Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born.......
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wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 11:34 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Tak perlu main dengan bahasa disini, apa yang saya nak kamu rujuk disini adalah isytihar Isa dalam ... Tak perlu main dengan bahasa disini, apa yang saya nak kamu rujuk disini adalah isytihar Isa dalam Injil.
Rujuk jawapan saya kepada gunblade.....
satu lagi kebodohan orang kristian yang menganggap bahasa tidak penting.di dalam menafsirkan kitab-kitab Taurat,Injil dan Al-quran,pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai bahasa asal kitab-kitab tersebut adalah key point bagi memastikan orang yang menterjemahkan kitab tersebut betul-betul faham apa yang ditulis di dalam kitab asal.yang menjadi masalahnya,penterjemah kristian sebenarnya tidak memahami kaedah bahasa atau linguastik atau nahu yang digunakan di dalam kitab-kitab ini.disebabkan tidak mempunyai ilmu-ilmu yang cukup,mereka menafsirkan kitab Injil mengikut hawa nafsu sahaja.
p/s:bahasa hebrew (Bani Israel),aramaik (Assyria,Babylon) dan arab (Bani Ismail) tergolong di dalam kelompok bahasa yang sama dan mempunyai tatacara penulisan yang tidak jauh berbeza di antara satu sama lain.
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 26-4-2013 07:00 PM
Truth.8 posted on 24-4-2013 09:42 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
saya tak pernah dengar injil atau isa...siapa orang nya
kalau xpenah dengar,duk diam2.....
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 26-4-2013 07:07 PM
wkk5159 posted on 26-4-2013 03:41 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Hey my lecherous toothless doggy ustazy, don't pull out that charlatanic Bible Scholar wannabe trick anymore lah, it doesn't work on me or any other Chrristians, ok ? ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Again, i have no problem you continuosly quoting the Bible verses to your fellow gullible brethrens .....because they are your only audiences, whom are f course as equally retarded as you.![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Ha ha , so speaketh the angriest and most frustrated man in the world .... 'wkk5159'. You are blabbering rubbish. You are blur with regards to Christian Theology. You don't even know nor can you count how many 'fully Gods' are there in the Triune Godhead. One screwed up person you are. Ha ha
The fun part is that when I quote your bible , you cannot respond. I think it could be the first time you've come across such verses of your bible.
This is real funny. Your post #116 , bit part
Why your Allah is the same Satan as described in Bible who created death ???
Suddenly it now becomes :
Ha ha , when refuted you change your tack. At first you argue Allah = Satan who created death. When pointed out your error , it now becomes Allah = Angel of Death which is apparently Satan. 'Same' <> 'apparently' .... what lah you ... ha ha
According to the bible , there is no angel of death. The closest biblical verses that talks about an angel bringing death are
Then the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!
That night the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!
** BTW , the 2 verses are about the same ..... Textual corruption? .... You know lah , copycatting ..... ha ha
The biblical verses states of the angel of God or LORD bringing death. To your distorted / funny / heretical 'christian understanding' , the said angel of the LORD is satan whom you misunderstood to be Allah. Ha ha , I think you are now a heretic. You have accused that an angel of your biblical God (or LORD) to be satan. Wow! What a screwed up person you are.
What do you want me to answer? You are not even sure of yourself. Firstly to you , Allah = Satan who created death. However your bible refutes you in stating that the biblical God created death. Thoroughly refuted by your own bible , you change tack. Now Allah = Angel of Death which is apparently Satan. Ooi tambi , the bible has no biblical concept of angel of death. Only an angel of the LORD or God that brings death. Can you get your act together before asking questions. It is evident that you are not well versed of your own bible. Ha ha , this is real embarrassing for you. A muslim (yours truly) explaining the bible to a racist Christian bigot ('wkk5159'). Malulah kristian ..... ha ha.
Last edited by sam1528 on 26-4-2013 07:12 PM
gunblade712 posted on 24-4-2013 11:08 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
LOL. Masa baginda turun, aku nak tengok Truth.8 panggil baginda "Jesus".
ntah diorang ni.pandai2 panggil "jesus".........![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Turutan proses penterjemahan Kitab Injil
Versi asal-----------> diterjemah ke dalam bahasa yunani-----------------> diterjemah ke dalam bahasa inggeris
p/s:kesilapan pertama penterjemahan kitab injil apabila ianya mula-mula diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa yunani yang asalnya mereka ini adalah penyembah dewa-dewa pagan kuno.kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggeris.bahasa yunani dan inggeris bukan dalam kelompok bahasa yang sama dengan bahasa hebrew/aramaik/arab,maka telah berlaku kepincangan dalam penterjemahan kitab injil yang asal.
perkataan yang paling kritikal yang telah silap diterjemahkan oleh penganut kristian ialah perkataan "Adon" yang bermaksud "Tuan".ianya adalah perkataan eksklusif,yang mempunyai satu makna sahaja.perkataan ini kemudiannya diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa yunani "kuriov" yang bermaksud "Tuhan".di sinilah berlakunya kesilapan yang paling besar apabila kata "Tuan" telah diterjemahkan kepada "Tuhan".
