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Author: xyla73

[ENA/Netflix] Extraordinary Attorney Woo - Park Eun Bin, Kang Tae Oh, Kang Ki Young

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Post time 21-7-2022 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 21-7-2022 11:41 PM

Byk scene jd light hearted / funny sbb wy attention cepat berubah haha. Ayah tgh cerita sedih pasal history percintaan n wy birth tiber wy dpt idea, dolphin berenang2 dlm otak dia ..terus apak yg tgh kesar air mata kena halau sbb nak buat call kat att jung

Tp scene dgn mak dia nampak la dia sedih. Cuma tak sure how deep wy blh rasa...n even if its deep...not sure if she can express as much as she really feel.

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 22-7-2022 12:45 AM

Ep 8

hahaha, padan muke < serve you right and on your face , mommy dearest.

bagus Woo young , you hit her with style.

Tak berhati perut punya mak...kan?

well i puas hati.

Kalau Woo Young tu cakap  pasal mama whale  tak tinggalkan anak dia pun even ketika mama whale tu diharpoon sampai mati oleh pemburu tu pun lagi bagus.  Ni kan pulak manusia...Tapi bagus ape yg dia cakap kat depan mak dia. puas hati jugaklah. Boleh pulak sanggup tanya did you resent me ? hahaha...lawak punya ibu.

I mean , ayah dia melulu buat promised  yg rugikan diri sendiri, boleh aje pi kawasan lain and ambik exam kot ...

la ni baru  Woo GhangWoo  ni dia sedaq yg janji dia tu mudharatkan diri dia and anak dia.

Okay je , Hanbada.

Taesan tu corrupted.
oh i suke pulak drama ni , haha  ambik semua secret cepat je conclude, cepat je reveal tak payah tunggu sampai ep akhir. macam ni kot tred terkini, tak payah buat secret then kumpul then bagi tahu akhir2 , bagi tahu je awal awal so that plot twist other fresh plot boleh terhasil...

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Post time 22-7-2022 07:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ahaksss minwoo can shove his feelings being robbed of his youth up his ass. youngwoo kalau pi taesan, ada kabel mak. pi hanbada, ada kabel pak.. ko ado minwoo? young woo flips bangs terus!
good thinking la young woo stay dgn hanbada as her support for her dad yg acts as a mama whale to her selama ni. terharu la nnt paknya sbb anak asd dia dh besar.

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Post time 22-7-2022 07:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betul la konsep ceo hanbada...jgn dok romantis political...cthnya appa young woo...dah tetua baru menyesal kan...kalo dia teruskan belajar sambil jaga young woo musti jd setanding dgn tae su mi pun.tae su mi anak enggang secara politiknya mana boleh nak gemg dgn anak gagak.dan2 tu plak dia boleh dpt idea pkl 3 pg plak tu...sib la mr jung ni bukan jenis menyumpah org la...
Tgh2 jun no dok start feeling2...boleh boleh nampak mamat pekerja pejabat daerah tu lari...tak guna betul mamat ni...punca betui...rupanya agak universal attitude gitu kot seantero dunia...
Bgs jgk bab ibu anak tak meleret...good young woo facing mak dia dn berani..tae su mi must be very ambitious dr muda kan...

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Post time 22-7-2022 09:53 AM | Show all posts
im proud of young woo...!! cara dia hadapi ayah and mak dia tu..tak tau sbnarnya perasaan dia mcm mana kan...sbb dia kan jenis yang mmg direct and ckp apa yg ada dlm kepala mata bergenang tu...sedihhh....teringat cerita mama whale dia kan.... rupanya pun dah tau pasal mak dia tak mati...cuma yela dia tak tau sapa omma diaa..

tapi padan muka tae su mi....baru la dia tau..baru la dia nak menangis gitu...

kesian kot appa woo..berkorban semuanyaa...sampai tak amik exam...tapi akhirnya sedar....tapi dah terlambat...takpe appa...woo young woo ada...nsb la anak tu membesar genius and jadi lawyer jgak

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Post time 22-7-2022 09:55 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 22-7-2022 12:41 AM
Ep 8

hahaha, padan muke < serve you right and on your face , mommy dearest.

i pun suka bab secret2 ni tak meleret sampai ke episod akhir...teringat drama link plak..smpi nk abis pun masih tertnya2...ehehheeh

selain secret mak pak woo young...sama jgak pasal perasaan woo young juga..serta friendship dia...kira drama ni mmg tgh smooth and pacing laju...i loikeeee!!!

