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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2012 08:58 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 2-5-2012 21:26
seriously i didn't judge your belief. i know everything about sunni because i was one for  ...
Santeira Post at 2-5-2012 18:53

    Oh, believe me, I do understand. And I do not want to judge your belief, hence, I do not want to comment. I only commented on my previous post, given, in general, not meant to attack or to direct it at any group whatsoever. Whatever your belief is, it is your rights. Whatever your views, they are your prerogatives. But what I mentioned in my previous post, are honestly meant for BOTH. Like I said, perhaps someone does wants to see Basyar going down (the Arab league, so to speak), but who knows? Only Allah knows. End of the day, no matter what sect we are in, in the eyes of God, we are only a speck of dust...

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Post time 2-5-2012 09:59 PM | Show all posts
sekarang ada bermacam-macam perasaan yang wujud.
time is running soooo fast.
there are so many things to do and so many things to choose
but at the same time we don't know which is right and which is wrong.
may Allah light our path to the right way.

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2012 10:33 PM | Show all posts
Let's look at a different perspective and for the sake of argument, maybe we are feeling somethi ...
scorpionkiki Post at 2-5-2012 20:31

    True. Tsunamis happened, earthquakes rattled, storms raged, asteroids fell, volcanoes erupted... the earth has stood strong for millions of years... why do we care so much, now? Hypothetically speaking, if we were to take those mentioned above into account, then we have nothing to worry about. Things come and go... isn't it? Besides, people say that, sometimes, Collective Consciousness can play a vital part in inducing certain events. But, if we were to take EVERYTHING into account, including religion, scientific facts, disaster charts (natural), visions (including premonitions) - and when all these pinpoint to something that we know we have no control of, we know that for most of us, the world would end, and we know, that no matter how hard you try to spread the awareness, there will bound to be people who would choose NOT to believe...  after everything has been taken into account, can we honestly say, we don't care? When all these are right there, staring at us, stark naked?

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2012 10:40 PM | Show all posts
sekarang ada bermacam-macam perasaan yang wujud.
time is running soooo fast.
there are so many th ...
magpie5672 Post at 2-5-2012 21:59

    If I may say so... perasaan rindu tu sebenarnya lebih baik dari hati yg dah mati, yg tak mampu merasakan nikmat duniawi... ibarat makan, tapi tak merasa apa-apa... berjalan di tengah khalayak, tapi merasa keseorangan... hidup hanyalah semata-mata kerana melangsungkan syariat... dan sentiasa mencari sebab utk meneruskan kehidupan, di dlm dunia yg ibarat bangkai ini...  semoga kamu temui apa yg kamu cari-cari, meskipun kamu mungkin belum menyedarinya...

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Something weird going on in the US...

One of the evacuation signs that suddenly sprouted up out of nowhere... recently, evacuation signs ini muncul tidak semena-mena di beberapa tempat di US. Mengapakah tiba-tiba saja evacuation signs ini muncul secara tiba-tiba? Adakah kerajaan Amerika anticipate something will happen in the US, that needs EVACUATION?

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Post time 3-5-2012 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah, bersyukurnya aku bertemu thread ni... trimas andria.
aku suka dengan hujah dan idea org-org yg brilliant di dalam thread ni, kecuali OB..
setiap hari, setiap jam menunggu dan mengikuti thread ni..

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 11:07 AM | Show all posts
There is a mysterious planet lurking behind the sun... it seems...  ?

Lihat pada planet di dalam lingkaran merah...  IMO, that is not a solar flare...

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Over 1200 Dead Pelicans in Northern Peru, Same Region as Mass Dolphin Die-Off
April 29, 2012

[Photo-Image: April 28, 2012, Mass die-off of pelicans in northern Peru, Photo source: Peru 21]

In the photo posted below one of the dead dolphins looks as if its skin was ‘scorched’.

[Photo-Image source, Peru 21]

Update: May 1, 2012, a Peruvian biologist from an environmental organization warned the dolphin die-off was caused by a virus that could mutate to humans; a virus that could possibly cause a worldwide epidemic.

