Post time 30-11-2016 07:03 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tombol oven aku ni asyik la bertukar position. Kalau time budak ada rumah tu paham la aku. Ajenye jari suka mengutil. Ni budak takde. Aku konpem sangat dah zerokan semua lepas pakai. Ada 'budak' lain ke dalam rumah ni Banyak kali dah jadi ni. Cuak hokayyy...
Post time 1-12-2016 12:38 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
So sad but it finally end. Atleast now i can move on without regret. I have done my best tp dah tak ada jodoh kena terima hakikatlah. So now no more him in my life
Post time 1-12-2016 05:29 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Rasa puas cukup tido. Semalam tido 2 jam. Stayed up all night to finish some work only to find out that my neighbour was having a mini house renovation in the morning. Adeehhh...berdarah hati dengar bunyi drill simen tu
Post time 2-12-2016 01:23 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Masuk benang fogging, teringat kembali childhood sweetheart yang meninggal muda. Sedihnya tak dapat nak sedekahkan al-Fatihah, sebab dah lupa nama arwah
Congratz sbb berjaya laksana kan mission tu. Yeah time tu find a new crush . I masih stuck at this level. But somehow I worried about him sbb workaholic smp migraine
Post time 2-12-2016 09:57 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 2-12-2016 09:49 PM
Congratz sbb berjaya laksana kan mission tu. Yeah time tu find a new crush . I masih stuck at ...
Uol pelan2 ok masuk jarum. Kalu gelojoh macam i ni x pepasal kena cri crush baru jugak nanti . U nasihatlah sikit your crush tu supaya kurangkan bekerja, lebihkan dating dgn u .
I wish I can advise him like that . But he still manage to find time to relax and rest. Bulan 10 ritu die cuti 3 minggu pegi backpack kt Europe. Balik2 I membebel kt die pegi Europe tak ajak I