minta nasihat penapis air yg terbaik dan harga murah
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Kepada yg baru masuk benang ni, aku cadangkan, baca dari awal...ada sedikit info yg boleh digunakan untuk memilih walter filter...
Brutal Post at 7-2-2010 23:24
Yup betul tu supaya tidak perlu kita berterusan membincangkan perkara yg sama yg telah pun dibincangkan sebelum ini |
7/2/10 buletin utama ada keluar berita pasal penapis air ni...
Majority penapis air yg ada kat pasaran yg declare bole tapis hingga sekecil kecil mikron
air adalah PENIPU dan amat BAHAYA pada badan..
Air suling adalah air yg tisda langsung kandungan zat & organisma idop yg lain..
Badan kita cuma perlukan penapis utk tapis bahan tapisan yg berat & kasar..
kerana lain2 mikrob & organisma lain diperlukan oleh badan..
Fakta ni disuarakan seniri oleh Doktor kerajaan bahagian penyelidikan air yg disiarkan thru buletin utama pada 7/2/10... |
7/2/10 buletin utama ada keluar berita pasal penapis air ni...
Majority penapis air yg ada kat pasaran yg declare bole tapis hingga sekecil kecil mikron
air adalah PENIPU dan amat BAHAYA pada badan. ...
koko2 Post at 9-2-2010 10:04
Yup agreed with some of the points that banyak penapis air yg declare mcm2 especially nano tu adalah penipu. Sbb tu kena ada knowledge utk pandai memilih espcially on what types of pencemar and ape badan yg sepatutnya boleh mengesahkan kualiti air. Kandungan air yg kosong atau tulen telah banyak diperdebatkan & even already declared by journal of medicine that minerals or nutrients yg diperlukan oleh badan manusia bukannya datang daripada air sebagai sumber utama, tetapi adalah makanan. That has been a fact and pls educate ourselves on that. Again, kena tgk who are the ones who said that. Medical doctors are never a water specialist. Infact i only know a few yg being certified as water specialist. If you read rencana in berita harian last week, juga membincangkan perkara yg sama. Ada fakta yg betul. Tetapi apabila penulis mengatakan bahawa kualiti air boleh ditentukan oleh badan seperti SIRIM, it shows kecetekan pengetahuan penulis berkenaan air. SIRIM hanyalah lebih kepada kualiti keselamatan.
Again, knowledge is power |
123# neomorpheus
u ni agen juai penapis air brand iken kan..?
knowledge u as agen penjual tu cukup power ke..?
compare to SIRIM yg ada makmal research seniri tu..& satu badan hak milik kerajaan msia.. |
123# neomorpheus
u ni agen juai penapis air brand iken kan..?
knowledge u as agen penjual tu cukup power ke..?
compare to SIRIM yg ada makmal research seniri tu..& satu badan hak milik kerajaan ...
koko2 Post at 10-2-2010 08:40
I bukan agent menjual..and i beli penapis pun after i studied a lot and pegi belajar and even met with World Certified Water Specialist. And mmg bukannya i buat my own research tapi ape yg i dapat adalah info drp research org lain yg mmg diiktiraf? Antara World Water Certified Specialist Gred IV (level paling tinggi dalam dunia) dgn doktor kerajaan ni sape lagi power?? Nak compare dgn SIRIM u keje SIRIM ke? I ade kawan yg keje dgn SIRIM so i tau ape yg diorg buat. I tak kata certification SIRIM tu tak bagus ke ape cuma i cakap peranan SIRIM tu bukan yg menetapkan standard kualiti air if we are talking about water. Kalau u tgk smer barang2 kat Malaysia ni kebanyakannya mmg ada certification drp SIRIM..tapi ape tujuannya? kalo contohnya TV: ade ke TV yg image kurang lawa tak dpt certification SIRIM and TV yg image lawa dpt cert SIRIM???? Bukan ke image like HD etc smer tu merujuk kepada kualiti TV tu?? SO based on ape cert from SIRIM tu? it's more towards the safety of the technology... if pasal air kita nak dgr cakap Water Quality Association (WQA) ke or SIRIM??? |
I'm attaching ade satu article last year which all of us can read and think ourselves.
Koko, try to compare with what u've heard in the news and komen drp doktor kerajaan tu and think which one is more logical...
and i'm not selling in here as u can see tak de pun i offer suruh org contact i kalo berminat nak tahu pasal penapis air..what i posted in here is based on my comparisons, my knowledge from learning from others and what i believe in. You may have ur own opinions as well as everybody else so let's have a matured discussion by giving good points backed up by facts...
p/s: if the image is not that clear, tell me, i'll try to look for other options later.