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Post time 22-7-2022 09:57 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 21-7-2022 11:37 PM
Byk scene jd light hearted / funny sbb wy attention cepat berubah haha. Ayah tgh cerita sedih pasal  ...

appa tgh feeling sedihh...tetiba anak halau sbb org luar tak bole dgr conversation pasal client dia...hahahaha...part ni kita pun tgh sedih...sekali bole gelak...hahaha

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Post time 22-7-2022 10:08 AM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 21-7-2022 09:31 PM
baru sempat komen sebab busy hari ni...
actually apa yg min woo rasa tu valid...di mata dia, dia nam ...

tula...betul la apa yg minwoo rasa...dia rasa tak adil...tapi kan dh su yeon pun terangkan still dia tak leh terima...masa tu tengah marah kan...kat kg tu pun dia masih lagi marah and takde tanda2 penyesalan punnn...huhuhuh...sampai takat ni taknak lagi minwoo jadi second lead couple ngn kawan2 woo young...hahahaa

minwoo real life pun kena marah ngn netz..heheheh...kira menjadi la lakonan dia orang duk menyampah kan...hehehe

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2022 10:36 AM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 22-7-2022 10:08 AM
tula...betul la apa yg minwoo rasa...dia rasa tak adil...tapi kan dh su yeon pun terangkan still d ...

hehe gue rami tu cariklah org lain...
ada ramai yg lagi baik dari min woo...
tak abis2 nak buli young woo...
young woo dah ada byk masalah lain dia kena nak kena deal dgn dia lagi...
puas hati sgt masa soo yeon sound dia kuat2 kat ofis tu...
she's truly spring sunshine to young woo

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2022 11:11 AM | Show all posts
kenapa bila tgk komen2 kat luar sana ramai yg speku junho tu anak tae su mi?
tak masuk akal kalau dia anak tae su mi unless kalau dia lagi muda dari young woo...
tae su mi conceived young woo masa dia tgh study, so jarak antara young woo & her son must be quite big assuming dia dpt her son after a few years (lepas deliver young woo, abis study, kahwin dgn org lain etc.)
lagipun tae su mi ada mention her son asyik main computer je, so it couldn't be junho...

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Post time 22-7-2022 11:34 AM | Show all posts
I rasa Jun Ho anak tiri Tae Su Mi kot. Mana tau si Tae Su Mi kawen duda ada anak . Scene yg Young Woo bukak gift dari Junho ni iols rasa dorang delete mungkin sebab x kena dengan scene sebelum tu.


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Post time 22-7-2022 11:35 AM | Show all posts


Edited by mbhcsf at 22-7-2022 11:39 AM

Oh yes I lupa nak sebut dalam ep 8 –  
Ingat tak scene Woo Young dengan ibunya di bawah pohon Hackberry tu – masa tu Woo  Young tengah mencari beg dia yang dia ingat tertinggal di bawah pohon tu?
Dan disitulah ibu and anak perempuan dia bertemu. And ingat tak apa yg  Woo Young cakap masa last 4 mins to Tae Su Mi – it was nice to LOOK AT the tree together with you …

Inilah the very first time – si anak with ASD and SI IBU yg heartless  tu  ade JOINT Attention, this is the first time of which both mother and daughter had shared their very, poignantly now ( retrospectively saying) FIRST mom – and – daughter  ‘JOINT ATTENTION’.

