: War In Life - Lee Ji Ah, Kim So Yeon, Eugene. [3]

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 Author| Post time 9-9-2021 07:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_Arwen replied at 9-9-2021 05:34 PM
suker part ni..suryeon nampak rugged dgn shirt n skirt gitu. Jln pun ada gaya...
Part  ...

Logan ni pown 1. Xyah la betul2kan robe tu depan dorg semua. Hihihihihi.

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 Author| Post time 9-9-2021 07:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 9-9-2021 07:37 PM

1 hari lgi tamat lah Penthouse 3. Aku nak jgk cepat abis sbb nak tau ending mana. Tp sedeyh lak lps ni tak dpt tgk Soo ryeon n Logan lagi.
Xtau nak tgk apa lgi Jumaat dpn.

Agak tension jgk tgk cerita ni. Dah la follow dr thn lepas.
Tp lgi tension hadap shipper / stan toxic kat twitter / ig.
Hrp2 abis cerita ni, dorg tu senyap la n aku tak terbaca la lgi komen2 toxic n delusional dr dorg mcm org tak penah tgk Penthouse langsung gayanya. Serius perangai toxic mcm dah terpengaruh watak jahat dlm Penthouse lak.

Aku nak baca komen psl Penthouse pun tak senang.

Serammmm. Ingtkan dlm drama je ada war, rupa2nya luar drama pun ada war antara shipper / stan.


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 Author| Post time 9-9-2021 08:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada lgi latest bts ep 13 kena share kat utube sbs catch. Mmg byk bts ep 13 dorg share. Patut dr ep 1 lgi. Share byk2. Hrp2 ep 14 pun dorg share byk. Final epi kan.

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 Author| Post time 9-9-2021 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
2nd BTS Penthouse 3 Ep 13.

Soo ryeon jatuh tetap elegent.
Cute je Jiah ni, alang2 dah ada tilam tersedia, ambik peluang baring2 jap.
Mcm smpi pagi jgk dorg shooting kat cliff tu. Klu aku x silap la.


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Post time 10-9-2021 08:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_Arwen replied at 9-9-2021 05:34 PM
suker part ni..suryeon nampak rugged dgn shirt n skirt gitu. Jln pun ada gaya...
Part  ...

Hahhahaha kelakar betul bila tgk clip ni. Masih laki bini dantae dgn soo ryeon and soo ryeon baru nk bekerjasama dgn logan

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Post time 10-9-2021 08:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 9-9-2021 07:35 PM
1 hari lgi tamat lah Penthouse 3. Aku nak jgk cepat abis sbb nak tau ending mana. Tp sedeyh lak lps  ...

Delusional stan mmg ada di mana2. Nasib aku dah kertu, mmg tak selera nak layan budak2 di Twitteraya tu. Kalau time muda dulu mau akau jugak sama naik hahahah

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Post time 10-9-2021 08:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by lilac85 at 10-9-2021 08:57 AM
hijau88 replied at 9-9-2021 10:33 PM
2nd BTS Penthouse 3 Ep 13.

Soo ryeon jatuh tetap elegent.

Cantiknya eun byeol dgn rambut gitu. Dlm drama mcm suara dia soprano walau nyanyi trot. Ke dorg filter suara sheol.

Suka tgk so yeon dgn ji ah when they are in the character. Mmg takut scene jiah yg kena pakai sfaety gears jatuh ke dlm tasik tu. Bnyk kali nak kena buat plak tu

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 08:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 10-9-2021 08:58 AM

Hari ni D-Day.
Hari tygn Final epi Penthouse 3 telah tiba.

Credit to:

Penthouse 3 ends, Eugene, Kim So-yeon, Lee Ji-ah, Um Ki-jun, It's sad and thank you

SBS 'Penthouse 3' Eugene, Kim So-yeon, Lee Ji-ah, and Um Ki-joon shared their thoughts on leaving 'Penthouse', which they had been together for about two years.

The Friday drama 'Penthouse 3' is a suspenseful revenge drama that takes place at house price number 1 and education street number 1 with a distorted desire that cannot be satisfied.  Above all, ‘Penthouse’ depicts the false desires and vanity of those who have the Hera Palace, a prestigious art high school, and Cheong-A Arts High School, where only the top 1% can reside.  And in the final battle of the revenge regiment and the wicked in ‘Penthouse 3’, which was finally unfolded, shocking reversals erupted one after another along with severe punishment for the wicked.

In this regard, Eugene, Kim So-yeon, Lee Ji-ah, and Um Ki-joon, the protagonists of 'Penthouse', gave their impressions of the end ahead of the final episode on the 10th (today).  First of all, Eugene, who played the role of Oh Yoon-hee, who suffered a tragic death by Chun Seo-jin in the last 4 episodes, said, “It was a long and long filming, and although it was difficult, she received a lot of love, so she was able to shoot with strength at every moment.  Meeting Yoon-hee Oh was both an adventure and a challenge for me.  It was a difficult journey, but it was fun and full of passion.  Once again, thank you to writer Kim Soon-ok, director Dong-min Joo, and all the seniors and juniors I worked with, the staff, and everyone who watched 'Penthouse'.  I hope everyone is in good health,” she said heartily.

