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Dr. Samuel Sterns appears in the 2008 film, The Incredible Hulk, where he is portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson.
In the film he aids Bruce Banner in finding a cure for his gammaradiation. The two communicate through the internet under the names ofMr. Blue and Mr. Green, until Bruce returns to America and they meet inperson. They test a possible cure by inducing Bruce into Hulk form andinjecting a serum into him that causes him to return to his normalstate; though, the experiment seems to be a success they do not know ifthe serum has completely cured Bruce or only suppressed the gammaradiation. He then reveals to Banner that he has been secretly usingthe vial of blood to copy the experiment on animals and make highconcentrations from them in use of finding cures for diseases andperfecting human flaws. Bruce knowing the danger of this and orders himto destroy all of it, though Sterns didn't believe him when thebuilding is attacked by the military and Bruce is |

Dr. Samuel Sterns appears in the 2008 film, The Incredible Hulk, where he is portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson.
In the film he aids Bruce Banner in finding a cure for his gammaradiation. The two communicate through the internet under the names ofMr. Blue and Mr. Green, until Bruce returns to America and they meet inperson. They test a possible cure by inducing Bruce into Hulk form andinjecting a serum into him that causes him to return to his normalstate; though, the experiment seems to be a success they do not know ifthe serum has completely cured Bruce or only suppressed the gammaradiation. He then reveals to Banner that he has been secretly usingthe vial of blood to copy the experiment on animals and make highconcentrations from them in use of finding cures for diseases andperfecting human flaws. Bruce knowing the danger of this and orders himto destroy all of it, though Sterns didn't believe him when thebuilding is attacked by the military and Bruce is easily captured.
Sterns then meets military officer Emil Blonsky who has been an experiment of the US government has been injected with a "super solider" serum, who forces Sterns to aid him in his thirst for power, becoming what Stern refered to as a "abomination."Following Emil's transformation, the doctor is thrown against his labequipment and sustains a wound to his head. A broken tube of BruceBanner's blood used in the transformation, hanging above him begins todrip into the injury and his head begins to swell transforming him aswell as he in a state of bliss. |
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