Reply 1337# cn7
kalau you nak beli strap tu ok je..
tapi kan,i rasa baik you pergi boutique dan try sebanyak mungkin handbags before purchasing..
takut nanti dah beli tak berkenan pula..
personally i tak berapa berkenan dgn speedy with handle..
baik i choose other designs,like saumur for instance.. |
Reply adeenda
tepekla gambar beg burberry yang u minat tu.... feast the eyes ...
cn7 Post at 19-4-2011 09:06 
simple jer bag burberry yg i dok minat ni... very lite nylon bag... tgh mencari black bag yg discreet sket..
kat sini berapa ye LV artsy GM |
my mum just got a big fat bonus, like really2 big, and i've been trying to influence her to buy a de ...
cn7 Post at 19-4-2011 09:16 
your mom keje astro ke?heheheh coz astro pun baru je dpt 8 months bonus |
kat sini berapa ye LV artsy GM
serimaya Post at 20-4-2011 09:14 
LV artsy GM RM6500.. MM RM 5500 |
LV artsy GM RM6500.. MM RM 5500
adeenda Post at 20-4-2011 11:01 
tq...kalau beli online boleh dpt dlm harga berapa ye?boleh suggest tak website yg murah dan cepat servicenya(for LV)
sorry kalau banyak soalan sebab memang tak mahir lagi pasal beg beg mahal nih.. |
Reply 1334# jentayujingga
dlm tue i nengok mmg ada yg ori jugak, and fake pon ada (tp jual rega ori)
how did you spot the fake?
serial number ker? |
Post Last Edit by dealova04 at 20-4-2011 12:39
wahhh..dasat la u ols...leh perabis ribu2 utk hbegs shj..xpe lah kalau dh minat mmg mapu..hehehhe....aku kalau bli hbeg ... x kan lebih rm 200..tu pon aku dh rasa mahal...heheh...tp kalau 916 mmg aku minat bangat..yg ni berabih ribu2 pn aku x kisah..hehehhe
aku minat gak hbeg tp bli yg murah2 jerlah...coz aku jenis malas nk tukar2 pakai..kalau bli baru..yg lama aku dh simpan...pastu bila tgk blk dh rosak..uwaaaaaaaa...tu sbb aku rs rugi je kalau bli mahal2 hbeg ni...
aku x pernah memiliki beg mahal2 mcm LV semua tu...nk tanya u ols..kalau u ols x pakai pastu gantung/simpan...cpt rosak x? |
Reply 1335# pinksarah
org kalau tak minat handbags memang takkan nampak value atau apa faedahnya membeli handbag sampai ribu2..
yes, i think women tend to splurge on certain things, just that different women find the satisfaction at different things. some may fancy handbags, ada yang fancy barang kemas, ada yang fancy baju2.
i think my mom, her major purchases are.... baju & barang2 rumah.... i dont spend thousands for baju sebab i dont wear the same baju everyday, but i can use the handbags yang beribu tu everyday ... kan? |
Reply 1336# pinksarah
asal you ada passport and not staying more than a certain period,you are entitled to claim for VAT..
untung kan?
kalau boleh..kalau boleh la kan
on top of dicsount, dapat claim VAT. i call that double extravagant sale...hihihiih |
Reply 1338# tabasco
tab, i tak boleh bukak la link yang u bagi....
ada sesapa yang boleh bukak link ni tak? ke i jer yang tak boleh |
Reply 1341# pinksarah
,like saumur for instance
saumur? jap i google tengok macam mana rupa dia |
Reply 1342# adeenda
eih, i like the grey colour one... |
Reply 1344# serimaya
your mom keje astro ke?heheheh coz astro pun baru je dpt 8 months bonus
tak lah, dia kerja bank...tapi astro kalau bonus memang masyuk....setakat 8 bulan tu 'biasa'...ada yang dapat sampai setahun |
Reply 1348# dealova04
rugi lah kalau beli mahal2 bila simpan alih2 rosak..
dah tentu lah tidak,dear..
alah membeli,menang memakai..
kalau you jenis yang tak suka tukar2 bag,one expensive bag dah good enough..
durable,spacious,leather trimming lagi...
i pernah beli handbag carlo rino,then dah tak pakai i nak simpan lah..
after sometime bila i nak pakai balik,tu dia!
fungus and kulapuk..segala mak nenek yang berkaitan hinggap penuh kat handbag i..
sedih ok!
that is why i dah tak beli bag2 cam tu,sayang ooo..
my LV bertahun i simpan,jarang guna pun yang satu tu..sebab kecik molek i pakai utk kenduri2 atau formal event..
setiap kali nak pakai tetap cantik warna nya,the gold brass plated pun tak karat,leather lagi..sikit pun tak de fungus ke apa..knowing leather kan mudah kena hinggap fungus juga kan..
sekian,cerita saya,hehehe |
Reply 1342# adeenda
grey lagi cantik,lagi nampak signature from burberry tu..
i memang suka handbag yang ada siggy ni,trade mark satu2 bag gitu.. |
Reply 1355# pinksarah
ooo..patutla..mmg beg2 sy kulapok semua ada...heheheh...mmg sy jenis malas nk tukar2..tp x reti nk pakai satu2 beg tu lama2...baru pakai kejap ..dh rs bosan..nk pakai design lain..hehehe... |
Reply 1351# cn7
eh xleh bukak?nanti i google balik gambo tu |
Reply pinksarah
saumur? jap i google tengok macam mana rupa dia
cn7 Post at 20-4-2011 12:44 
ahhhh...saumur...my LV first love...masih simpan angan2 akan beli saumur 1 hari nanti..
simple jer bag burberry yg i dok minat ni... very lite nylon bag... tgh mencari black bag yg dis ...
adeenda Post at 19-4-2011 22:45 
simple tp cantik. |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki