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Author: NaylaArisha


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Post time 5-9-2022 07:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ai bertindak mengikut keadaan

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Post time 5-9-2022 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:27 PM
yang ni memang ai lupa ...

Mls nk layan u

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Post time 5-9-2022 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:28 PM
ai bukan tak nak bawa bulan2 tapi ikut keadaan lah kan... dah bapak dia buat hal tak bagi ai malas ...

Dia kuar x pe u nk kuar ngan anak3 x bole. Dia x biasa kena lempang tu

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Post time 5-9-2022 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:29 PM
yer lah u tak ada orang lain nak kacau keputusan yang u buat

Which is I'm glad

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Post time 5-9-2022 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:29 PM
kenapa suruh u angguk je ?

Sbb ai dah mls nk layan

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Post time 5-9-2022 07:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:30 PM
kalau membuta tuli kang backfired pulak

Sbb ai x suka kn backfired. That's why ai elakkan dr kena

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Post time 5-9-2022 07:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:30 PM
yup selalu memang kena bukan sehari jer ada tu sampai 5 hari tak ada air

Gila ke ape. Dah settle ke isu tu

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Post time 5-9-2022 08:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:31 PM
mau tak cuak ... nak jokes tapi muka serius

Dah ai mmg mcm tu. Ai x sedar pun ai x senyum

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Post time 5-9-2022 08:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:32 PM
ai tak kata u yang ngaku

Boycott yg ckp

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Post time 5-9-2022 08:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:32 PM
patut lah kena marah... tapi masalahnya dia marah kat orang lain

Ai rs diorg ade isu lain. Sbb last week partner bgtau ai AM mcm nk cari psl dgn dia

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Post time 5-9-2022 08:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ms meeting last week

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Post time 5-9-2022 08:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ye la u duk mgadu semua dkt lady boss

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Post time 5-9-2022 08:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:33 PM
nasib baik lah u boleh bagi alasan logik so tak kena mmarah

Kan ai bertindak mgikut keadaan. Klu ai buat tu mksdnya ai ade back up plan

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by novelloverzz at 5-9-2022 09:09 AM
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:34 PM
masa panjang suruh tu dia ada black n white dengan u ke

Mst la ade email dan lady boss ngan partner pun ade dlm loop

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:34 PM
oh kira u g potong queue patut lah AM tu marah



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Post time 5-9-2022 09:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:35 PM
mau lady boss tak sembur ... tapi tak boleh nak sembur sebab panjang lagi tinggi jawatan dari dia  ...

Btl klu dia sembur ai mcm dia sembur pjg la

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:36 PM
efficient sangat sampai langkau AM

Sp srh buat keje terhegeh2

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 11:39 PM
masa tu partner u diam jer ke atau dia ada menjawab jugak

Mst la mjwb siap dah sebak nk nangis

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sblm ai msk keje sini diorg cite partner selalu mrh srg engineer perempuan smpi hr2 nangis

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So far dgn ai dia x cari psl smpi tahap tu

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