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Btw, do u know that:
According to Malaysia's Chemistry Department, which provides water testing services for enforcement and monitoring purposes, it has
- never done tests for the presence of drugs in drinking or surface water samples
- never received any request to do so.
Quote from Focus, New Sunday Times |
Berkenaan SIRIM, aku menyokong neomorpheus yg SIRIM tak uji kualiti air tu...
diorang cuma check Quality Assurance syarikat tersebut...
kalau korang pernah berurusan dengan SIRIM ko paham la maksud aku.... |
ade sesapa penah dgr stiebel eltron? |
ade sesapa penah dgr stiebel eltron?
cmf_comei Post at 11-2-2010 00:21
Stibel eltron ni bukan ke company from germany yg provide water heating solutions? Ade water filter gak ke? |
ok......saya baca dr awal....xde satu pon sebut pasal e-spring.....water treatment system bukan water filter ....
saya dah guna 2 generasi.....harga memang berbaloi dengan teknolgi yg ditawarkan....best things never come cheap...jika ada yg berminat dan ingin melihat item sebenar saya bole tunjukkan dan memberi penerangan lanjut....saya tidak ada claim yg melampau...biarlah third party yg memberi respon...
utk detail bole surf ke
dan sedikit petikan
Ultra-violet Light Technology
Ultra-violet (UV) light technology takes the eSpring™ Water Purifier to the next level of in-home Water Purifiers by doing what carbon alone cannot do: It destroys microorganisms.
How it works
The eSpring Water Purifier’s UV bulb, located in the center of the cartridge, puts out up to 80 millijoules (units of measure) of UV light – enough to destroy more than 99.99% of bacteria and viruses that may be in drinking water.
Wireless connections
Another eSpring technology first – and another patented feature – is the wireless (inductive electronic) coupling used between the UV lamp and the unit. This completely isolates the UV bulb from the power source, the way some cellular telephones are separate from their chargers.
Water always flows cold
Turning on the tap activates an electro-magnetic connection to the bulb that switches the bulb on. Because the bulb is not on all the time, it does not waste energy, and the water always flows cold.
System is durable
Eliminating hard-wired electrical connections makes it simple to replace the bulb, and it is protected, which makes the system more durable.
en.brutal mungkin ada nak komen...
my phone 012-2298158... |
131# GSRsomban
Owh e-spring. From what i know on this E-spring, below are my comments:
ok......saya baca dr awal....xde satu pon sebut pasal e-spring.....water treatment system bukan water filter ....
E-spring is called water treatment system and not water filter or purification system kerana ianya sememangnya tidak dapat menyingkirkan kebanyakan bahan pencemar / mineral bukan organik yg terdapat dalam air seperti logam berat etc.. (sumber: buku panduan A, Ms 32)
dan sedikit petikan
Ultra-violet Light Technology
Ultra-violet (UV) light technology takes the eSpring™ Water Purifier to the next level of in-home Water Purifiers by doing what carbon alone cannot do: It destroys microorganisms.
Ultra violet adalah perkembangan teknologi di era 90-an (activated carbon & ceramic tahun 80-an).
Fungsi utamanya adalah utk membantut keaktifan bakteria & virus yg mana sememangnya tidak dpt dilakukan oleh carbon filters.
Namun kekurangannya adalah tidak dpt menyingkirkan bahan pencemar bukan organik seperti nitrat, asbestos, plumbum, arsenik atau kimia organik.
Juga tidak sesuai kepada air yg berkandungan tinggi dari segi kekeruhan dan warna. Mikroorganisma boleh bersembunyi di 'belakang' particles dan terselindung drp terkena cahaya ultra violet.
How it works
The eSpring Water Purifier’s UV bulb, located in the center of the cartridge, puts out up to 80 millijoules (units of measure) of UV light – enough to destroy more than 99.99% of bacteria and viruses that may be in drinking water.
Keberkesanannya menurun sekiranya terdapat kekeruhan dlm air. Maintenance cost juga agak tinggi yg mana lampu UV bersama penapis blok karbon harus ditukar setiap tahun pada harga lebih kurang RM600
Maybe En Brutal have some additional info. Thanks |
water filter or water treatment?
bagi aku, filter is a part of treatment...
berkenaan perkara merawat air menggunakan UV, aku tak biasa sangat...tahu sikit2 je...
yg aku tahu pun, dah diceritakan oleh neomorpheus...
dan 2 point utama yg perlu diambil perhatian ialah...