After a mysterious massive die-off of over 3,000 dolphins along the northern coast of Peru this year more than 1200 pelicans have been found dead in the past ten days in the same region. The deaths of the pelicans and dolphins, unexplained.


What in the world is going on...  *sighs*

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Post time 3-5-2012 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by razhar at 3-5-2012 13:09

25.Percaya atau tidak, terdapat sebuah gunung di negeri xxxx, yang mana pintu laluannya dibuat untuk membolehkan pesawat masuk ke dalam gunung dan dibina oleh Jepun.

26.Separuh dari dinding gunung terdiri dari permukaan konkrit, tidak ada pintu masuk di kaki gunung tetapi terdapat tiga lubang dan setiap lubang pintu dari lantai ke siling serupa dengan ketinggian 10 tayar treler.

27.Menurut contact yang telah mengerudi ke dalam pintu keselamatan berlapik besi, beliau melihat di dalamnya ada deretan pesawat jenis Zero dan peralatan serta jentera kereta tank ditinggalkan….saya sendiri sudah melihatnya tetapi sorry leeee, ini semua ULTRA SECRET.

28.Contoh kompleks pertahanan di negeri xxx ini ada pada sebuah gunung di bandar xxxx, setakat ini contact saya telah melawat ke gunung itu dan melihat dinding kompleks setinggi 4 tingkat tersembul keluar dan saya telah mohon beliau mengambil gambar.

29.Jika masa dan rezeki mengizinkan, saya mungkin akan meneroka gunung tersebut terutama mencari pintu masuk ke dalam kompleks pertahanan yang dipercayai sebagai pusat pemerintahan Gen Yamashita.

30.Menurut orang kampung, semasa peperangan dunia kedua, gunung itu sering sahaja dibom.

31.Yang ini pula macam cerita Lara Croft Tomb Raider, di sebuah tempat di negeri xxx (letak di Pantai Timur), terdapat sebuah kompleks yang mempunyai pintu rahsia.

32.Komando kita sudah sampai ke tempat itu, apabila pintu dibuka, terkeluar satu cahaya yang sangat terang dan membutakan mata penduduk kampung yang membuka pintu tersebut.

33.Di dalamnya terdapat timbunan rangka manusia, dan salah satu batu yang ditunjukkan kepada saya mempunyai campuran darah dan tulang-tulang manusia (batu bata dibina dengan campuran darah dan tulang askar Jepun yang dibunuh).

34.Kepercayaannya, tentera Jepun ini sanggup bunuh orang mereka sendiri dan kemudian dikisar bersama simen untuk dijadikan bahan binaan, roh askar-askar Jepun inilah yang mengawal setiap lokasi harta karun atau kubu pertahanan sampailah ke akhir zaman.

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Post time 3-5-2012 02:03 PM | Show all posts
sekadar berkongsi...
Pertanyaan :

“………saya pny teman yang mirip sekali dng ciri-ciri imam mahdi tapi bkn dari Ahli baits,dia tdk pny guru/kyai/pembimbing,dan bkn dari golongan organisasi manapun dan aliran kepercayaan manapun dia mempunyai jiwa pemimpin yang besar ,dia selalu menutupi dirinya dan merahasiakanya,jika dia berbincang dng sesama muslim dia diangap gila,dan masyarakat mengangapnya sesat.dia selalu ingin bertemu dng seorang Habib atau ulama besar yang pernah di temui lewat mimpinya,tapi dia tdk pernah menceritakan wajahnya,wajahnya terkadang binggung dan resah memikirkan kondisi umat islam sekarang tapi terkadang dia sangat tampak bercahaya seperti Wali,
dia msh sangat muda umur 25th,yang tahu ttg dirinya tdk ada bahkan orang tuanyapun tdk tau,dia seorang muslim yang biasa,tapi yang saya herankan jalur keturunanya terputus,dia pny kakek buyut seorang alim ulama,tp kakeknya selalu merahasiakan silsilahnya dan dari mana dia berasal.

kakek kandungnya pun merahasiakan arti namanya,setahu saya dari seorang keluarganya namanya berarti,di bawah asuhan jibril.tapi dia tdk percaya karena masa lalunya yang buruk dan orang tuanya seorang nasrani,masyarakat heran dari mana dia mengenal islam dan masuk islam.