Kim So-yeon, who plays Cheon Seo-jin, who has become a monster due to an endless run of desire, said, “I am only thankful that I finished it safely in a difficult time.  Oh Yoon-hee, Joo Dan-tae, Shim Su-ryun, and family members Ha Yun-cheol and Eun-byeol, who sang with all their might and strength, I got used to the character names of the ‘Penthouse’ family members, but it’s too bad to send them away.  I think I'll be very empty for a while after I've sent Cheon Seo-jin too.  I think she will be deeply remembered as a work that gave her a lot of experience as an actress.  We hope that our beloved writers, directors, production staff, and actors all get a good rest and have a good day.”

Ji-ah Lee, who played the role of Shim Soo-ryun, who led the harsh punishment but fell from a cliff, said, "I am sincerely grateful to all the people on the scene, including director Dong-min Joo, writer Kim Soon-ok, and senior and junior fellow actors and staff, who entrusted me with the wonderful character Shim Soo-ryun. thank you with  I vividly remember the time when I received her first script and was excited about how to prepare for her role.  From the preparation period to the last filming, she spent almost two years concentrating on Shim Soo Ryeon or Na Ae Gyo.

In the moments of 'Penthouse', which ran nonstop until season 3, there was support and love from viewers and fans who always empathized with Soo Ryeon and stayed with her in unison.  She seems to have given her a lot of strength and was able to finish well because of that,” she expressed her gratitude.  She continued, "Since I've been filming my drama for the season, it seems like I'll start over after taking a little break.  That was everything in life, and it leaves a lasting impression.  I want to say thank you once again to everyone who has loved and supported ‘Penthouse’ more than anyone else.”

Eom Ki-joon, who played the role of Dan-tae Joo, who finally met a strong end after atrocious actions, said, "There were many difficult days during the filming of 'Penthouse 3' for about a year and a half, but with the viewers who loved the character Joo Dan-tae and watched every broadcast. I was really happy because there were days we spent together.  Director Joo Dong-min, writer Kim Soon-ok, the filming staff who are always working hard behind the scenes, and the ‘Penthouse’ actors who have been with me for a year and a half, I sincerely thank you for your hard work.  I bow my head once again and say thank you to the viewers who have been with 'Penthouse' and all the seasons and all the weather."

The production team said, “Because of the ‘Penthouse’ actors and staff, we were able to finish the filming for about two years safely and perfectly.  More than anything else, it was a time that gave me strength thanks to the great interest and love of the viewers.  I hope you will watch until the end to see what the ending will be.”

On the other hand, the final episode of the drama 'Penthouse 3' will be broadcast at 10 pm on the 10th.

photo = SBS

Yoonhee Lee ([email protected])


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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 09:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lilac85 replied at 10-9-2021 08:45 AM
Delusional stan mmg ada di mana2. Nasib aku dah kertu, mmg tak selera nak layan budak2 di Twittera ...

Kannnnnnnn. Malas nak berbalah kat twitter dah skrg ni.

Tp 1st time bgi aku hadap toxic fans kdrama. Xleh bw bincang. Sbb dorg semua tu xleh bfikiran rasional dah.

Lgi serammmm berbanding fans drama Melayu.


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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 09:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lilac85 replied at 10-9-2021 08:51 AM
Cantiknya eun byeol dgn rambut gitu. Dlm drama mcm suara dia soprano walau nyanyi trot. Ke dorg  ...

Aku rasa suara eun byul tu mcm guna suara org lain. Time shooting je guna suara dia. Dah sunting segala, guna suara penyanyi sebenar.

Harus Jiah takut, dah la kena buat tu time malam. Tp lepas dah byk kali, ok dah sbb dah biasa.
Aku suka tgk interaksi Jiah n So yeon klu kat bts, 2-2 lemah lembut lgi2 so yeon. Jiah lak playful.

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fake joo dan tae.

Hanya sbb masa silam dia, dia jdi sebegitu jahat. Tetap takleh dimaafkan. Dah dia pilih jdi jahat n kejam mcm tu.

S3 ni terbongkar segalanya, bgi aku dia ni licik je n tak bijak pun dlm bisnes. Kan dia ni konon bisnesman bjaya dlm cerita ni.

Kaya sbb:
1st curi duit Family junki. Tp ada kot % duit dia n aegyo sbb dia kan dipaksa jadi beggar dr kecik.

2nd, rampas harta Family Soo ryeon.
Bila kat ep 13 Soo ryeon ckp finally dia bjaya dptkan balik nama Simwoon yg fake jdt curi. Dr sini dah tau dah dr mana asal usul jking.

