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Author: artificialster

Saman Tidak Pakai Tali Pinggang Depan /Belakang

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Post time 25-2-2011 12:42 PM | Show all posts
note:  Kena bitau awal2 dulu, this posting is nothing to do in any relation with politics.. ...
kambeng_masam Post at 25-2-2011 11:42

we question this because the government has not been consistent about this and it looks like they are just out to make money not because they truly care. handcuffed criminals or maybe just suspects inside the backseat of police cars. who put on their seat belt? nobody! does the government does not care about these people's life? or their life had less value? some people already said bus seat does not come with seat belt. you want to implement it, do it across the board, no exceptions.

sometime people don't wear not because they don't want to but they make a lot of stops during the journey, when they resume they forgot. and you can't help but thinking there are police hiding in some bushes just waiting for this moment to say "gotcha!" and complete their saman quota for the month. some modern cars have a bong that reminds you to wear but old cars does not have this feature. furthermore people should be responsible for their own lives and it's true that you say failure to wear seat belt could cause fatalities, that should be enough of a deterrent provided you educate the public about this. there is no need for further addition of RM300 fine (that could profit the gov). average speed of rally car drivers is 105 km/h, our highway speed limit is more which is 110 km/h. It is not crazy if the government truly sincere to ask every cars to install 5 point or even 6 point harness seat belt and yes even helmet. but people might get angry, no? more safety but too costly. angry people is no good for politician.

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Post time 25-2-2011 01:06 PM | Show all posts
boleh beli extra lah mcm naik flt n u have a child yg kena riba.  i bought this too n what u d ...
minahsaudi Post at 25-2-2011 10:58

    dulu masa memula gomen suruh pasang seatbelt kat belakang, aku dengar (hearsay la ni)... kalau anak lebih dari 3, yg 3 besar tu jer kena pakai belt, yg kecik tu tak payah.... tapi ntah la.. rasa cam tak logik la jugak.. sbb katalah orang tu anak2 dia 4 orang umur 12,13,14,15... badan sedap2 pulak... aku rasa gerenti kena saman gak yg sorang tak pakai seatbelt tu.... takkan nak dok atas riba.. confirm patah tulang peha....

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Post time 25-2-2011 01:34 PM | Show all posts
kalau anak 4 org...korg kasi sumbat je kt blkg tu ke? kan sempit...
dh mmg seat tu utk 3 org..

sbb tu, penting family planning. kalau nk keluarga besar, beli kereta besar, muat utk semua ahli keluarga. mcm tu juga rumah, beli rumah yg cukup utk asingkan bilik tidur anak lelaki dan perempuan.

kalau anda mampu nk pakai kereta, maka mesti mampu juga nk tanggung harga petrol.
kalau anda mampu nk anak ramai, maka mesti mampu juga nk tanggung keselamatan mereka.

kalau membebel tak mampu..gunakan perancang. kt klinik kerajaan pun boleh amik FREE.


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Post time 25-2-2011 02:00 PM | Show all posts
semua anak istimewa, kak lid...takde yang tak istimewa

memang kena keringkan hati k ...
marumaru Post at 25-2-2011 11:44

huhuhu----beza MM------kasih kat anak istimewa ni h memang istimewa---bukankata anak2 lain kurang "istimewa"----tapi anak2 istimewa ni lebihhhhh ---sebab kita kasih dan belas pada dia--tak tahu nak cakap macam mana----hanya orang2 yanga da anak istimewa yang tahu kot-----

tapi betullah tu----salah cara mencurah kasih dan belas tu---akan daku perbaiki kesilapan tersebut___(bukan tak tahu ianya bahaya dan salah undang2, tapi kalahhhh dengan dia----)

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by truly at 25-2-2011 14:05
kalau anak 4 org...korg kasi sumbat je kt blkg tu ke? kan sempit...
dh mmg seat tu utk 3 org..

s ...
bezita60 Post at 25-2-2011 13:34

Good post. Kat belakang kereta maximum 3 orang saja. Kalau lebih membahayakan, lagipun perjalanan tak selesa. Jadi peraturan seatbelt ni memang elok lah sangat untuk keselamatan.
Lagi satu kadang tengok orang drive, boleh biar anak berdiri kat tengah tu, kalau brake mengejut kan bahaya. Syukur sekarang kena pakai seatbelt, berdiri pun tak boleh lagi.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:08 PM | Show all posts
aku mmg dah biasa pakai wpun duduk belakang....bak kata ali baba : utk keselamatan diri....