Habib yang terhormat apkah salah jika saya sedikit menyamakan teman saya itu dng istilah imam mahdi,jika salah saya mohon petunjuk dan teman saya itu tdk pernah mengaku sebagai imam mahdi atau waliAllah dan dia selalu mengangap dirinya rendah dihadapan Allah…….
…………. (Diringkas) …………………
saya adalah anak yang menyelidiki tentang kemunculan imam Mahdi.
maaf hanya sekedar berbincang dengan anda.saya menemukan fakta baru yang insyaallah tidak diragukan lagi ,yaitu Kakek buyut teman saya tersebut yang selama hidupnya menyembunyikan identiasnya dan silsilahnya ternyata besar kemungkinan adalah keturunan Dari Rasullullah.fakta ini tdk asal saya ambil,proses penyelidikan dengan konsultasi dengan para santri dan Hati nurani,...dan kakenya adalah penganut Tarekat Nagsyahbandi...,

saya pernah bertanya dengan seorang ulama atau mursyid bahwasanya kenapa ada seorang mursyid yang mencintai seorang anak didiknya melebihi anak kandungya,muryid tersebut berkata bahwasanya anak tersebut adalah kesayangan para Wali Allah.

Bahwasanya saya seorang muslim belum memperoleh fakta sejati dari Hadist tentang
silsilah imam Mahdi.

soal bendera hitam temen saya tersebut memang suka warna hitam,setiap ke masjid,pengajian atau istiqasah dia selalu berbaju hitam,bahkan dalam mimpinya pun dia selalu berbaju hitam....

dia pernah bercerita kepada saya bahwa bendera-bendera di dunia ini tidak jelas asalnya dan maksudnya hanya akan menimbulkan perpecahan umat dan kekuasaan antar kaum dan suku,dia berkata seharusnya bendera di dunia ini hanya ada satu yaitu....LAILLALAIILALLAH MUHAMADURASULLULAH.......,saya sempat tercengang melihat dia berkata itu,pernah dia mengambar bendera hitam yang bertuliskan Lailalaillallah Muhamadurassullulah...,

dia juga pernah berkata : saya ( dia ) selama kecil sampai usai dewasa belum mengerti
tentang diri saya,rasanya ada yang aneh dalam diri saya ,saya jika bercermin atau bermimpi rasanya bukan melihat diri saya yang sebenarnya siapakah saya ini....

Maaf teman-teman majelis yang terpelajar bukan maksud saya ingin macam-macam tapi saya hanya berbagi aspirasi kepada kalian semua,..soal kebenarnya ada pada Allah semua.semoga kelak jika kita bertemu dengan Almahdi kita akan jadi pengikutnya.amin.


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Post time 3-5-2012 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Reply 116# andria

    betul tu
memang betul
memang nampak baik jeeee kannnnnn
depa ni memang pandai bermuka-muka
walau dengan mengikut kata2 pope sekali pun
masih baikkkkkk

si qorin kat dalam tu tengah GELAK SAKAN

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Post time 3-5-2012 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 127# andria

    cita planet ni
hanya cita merapu je

fikir yg logik la kawannnn
bumi beredar keliling matahari 12 bulan
so bila bulan Julai nanti kalau betul pun
pasti akan nampak planet tu depan atau disisi sun

n satu lagi
besarnya planet tu????
mau sama besar dgn mustari (dr gambarnya)

memang sapa2 yg mengiyakan cita ni
sekolah darjah tadika je aku

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Post time 3-5-2012 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Reply 126# maz_mk

    ok tu
dari dok ramal atau fikir bila bala/kiamat
baik fikir nak mati

bila hang nak mati????
dah nampak ke????
atau 2 x 5 cam aku jeeeeee


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Post time 3-5-2012 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply  maz_mk

    ok tu
dari dok ramal atau fikir bila bala/kiamat
baik fikir nak mati

orangbesi Post at 3-5-2012 14:36

betul tu....baik pikir persediaan menuju ke alam yg abadi.
membaca berita2 mengenai kemusnahan alam ni memang buat kita jadi x keruan..

