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Author: tobby

Syria..Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya???

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Post time 16-4-2012 03:29 PM | Show all posts
bukti video hanyalah besi...
bukti gambar hanyalah photoshop......

alaaa hai....

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2012 08:08 PM | Show all posts
ceramah inisiatif dewan ulama PAS Pusat pd 25 mac yg lepas  


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 Author| Post time 16-4-2012 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Ceramah Isu Syria di Masjid Rusila, Marang
Gerakan Islam Syria
Masjid Rusila, Marang


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 Author| Post time 17-4-2012 01:20 PM | Show all posts
dah terlambat... dah ramai yg mati.

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Post time 18-4-2012 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 12:48
oleh kerana Amerika dan konco konconya sedang berusaha menguasai Dunia Arab dan syria... mari kita sama sama menyokong aspirasi Amareka... hidup Amareka!.

semoga seluruh rantau dan bangsa Arab berjaya di Amarekakan.... dan kebebasan tak terhingga dikecapi... AbukRokok Post at 16-4-2012 15:01

Puak pemberontak di syria di sokong sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan Amerika dengan di beri berbagai senjata untuk melakukan huru hara di negara itu .... tup tup apabila presiden assad bertindak menyekat keganasan yang di cetuskan oleh puak pemberontak ini seluruh dunia start tuduh dia sebagai pembunuh kejam plak dah ..... apa dia sepatutnya buat ? Serah aje kuasa sambil kibar bendera putih pada puppet washington ittew ka agar dia termasuk kaum keluarga dia serta seluruh rakyat syria boleh jadi pelarian macam apa yang berlaku kat iraq  ?


    Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 | Posted by Stephen Lendman

Washington Admits Aiding Syrian Opposition

by Stephen Lendman

On March 25, The New York Times headlined, “US and Turkey to Step Up ‘Nonlethal’ Aid to Rebels in Turkey,” saying:
Other US allies were urged to do the same. Insisting no weapons will be sent belies heavy Western and Israeli ones delivered through porous borders for months.

They include powerful explosives, small arms, submachine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, rocket and anti-tank grenade launchers, among others. They’ve been used to kill civilians and security forces, as well as destroy government facilities.
Russia repeatedly denounces Washington’s one-sided support while claiming peaceful resolution intentions. Obama says aiding Assad’s opposition furthers transitioning to a “legitimate government.”

In other words, he wants independent Syria replaced by a client state America controls. Then on to the next target for the same purpose – Iran.

If Washington had a motto it would be: We’re boss, and what we say goes! Russia and growing numbers of other nations respond Nyet!

Syrians want no outside interference. International law backs them. They assert sole right to decide how their nation’s governed. Most support Assad. Washington recruited and backs Syrian National Council (SNC) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) belligerents. They function lawlessly as Western proxies.

Most Syrians oppose them. They want peace, not violence. They know Washington pulls their strings. Its Special Forces and CIA operatives aid them covertly on the ground. So-called “non-lethal” aid includes “strategic communication” equipment.

White House spokesman Ben Rhodes says it’s “important to the opposition as they’re formulating their vision of an inclusive and democratic Syria to have the ability to communicate.”

It’s not about saying hello to mom. It’s for coordinating attacks, as well as communicating with neighboring forces in Turkey, regional countries, and Western ones. It and other aid subvert peace efforts.

That’s the whole idea. Washington won’t tolerate it. Violence facilitates regime change. Peace assures continuity. Kofi Annan fronts for power. His mission excludes even-handedness. His disingenuous rhetoric hides it.

He largely pressures Assad. On Monday, he met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow. Ahead of the meeting, Russia’s strong statement said:

“(O)ur essential approach is to ensure a ceasefire and end to violence in Syria, which will be difficult to implement without putting an end to external armed and political support of the opposition.”

“Taking into account that the Syrian authorities are ready to establish such a dialogue, the key task is to convince the Syrian opposition to sit down at the negotiation table with the authorities and reach a peaceful resolution of the crisis.”

On Friday, a UN Human Rights Council (HRC) statement again censured Assad. It spuriously accused him of “sharply escalating” violence. Moscow and Beijing denounced the comments. A Russian Foreign Ministry statement said:

“The document gives a unilateral assessment to the events in the country and accuses only the Syrian government of violence. It does not contain any requirements towards armed groups of the opposition. The document also ignores international efforts aimed at settling the crisis, in particular the mission by U.N./Las (League of Arab States) Special Representative Kofi Annan.”

“The UNHRC biased and inadequate resolution runs counter the efforts taken by the international community to stabilise the situation in Syria. The document ‘is discordant’ with the recent U.N. Security Council statements that support Kofi Annan’s mission and condemns the terrorist acts in Damascus and Aleppo.”

“Moreover, the irresponsible position taken by several states, which came against Russia’s proposal to condemn the terrorist acts in Syria that led to the losses of lives, and violence by armed militants encourage impunity of terrorists.”

The Russian Federation “continues to insist on stopping violence in Syria by ceasing fire by all parties and start a nationwide political dialogue without foreign interference. We will persistently comply with this policy.”

As long as killer gang attacks continue, Assad’s obligated to fight fire with fire. Holding back facilitates insurgent killings, weakens his own grip on power, and leaves his people helpless in the face of Western-backed aggression.