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Patutnye dh lama kjan kuatkuasakn pemakaian seatbelt blkg ni...bukan payah pun nk pakai. Anak2 pn kalau dh dibiasakn since kecil, insyaAllah x jd least pakai setbelt ni kita dh buat sesuatu utk keselamatan kita n family.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Kat belakang kereta maximum 3 orang saja. Kalau lebih membahayakan, lagipun perjalanan tak selesa. Jadi peraturan seatbelt ni memang elok lah sangat untuk keselamatan.
truly Post at 25-2-2011 14:03

kalau ikut logik pun. mmg kapasiti penumpang berkadar langsung dgn bilangan seatbelt.

tp org skrg...hidup zaman milenium pun masih nk pack kereta mcm sardin...nk ikut nenek moyang juga kononnya..

sdgkan MPV murah pun dh ada di pasaran kan..

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 35# Dunhill.

'Kita' yg disuruh pindah ke negara lain tu, kita sape.  Melayu, Cina atau India ke?.  Kalau Melayu semua pindah ke negara lain, sape nanti nak undi UMNO.  Bergaduh pula nanti MCA dgn DAP.  Sudahnya Tana Melayu ni India yg dapat.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:25 PM | Show all posts
kalau ikut logik pun. mmg kapasiti penumpang berkadar langsung dgn bilangan seatbelt.

tp or ...
bezita60 Post at 25-2-2011 14:15

mintak maaf nak tanya statement yg kakmin hilite tu apa maksud dia   

tadi akak fetched 4 kanak2 under 12yrs old kerumah.  although 1 of them can sit infront with me but sudah jadi kelaziman akak kids under 12 sit at the back, terpaksa lah akak tumpangkan sorang anak2 tu dgn my fren's car.  seb bek lah kami sehaluan.

bawak anak org lagi lah tak berani. for me safety is my top priority!

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# artificialster

Bagaimana pula dgn bus express.  Gomen tak nak fikirkan keselamatan penumpang yg naik bas espress ke.  Bas express pun selalu aje kemalangan shnggakan penumpang terjatuh dn tercampak drp seat.  Kalau ada safety belt, barangkali bolehlah jatuh dgn bas2 sekali.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply  artificialster

Bagaimana pula dgn bus express.  Gomen tak nak fikirkan keselamatan penump ...
nolya Post at 25-2-2011 14:30

on 1 of my trip back to msia, naik coach to muar.  bila dok jer terus cari seatbelt.  uwaa....takder lah, punya ler bimbang takleh citer. pastu bas bawak laju lak.  naper kat msia gomen masih tak introduce seatbelt kat bas express??

when i went to penang naik coach yg business class tu ada lak seat belt.  kira up to bus operator lah nak pasang ker idok

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Reply 77# Dunhill.

Secara tak langsung, u dah bagi idea kat kerajaan supaya parent wajib belikan baby seat yg safe untuk babies.  No pangku2.  Babies mesti ada seat mereka sendiri.  Sape pangku baby mereka, saman!

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply 80# artificialster

Tulah namanya keselamatan rakyat diutamakan.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 130# minahsaudi

maksudnya 1 passenger= 1 seatbelt.
seatbelt yg attach to another seatbelt spt dlm airplane tu..tak boleh pakai di jalanraya rasanya. kalau tak, benda tu dh lama digunapakai di overseas.sebab tu..ada infant car seat, toddler car seat, booster seat..sumer tu amik kapasiti seorg penumpang saiz dewasa yg normal (bkn obese).

mydear seatbelt yg attach kpd seat tu pun...tak digunapakai di negara luar. tp byk dijual di malaysia.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Secara tak langsung, u dah bagi idea kat kerajaan supaya parent wajib belikan ba ...
nolya Post at 25-2-2011 14:36

utk parent yg baru ada anak mcm aku ni. anak belum lahir..dh beli infant car seat siap2. keluar hospital, terus masuk car seat dia....
sampai dh besar, masuk kete, duduk terus dlm car seat, buckle up...jalan. no fussy. senang keje aku nk ke mana2 dgn baby je. tak perlu org pegang2.

once kita ckp kita mampu ada anak...maka kita juga mesti mampu provide apa jua utk keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka.

tak perlu tunggu kerajaan nk saman atau wajibkan..

