midori888 posted on 28-5-2014 01:18 PM 
tgh plan my swiss trip jugak....
Salzburg - St Moritz via train
Ko amik Euro Rail Pass tak dr Salzburg ke St Moritz atau mana2 part of Europe yg dlm itinerary ko? |
Peterpan17 posted on 28-5-2014 01:47 PM 
Ko amik Euro Rail Pass tak dr Salzburg ke St Moritz atau mana2 part of Europe yg dlm itinerary ko?
my plan taknak amik apa2 pass....sebab tu nak tau how much different harga dia....kdg2 pass nie bukan untung sgt pun.... |
midori888 posted on 28-5-2014 01:18 PM
tgh plan my swiss trip jugak....
Salzburg - St Moritz via train
Midori..u dah study ke? St moritz ke salsburg tu boleh naik train ke? |
leni posted on 28-5-2014 04:52 PM 
Midori..u dah study ke? St moritz ke salsburg tu boleh naik train ke?
study skit2 jer...bole...tapi kena lompat2 train....Salzburg - Sargan - Chur - St Moritz
midori888 posted on 28-5-2014 04:58 PM
study skit2 jer...bole...tapi kena lompat2 train....Salzburg - Sargan - Chur - St Moritz
Train yg mana satu? Hari tu leni g swiss skip st moritz....driving je kat swiss hari tu |
leni posted on 28-5-2014 05:21 PM 
Train yg mana satu? Hari tu leni g swiss skip st moritz....driving je kat swiss hari tu
Salzburg to Sargan via Railjet, Sargan to Chur via regional train...
midori888 posted on 28-5-2014 05:53 PM 
Salzburg to Sargan via Railjet, Sargan to Chur via regional train...
Route ni cost berapa?
dah compare dgn sbb or bahn.de?
tiket international byk diskaun.
last week i beli tiket milan-spiez 22 euro only, 70% discount. kalau full fare 62euro
kalau guna sbb: salzburg-zurich(36chf-international) -> chur-st moritz (33chf-supersaver)
kalau guna bahn.de: eur69 -salzburg-munich-St. Margrethen-chur-st.moritz
Last edited by bvsf06 on 28-5-2014 08:58 PM
bvsf06 posted on 28-5-2014 08:51 PM
Route ni cost berapa?
dah compare dgn sbb or bahn.de?
I tak check lg price nyer...
midori888 posted on 28-5-2014 08:56 PM 
I tak check lg price nyer...
u try tgk2 dulu la..
for my swiss trip i xjadi guna pass, sbb decide berkampung kat area jungfrau tu je, mainly nak hiking
kalau route yg jauh beli awal mmg i boleh save byk banding guna pass, museum pon xmasuk and boat cruise pun malas nak naik..
so mcm no point beli pass
bvsf06 posted on 28-5-2014 09:03 PM
u try tgk2 dulu la..
for my swiss trip i xjadi guna pass, sbb decide berkampung kat area jungfrau ...
Ok..let me try check dulu...kalu bole i mmg takmo beli pass. |
Peterpan17 posted on 28-5-2014 10:19 AM 
Sis, nampaknya ko mcm otai Switzerland
Nak tanya pd otai otai suma. Yg Glacier Express tu ...
hahah..I'm not an otai. sounds old la otai ni. I baru 4 kali je gi swiss, blom bleh dikira otai. kalo dah gi 20x baru bleh dikira otai kot. anyway insyaAllah I'll be there again this summer, kali yg ke-5, cant wait! 
FYI, I tak penah lagi amik GE ni, to me why waste 7-8hrs inside a train, just enjoying the magnificent scenery dari tingkap when U can be outside, hirup udara gunung yg segar. it'd be much better if U put your feet on the mountains giteww. tambah2 lagi kalo U just have few days je kat swiss. better stay in one of the mountain villages in the Berner Oberland: Wengen, Murren, Lauterbrunnen, or even Grindelwald. lagi puas hati & your memory of swiss will be everlasting
utk menjawap soalan U, GE hanya ada sekali trip je per day & need seat reservation & the reservation tu hanya valid utk that day & that train je. in case U wanna stop somewhere, U kene amik regular train je la pastu. bleh nak buat day trip tapi balik tu amik train malam la.. then another 7-8hrs dlm train? hadoiii.. kematu b*ntot nanti.
since I tak penah lagi naik GE, so tak tau diaorg keluar masuk terowong tak tapi I penah naik Bernina Express, yg tu 4 jam je dari Tirano ke Chur. yg tu mmg masuk terowong termasuk la terowong Landwasser Viaduct yg femes tu.. mmg cantik tgk train bebelit masuk terowong.