Annan’s its willing agent. He’s replicating his Secretary-General role. He was little more than an imperial tool. He never achieved or worked for peace anywhere. He’s not doing it now. His message to Assad is that “the transformational winds blowing today cannot be easily resisted, or cannot be resisted for long.”

“The only way to deal with this is through reform, through change – and change that respects democratic principles, individual dignity, the rule of law and human rights.”

His decade long UN tenure showed contempt for the above principles. His words now ring hollow. While feigning even-handedness, he largely criticizes Assad.

Russia insists that halting violence depends on both sides cooperating and ending foreign interference. President Dmitri Medvedev and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov especially oppose Western and neighboring states supplying weapons to insurgents. Annan avoided the subject.

Syria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denounces belligerent outside interference. Over the weekend, multiple insurgent attacks killed hundreds and injured many more. Killer gangs spurn peace. So do Washington, rogue NATO partners, and complicit Arab states.

On March 26, Today’s Zaman headlined, “Turkey presses Syrian opposition to unite, produce ‘national pact,’ ” saying:
Turkey and Qatar want unity ahead of an April 1 and 2 international meeting.

An unnamed Turkish official called it “by far the most significant meeting as far as the Syrian opposition is concerned.”
Presenting a united front offers a “political vision for the future of” Syria. Around 200 representatives from different ethnic, sectarian, religious, and political groups began meeting in Istanbul to try to find consensus.

Only the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) was left out because of its ties to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Turkey calls it a terrorist group for wanting an independent Kurdistan.

Ankara closed its Damascus embassy. It believes Assad’s days are numbered and thinks Syrians will oust him. However, “doubts of the Syrian opposition to act as a united front lead to concerns over” protracted conflict.

Deep rifts between opposition sides favoring violent and peaceful approaches leave resolution far apart. Whether discussions now can heal breaches remains to be seen. Previous attempts went nowhere.

Washington’s one goal involves establishing another client state by any means, including war. Expect it. Then on to the next target – Iran.

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Post time 18-4-2012 10:51 AM | Show all posts ... opposition-1.411402
Report: Top Iran military official aiding Assad's crackdown on Syria opposition
Prominent Syrian lawmaker says the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's elite Quds Force has recently arrived in the country to help manage Assad's regime brutal suppression of a 11-month-long popular unrest. A top Iranian military official is activily aiding the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad in suppressing popular unrest throughout the country, a top member of the National Syrian Council said on Monday.

According to the Syrian official, Kassam Salimani, commander of the Quds Force, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard special forces unit, has arrived in Syria recently.
tobby Post at 16-4-2012 10:50

So apabila kerajaan assad terima sokongan dari kerajaan Iran maka ia penyembelihan tapi apabila puak pemberontak terima sokongan dari kerajaan Amerika ia dinamakan apa ? Pakatan yang memberangsangkan ?

So kerajaan Assad aje la yang berkemampuan untuk menjadi pembunuh kejam sementara puak pemberontak yang mengikut telunjuk Amerika adalah malaikat yang sesekali takkan bunuh orang awam langsung la ?

Kuang kuang kuang ..... melihat dengan sebelah mata adalah perbuatan dajal , bersikap bias dan double standard adalah tindakan yang tidak berlandaskan keadilan sedangkan Allah menyuruh berlaku adil !

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Post time 18-4-2012 10:55 AM | Show all posts
bukti video hanyalah besi...
bukti gambar hanyalah photoshop......

alaaa hai....
AbukRokok Post at 16-4-2012 15:29

bukti video dan bukti gambar hanya kukuh apabila ia boleh disahkan secara pasti bahwa ia di ambil dari kejadian yang benar2 berlaku seperti yang di claim kan itu  , nak sahkan tu lah memerlukan analisa dari pakar yang adil dan tidak bias/double standard .

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Post time 18-4-2012 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 11:02
Reply  blastoff

Syiah jahat mcm yahudi... adik beradik yahudi
Ahli sunnah baik maksum  ...
AbukRokok Post at 16-4-2012 15:13

Kaum syiah pun manusia jugak macam kaum sunni dan mereka perlu di beri keadilan yang sama macam yang berhak di nikmati oleh semua manusia lah .... Iran tak pernah pi serang negara mana pun, begitu jugak dengan syria mana ada pi serang negara lain pun, so apabila kerajaan syria minta pertolongan untuk membendung keganasan yang di cetuskan oleh puak puppet kerajaan Amerika maka sudah tentulah Iran akan menolong... tak macam kerajaan saudi arabia yang membantu Amerika untuk meletupkan umat islam di merata negara , itu jelas menceroboh negara orang lain untuk melakukan keganasan kejam tu !

So kena jelaslah sapa penceroboh dan sapa yang hanya mempertahankan negara mereka dari di ceroboh !

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Post time 18-4-2012 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Wahai kaum muslimin.....

Tidak kah kamu lupa akan kebangkitan di Bahrain?

Ohhh lupakan saja

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Post time 18-4-2012 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Ini persoalan yang perlu di fikirkan :

Kalau sebuah negara Islam yang mengamalkan pemerintahan berdasarkan Quran Sunnah ( bukan syria bukan memana negara )  yang didalamnya terdapat segelintir manusia ( tak semua pun hanya segelintir aje tapi mereka ni ganas walau jumlahnya tak ramai dan di sokong oleh kerajaan pembunuh Amerika ittew ) buat huru hara untuk jatuhkan kerajaan , adakah kerajaan tu perlu berpeluk tubuh dan surrender aje pada puak pemberontak itu ?

