matz_rockz This user has been deleted
siapa kalau nak beli rumah resale,ko check kat ceiling friend dia punya rumah,paip jamban meleleh ayer nya bau lain macam.ko make sure the ceiling kat bathroom tak damp.take note. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
kita selalu dengar flat kat sengkang selalu ada problem.leaking windows.poor workmanship etc etc etc. building blocks of flat around 12 floors,sudah 50 floors boleh ke handle?? |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-6-2004 08:16 PM:
siapa kalau nak beli rumah resale,ko check kat ceiling friend dia punya rumah,paip jamban meleleh ayer nya bau lain macam.ko make sure the ceiling kat bathroom tak damp.take note.
this is true, baru ni sbelum SC start my renovation, i ade notice ade bocoh sikit @ my bathroom ceiling, terus i went to complaint to HDB. Luckily, hdb cepat pegi betulkan, another thing i nak add also check at the wall tiles of the bathroom takut2 ade retak, like my this new hse ade banyak retak @ the wall tiles in my bathroom (kitchn & masterbedroom). I go n complaint n hdb gantikan yg baru w no costs........ |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
ko kalau tinggal tingkat 30 ka atas ...lift break down ....boleh pengsan
di buat nya.kalau balik ntuc beli barang2 rumah dengan isi plastic bag yang berat2....adoi...nasib badan ...jangan semput naik tangga pulak. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 21-6-2004 09:49 AM:
ko kalau tinggal tingkat 30 ka atas ...lift break down ....boleh pengsan
di buat nya.kalau balik ntuc beli barang2 rumah dengan isi plastic bag yang berat2....adoi...nasib badan ...jangan semput n ...
paling kesian untuk makcik2 & pakcik2 yg ngah sakit n uzur......:no: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
ko kalau balik hospital dengan ko punya crutches kena naik tangga 25 tingkat ..........kesian seh, adoi mak sakit nya. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 21-6-2004 09:33 AM:
this is true, baru ni sbelum SC start my renovation, i ade notice ade bocoh sikit @ my bathroom ceiling, terus i went to complaint to HDB. Luckily, hdb cepat pegi betulkan, another thing i nak ad ...
at least ko cek jugak rumah ko, ada orang tak, biarkan je....
dah serious baru nak take action, tapi by that damage dah merebak dah teruk. |
ni masuk porum sokkabar hari ni...
simpati siot aku kat orang ni, korang bayangkan kalo korang yang hadapi problem dia....
Defects in new HDB flat not fixed after one month
I WAS overjoyed when I received the keys to my new four-room flat in Punggol Field after a wait of almost six years, but little did I know it was the beginning of a nightmare.
When my renovation contractor began to lay floor tiles on May 18, he discovered the concrete floor was too high. This meant after the floor tiles were laid, the door of the household shelter could not be opened or closed.
My renovation contractor reported this to the HDB Sengkang branch office, which sent an HDB contractor to scrape the surface of the concrete floor.
Workers used four compressed-air powered hackers to do the job. It was very noisy, the whole flat vibrated and was so dusty the workers had to wear masks.
The HDB contractor said the scraping work would be completed in two weeks.
However, on May 31, my renovation contractor could not lay floor tiles because certain parts of the floor were still too high.
The HDB contractor agreed to scrape the concrete floor further and needed one more week, yet one week later, he had not completed the work because he had stopped working for the HDB.
On June 4, I went to HDB headquarters to seek help.
On June 8, the Sengkang branch office sent some officials to inspect my flat. They engaged another HDB contractor to continue the scraping work.
To date, June 14, almost one month after the floor defect was first reported to the HDB, the scraping work is still going on.
I would be much obliged if the HDB could enlighten me on the following:
I have learnt there are several flats with defective concrete floors like mine. I can't help wondering if the HDB supervises the construction process closely to ensure the proper standard is adhered to.
After so much hacking of the concrete floor, is the new flat still safe for occupancy? The hacking exposed some iron-bar netting buried just beneath the surface.
Some electrical wiring concealed in the concrete was also exposed, and its protective conduits punctured with holes.
Can the HDB offer me a new flat in good condition instead?
Although the official sale date of my flat is May 5, my family still cannot move in and my renovation contractor cannot carry out renovation work. I have made a several visits to the HDB and many to my new flat. As a result, my work is adversely affected and I am exhausted.
Will the HDB compensate me for my time and inconvenience caused?
Will the HDB compensate me for payment of utilities bill and domestic refuse removal?
I would like to petition Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council to refund service and conservancy charges for May and June.
Finally, I hope the HDB will improve its check system so no other new flat buyer will suffer the nightmare I have experienced.
sib baik sc check cepat..., at least hdb bleh gantikan ngan yg baru....
macam sut.... sut tak check coz ingatkan dah tak de defect mana-mana....
lagi pon sut pon jenjarang balik rumah kat sini...,
tapi... baru-baru ni...., kebetulan ada tetamu datang rumah sut..., dia tegur... baru sut prasan yg wall tiles kat toilet tu ada retak-retak....
but then... nak komplen pon..., dah terlambat..... tak mungkin hdb nak ganti 
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2004-6-21 09:33 AM:
like my this new hse ade banyak retak @ the wall tiles in my bathroom (kitchn & masterbedroom). I go n complaint n hdb gantikan yg baru w no costs........... |
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 21-6-2004 09:32 PM:
sib baik sc check cepat..., at least hdb bleh gantikan ngan yg baru....
macam sut.... sut tak check coz ingatkan dah tak de defect mana-mana....
lagi pon sut pon jenjar ...