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Post time 3-5-2012 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Rasanya elok kita melihat keadaan langit di kawasan kita akhir akhir ini. Ada tak ganjilnya ... msdayring-doomsday/

Magnetic Pole Mutations TriggeMagnetic Pole Mutations Triggering Doomsdayring Doomsday

Like a mad maestro, the Earth’s mutating magnetic field is generating a symphony of destruction: perfect harmonies of catastrophe and wholesale death on an Apocalyptic scale. These same forces may be the ones that destroyed advanced city-states in Mankind’s distant past—a lost history now relegated to myths and legends. For the skies opened and rained hot death…and the seas surged swallowing screaming millions…and unnamed mountains thrust from the depths of from the oceans in a single night, while other verdant lands were brutally plunged deep beneath the turbulent, murky brine of the angry waters.

Title frame from the science fiction film [1964: Paramount Pictures]

As titanic earthquakes rip apart the earth’s crust, destroy Mankind’s cities, and sweep away lives with the merciless hand of Fate, desperate scientists aware of the relationship between the ongoing magnetic polar shift, the planet’s stressed molten core, and rupturing tectonic plates, scramble to anticipate the next upheaval.

The titanic 9.0 superquake that destroyed much of northeastern Japan is a symptom of the growing devastation reverberating around the globe as the geomagnetic field continues to relentlessly warp, fluctuate and mutate the Earth into a cauldron of cascading disaster.

Both the superquake and super-tsunami were generated by a gigantic ripping of the Earth’s crust: the North American plate snapped upward. The mammoth fissure—150 miles long and 50 miles wide—gapes lies like a garish wound on the ocean floor, plunging downwards into the depths of the crumbling, unstable mantle.

Geomagnetosphere mutations affecting major plate faultlines

Most people are unaware that magnetic field fluctuations can precipitate earthquakes and initiate strange mass animal behavior—bizarre behavior like that reported around the world since the final months of 2010. [See: Statistical relationship of strong earthquakes with planetary geomagnetic field activity — Harvard University]

Earthlights phenomenon caused by harmonics from Earth’s mantle

Earth harmonics deep in the mantle emanating from an unstable core are causing visual and auditory phenomenon. Strange shimmering colors are painting the skies; unsettling moans, booms and droning are being heard in various regions of the planet.

Geomagnetic flux, often a precursor to mighty quakes, is sometimes accompanied by those strange harmonics: colors dancing in the sky or eerie, discordant “music.” [See: Ultralow-Frequency Magnetic Fields Preceding Large Earthquakes — Antony C. Fraser-Smith Stanford University]

All are signs of what may come.

And what may come puts all of Hollywood’s disaster movies to shame.

Earth’s beating heart

The geodynamo that’s the heart of the Earth is like a human heart that’s begun fibrillating. It’s become unpredictable, unstable, and increasingly dangerous to all life on the surface.

Mighty currents of molten rock, under extreme pressure, boil beneath the fragile crust propigating earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the continental drift.

Changes in the geomagnetosphere affect the Earth’s plate tectonics. Tectonics are affected because the planet’s primarily a core of superheated, dense, viscous liquid with a relatively thin crust floating on the surface. That segmented crust—like a cracked pie crust—is what comprises the tectonic plates. They are in constant movement chiefly due to massive currents deep within the planet’s mantle and molten core.

It’s also the geodynamo that creates the earth’s magnetic field and the interaction with the solar magnetosphere can initiate plate drift, tensions, and the massive buckling and shearing between the plates. This movement along fault lines is called an earthquake.

Geomagnetic flux, often a precursor to mighty quakes, is sometimes accompanied by strange harmonics: people see colors dancing in the sky or hear what sounds like eerie, discordant music. [See: Skyquakes: Warnings From Earth's Destabilizing Core]

The growing abberations of the magnetic field—and the increasing level activity of the sun—is symptomatic of the change in the Earth’s core. A dangerous change. An uncontrollable change. A change that is leading to the possibility of greater and greater disasters in every hotspot around the globe.