Macam mana kerajaan Islam tu patut hentikan keganasan puak pemberontak tu ? Nak guna cara apa ? Just simply bagi hadiah bunga pada puak pemberontak tu boleh hentikan keganasan puak pemberontak tu kah ?

So apabila kerajaan bertindak memerangi puak pemberontak itu maka adakah kerajaan tu zalim dan kejam ? Nak tangkap bukannya senang sebab mereka bersenjata dan merbahaya serta mereka tak mahu tunduk selagi kerajaan tu tak di ubah menurut kehendak mereka .

Jadi apa patut di buat oleh kerajaan Islam tu  ?

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Post time 18-4-2012 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 11:29
Wahai kaum muslimin.....

Tidak kah kamu lupa akan kebangkitan di Bahrain?

Ohhh lupakan saja :l ...
AbukRokok Post at 18-4-2012 11:09

Antara libya dan bahrain dah jelas dah berlaku double standard dalam menetapkan kejam atau tidaknya sesatu kerajaan , kerajaan yang komplot ngan kerajaan Amerika buat apa pun hatta letupkan sampai berkecai pun tak akan digelar sebagai pembunuh kejam   , tapi kerajaan yang menentang kerajaan Amerika nak cuit pemberontak pun tak leh dan akan digelar pembunuh paling kejam kekdahnya  !

A Tale of Two Countries: Bahrain and Libya

Published: 15 February, 2012, 00:10
Edited: 16 February, 2012, 12:17

Waving the newly adopted flag, members of the new Libyan military force under the ruling National Transitional Council parade along a main street in the Libyan capital Tripoli on February 14, 2012. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Turkia)

Society-wide, violent social upheavals triggered throughout the Muslim World were dubbed an “Arab Spring” by the Western governments. But when comparing Libya and Bahrain, the full force of US and European double-standards becomes flagrantly evident.

A year ago, two Muslim countries – Bahrain and Libya – went into “Arab-Spring” mode. Revolt in Bahrain, a country aligned with Western interests, began February 14, 2011. The next day, a revolt followed by war and invasion was unleashed on Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, a sovereign country not aligned with foreign interests.

The question here is: Why were Libya and its leadership so utterly overrun, bombed and murdered by the Western powers using the deceitful UN Resolution 1973 and NATO forces, while Bahrain was meted out soft treatment based on Western understanding, patience and goodwill?

First and foremost, both Bahrain and Libya literally float on OIL.Naturally, the UK, US and French governments – and the boys financing them at Exxon Mobil, Texaco, BP, Shell, Total, ENI, Elf, Chevron – will swear time and again that oil has nothing to do with all of this. That all they want is to see Arabs enjoy “democracy,” “human rights” and “free trade…”!
The Case of Bahrain

Run by a king – Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa – and his uncle, Prime Minister Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the government (almost all manned by the Al Khalifa family) immediately cracked down on protesters with tremendous violence. So much so, that a month later (March 2011) Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates sent in troops to “restore order”… so the US could smile again.

More torture; more bloodletting. An independent report issued last November by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry concluded that the government systematically tortures prisoners, commits gross human rights violations and refuses to allow international human rights organizations into the country. Somehow, that never seems to bother the Obamas, Camerons and Sarkozys of the world.At one point it got so bad that Obama sent his then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to Bahrain to see what was up.

Question: Why send the Pentagon boss and not, for example, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who in mid-March 2011 visited Tunisia and Egypt to ensure those countries installed “the kind of democracy we want to see”?

Answer: Because Bahrain is home to US Naval Forces Central Command’s Fifth Fleet.

So, dear King and PM Al Khalifas: take your time, clobber as many protesters as you need, get your act right, and please make sure our fleet is safe and sound and happy. End of story.
The Case of Libya

Libya was run by a long-governing, popular revolutionary leader – Muammar Gaddafi – who in the last decade of his rule, had begun to re-approach Western Powers, and was implementing a gradual (too gradual!) succession, transferring power to his well-educated and articulate elder son, Saif-al-Islam.

Gaddafi even organized meetings and summits with EU partners, in one of which – an Arab League Summit in his home-town Sirte in September 2010 – Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi even kissed Gaddafi’s ring, Mafia-style!

But all of that came too late. The Gaddafis made the worst mistake any sovereign country can make nowadays: they trusted the Western Powers. Huge lesson there!

Contrary to Bahrain, which houses US Naval forces; or Egypt, which is aligned to Israeli geopolitical interests; or Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE, which are playing fields for Western oil companies, Gaddafi’s Libya kept its oil revenues for the Libyan people. They ran a central bank totally independent of the US Fed, Goldman Sachs, European Central Bank, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC…

They even planned to introduce a gold currency – the Gold Dinar with real intrinsic value – to trade North African oil, which would have swept aside the US Dollar and Euro funny-money paper currencies that have been hugely eroded by the bail-out of the Mega-Bankers running the US, UK and EU, as the Chinese understand so well… In other words, Libya was a sovereign country.