Injil versi yunani inilah yang menjadi rujukan bagi menghasilkan Injil versi inggeris yang kemudiannya digunakan pada hari ini tanpa merujuk Injil asal.Versi bahasa Inggeris ini menafsirkan perkataan "kuriov" dengan perkataan "Lord".Perkatann Lord ini, di dalam bahasa inggeris boleh membawa berbagai-bagai maksud.samada "Tuhan",Tuan" atau panggilan kepada pemerintah atau golongan bangsawan...
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 26-4-2013 07:27 PM
gunblade712 posted on 26-4-2013 02:39 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
It's a slander. tak perlu nak bagi video youtube bagai.
This thread's topic says that "Muslims ...
how can you view it slander when Muslims says Jesus is not son of God when the Bible says it son of God
does it make more slander??
Truth.8 posted on 26-4-2013 08:57 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
how can you view it slander when Muslims says Jesus is not son of God when the Bible says it son o ...
English Bible said that ,not the original version....so,tuhan ko tu sebenarnya orang-orang roman.
sam1528 posted on 26-4-2013 07:05 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , so speaketh the angriest and most frustrated man in the world .... 'wkk5159'. You are blab ...
Ooooo.....my charlatanic lecherous toothless doggy ustazy is having a tough time figuring why Christians can relate Allah to Satan to Angel of Death.
Ooui, quack bible scholar ! Come here closer, in case your pseudo prophet didn't teach you in your quran.....let the master wkk5159 show you the chronology;
According to Bible, Lucifer, an arch Angel created by God to lead other angels.
But this Lucifer became rebellious one day and turn against God and became Satan.
He came to earth and lure Adam & Eve to take the forbidden fruit and transgress against God.
Death came upon human being as a result of following Satan's deceptive instruction.
So, since Satan was an angel before he became rebellious and he brought death to human race....therefore it is perfectly ok to call him Angel of Death aka Satan.
And since Quran said that Allah created Death, so naturally i will equate your Allah = Satan.
Don't blame me, blame your illiterate pseudo prophet who altered the Bible to suit his own vile agenda......![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Truth.8 posted on 26-4-2013 08:57 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
how can you view it slander when Muslims says Jesus is not son of God when the Bible says it son o ...
Nope. This is not about what's your opinion and what's my opinion.
It's slander coz you told us Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born. I have given you prove from the Quran that the Quran teaches us, the Muslims, about Jesus's reason to be born. We know, we're not clueless.
Saying that we have no idea is A SLANDER.
Don't blame me, blame your illiterate pseudo prophet who altered the Bible to suit his own vile agenda......
illiterate prophet, but can alter the Bible, eh? Mana lah pergi scholars of the Bible masa tu, takkan sorang pun tak dapat tewaskan Muhammad s.a.w. di dalam satu sesi dialog...? Baginda dahlah illiterate, sorang2 pulak tu alter Bible, takde sorang Bible scholars pun yang prasan dan dapat expose apa yang kau tuduh baginda buat... ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
gunblade712 posted on 26-4-2013 10:11 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nope. This is not about what's your opinion and what's my opinion.
It's slander coz you told u ...
do u read the write i made? clearly you never bother to read...
the reason i wrote becaus you muslims no idea why Jesus was born because:
1). He was son of God
2). He was conceived in women womb without any intercourse
3) He came to earth to testify God and he beings divine
and list goes on
so, muslims have no idea who was Jesus but believed in the quran which teaches different from the Bible...
remember, quran came later ...so how authenic is the quran to be trust???
wkk5159 posted on 26-4-2013 09:52 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ooooo.....my charlatanic lecherous toothless doggy ustazy is having a tough time figuring why Christians can relate Allah to Satan to Angel of Death.
Ooui, quack bible scholar ! Come here closer, in case your pseudo prophet didn't teach you in your quran.....let the master wkk5159 show you the chronology;
According to Bible, Lucifer, an arch Angel created by God to lead other angels.
But this Lucifer became rebellious one day and turn against God and became Satan.
He came to earth and lure Adam & Eve to take the forbidden fruit and transgress against God.
Death came upon human being as a result of following Satan's deceptive instruction.
So, since Satan was an angel before he became rebellious and he brought death to human race....therefore it is perfectly ok to call him Angel of Death aka Satan.
And since Quran said that Allah created Death, so naturally i will equate your Allah = Satan.
Don't blame me, blame your illiterate pseudo prophet who altered the Bible to suit his own vile agenda......![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Ha ha , where did you learn Christianity? What Angel of Death in the bible? There is no mention of any Angel of Death in the bible let alone the bible stating Angel of Death = Satan. Can you tell me what church taught you that Angel of Death = Satan. I should complain to the church(s) authority for deviant teachings that has made you a heretic. You can be burned at the stake.