Nmpk sgt bila Ayah Soo ryeon tu mati d awal2 perkahwinan Soo ryeon n fake jdt, confirm la fake jdt ambik alih syarikat simwoon n tukar nama kpd jking. Bknnya dia bina jking dr bawah.

Takleh percaya la bila kyu jin cerita kat junki psl nasib syarikat simwoon yg tiba2 terkubur. Sbb dia pun org luar, xtau cerita sebenar, dgr2 mcm tu je.
Pelik lak kan antara top 30 syarikat paling bjaya jdi mcm tu.

So, dr situ la fake jdt gunakan connection n pengaruh simwoon utk teraju jking, esp ambik info dr mr jung.
Mr jung kan mmg kwn kepada Ayah Soo ryeon.
Lps tu, apa lgi, fake jdt suru la aegyo gunakan identiti Soo ryeon utk melobi projek bagai rasanya. Mr jung yg dah jatuh cinta n kesian kat aegyo pun ikut rentak 2 org scammer tu.
Itu yg menjadikan fake jdt yg kononnya bisneman bjaya ngan guna cara mcm tu.

Aku rasa Soo ryeon redha je la simwoon tu btukar jdi jking. Ye la dia kan isteri yg taat n anggap fake jdt tu baikkkk orgnya. Takde masa Soo ryeon nak ambik alih syarikat dia bz jdi housewife lgi2 kena jaga hye in yg sakit.

Tgk la jakomo tu pun dia serahkan kat fake jdt utk uruskan.

Tu yg bila dia dah sedar kejahatan fake jdt, bru dia ambik alih jakomo. Lagi2 tu under nama hye in, fake jdt xleh buat apa pun.

Sedangkan cheong ah pun fake jdt nak curi. Pencuri harta org je kesimpulannya.

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 09:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada memandai yg ckp akan ada Penthouse S4. Kelakar lak. Aku rasa S3 ni dah tamat dah even ending gantung ke apa. Pandai2 la penonton buat andaian masing2.

Konon S4 fokus kat dak2 hera. Ni mesti harapan stan dak2 hera.
Klu mcm ni, mmg x tgk la klu la ada.

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 09:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pre release ep 14. Final epi.

So, confirm la Soo ryeon dah xde?
Sbb blue rose tu leh jdi logan yg hntr.
Konon2 nak bgi hrpn kat penonton ke yg Soo ryeon yg hntr? Mmm.
Mcm kat preview dgr suara logan yg ucap tahniah kat baerona.
Klu x silap la. Malas nak tgk preview tu lgi.


Even ada spoiler yg mengatakan Soo ryeon ada shooting kat area situ jgk, leh jdi kot2 la bygn logan jek.

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Post time 10-9-2021 12:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak mustahil kalau suryeon yg hantar bunga tu..aku tak percaya dia mati sbb kalau betul dia mati sbs takkan keluarkan spoiler ni...takkan sbs awal2 dah reveal yg suryeon mati.  Lagipun word miracle tu mesti ada maksud.

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Post time 10-9-2021 12:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 10-9-2021 09:58 AM
Pre release ep 14. Final epi.

So, confirm la Soo ryeon dah xde?

Ko tak nak menaruh harapan kan....takut kuciwa eh..

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Post time 10-9-2021 12:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 10-9-2021 09:29 AM
Ada memandai yg ckp akan ada Penthouse S4. Kelakar lak. Aku rasa S3 ni dah tamat dah even ending gan ...

Penthouse pun dah runtuh...nak penthouse 4 apa lagi...hahaha

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_Arwen replied at 10-9-2021 12:31 PM
Penthouse pun dah runtuh...nak penthouse 4 apa lagi...hahaha

Ada penthouse baru d bina lgi. Itu yg bakal ada Penthouse S4. Hahhahahahaha.

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_Arwen replied at 10-9-2021 12:27 PM
Ko tak nak menaruh harapan kan....takut kuciwa eh..

Ha'ah. Sejak ending scene ep 13, aku dah set dlm otak aku.
Tp kecewa tu tetap ada. Gtuuuuu.

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2021 12:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 10-9-2021 12:49 PM

Amenda la esssssbeeeeeeesssssss ni.
Still cut LogRyeon yg nmpk happy pun time photoshoot pre wedding itu pun dah seminggu tersebar kat ig lain bru nak upload.
Ada je kot scene dorg senyum happy dlm 5 saat mcm tu. Tp langsung xde still cutnya.
Dah S3 pun mcm tu jgk.

Tp seokrona, byk naw still cut sawit2 dorg.
Ni cerita penthouse ni psl sepa sbnrnya.

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Post time 10-9-2021 01:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tengok kat ig td, mmg betul lah seojin ambik gunting utk potong rambut dia bagi pendek... suspen jer.

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