To add insult to injury, once the uprising began a year ago, Gaddafi immediately accused one of the West’s favorite sons: Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda! It seems the Western media forgot to tell you that the very first country that requested that Interpol issue an international arrest warrant against Osama was… Libya!

Yes! Gaddafi ordered that, after Osama and his CIA-trained al-Qaeda boys murdered several Germans in Libya in 1998 (only Sky News seems to have briefly mentioned this on May 2, 2011).

That was long before all the “al-Qaeda bombed our embassies in Kenya and Sudan, blew up the USS Cole, and did 9/11” rhetoric.
Quite embarrassing for the US, UK and Israel!Particularly now that Al-Qaeda is joining forces with Syrian “freedom fighters.” Ah… one can almost see them fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with John McCain and Joe Lieberman, who recently called for the US to “arm Syrian rebels.”

Funny world, isn’t it? All these violent revolts, bombs, civil wars, invasions and murders done in the name of “democracy” and “freedom,” where the Western Powers and their media tell us in glittering lights who are the “good guys” and who the “bad guys” …but, are the Arab people better off today than a year ago?

Are Bahrainis and Egyptians happier today? Are Libyans, Syrians, and Yemenis better off today? Did the “Arab Spring” reach Palestine?Is there more peace, sovereignty and true democracy in the region?

Take a second look at what’s happening in the Middle East and the world; think with your brain and not with the Global Power Masters' – and maybe then things will start looking mighty different!

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Post time 18-4-2012 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 11:37

MasyaAllah , berdasarkan artikel atas nih jelas dah bahwa kerajaan Amerika membenci Gaddafi kerana dia tak mahu alirkan minyak ke Amerika sebaliknya dia peruntukan sumber minyak negaranya untuk rakyatnya sendiri, malah dia wujudkan bank pusat di negaranya yang bebas dari bank2 eropah dan amerika , dan dia sedang plan untuk memperkenalkan matawang emas dengan nilai yang sebenar bagi perdagangan minyak untuk seluruh benua afrika utara yang tentunya bakal mengenepikan dollar amerika dalam perdagangan minyak ! Betapa anti amerika nya dia !

Itu yang Amerika menggedik untuk memastikan seluruh keluarga gaddafi mati tu ! Lalu setelah dia di bunuh tanpa melalui apa-apa penghakiman , kemudian anak2 nya pula di buru macam binatang ! Itulah kemuliaan hati umpama malaikat puak pemberontak tajaan Amerika ittew !

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Post time 18-4-2012 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 11:50
kekejaman tentera Basyar Al-Assad (penguasa Syria) ke atas rakyat Syria, dgn bantuan syiah Iran.

tobby Post at 16-4-2012 09:56

Semua kerajaan yang anti ngan kerajaan Amerika akan di gelar sebagai kejam ! Malah orang awam yang beragama Islam dengan nama yang ada bunyi arob-arob gittew kalau di cop sebagai pengganas oleh CIA akan mendapat gelaran sebagai pembunuh kejam gak lah pun walau tak pernah bunuh makhluk mana pun hatta sekoq haiwan sekalipun seumur hidupnya !

Propaganda Amerika memang berhasil sungguh dalam membrainwash manusia untuk tunduk pada cara dia menghakimi manusia !

Allah suruh berhakimkan undang2 Quran Sunnah tapi ada jugak manusia yang bergelar ulamak yang lebih senang berhakimkan kerajaan Amerika aje , apa yang kerajaan amerika putuskan maka mereka pun telan aje tanpa usul periksa langsung !

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Post time 18-4-2012 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 12:47

aktivist syria dah palsukan "bukti"


Caught: Staged CNN Syria Interviews Faked By Activist Danny

Syria activist Danny, the poster child to justify a military invasion in Syria, caught staging entire CNN interviews including directing fake gunfire off stage.
Raw video footage of the Syria activist Danny as he waits to do a live video interview with CNN shows him directing off-stage fake gunfire and explosions, as well as being directed to tell CNN he has been retrieving the bodies of civilians from buildings that collapse due to Syria army mortar fire. It also shows Danny totally exaggerating a sense of fear and urgency as he goes from being totally calm, smiling and even somewhat bored before the on air interview starts to acting totally scared, hysterical and

pretending he is in the middle of a war zone as soon as the actual interview starts.

Activist Danny Caught Directing Completely Staged Faked CNN Syria Interview

I have condensed footage of the original video to remove 5 uneventful minutes of watching him waiting around before the interview because most people will not stay interested long enough to get to the parts were he starts directing his off-stage actors to start the faked off stage gunfire. Also below are two detailed reports from the Intel Hub and Infowars on this incident, which outline more faked activist reports and other crimes committed by the rebels.

If you were not already aware, the US and European nation’s are relying solely on the accounts of these activists to justify invading Syria.

In fact, I recently posted another video of Syria activists staging videos of fake dead civilians on about half way down on this article.


Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Astounding footage has emerged of ‘Syria Danny’ – the dubious “activist” who appears on mainstream news every week begging for a US or Israeli military invasion – in which he apparently coordinates gunfire and explosions to be staged during his interview with CNN.

As we have previously documented, ‘Syria Danny’ is a 22-year-old British citizen of Syrian descent from Cambridge. After returning from Homs in summer last year, he lived in London for a few months before returning to Syria in December, from which point onwards he became the poster child for a western military intervention in Syria, begging almost daily on CNN for the United States or even Israel to bombard the country.