131# GSRsomban
Namun kekurangannya adalah tidak dpt menyingkirkan bahan pencemar bukan organik seperti nitrat, asbestos, plumbum, arsenik atau kimia organik.
neomorpheus Post at 12-2-2010 12:42
131# GSRsomban
Juga tidak sesuai kepada air yg berkandungan tinggi dari segi kekeruhan dan warna. Mikroorganisma boleh bersembunyi di 'belakang' particles dan terselindung drp terkena cahaya ultra violet.
neomorpheus Post at 12-2-2010 12:42
satu lagi kekurangan UV dan Ultra-Sound (ada jugak treatment jenis ni) ialah, ia tidak mampu membunuh microb yg datang selepas rawatan...so, kalau guna dekat end-point, ok la.... |
ok nak jawab yg neo pny pendapat 1...
it is posibble for a well-design carbon filter to remove certain inorganic contaminants.this company has documented that the eSpring carbon filter can remove lead,mercuryandradon.ada lagi explaination.....But to date, these are the only inorganic material that meet the strict removal guidelines that have been established. In general, any broad claims a carbon filter marketer makes about inorganic compound removal should be questioned.
pastu yg no2...rujuk list kat bawah nih...
* During testing by NSF International, the eSpring Water Purifier met or exceeded required reduction of THMs (trihalomethanes), including chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane, and chlorodibromomethane
Inorganic Contaminants
The eSpring Water Purifier effectively removes lead, mercury, and asbestos.
* Lead is rarely found naturally in water, but can enter into drinking water through lead pipes or from solder which contains lead. Even at low levels, lead poisoning – particularly in children – may cause IQ deficiencies, reading and learning disabilities, impaired hearing, reduced attention spans, hyperactivity, and other behavior problems. Lead can exist in different forms in water, depending on the pH. A water treatment device may be effective at one pH, but not the other. The eSpring Water Purifier was tested at two different pHs to accurately determine lead reduction
* Mercury gets into water through erosion of natural deposits, discharge from refineries and factories, and runoff from landfills and farms. It may cause kidney damage
* Asbestos can get into water by eroding from natural deposits, or in runoff from glass and electronics plant wastes. Chronic exposure can cause skin damage, circulatory system problems, and an increased risk of cancer
Pesticides and Pesticide By-Products
Pesticide contamination of groundwater and surface water is an increasing concern, particularly in agricultural areas. Although pesticide contamination of drinking water does not appear to be widespread, surveys have shown contamination does occur. The extent of drinking water contamination and the health effects of consuming low levels of pesticides are not known yet. Tests conducted by NSF International have resulted in the certification of the eSpring Water Purifier for the reduction of a number of pesticides and pesticide by-products.
Radionuclides are radioactive health-effect contaminants. The eSpring Water Purifier reduces radon and radon decay products in drinking water. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that has no taste, odour, or colour.
* Radon is produced by the natural breakdown of uranium and is found in soils and rocks containing uranium, granite, shale, phosphate, and pitchblende
* Most radon rises out of soil and rock and is harmlessly released into the atmosphere. However, radon can dissolve and accumulate in underground water sources, such as wells
* Drinking water contaminated with radon may increase our risk of stomach cancer
Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs)
VOCs are a group of organic chemicals that may leach into ground water or are discharged into lakes and streams in wastewater from chemical, plastic, or petroleum plants, landfills, dry cleaners, or gasoline storage tanks. They may cause liver problems, anemia, kidney or spleen damage, or an increased risk of cancer.
* The eSpring Water Purifier reduces these VOCs in water: Benzene, Carbon Tetrachloride, p-Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-Dichloroethane, 1,1-Dichloroethylene, Tetrachloroethylene, 1,1,1- Trichloroethane, Trichloroethylene, Vinyl chloride, and xylenes
* Vinyl chloride is a gas used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a material often used for drinking water pipes. In the mid-1970s it was discovered that vinyl chloride could cause cancer. Prior to that, PVC pipe often contained high levels of residual vinyl chloride, which could contaminate drinking water
* While PVC pipe manufacturing methods have changed to significantly reduce any vinyl chloride in the plastic, older pipes are still in use, and vinyl chloride contamination of drinking water is still occurring
Particulates are tiny solids suspended in water, either visible or invisible dirt, rust, or other materials. They can affect the taste, odour, or clarity of your water.
* The spaces between the carbon particles in the eSpring Water Purifier's compressed carbon block filter are extremely small, and able to filter out particles as small as 0.2 microns (300 percent smaller than a human hair) including asbestos, sediment, dirt, and scale
Microorganisms is a general term describing thousands of bacteria, protozoans, and viruses that are known to pose health risks to humans, such as e. coli and rotovirus. The eSpring Water Purifier has been tested to:
* Destroy more than 99.9999% of bacteria
* Destroy more than 99.99% of viruses
* Reduce more than 99.95% of cysts, including giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium
*Note: The above contaminants may not be in your drinking water.
