Saye nk tanyer lagi..
berbaloi tak kalau london saye amik HOHO bus ni..katenye dier valid for 48 hours..
ke cheaper kalo saye amik oyster card camtu je |
Hi semua. Saya betul2 perlukan suggestion. Saya dah beli tix return KL-London-KL dan travel duration 14 days. Konon nak merancang pegi Oxford, Manchester, Liverpool, Lake District, York (naik steam train), Edinburgh, Inverness dan balik ke London. Sebenarnya mcm nak pi Wales jugak tapi mcm ambitious sangat sbb Lake District tu pun mcm dah lari ke belah kanan. Ada suggestion tak should I drive/amek train and balik ke London naik domestic flight. Ii pnah sampai Europe but never been to UK. So tkial2 jugak nak plan sbb kali ni ada dua couple tua saya akan bawak. Tq in advance 
gilakentang posted on 20-3-2013 02:16 PM 
Hi semua. Saya betul2 perlukan suggestion. Saya dah beli tix return KL-London-KL dan travel duration ...
Hi Kentang,
If you want to exploe Lake District it's better that you have a car.....yg lain boleh travel by train..
LelaRentaka7 posted on 20-3-2013 10:26 PM 
Hi Kentang,
If you want to exploe Lake District it's better that you have a car.....yg lain boleh ...
Thank u. tapi agak2 sempat ke nak pegi semua tempat ni in 14 days?
gilakentang posted on 20-3-2013 02:28 PM 
Thank u. tapi agak2 sempat ke nak pegi semua tempat ni in 14 days?
honestly terlalu pack...what say you...hehhe..peace~~
LelaRentaka7 posted on 20-3-2013 03:40 PM 
http://www.budgetplaces.com/5564/oxford-street-accommodation-london-sort-by-distance- ...
thanks k lela..at last dah booked hotel thistle marble arch area oxford..
kak, if kite kt london ade 2 and half days kat london..mane yg wajib kite pegi dulu ye.. cz macam shooping tu mmg dah dekat area hotel tu kan.. confuse la x taw nak wat ape dulu ni.. need ur advise sis. tq
mieza386 posted on 21-3-2013 08:45 AM 
thanks k lela..at last dah booked hotel thistle marble arch area oxford..
kak, if kite kt londo ...
mieza...you kena ade wishlist dear baru senang nak susun...
kalau belum tahu or belum decide just do some light reading then at least you'll have a general idea what you'd like to see or visit...
till then sis..
I have change a plan..this month will travel from Brussels to Switzerland via France, Italy and back to Brussels by car..next month will go to London. |
lady_lily posted on 20-3-2013 08:37 AM 
Nak tanya sikit....
Ada tak sapa2 kat sini yg beli tiket Kul - London - Paris - Kul yg rege dia R ...
babe, kl-london-paris-kl RM2266.. emirates...
tuminah_sideq posted on 21-3-2013 10:36 PM 
babe, kl-london-paris-kl RM2266.. emirates...
Motif sekarang semua murah murah jah. Sempena matta kah?
Ada x tour yg include Stonehenge dan Cotswolds sekaligus dlm satu trip drpd london? |
murah jugak ticket yer dari kl-lhr tu. aritu akak balik uk ticket was quite expensive but then again akak travelled from brunei n stopover in kl for 2 mlm sebelum onward ke uk with MAS. the foods they served kl-lhr wasnt that nice lah n we were delayed for 3hrs. smpi lhr tersangat lah lewat n ada paxs missed their connection. luckily the aircraft was 3/4 empty so each paxs memang dpt seat kaw2 lah.
some of the places that forumers mentioned kat sini memang ada yg akak tak pernah g lagi altho i lived in england for almost 20yrs. still akak berulang alik keuk every year now since moving back to this part of the world, cos rasa england tu mcm my kampong jer skang ni.
i am going back again insyaallah in april n then summer holidays july-august. beraya tahun ni kat england kot! btw akak ada dengar2 MARA just bought a boutique hotel in central london around paddington areas dekat2 brunei hall tu. the rate is about £80 per nite. m not sure sama ada dah start business or not cos aritu masa kat sana i heard it is still under renovation. £80 for london areas is really good lah n foods kat hotel tu for sure halal cos my friend yg take care of their coffee house.
nanti i will find out with my fren if the hotel is ready. umah kak min kat england tu i buat short let lah n it is around canary wharf. |
minahsaudi posted on 22-3-2013 07:36 AM 
murah jugak ticket yer dari kl-lhr tu. aritu akak balik uk ticket was quite expensive but then agai ...
hi kak min,
going back to England again?
bestnyer buat balik England ni macam balik KEdah-KL jerk hihi
teringat citer Kak Min pasal electric blanket ke apa ntah tu. The one u pernah mention u used during honeymoon masa kat England dulu 
tuminah_sideq posted on 21-3-2013 10:36 PM 
babe, kl-london-paris-kl RM2266.. emirates...
murahnya..hidden beli dengan mas kl-london paris-kl: rm 2492
LelaRentaka7 posted on 20-3-2013 10:31 PM 
honestly terlalu pack...what say you...hehhe..peace~~
ive changed my mind. i wanna skip manchester, liverpool & stonehenge this time.
Destination dlm list:
1. London
2. Oxford
3. Lake District
4. York
5. Edinburgh
6. Inverness
berbaloi tak pegi Inverness? I''m open for any suggestion 
gilakentang posted on 22-3-2013 02:42 PM 
ive changed my mind. i wanna skip manchester, liverpool & stonehenge this time.
Destination dlm ...
i rasa tak payah lah g inverness tu. berapa banyak masa u ada?
minahsaudi posted on 22-3-2013 02:58 PM 
i rasa tak payah lah g inverness tu. berapa banyak masa u ada?
i ada 14 days. i mcm nak pegi scottish highland thats why plan nak ke edinburgh lepas tu inverness. sekarang ni plan sampai london stay 3 hari lepas tu balik london 4 days before flight back to kl. sempat ke nak pegi 5 destinations tu.
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