The clip above shows Danny being connected to CNN for one of the many interviews the station has conducted within him over the last few months.

While waiting to be connected, Danny says, “Well, let the gunfire sound then,” before subsequently asking someone off camera, “Did you tell him to get the gunfire ready?” An explosion is heard soon after, but Danny doesn’t even flinch.

The person working the camera, Danny himself, and at least one person off camera, clearly appear to be coordinating staged gunfire and explosions to coincide with the CNN interview.

The cameraman then reminds Danny to talk about recovering dead bodies before the interview with Anderson Cooper begins. The talking point about Assad’s forces carrying out indiscriminate violence is strongly emphasized.

Despite the threat of the violence he claims is occurring all around him, in addition to his high profile as a media-friendly anti-regime activist which would make him a prime target, Danny seems remarkably calm and composed in an environment one would expect to be fraught with tension. At one point, he even appears to be bored, jokingly asking for a mattress.

Observers have noted that Danny’s stories about the violence he claims to have witnessed appear to change each time he appears on a different news show, suggesting he is embellishing or outright manufacturing his testimony.

In another clip, footage presented by the mainstream media as depicting “government shelling” of innocent citizens actually shows the camera shot being set up hours beforehand, ready to capture an attack on an oil refinery in the city of Homs which occurred on February 8. There is no evidence of tanks or “shelling” and the clip was likely produced by the same terrorists who blew up the oil refinery.

With some sources predicting that the NATO invasion of Syria could take place as soon as this month, it’s guaranteed that we will witness a great deal more propaganda broadcast by the mainstream media to perpetuate the myth that Assad’s forces are indiscriminately killing innocent “activists,” when in reality the opposition is comprised of armed rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists who have also been responsible for indiscriminate violence.

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Post time 18-4-2012 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 12:46

Syria: Game Over for Western Propaganda As Syrian Activists Caught Lying, Rebels Caught Committing Atrocities

Why should the West intervene in Syria when it turns out “activists” giving daily body counts, the sole source of “evidence” for the UN’s ever climbing grand total, are caught not only lying, but staging entire interviews complete with fake gunfire directed “off stage?

Why should the US, UK, EU, or the West’s stable of Arab proxy-regimes be allowed to arm Syrian rebels admittedly carrying out their own horrific atrocities?

Clearly Syria’s opposition have turned out, just as they have in Libya, to be craven, murderous, and ultimately deceitful extremists – making any further contact with them by the West a direct violation of their own national and international laws.

Video: Classic war propaganda – complete with staged-gunfire off camera and the intrepid actor “Danny” relaxed and joking before getting into character to give a hysterical “casualty report” to his co-star, CNN’s Anderson Cooper – just one of many he regularly gives to Western media networks.

The omnipresent “Danny” from Syria has been recently exposed in a video showing him relaxed, joking, and preparing off-camera staged-gunfire, before getting into character for a hysterical “casualty report” given to CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

“Danny” isn’t the first fraud caught being used by a duplicitous Western media to sell military intervention in Syria, there was also “Gay Girl in Damascus” who turned out to be a 40 year-old American man based in the UK.

It is exactly “activist-based” reports like this, that the UN and corporate media have used shamelessly to advocate Wall Street and London’s mandates.

Image: Pictured is “Gay Girl in Damascus.” Far from an editorial oversight, “Gay Girl in Damascus” was in reality a 40 year-old American man living in the UK. The Western media shamelessly exploited his narrative until it unraveled, and simply moved on to other actors, like “Danny” who directs fake gunfire off-camerawhile giving casualty reports to CNN.
It was revealed that the UN Human Rights Commission UNHC report late in 2011, was based entirely on “witness accounts” recorded not in Syria, but rather in Geneva.

It was further revealed that the report itself was compiled by a director of a corporate-funded US think-tank representing the collective interests of the very corporations pushing for Syrian “regime change.”

Since then, the UNHC has inflated their numbers, and organizations including Soros-funded Human Rights Watch have likewise weighed in with reports based entirely on “witness” and “activist” accounts, with one exception – they also include grainy satellite images implying that every pockmark visible, every crater imaged, was the result of Syrian security forces, excluding the possibility that the admittedly armed “Free Syrian Army” may also share responsibility.

Many times these casualty numbers are not even phoned in from Syria, but instead based on “third-hand” reports out of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in London.

Despite this, the UN has still admitted that Syrian rebels are likewise committing “abuses” comparable to the “widespread, systematic and gross human rights violations, amounting to crimes against humanity” the UN has accused the Syrian government of, only on a lesser scale.

As seen in Libya, the only limiting factor to the scale of rebel atrocities is their ability to move throughout the country with impunity. Just as in Libya, should NATO intervene, the rebels will consolidate their positions and begin systematically advancing on Syrian government positions.

The final result will be similar to what was observed in Sirte, Libya, where rebels admittedly cut off food, water, and electricity to the city in an effort to “starve” it out while NATO pounded it from the air.

Image: Homs? What about Sirte? Pictured is Sirte, Libya, after NATO-armed rebels surrounded it, cut off power, water, food, and emergency aid, and allowed NATO to bombard it with daily airstrikes before a final orgy of death and destruction left its streets and facades crumbling. This is the “civilian protection” the UN and its enforcement arm NATO plan on bringing to Syria.

