~ISTANA MOYAN HARUM & OYEN~ Yuk kita moyan!!!!!!! jemput semua...
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memang aku jahat wehhhhhhhhhhhhhh:@
sume org takut ngan aku:@
ketua pengawal nak nyanyi sat
walau kita dibasahi hujan
namun tempiasnya menyegarkan
biarpun rembulan
tidak diribaan
namun cahayanya cukup
cehhh...layan jiwang |
di manakah prince JOSH |
Ketua Pengawal tengah tensen sbb pengawal yg lain pi ngedate |
U make 10 friends, Laugh wid 9,
Meet 8 of them, Talk to 7,
Celebrate wid 6, Share secrets with 5,
Trust 4, Cry wid 3,
Take help of 2, But never forget 1 like me
`aku memang best`
cehhhhhhhhh...macam bes jekkk |
dah arrrr..bley mental aku duk sini |
Reply #1487 raudah's post
mmg lah best....x tau lg ke.... |
Reply #1488 raudah's post
nak blah dah ke.... |
Reply #1491 masarju's post
w/salam mas....ralph baik2 jer......;) |
hellu there..... |
Reply #1492 raudah's post
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