hope this helps
bvsf06 posted on 28-5-2014 09:03 PM 
u try tgk2 dulu la..
for my swiss trip i xjadi guna pass, sbb decide berkampung kat area jungfrau ...
i pun akan ke swiss end of next month. ada kerja di geneva lepas tu kononnya nak gi jungfrau ni. Setelah dianalisa dan tanya my swiss friend dia kata kalau takat sehari saja tak berbaloi pergi sebab naik train dari geneva ke jungfrau ambik 5 hour. sedihnya. by the way tiket naik atas tu around 80 chf kan?
cepheid posted on 28-5-2014 11:13 PM 
i pun akan ke swiss end of next month. ada kerja di geneva lepas tu kononnya nak gi jungfrau ni. S ...
kalau xsilap full fare 120chf
tp kalau ambik early morning 95chf
unless u pakai half-fare card 50%, swiss pass 25%
kena tanya otai swiss utk detail kalau ada option lebih murah, hehehehe
i pun masih study2 pasal swiss ni..
bvsf06 posted on 28-5-2014 11:28 PM 
kalau xsilap full fare 120chf
tp kalau ambik early morning 95chf
unless u pakai half-fare card 5 ...
full fare tu maksudnya return ke?
cepheid posted on 28-5-2014 11:29 PM 
full fare tu maksudnya return ke?
harga tanpa diskaun untuk return ticket
bvsf06 posted on 28-5-2014 11:34 PM 
harga tanpa diskaun untuk return ticket
i see. thanks. 
soslaili posted on 30-4-2014 01:10 PM 
nak tanya,
kat airport zurich ni, senang tak nak bwk masuk barang makanan?
hi soslaili. selama I lalu kat airport zurich tak penah pun kene tahan kastam, in fact tak nampak pun mana kastamnya. sume bende makanan I bawak lepas je, so jgn risau, bawak je apa2 yg nak 
dlisa posted on 28-5-2014 09:43 PM 
hahah..I'm not an otai. sounds old la otai ni. I baru 4 kali je gi swiss, blom bleh dikira otai. ...
Alah!! mcm gitulah pula ye. Anyway, St Moritz tak termasuk dlm senarai aku. Takkan aku nak overnite lg kat situ dari Zermatt. Nmpk gaya kena skip sajalah Glacier Express. Aku rasa yg train ke Jungfrauroch tu pun berbaloi gak naik. So never mind. Forget about Glacier Express.
Nak tanya lg ni sis. you mmg otai so kena sembah sujud dulu. Kekekekeek!! byk nak tanya ni. Otai kat sini maksudnya expert dlm subject yg kita diskus. So kira tinggilah kedudukan 
Now, the question is, klud ok kat area Interlaken, Lauterbrunnen dan main2 ke Jungfrau tu cukup tak 5 hari?? Klu aku dok kat Lauterbrunnen, aku msh boleh buat day trip ke Interlaken dgn Jungfrau tu kan without overnite each location?? Apa yg ada kat Interlaken tu??
Aku dah usha hostels di Zurich. Apa psl hanya 2 choice appear?? Kat sana takde hostels backpackers ke?? Mengarut aku nak byr semalam smp RM400-RM500 hotel. Last edited by Peterpan17 on 29-5-2014 02:16 PM
bvsf06 posted on 28-5-2014 09:03 PM 
u try tgk2 dulu la..
for my swiss trip i xjadi guna pass, sbb decide berkampung kat area jungfrau ...
bvsf...i dah usha2 tgk semlm....ada direct train from Salzburg to Chur...Euro 78, bole buat train trip - Salzburg - Bergenz - Chur, atau Salzburg - Sargan - Chur. From Sargan to Chur dlm 20 mins train ride. Glacier Express ada stop kat Chur...bole amik kat sini jer, tapi from my reading area St. Moritz to Chur yg best...also ada baca psl Bernina Express which also on my list of train yg i nak naik....Btw Bergenz is one of d stop for Lake Constance, ada Bergenz festival in Jul & Aug...Lake Constance nie antara 3 negara, Austria, Swiss & Germany....best jugak kalu naik cruise pastu stop over tempat2 kat area lake tu...but unfortunately no cruise in Dec....smp Oct jer....since kali nie i pergi in Dec/Jan....tak jadi lah gi situ...
btw am thinking of cancelling swiss from my list....nak concentrate on 3 eastern europe countries and Austria....pastu gi London & Amsterdam for lepak2....
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