What was left was a cratered, devastated, wasteland, created by NATO munitions, NATO-armed, funded, and trained rebels, media and diplomatic cover by the West, and UN complicity in direct violation of the very laws they are now selectively enforcing against Syria and its operations in Homs.

If it is possible for the international community to justify a foreign military doing what was done to Sirte, Libya in a crowed population center with absolute impunity, how can a sovereign nation seeking to restore order in its own city be criticized let alone sanctioned economically or militarily?

The West has lost all moral authority – authority that only billions of dollars in manipulative media and military supremacy can buy – but is easily lost as the facade begins to crumble.

How many more Syrian “Danny’s” or “Gay Girls in Damascus” are there, staging interviews, fabricating body-counts, and attempting to manipulate the good intentions of millions around the world?

How long will the West attempt to convince the world that the Syrian rebels, admittedly armed, admittedly carrying out their own growing list of atrocities, and clearly infiltrated by Al Qaeda terrorists, are worthy of US diplomatic support, funding, training, weapons, and even US airpower?

Most importantly, how long are people going to allow themselves to be lied to, their intelligence insulted, before they decide to speak out, and commit to sanctioning with boycotts the corporations driving this agenda?

There was no widespread killing in Syria before the US State Department, John McCain’s International Republican Institute, and the National Endowment for Democracy trained, funded, and directed the unrest back in early 2011. Along every step of the way, instability, chaos and death in Syria has been the result of the West propping up these terrorists and perpetuating the deadly conflict as Syria’s government attempts to restore order.

With lies, atrocities, and open acts of war the West seeks to complete their predetermined regime change before turning their deceitful war-machine toward Tehran. But as the facade crumbles, they do so as a naked act of military aggression, as Hitlerian invaders, not hallowed liberators – their crimes, committed before the eyes of an awakening world, will echo through history.

Tony Cartalucci is an indepedent researcher and journalist who frequently contributes to The Intel Hub and writes at his own blog, The Land Destroyer.
Source: The Intel Hub

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Post time 18-4-2012 12:17 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 12:20

Buat malu aje la para ulamak yang dah termakan propaganda amerika tu semua dengan mengutuk kerajaan syria membabi buta   tup tup ropa-ropanya mesin propaganda kerajaan Amerika dah atur "pembunuhan olok2 bersama mayat bergelimpangan dan letupan serta bunyi tembakan" agar kelihatan pada mata manusia yang hatinya berpenyakit bahwa kerajaan syria pembunuh kejam ! Kena tipu hidup2 ! Haa percaya sangat bukti haprak dari gambar dan video !

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Post time 18-4-2012 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mnm77 at 18-4-2012 16:01
MasyaAllah , berdasarkan artikel atas nih jelas dah bahwa kerajaan Amerika membenci Gaddafi kerana dia tak mahu alirkan minyak ke Amerika sebaliknya dia peruntukan sumber minyak negaranya untuk rakyatnya sendiri, malah dia wujudkan bank pusat di negaranya yang bebas dari bank2 eropah dan amerika , dan dia sedang plan untuk memperkenalkan matawang emas dengan nilai yang sebenar bagi perdagangan minyak untuk seluruh benua afrika utara yang tentunya bakal mengenepikan dollar amerika dalam perdagangan minyak ! Betapa anti amerika nya dia !

Itu yang Amerika menggedik untuk memastikan seluruh keluarga gaddafi mati tu ! Lalu setelah dia di bunuh tanpa melalui apa-apa penghakiman , kemudian anak2 nya pula di buru macam binatang ! Itulah kemuliaan hati umpama malaikat puak pemberontak tajaan Amerika ittew !
blastoff Post at 18-4-2012 11:35


Memang mungkin benar Amerika membenci Gaddafi, tetapi, ramai rakyat Libya sendiri yang dianiaya, maka mereka membenci Gaddafi. Rakyat Libya tak perlu pun Amerika campur tangan, cuma tentunya Amerika boleh senyum sebab rakyat Libya sendiri yang usaha jatuhkan Gaddafi. Dah lama saya bergaul dengan orang Libya, sedikit sebanyak saya tahu perasaan mereka.

Iraq pula, Amerika perlu sokongan 'alliance' dia untuk jatuhkan Saddam, sebab walaupun Saddam juga banyak musuh, banyak juga yang suka Saddam.

Pernah juga bergaul dan bersafar dengan rakyat Syria. Pendedahan tentang kekejaman pemimpin Syria tu kalau nak tahu benar atau tak, kena tanya orang Syria sendiri, atau mereka yang ada pengalaman di Syria.

Tapi dah lama dah diketahui dari kalangan rakyat/Ulama dari negara-negara Arab,... rejim pimpinan Syria tidak boleh dipercayai. Sebab tu ramai Ulama berani keluarkan fatwa. Berkaitan Arab Saudi pula, memang ada Ulama yang juga tak bersetuju bila Saudi bersekongkol dengan Amerika. Namun betul juga pandangan saudara, kenapa tak banyak penentangan terbuka dibuat terhadap kerajaan Saudi? Dari mulut ke mulut memang saya pernah dengar sendiri, cuma secara terbuka/online tak berapa nampak pun....