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kambeng_masam at 25-2-2011 15:00
we question this because the government has not been consistent about this and it looks like the ...
FraidyCat Post at 25-2-2011 12:42

    Average rally cars sped at should mention too how the terrains looks alike...also the top speed of the cars. 105kmh on the gravel/dirt.. lots of low speed corners and hairpins cut corners..chicanes...bumps here and there.. how's that can be same to the daily driving street cars that been driven on the tarmac?

Okay..that's not the case.

You always can whining almost anything to the gov rules & regulations. I agreed on there are many double-standard what were u posted. Every commercial vehicles have to undergo inspection at PUSPAKOM once in every 6're arguing why the bus passengers doesn't need to put on the safety the bus owners also can argue "why private cars doesn't have to undergo inspection at PUSPAKOM every 6 month?" right back at you. Now I don't backing JKJR for for a bus it has so many regulation on it selves. And what happened if they doesn't comply that instead of fine? Series of bus accident...and yes to put a cherry on the top, bus passengers not wearing seat which that existence is contributes the fatalities number.
Talking about it alone may takes you like ages and will touches almost every issues you can talk for the whole day to satisfy your feeling.....and the best part is...the outcome of it....give your protest vote in the coming PRU. Since every yelling and shouts doesn't make gov any response even a glance at all...i think that will works...and it always will.

It doesn't anything to do with the rules! Have you seen a lot more higher fine for smoking in the public areas? And how's that changed smokers in Malaysia from doing it? I can say most every smokers now do concern about the hazards of second-hand smoke to the others nowadays. To the law Malaysia it has to be sounded very strict...I dunno why maybe it's a genetic thingy but it changed ppl. Do you recall how the first time every cars in Malaysia have to comply the 3rd brake warning light installation? It helps us much right?

I know most of Malaysian drivers would not put on their safety belt during does the passengers. It's a habit! There no such things as 'forgot to put it on' if the habits of every Malaysian was in the other way around. The still ongoing studies on the airbag & seat belt system by those big brand names doesn't come cheap and not for nothing! The fine itself is a wake up call guys! Do something now for your own sake! You spend some cash to save those priceless precious lives.

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 88# jAck666

Pas ni, ayah akan kata kat anak2 "anak2 abah semua kat belakang tu, tolong pakai tali pinggang keselamatan ya.  Kalau tak abah tak mau jalan.  Abah tak ada duit nak bayar saman nanti".

Drebar bas express pun nanti kena ingatkan penumpang2 mereka supaya memakai tali pinggang keselamatan di sepanjang perjalanan.  Sblum jalan, drebar kena buat pemeriksaan pemakaian (mcm pramugari buat sblum kapalterbang berangkat).

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:49 PM | Show all posts
bagus,safety first...

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Post time 25-2-2011 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply  minahsaudi

maksudnya 1 passenger= 1 seatbelt.
seatbelt yg attach to another seatbelt spt ...
bezita60 Post at 25-2-2011 14:42

oooo...ok tqvm.  yes detached seatbelt which i have was given to us by the airline crew.  my girl used it to belt up her doll when she was little, it was orange in color.  the detached seatbelt for airplane is only secured if yr baby is under 2yrs old i think, not really sure with this.  tu pun pakai masa take off n landing jer!

i dont know whether it is sold abroad or not but definitely i cant find it in england. bila akak balik msia kadang2 susah ati tengok ibu2 pangku anak kat lap n children standing dlm kereta.

bila belted up pula n anak2 tu nangis ker apa, terus give up n tak pakaikan belt or car seat.  akak yg kecut perut tengok keadaan mcm nie.  dulu2 kalo balik msia n akak dok belakang pakai seat belt siap kena perli lagi.

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