Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
hi semua, wa & anak wa pun peminat setia Twilight series ...wa dah repeat baca keempat2 buku 2 kali tapi still tak puas...Edward macam menghantui diriku. Dah tengok movie twilight byk kali tapi new m ...
@Phoenix Post at 30-11-2009 15:05
you are not alone
aku knal twilight saga dari twilight movie
the movie itself mmg menghantui aku
sgt hidup dgn combination of pictures, actors and musics
hampir smua lagu dlm soundtrack dia aku ske
bila aku baca novels...lagi cantik rupanya
twilight book and movie wat kepala aku kt dunia lain
new moon is my favourite book
the movie is good
antara moderate, good, excellent...aku choose good...
mgkin ada tak bagusnya juga kalo too-book-based
dan aku perlukan emosi lebih dari bella...painful and numbness
soundtracknya pun taklah killing sgt...satu dua lagu je bagus
tgk new moon mcm sian sgt kt jacob...hhheheh
masa part bella meraung mlm2 tuh sian sgt2 kn...adeeehhh...seb baik tgk dlm gelap...feeling smpai melleh air mata pon org x nmpak
kite tingin nak pegi ngan DHF gak.. nak try tgk feel lain x.. kekekke
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
kite tingin nak pegi ngan DHF gak.. nak try tgk feel lain x.. kekekke
pavlova Post at 30-11-2009 16:26
tuh la..aku ok tp..kn td aku ada tanya..klu nk g ari ahad tuh boleh ko setkan time...boleh aku adjust ngan kontraktor yg nk btolkan umah aku nih...dtg time bler..sbb dia free ari ahad nih aje
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
cheese, memula akak ingat akak sorang je jadik macam ni, tapi tengok kekawan baya2 akak (semua mak2 org) pun minat giler dgn Twilight. Anak akak 12 yrs pun macam tu jugak..So, sekarang sama2 ada minat yg sama ....Akak ckp kat hubby akak pasal kegilaan kami dua-beranak dgn twilight dgn rob pattinson, tapi hubby akak ok je, siap tolong carikan magazine & poster2 robert pattinson...
ade scene yg ade kt wayang, tp xde kt dload version (ade kan cheese??)
ade gak yg xde kt wyg tp ade kt dload (part kissing 2 kali kena potong..yg penting reunion kiss tu..hishhhh..sib baik dh dload!)
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
yeay!! berjaya gak nengok new moon mlm td...aku saja belikan hubby ngan anak tiket christmas carol..aku pulak sengsorang layan new moon. (kalau diorang ada, asik tanya2 je nanti..takleh concentrate)
nasib baik aku tak tertipu dgn komen2 negative kat imdb, facebook...
bg aku, new moon lg best dr twilight ...justice to the book & special effect pun cantik.
aku demam balik lps tgk citer ni...dulu dah kebah lps 2 minggu abis baca khatam semua twilight saga nih around august..hehe...
tp ada gak yg tak bley blah pasal movie ni..
1. lipstick edward...merah sgtla!!
2. kristin stewart..no emotion especially masa edward's first appearance kat sekolah tu..yg jalan ke dia dgn kacaknya tu...senyumla dgn happynya kristen oiii....bukan ke ko in love gila kat edward tuh...ini senyum cam nak tak nak je..
okla..kpd yg dah baca buku ni tp lom tgk..pegila tgk..best..
kpd yg blom baca buku ni tp nak pegi tgk, aku nasihatkan, baca buku dulu...takut tak paham...
cheese, memula akak ingat akak sorang je jadik macam ni, tapi tengok kekawan baya2 akak (semua mak2 org) pun minat giler dgn Twilight. Anak akak 12 yrs pun macam tu jugak..So, sekarang sama2 ada mina ...
@Phoenix Post at 30-11-2009 20:33
wow....sportingnya hubby akak tu....jeles arr....
itu ari saya beli mag galaxie gambar rob pun dah kena khutbah jumaat...huhuhuhu