WAllahu a'lam

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Post time 18-4-2012 04:39 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 18:56
Memang mungkin benar Amerika membenci Gaddafi, tetapi, ramai rakyat Libya sendiri yang dianiaya, maka mereka membenci Gaddafi. Rakyat Libya tak perlu pun Amerika campur tangan, cuma tentunya Amerika boleh senyum sebab rakyat Libya sendiri yang usaha jatuhkan Gaddafi. Dah lama saya bergaul dengan orang Libya, sedikit sebanyak saya tahu perasaan mereka.
mnm77 Post at 18-4-2012 15:52

Mana ada rakyat libya sendiri pulak yang usaha jatuhkan Gaddafi, ish kau ni tak baca berita dunia ka ?

Beribu serangan udara di buat oleh NATO ke atas tripoli dalam masa beberapa minggu aje khususnya disetiap ceruk tempat yang mungkin ada gaddafi dan sesiapa ajelah yang berkerja untuk kerajaan gaddafi tak kiralah tukang kebun dia sekalipun atau pencuci tandas ... semua di jadikan target bom oleh NATO ! Elok lepas NATO bom maka keluarlah puak pemberontak meraikan kemusnahan yang berlaku melalui pengeboman NATO ittew .

Dan kerajaan Amerika membelanjakan 40 juta sebulan dan keseluruhan perbelanjaan adalah 550 juta dalam kempen ketenteraan tentera bersekutu bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan gaddafi .... bom2 yang digunakan NATO ketika melancarkan beribu serangan udara di libya di bekalkan oleh kerajaan Amerika so itu semua guna duit lah tu !

Hellooo , puak pemberontak libya mendapat sokongan penuh kerajaan Amerika dari sudut kewangan dan ketenteraan laa .

The billion dollar war? Libyan campaign breaks Pentagon estimates costing U.S. taxpayers $2 million a day

UPDATED: 21:20 GMT, 9 June 2011

[size=1.4em]Allies meet in Abu Dhabi to discuss post Gaddafi future

[size=1.2em]The cost of the U.S. campaign in Libya is set to exceed the $750 million Pentagon estimate set out in March, according to a leaked Department of Defence Memo.

[size=1.2em]The 'eyes-only' DoD dossier said the U.S. had already spent $664 million in Libya by mid-May - a running cost of $60 million a month since the bombing began in March.

[size=1.2em]At the current rate of spending, the U.S. will have to shell out at least an extra $274 million till the end of the current 90 day no fly zone extension period - brining total expenditure to a minimum of $938 million.

[size=1.2em]The news came as donors pledged more than $1.3 billion dollars to help support Libya's main opposition group, after countries backing NATO's military mission there met to prepare for the post-Moammar Gadhafi era.

Costs: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates speaks during a media conference today. He is under pressure to stump up for the cost of operations in Libya

Defiant: The Libyan people are stronger than NATO's attacks, Libyan leader Muamer Gaddafi, said earlier this week

[size=1.2em]The leaked document, obtained by The Financial Times, showed the rate of spending is far higher than DoD estimates issued in late march.

[size=1.2em]Then, a congressional hearing, heard the U.S. had spent about $550 million on Libya, at a rate of about $40m a month.

[size=1.2em]The soaring cost will only add to the pressure felt by military commanders already grappling with growing budgetary constraints and procurement over spends.

[size=1.2em]Mr Gates has requested extra funds for Libya operations, but has been rebuffed by the White House.

[size=1.2em]Speaking in May: '[size=1.2em]In the case of Libya, unfortunately, we’re fundamentally having to eat that one.'

[size=1.2em]NATO airstrikes rattled the Libyan capital this morning, with seven thunderous explosions shaking the city.

[size=1.2em]Concussions from the strikes, in clusters of a few minutes apart, washed over Tripoli from its outskirts. Rebels hold swaths of eastern Libya, although fighting has since become a stalemate even with NATO support.

Bombing: Smoke rises in the sky after a NATO air strike in Tripoli. NATO planes bombed the Tripoli compound of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi for the second time this week


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Post time 18-4-2012 04:39 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 16:42

NATO Bombs Libyan Capital in Heaviest Strikes Yet
Mohamed Messara/European Pressphoto Agency

Smoke rose above buildings in Tripoli early Tuesday.

Published: May 24, 2011   

TRIPOLI, Libya — In the heaviest attack yet on the capital since the start of the two-month-old NATO bombing campaign, alliance aircraft struck at least 15 targets in central Tripoli early Tuesday, with most of the airstrikes concentrated on an area around Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s command compound.

The strikes, within a 30-minute period around 1 a.m., caused thunderous explosions and fireballs that leapt high into the night sky, causing people in neighborhoods a mile or more away to cry out in alarm.        

Just as one strike ended, the sound of jet engines from low-flying aircraft in the stormy skies above the capital signaled the imminence of another. Huge plumes of black smoke rose and converged over the darkened cityscape.        

We thought it was the day of judgment,” one enraged Libyan said.        

The intensity of the attacks, and their focus on the area of the Bab al-Aziziya command compound in central Tripoli, appeared to reflect a NATO decision to step up the tempo of the air war over the Libyan capital, perhaps with a view to breaking the stalemate that has threatened to settle over the three-month-old Libyan conflict.