Apa itu joint attention – ok joint attention ni atau  shared attention adelah benda yg terlalu common sense and logic dalam komunikasi adult – bayi – anak kecil.
Alah benda yg kita buat  tanpa sedar and kite tengok masa interact dengan budak kecil – you dengan budak tu tengok satu entity / object together and begin to talk or have a conversation about it , VOILA – communication established!!! Joint attention dalam komunikasi - melibatkan focus dua org manusia tertumpu , one is trying to reciprocate, and coordinate one’s attention, focus and establishing verbal behaviour with the other . yes , dalam skomunikasi, tak ke kita buat begini bila kita nak bersembang, membawang etc , you and your communication partner are focusing on certain object when  striking a conversation..ade eye contact , ade lenngok Bahasa badan and Bahasa pertuturan. ini yg kita lakukan semasa proses komunikasi kan?benda yg effortless , tapi not when u are dealing with a baby or a child with ASD , and it should be a tell tale sign if itis not there ...sangat suspect!!!

Why , joint attention ni basic non verbal behaviour yg bayi and budak kecil, toddle kene wujud, kalau tak.... sila bawa anak ke paeds. Sebb JOINT attention and autism itu adalah satu perkata yg amat ketara  , tak normal…bila seseorang tu ade autism..
Boleh google on joint attention…


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Post time 22-7-2022 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 22-7-2022 11:11 AM
kenapa bila tgk komen2 kat luar sana ramai yg speku junho tu anak tae su mi?
tak masuk akal kalau di ...

Anak laki dia mcm muda lg dr young woo...kalo main games je la ni mcm still in higb school or college la kot kan?
Kita tgk la mcm mana...adakah tae su mi akan recognize her daughter n introduce to others..which is akan kurang chances dia utk jd menteri or camno..

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 22-7-2022 07:52 AM
Betul la konsep ceo hanbada...jgn dok romantis political...cthnya appa young woo...dah tetu ...

Suka bila woo young gunakan balik phrase mak dia... there is nothing weaker than the human mind in the face of money.  Woo young fast learner... political instead of romantising the fight.

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 22-7-2022 11:11 AM
kenapa bila tgk komen2 kat luar sana ramai yg speku junho tu anak tae su mi?
tak masuk akal kalau di ...

In which part or epi yg derang refer ada hint junho related dgn tae sumi? I tgk drama ni tak concentrate sgt kot la ada missed some scene. I cuma dpt agak wooyoung anak taesumi...tak terpkir plak pasal anak lain yg dah keluar kat screen..dia cuma mentioned masa itw je sekali kan n claimed rumor.anak out of wedlook tu baseless.

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 22-7-2022 10:36 AM
hehe gue rami tu cariklah org lain...
ada ramai yg lagi baik dari min woo...
tak abis2 nak buli yo ...

Mula2 i ingat seoyun akan termakan dgn hasutan minwoo pasal nepotism tu sbb dia mcm hesitant sekejap.

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:46 PM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 22-7-2022 09:55 AM
i pun suka bab secret2 ni tak meleret sampai ke episod akhir...teringat drama link plak..smpi nk a ...

yeszza bereskan jer secret 2 gituuh move on ke next plot....huhuhu..pacing dia best...

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:47 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 22-7-2022 07:51 AM
ahaksss minwoo can shove his feelings being robbed of his youth up his ass. youngwoo kalau pi taesan ...


siap kau minwoo  - kawan bapak aku CEO hanbada , Mak aku kat taesan? kau ade? haaa go and cry lah at the corner  lah hahahahahahaha

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:52 PM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 21-7-2022 09:11 AM
tula...appa dia mcm tak yakin ngn anak...cuba tengok acane anak tu bekerja..bersungguh2 tau..smpi  ...

hmmmm ... nasib baik dia ad e ASD so ta lah touchy feely sangat

siap call Jung Myeong Sik  at 3:10 am in the morning , cakap pasal kes..

sampai JunG Myeong Seok kata- ni oukul bape niwoo yunggg..... tak terfikir ke you  burung pun tido,  lamb pun tidur,  myeong seok pun tido

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Post time 22-7-2022 12:54 PM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 22-7-2022 11:11 AM
kenapa bila tgk komen2 kat luar sana ramai yg speku junho tu anak tae su mi?
tak masuk akal kalau di ...

jun ho anak tae su mi?

then wat pe dia jadi paralegal , jadilah lawyer terus? kan ? and hanbada ambik ? wah hanbada being soooo political  baguslah CEO dia ni , hoho..

atas alasan ape ye? adeh tiber ye citer ni nak iras2 Alchemy pulak...

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