It’s been demonstrated that changes in the geomagnetosphere affect the Earth’s plate tectonics. The reason why tectonics are affected has to do with how the Earth is built geologically. The planet’s primarily a core of superheated, dense viscous liquid with a relatively thin crust floating on the surface. That segmented crust—like a cracked pie crust—is what comprises the tectonic plates. They are in constant movement chiefly due to massive electrical currents deep within the planet’s mantle and molten core. [See: Detecting earthquake precursors by monitoring the earth's electrical field — Dionysios Dimakos]

Volcanic activity will also increase

Japan’s superquake was followed by hundreds of strong to severe aftershocks, and then an entirely new quake on a separate fault in central Japan measuring 6.6 magnitude.

Hours later a volcano in Indonesia along the famous Pacific Rim ring of fire exploded into an intense eruption.

As the core continues to mutate, more volcanoes will become active. The sun also is exacerbating the ancient volcanoes. Because of this, the danger of Earth’s supervolcanoes erupting has also greatly increased.

Warning signs are emerging across the world.

The supervolcano in the Canary Islands off the African coast is active now, and in the United States the Yellowstone supervolcano is activating. [See: Scientists Warn Supervolcano Will Destroy U.S.]

In the Great Midwestern states the New Madrid faultine appears to have awakened and ominous volcanic venting has been captured by satellites. [See: Frightening Volcanic Venting Signals Coming Midwest Megaquake]

Ominous magnetic torsion fields emerge

As the flux in the Earth’s dynamic magnetic field becomes more erratic and the intensity of the field fluctuates to a greater degree, the formation of energetic torsion fields withing the electrical matrix generated by the geodynamo can increase.

The torsion fields—as defined by geophysicist Dr. A. Akimov—can appear within an electrical field in a state of flux. They are distinct energy fields that interact and affect energy and matter. Some experimenters have found evidence that their emanations sometimes appear to exceed the speed of light.

Torsion fields can change the light frequency of laser beams, affect electrical components, modify gravity waves, and negatively impact biological processes.

Beyond that, torsion fields can go rogue, create escalating feedback by looping upon themselves and generating massive, uncontrollable forces upon the spinning molten core through permutations, and erratic spin, and unequal pressure. It can be measured and deduced by the magnetic flux using supercomputers.

But the data produced is always after the fact and is useless as a tool for prediction.

Sadly, the current level of Man’s technology is useful only to determine exactly what it was that killed or displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

As the geomagntic field effects intensify and interacts with an increasingly active sun, the core becomes ever more erratic.

What’s on the horizon?

More superstorms erupt into global titans of fury; more superquakes splitting lands in two and shifting coastlines, submerging islands, and destroying whole countries; and more volcanoes spilling superheated death and destruction upon helpless humans—searing death from the very bowels of the Earth.

What can scientists do? What can any humans do except record data and watch the escalating turmoil.

In the end the sterile and impotent columns of mathematical formulas scholarly research books will have little, if any, real value.

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 05:56 PM | Show all posts
betul tu....baik pikir persediaan menuju ke alam yg abadi.
membaca berita2 mengenai kemusnaha ...
edoraixora Post at 3-5-2012 15:56

    Membaca berita-berita di dalam thread ini juga mampu membuatkan kita bertambah yakin untuk menyediakan bekalan menuju akhirat. Kalau negatif yg anda nampak, dan setakat itu yg anda lihat, maka negatif sajalah yg anda dapat. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Allah tidak menganiaya hamba-hambaNYA, melainkan DIA memberi peringatan dlm bentuk dan petanda, kpd mereka yang mahu berfikir.

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Post time 3-5-2012 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 136# andria

    terima kasih sis kerana kembali..

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 10:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 3-5-2012 22:53

Is Chicago now under Martial Law? Evacuation and Blockade of Downtown Chicago
Filed under News   April 30, 2012

The Illinois Department of Transportation is testing an emergency plan to shut off access into and out of downtown Chicago. The plan uses a network of highway security gates that are designed to shut down all traffic coming in and out of Chicago in the event of a terrorist attack.