As NATO intensified its airstrikes, the American State Department’s highest-ranking Middle East official, Jeffrey D. Feltman, was in Benghazi on Tuesday on a visit aimed at providing fresh impetus to the rebel cause. Speaking at a news conference, Mr. Feltman said that the Obama administration had invited the Libyan opposition to open an office in Washington, but stopped short of offering the formal recognition the rebels have been seeking.        

This step marks an important milestone in our relationship with the Transitional Council,” Mr. Feltman said, referring to the rebel governing body, who he said had accepted the American invitation.        

Several countries, including France and Gambia, have recognized the rebel council, but the United States and Britain have not, instead sending diplomatic envoys.        

In answering a question about what the rebels would have to do to earn formal recognition, Mr. Feltman cited concerns about “historic, legal” precedents, but said the questions about recognition “frankly miss the point.”        

The point is Qaddafi and Tripoli are increasingly isolated diplomatically,” he said. He did not announce any funding for movement, which has sought billions of dollars in aid and weapons. “We’re looking at what else we can do,” Mr. Feltman said. “I certainly got some strong messages yesterday from council members.”        

On Monday, Mr. Feltman toured the rebel headquarters, a visit that coincided with an announcement by France’s defense minister, Gérard Longuet, that Britain and France would add attack helicopters to the NATO force as soon as possible. The move appeared to go at least some way toward meeting rebel appeals for stronger attacks on Qaddafi loyalist fighters. British officials, however, said on Tuesday that London had not made a final decision on the deployment of attack helicopters, news agencies reported.        

As the rebels pushed for helicopter attacks, Tuesday’s airstrikes shook the center of the capital near Colonel Qaddafi’s compound. Libyan officials have accused NATO of repeatedly trying to assassinate Colonel Qaddafi with airstrikes on and near the compound, and Colonel Qaddafi himself has mocked the attacks, saying NATO cannot reach him as he “lives in the hearts of millions.”        

In a familiar pattern, the accounts of the latest attacks given by NATO and the Qaddafi government varied widely. A government spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim, said the strikes had hit a compound housing units of an auxiliary army force known as the Popular Guard. He said military commanders had largely cleared the compound in anticipation that it would be hit, and that casualties — which he gave as 3 dead and 150 wounded — were civilians from a nearby neighborhood.        

NATO’S account, issued from the alliance’s southern European headquarters in Naples, Italy, said the target was a government vehicle storage facility adjacent to the Qaddafi compound. It said the facility had been used by the Qaddafi forces since the revolt against the government began in February, “and has remained so ever since, resupplying the regime forces that have been conducting attacks against innocent civilians.”        

Reporters taken to the Tripoli Central Hospital were shown three dirt-strewn male bodies in civilian clothes with gaping shrapnel wounds to their heads, and half a dozen other men being treated for what appeared to be light wounds. Mr. Ibrahim said that the other wounded had been treated and released before reporters arrived, or had been treated at another hospital.        

It was one of the few instances in recent weeks when reporters who have been told of civilian casualties from a NATO attack have seen any casualties, a pattern that has led to persistent uncertainties about official accounts. Most NATO attacks are launched late at night, and many of the buildings struck appeared to have been empty.        

NATO has called the targets military, and often designates them as “command-and-control” centers; Qaddafi government spokesmen say the bombs and missiles have hit civilian structures.        

Despite more than 2,500 NATO airstrikes, and an increasing focus in the past two weeks on targets in Tripoli, there have been few signs of an imminent collapse of the Qaddafi government, and rebel forces in the east, despite recent gains around the city of Misurata, have shown no sign of a broader breakthrough to the west.   


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Post time 18-4-2012 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 18-4-2012 18:55
Iraq pula, Amerika perlu sokongan 'alliance' dia untuk jatuhkan Saddam, sebab walaupun Saddam juga banyak musuh, banyak juga yang suka Saddam.
mnm77 Post at 18-4-2012 15:52

cara yang sama jugaklah digunakan oleh kerajaan Amerika untuk menjatuhkan gaddafi , dan cara itu jugak lah yang hendak dibuatnya di syria , dan kemudian pastinya iran plak lah nanti once syria dah jatuh kelak ....

Taktik basi kerajaan amerika - gambarkan seolah2 pemimpin yang nak di jatuhkan tu sebagai pembunuh paling kejam dengan memiliki senjata paling merbahaya , kemudian amerika dan tentera bersekutu pun akan ceroboh lah negara tu dengan pengeboman udara besar2an untuk memusnahkan segala maknenek infrastruktur negara tu , bak kata apa saja bangunan yang ada sangkut paut dengan kerajaan tu hatta tandas2 serta tangki septik sekalipun la perlu di musnahkan totally dengan pengeboman melalui serangan udara macam nak rak ....

...kemudian kontraktor amerika dan eropah akan ambil alih usaha untuk membaik pulih infrastruktur negara tu yang mereka dah musnahkan tu semua dengan menggunakan duit hasil minyak negara tu sendiri jugak lah pun ... so segala hasil bumi negara tu akan pi ke syarikat dan kerajaan Amerika dan Eropah melalui kerajaan puppet yang terdiri dari ketua2 puak pemberontak tu lah pun .... taktik sama aje tak berubah !

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