Sut, kalo tu wall tiles original yang HDB kasi,
dah flet ko dalam DLP , konpem dorang kena ganti...
unless dorang bleh proof retak2 tu jadi pasal salah ko atau kontraktor peribadi ko yang rosakkan.....
tak mau rugi sut, telepon je suruh dorang antar orang nengok.... |
oh gitu ehh....!
thanks deaf atas nasihat ko..., esok aku pi call HDB....
nanti apa-apa feedback, aku buat posting kat sini....
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2004-6-21 09:36 PM:
Sut, kalo tu wall tiles original yang HDB kasi,
dah flet ko dalam DLP , konpem dorang kena ganti...
unless dorang bleh proof retak2 tu jadi pasal salah ko atau kontraktor peribadi ko ... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 17-6-2004 13:10:
ni aku cakap pengalaman aku duk kat rumah parents, pengalaman pegi rumah members, pengalaman borak2 ngan kawan2 luar...
selalu melayu, kalo kontraktor mesti nak sokong kontraktor melayu...
Time rumah (parents) aku renovate, panggil ni kontraktor. Ni kontraktor (boss dia) kira sedara ah.... tapi kan keje dia, macam def cakap, asal boleh je. Memang dulu dia kira ranking company dia tinggi ah.. tapi ntah camner ntah... dapat kerugian ah, apalah.... Dia punyer keje, aku boleh citer 1001 macam; kasi korang ketawa, kasi korang geram, menyampah...
Ader lah kita nak kasi dia chan tunjuk skill orang |
Originally posted by chicsee at 17-6-2004 14:40:
...Tunggu sampai pukul 4 pun tak timbul2, so I called my fren lagi tanya abang tu cakap lepas Zuhur ke lepas Asar? Tak lama Abang to call, cakap dengan my hubby dia datang pukul around 5.30...
Hehe.... kalau nak janji dengan orang kita tak kenal... jangan cakap lepas (a particular) waktu solat. :no: Ader yg nanti kita cakap lepas Zuhur dorang ingat (atau sengaja ingat...) yang lepas Zuhur tu waktu Asar lah. Atau lepas Asar tu waktu Maghrib.
Actually ader ni kawan nyer citer jugak yang sama concept dgn chic kena.
Ader ni ejen rumah A (yg selalu liase with ni kawan) call, dia cakap kelig dia (panggilkan ejen rumah B) mungkin datang esok hari waktu petang, suruh tuan rumah tunggu confirmation call from ejen rumah B. So all the while ejen B tak call hari tu. Esok hari pun tak call... So ni kawan ni pun kluar rumah ah, then petang ejen B call for the first time cakap dia ader bawah blok, suruh ni kawan turun. Then dia kena tegur ah, apsal tak confirm; tu ejen rumah A cakap belom confirm apa |
Originally posted by herokampong at 21-6-2004 10:52 PM:
Time rumah (parents) aku renovate, panggil ni kontraktor. Ni kontraktor (boss dia) kira sedara ah.... tapi kan keje dia, macam def cakap, asal boleh je. Memang dulu dia kira ranking company dia ...
Ini pun macam similar citer ngan rumah parents Chic. Konon nak kasi business ngan kawan tapi last2 kawan main kawan. Dah lah harga tinggi melambung, keje macam :siok:.....:agr: |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 21-6-2004 08:53 PM:
at least ko cek jugak rumah ko, ada orang tak, biarkan je....
dah serious baru nak take action, tapi by that damage dah merebak dah teruk.
deaf, SC pasal ni semua sangt perihatin sekali.........:ah: |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 21-6-2004 08:58 PM:
ni masuk porum sokkabar hari ni...
simpati siot aku kat orang ni, korang bayangkan kalo korang yang hadapi problem dia....
Defects in new HDB flat not fixed after one month
I WAS ov ...
kesain juga dgr crita org ni, dulu waktu SC buat complaint, hdb tak layan sanagt, dorang take so long to attend to my complaint, almost setiap minngu SC keep on calling hdb branch offis @ jurong west smpai org dia baru betul2kan my wall tiles, cos for sc i pay the house n why must i get all sort of defects sebelum tinggal kat rumah baru i tu. Infact Sc ade kasi dorang a deadline sebelum my contractor nak buat the necessary renovation. Bila kita dah kasi deadline, mcm lintang pukang dorang buat.
As wat kekawan semua kata, nasib baik SC nampak n cepat buat aduan kat hdb....... syukur tak payah kena bayar........ |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
how come workmanship so bad...yang kat sengkang selalu dengar ada problem ...... kalau yang kat duxton asik lift breakdown macam mana ??? |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 22-6-2004 12:04 PM:
how come workmanship so bad...yang kat sengkang selalu dengar ada problem ...... kalau yang kat duxton asik lift breakdown macam mana ???
hissh kalau kat duxton rosak tak tau apa nak ckp, silap haribulan rugi besarlah hdb ...........:geram: |
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Category: Negeri & Negara