Lucifer has got nothing to do with any angel that rebelled against your biblical God. Lucifer was actually Bishop Lucifer whom Jerome hated and he took a stab at him when Jerome translated the vulgate (greek to latin). The word Lucifer is in the KJV (or Gay-J-V) which has its foundation from the Greek Erasmus text which was a retranslation from the latin vulgate back to greek. In other words a major screw up. Your argument about Lucifer is based on a major screwup of the bible. Ha ha
Death upon human being after biblical Adam / Eve ate the forbidden fruit? Are you talking about physical death or spiritual death? If its physical death , they did not die. Spiritual death is just a figure of speech , it being cut off from God. An Angel of Death is probably the angel that cause death per isa37:36 / 2kings19:35. Where in the bible that states Angel of Death = Satan?
How can Satan even create death as it is just a creation of Allah? Out of the blue , you claim Allah = Satan because Allah created death. Your bible stated that the biblical God owns death. Are you now saying that Satan = the biblical God? So which one is Satan? 'Father' or 'Son' or 'Holy Spirit'?
Might be a good idea for you to go back to Sunday school and start from the very bottom. Ha ha , no wonder you are the angriest / most frustrated man. You don't even know your bible and a muslim (yours truly) is butt kicking you , making you a fool using your own bible. Ha ha ..... this is so embarrassing for you.
Truth.8 posted on 26-4-2013 11:47 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
do u read the write i made? clearly you never bother to read...
the reason i wrote becaus you mus ...
I read lah. kau memang jenis suka menuduh eh?
That's just YOU trying TO FORCE YOUR BELIEVE UNTO US. We HAVE EXACTLY AN IDEA, we were taught by the Quran. kenapa kau nak paksa kami percaya Bible kau? That is why I say, you are SLANDERING US. now, you're indirectly admitting that you want us to believe your idea of Jesus. MEMAKSA MEH?
The authenticity? Tak payah cakpa banyak, the Quran has challenged the likes of you to bring a surah that can match the Quran. For you, I believe you need to answer this challenge first; then we talk.
If cannot answer, duduk diam2.
gunblade712 posted on 27-4-2013 12:31 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I read lah. kau memang jenis suka menuduh eh?
That's just YOU trying TO FORCE YOUR BELIEVE UNT ...
diorang tu sebenarnya tak tau apa-apa pun pasal agama kristian.terikut-ikut dengan mat saleh.tgk mat saleh sambut christmas,diorang nak sambut gak walaupun bodoh bebal.......pastu convert ke agama kristian,nak sambut kristmas punya pasal... ...tapi yang sedihnya,kat malaysia xde salji.......
sam1528 posted on 27-4-2013 12:05 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , where did you learn Christianity? What Angel of Death in the bible? There is no mention of ...
A satanic minded muslim like you don't even qualify to mention the Bible, let alone interpreting it.
Go on with your delusional dream of a quack Bible scholar, you are most welcome !
By the way, you have your own mounting unsettled businesses......
Why your Allah just a perishable physcal being like Muhammad as mentioned by you ah ???
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 03:58 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
A satanic minded muslim like you don't even qualify to mention the Bible, let alone interpreting it.
Go on with your delusional dream of a quack Bible scholar, you are most welcome !
By the way, you have your own mounting unsettled businesses......
Why your Allah just a perishable physcal being like Muhammad as mentioned by you ah ???
Eeek? Allah is a physical perishable being? Ha ha , you are getting from bad to worse. I thought I have already caught you trying to lie on this with regards to my post#22?
No shame aaah you? It must be very embarrassing for you. You are like 'truth.8' , both having very thick skin. When caught lying , both pretend nothing happen. Ha ha , same lah like Paul. He was also a thick skinned liar. Teachings from the bible what. Ha ha
Ha ha , the angriest / most frustrated man in the world , 'wkk5159' don't even know his bible. 'Angel of death' in the bible? What is this ...
gunblade712 posted on 27-4-2013 12:31 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I read lah. kau memang jenis suka menuduh eh?
That's just YOU trying TO FORCE YOUR BELIEVE UNT ...
Which school u s tudy english???
can u understand my topic??? i directly says muslims no idea why Jesus was born.....
meaning u muslims do not understand the son of God , Holy spirit and etc according Bible ..
if this simple u cannot understand...please consult a good english teacher...![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 03:58 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
A satanic minded muslim like you don't even qualify to mention the Bible, let alone interpreting i ...
agama kristian ni tak patut wujud pun.lagipun Nabi Isa AS bukan beragama Kristian.....
baca ni Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them"
Nabi Isa bukannya datang membawa agama baru,tapi datang untuk melengkapkan syariat nabi Musa AS...kristian yang korang ikut tu kristian ciptaan orang roman,penyembah dewa-dewa pagan
Truth.8 posted on 27-4-2013 09:16 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Which school u s tudy english???
can u understand my topic??? i directly says muslims no idea ...
ni aku amek dari bible.....kitorang tak tahu ke,atau korang yang berlagak pandai![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
baca ni Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them"
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