sungguh tak saba nk ke krabi 24 nih....ade sesape tak gi sane tarikh tuh.. |
1396# cha22
opie, ni la hotel yg kita dok nnt. |
Cha, cantiknye gambar2 tu, aku suke ngok ikan tau ,bile lah dapt pi Krabi ni. |
Cha, gambar yg last tu ngape ade simpan 'benda' tu .. tak faham ye siap ikat ribbon lagi. |
kodokke, tempat ni dikenali sebagai phra nang cave @ princess cave @ : tempat ni dikatakan tempat untuk diaorg minta supaya subur, kekayaan..
"Tham Phra Nang, or Princess Cave as it’s called, has long played an important role in local fishermens’ lives, though the true origins of the sea princess have been lost to history. Dedicated to an ancient fertility goddess, the large limestone cave contains an impressive number of phallic images adorned with garlands and incense offerings in the hope of increased sexual potency, prosperity and good fortune." |
waaa aku nak gi krabi..bila AA nak bg tket murah /pree lagi ni..
mm mkn kat sana sedap2..laksa oh laksa |
Gerai feberet utk bekpes

laksa yg lazat

nasi kerabu kut..sedap gak
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Post Last Edit by n23 at 5-4-2010 14:58
Emerald Pool

crystal pool
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1405# adnil
thanks adnil for explaining.. ada tourist guide explain aritu tp cam ala2 paham x paham la sbb org thai ni xleh pronounce 's' betul2.. jenuh nak menangkap ayat diorg.. hehe.. kat dpn gua tu lagi la terang2 jual souvenir bentuk camtu, siap ade ashtray yang bentuk lucah lagi.. jakun gak la.. me ade amek gambar tp cam terlalu lucah nak ditepek kat cni  |
nak tanya...
i'm thinking abt going to krabi
dah book hotel kat area ao-nang 2n3d ngan one phi-phi tour activity
but maybe aku akan extend 2,3 mlm lagi tuk puahkan hati
any recommendation of any other activity?kalo bleh bg details sekali la like price tour tu or apa aktiviti included.
another thing.if i go to phuket i can save up to almost 40% dari my budget for krabi so which one lg worthy ek?
any replies would be great |
Ada sesaper nak pegi krabi ? nak follow arr.. xde kawan nak join...  |
Nenas kat krabi manis dan rangup. lepas berkayak boleh makan |
n23, halal restaurant ke? boleh bg lokasi |
1415# sksk
wah SK ....gigih nmpak mencari info . Mgu dpn ya pi ??? Jgn lufer FM akak tau ... |
info bab makan je kak. yg lain dah masuk package. FM tu insyaallah kak. |
tu bkn restoran, dia gerai tepi jalan je - bfast.... kl mlm ada gak gerai halal area nih jual makanan goreng (nasi mee etc) & bubur... seme nih dkt dkt dgn masjid besar tak siap siap tuh..
phuket lebih westernised - krabi still a bit laid back rasanya... most of activities here rasanya island hoppings, kayaking dan if u venture inland - leh gie emerald pool tu - the unseen thailand. which one preferred is subject to personal interest dan preferance - susah sket lah. |
dari airport krabi ke phi phi island bape jauh ek?
bape jam ek?
cab+ferry=$$? |
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