The Illinois DOT is warning truckers that it’s best to avoid the city during the NATO Summit in Chicago May 20-21.  There will be a number of driving restrictions and rolling street closures, and the Illinois DOT is testing highway barricades that will block access to all major highways in and out of Chicago.

These barricades, which started being installed on Chicago highways back in 2005, are deigned to restrict or cut off access to roads during an emergency like a bioterrorism attack.


Armageddon Simulated in Chicago
Created: June 15, 2010 Last Updated: November 30, -0001

The Illinois National Guard and multiple city, state, federal, and private agencies will take part in simulated disaster and terrorist attack emergency response exercises this week in the Chicago area.

The training operation, known as Illinois Prairie North 2010, began on Sunday and will continue until Thursday, June 17.

Over 50 agencies are expected to take part in the operation. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the American Red Cross, medical centers, and a number of city and state emergency management teams and task forces are among those deployed for the exercises. Poland and Latvia will also aid in the operation, to practice international cooperation during a disaster.


Third tallest building in Chicago enhances security, conducts fire evacuation drills
By Leischen Stelter
Monday, May 16, 2011

CHICAGO—Since the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 1, Thomas Begg Jr., director of security life safety for the Aon Center in Chicago, the third tallest building in the city, said he has heightened security awareness in and around the building. “We’re more vigilant and looking for things out of the ordinary,” he said. While there is no official or imminent threat made to high-rise buildings in Chicago or elsewhere in the U.S., the news of Bin Laden’s death prompted Begg to amp up security awareness, issuing a directive to his 45 security officers. “We’ve taken a proactive stance in being more vigilant in sensitive areas,” he said.

Begg, who has more than forty years of experience in law enforcement and corporate security, said this vigilance is in line with the security attitude adopted since the terrorist events of Sept. 11, 2001. “We’ve always been concerned about terrorism and don’t think they will use commercial airlines as missiles any more, but we still want to be very security minded and exercise security awareness throughout the structure,” he said.


Did anyone know that the US did a drill in New York City, before September 11, 2001? And now they have done and doing drills in Chicago... makes you wonder, isn't it?

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Interestingly and highly synchronistically, tomorrow on May 20, 2012, the Sun-Pleiades-Zenith passage features a solar eclipse, meaning the Pleiades and the Sun are joined as the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. The eclipse accelerates energy and the Sun is a doorway or catalyst, activating the Pleiadian stargate. The eclipse is accelerating what is already in process as well as what we hold in conscious and unconscious intention so it is important to be mindful.

May 20, Sunday. A Mayan Day of No Shadows. Except that the shadow of the Moon will pass over the Sun during the Annular Solar Eclipse creating a paradox.

The Sun enters Gemini at 4:05 pm where it remains until the June 21 Solstice activation at the Galactic Gateway. The Gemini mysteries include the art of being in the moment, spontaneous, outrageous, hilarious, and entertaining. This is the domain of the trickster who defies logic and reason, who goes beyond the ordinary boundaries of duality, who demonstrates that things are not as real as they appear, leaping empty-handed into the void knowing and totally trusting s/he has transcended the laws of duality and is now living total freedom.
Today is the Annular Solar Eclipse (Zero Gemini) exact at 4:47 pm conjunct the Pleiades with Jupiter and Mercury nearby. The annular phase is visible on the Chinese Coast, the South of Japan, the Western United States and Canada. More details are in this weeks audio and see May 21 also)

Eclipses open portals from the Great Above. These doorways are opportunities to consciously connect with what is hidden within in ourselves. Essentially, the Moon is occulting the Sun or covering it so that it is hidden for several minutes and then begins to reappear.

Earth, Venus and Elenin shall be lining up on May 20th...  There is a LOT of energy being exposed on that day, and TPTB will most probably use it by getting these energy from ley lines...  it could also open up certain 'portals' in the skies..  TPTB most probably will use it to their advantage. Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2012 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Nostradamus Quatrain x.74

Au reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe,
Non esloigné du grand eage milliesme,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.

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