Note: The eSpring Water Purifier is designed for use with any municipally treated drinking water source or potable well/bore water. It is not intended for use on lake, river, or any other non-approved water sources.
Contaminants – Alphabetical List
The following is an alphabetical list of all the health-effect contaminants the eSpring™ Water Purifier reduces or effectively removes, as validated by independent third-party laboratories. (These contaminants may not be in your drinking water.)
Health-effect Contaminants
Aldicarb (Temik)
gamma-BHC (Lindane)
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether
Butyl benzyl phthalate
Chloral Hydrate
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether
Dibromochloropropane (DBCP)
Diethyl phthalate
Dimethyl phthalate
Di-n-butyl phthalate
4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol
Di-n-octyl phthalate
Endosulfan Sulfate
Endrin Aldehyde
Ethyl benzene
Ethylene dibromide (EDB)
Giardia lamblia
Heptachlor epoxide
Hydrocarbons (Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel)
Microcystin LR
Mutagen X (MX or 3-chloro-4-dichloromethyl-5-hydroxy-2[5H]-furanone)
TCDD (2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin)
TCDF (2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran)
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
Tribromoacetic Acid
Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs)
Carbon Tetrachloride
Vinyl chloride
yg no 3 plak...masalah kekeruhan tak timbul sbb sbelum smpi kat uv light dua filter dah bereskan.....bab maintainance cost tu mungkin silap percaturan sikit kot...sbb nmpk 600 tu besar...kalo kira cost per litre yg jatuh 12 sen seliter dibandingkan dengan mineral water botol yg tak btul2 pasti kesahihan sumber dr mana berharga rm1.33 atau mungkin rasa2 beli borong murah 5 liter still 53 sen seliter...
best la geng tanya lagi sbb saya nak foward kat company...biar company jawab....
utk mereka2 yg bagi pendapat kat sini pengetahuan anda sgt dihargai....saya suka untuk memberi diskaun utk espring nih... |
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untuk menjawab soklan en brutal....memang kuar kat end point trus minum....lagi bagus kalo disimpan2 ditadah2 bakteria atau yg lain2 bole masuk balik kan.....
ada lagi tak soklan... |
134# GSRsomban
Those contaminants mentioned by you sememangnye ape yg boleh ditapis oleh carbon filters where the size is 0.2 microns. Unfortunately, heavymetals, radioactive, total dissolve solids & ubat ubatan is way smaller than 0.2 microns. |
* The spaces between the carbon particles in the eSpring Water Purifier's compressed carbon block filter are extremely small, and able to filter out particles as small as 0.2 microns (300 percent smaller than a human hair) including asbestos, sediment, dirt, and scale
GSRsomban Post at 12-2-2010 20:52
And dont u think 0.0001 microns (5000 percent smaller than a human hair) is better than 0.2 microns (300 percent smaller than a human hair)?
I would prefer to use 0.0001 microns |
And dont u think 0.0001 microns (5000 percent smaller than a human hair) is better than 0.2 microns (300 percent smaller than a human hair)?
I would prefer to use 0.0001 microns
neomorpheus Post at 12-2-2010 21:49
ada ker carbon filter yg bole tapis smpi 0.0001 microns....pm me it's brand....
err...yg heavymetal..radioactive...yg mcmmana tu...give me spesific name...sbb e-spring tahap international punya item....it's claim effectively removes more than 140 contaminants....including lead and mercury.....kat malaysia tak smpi pon 100 jenih yg wujud....so dah above the standard..ni bkn claim melampau...tapi nsf yg validkan....utk carbon filter dah lama dapat standard 42 dan 53....utk uv light terima standard 55 dari nsf.....bole cek kat www.nsf.org...kalo tak silap dulu penah customer saya jawab soklan nih...kalo smpi 0.0001 microns tu mineral/beneficial mineral yg baik utk kesihatan pon sangkut...
need ur specific respon...nnt office bukak saya nak foward.. |
ada ker carbon filter yg bole tapis smpi 0.0001 microns....pm me it's brand....
err...yg heavymetal..radioactive...yg mcmmana tu...give me spesific name...sbb e-spring tahap international pu ...
GSRsomban Post at 16-2-2010 13:57
If 0.0001 microns definitely not carbon filters. Carbon filter mmg setakat 0.2 microns jer..Dlm post2 sblom ni aku dah share the level of filtrations and what it is called.
Btw, it's not only espring yg international standards and dpt NSF certification. |
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