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Author: appleringo

Nak share dgn sapa2 yg ada experience jadi close friend dgn Koreans..

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 8-4-2018 04:04 PM
TT mungkin tengah ada rasa bunga2 kan..saya agak je..kalau dikenang kembali, fasa teramat paling ser ...

Thanks awk honestly memang ada rasa 'bunga2' tu tp tak nak layan sgt perasaan.. knowing hati I pernah disakitkan teruk oleh guy jugak. so I ambik approach utk lebih beware.. I happy sebab his pleasant personality and he really2 respects me as a woman..other than that, my focus is to be happy je skrg, tak nak stress..

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Post time 8-4-2018 08:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 8-4-2018 03:58 PM
Awak soal dia mcm pegawai penyiasat..
bertalu talu..

Aah sebab mcm ada certain aspect tu tak make sense.  Dan citer dia pun kona sana kona sini.  Cthla,  awal awal cakap oppa naik grab je,  bila i pertikaikan, kona plak oppa drive.

Pastu kalau nak citer tu, citer je lah smpi abeh. Kenapa nk kena citer sekerat jalan. Skrang citer die stop kat part dia kantoikan oppa kat airport. So what's next?  Nk kene tunggu forumer lain merayu ke suruh dia sambung lg?  Attention seeker much?

Nak plak bile tt citer die ada masalah depression. Kalau btul dia depressed,  mencipta alam fantasi di dunia forum is not a way to overcome it. She should seeks for medical and professional help. Kata ada phd kan?

But kalau citer die btul (yg ni maybe hanya TT je yg tau sejauh kebenarannya)  then awal-awal lagi i nak ucap minta maaf sbb doubt dia.

Apepun,  jangan biarkan tragedi Cik Es muncul lagi di forum...


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Post time 10-4-2018 02:11 PM | Show all posts
appleringo replied at 8-4-2018 04:33 PM
Thanks awk  honestly memang ada rasa 'bunga2' tu tp tak nak layan sgt perasaan.. knowi ...

I nk tahu perkmbangan u n oppa after u kantoikan yang dia adalah CEO..

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Post time 12-4-2018 06:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baca dan enjoy. Percaya jangan.

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Post time 12-4-2018 07:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kepada appleringo teruskan bercerita.saya follow cerita awak ni.sangat entertain.saya pon tak nak tau betul ke tak cerita awak ni.nak tanya macam polisi.hidup jangan plain sangat cuba bubuh kaler sikit.

macam forumer atas ni bagitau.baca dan enjoy percaya jangan.yes!!betul!!!baca sekadar hiburan je.jangan la terlalu obses sampai menyembah orang tu bagai.baca sekadar hiburan.apa awak cerita tu la saya terima.simple... kalau awak tipu awak dapat apa?kalau awak betul saya dapat apa? just enjoy.chill.

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2018 03:30 PM | Show all posts
mrs_salvatore replied at 8-4-2018 08:48 PM
Aah sebab mcm ada certain aspect tu tak make sense.  Dan citer dia pun kona sana kona sini.  Cthla ...'s ok..doubt n hesitation are mans' best friends.. it's good to put doubt in heart. anyway thanks uols, iols terhibur. haha..u showed sooooo much concern n affection to my story anyway. 고마워요 친구 야!

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2018 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 8-4-2018 03:58 PM
Awak soal dia mcm pegawai penyiasat..
bertalu talu..

haha...thanks uols... it's ok. in life kita akan byk berdepan dgn people with full of doubtness and hesitation. hihi.. to be true, rasa dh explain sejelasnya, tp tak tau napa. maybe dia annoyed n irritated. kdg2 past experience buatkan org mcm tu..hihi..takpe, fkr positif je. life should be full of colours kan...

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2018 03:51 PM | Show all posts
hehe..sorry yek if ada yg rasa annoyed dgn cerita I..hihi.. if ada yg kata I cerita sekerat2, actually I pun tak nak org annoyed if I keep on cerita smpai 10 pages..kenal pun dh berbulan, byk cerita. tp tak semua cerita org nak baca kan. setakat jumpa every weekend n oppa masak..semua nak cerita berpage2.. haha. selama ni I silent reader je. tp I tetiba rasa nak bukak 1 thread. this is my very 1st thread. I cuma mampu cerita sekerat2 sbb I have my own professional job to do. kalau ada yg rasa I attention seeker ke apa.. if any of u byk masa nak check contribution I kat forum ni ..u guys can see..I tak byk komen2 pun. thread pun 1, pastu yg plg byk I komen pun kat thread DBI palsukan PhD dia dr UM. tu pun I komen tentang facts n details about UM's policy. that's all..

but anyway thanks uols.. i truly appreciate all the responses here. love 'em!

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2018 03:52 PM | Show all posts
yokoono replied at 10-4-2018 02:11 PM
I nk tahu perkmbangan u n oppa after u kantoikan yang dia adalah CEO..

hai uols.. I sambung mlm nnt yek.. this 2 weeks I focus nak siapkan my 1st scientific book..tak sedar dh lama I tak smbung cite I...sorry2..

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Post time 12-4-2018 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
appleringo replied at 12-4-2018 03:52 PM
hai uols.. I sambung mlm nnt yek.. this 2 weeks I focus nak siapkan my 1st scientific book..tak se ...

Sambung jelah sis, iols mudah terhibur.kalau uols tipu, iols kutey uols

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Post time 13-4-2018 10:11 AM | Show all posts
appleringo replied at 12-4-2018 03:52 PM
hai uols.. I sambung mlm nnt yek.. this 2 weeks I focus nak siapkan my 1st scientific book..tak se ...

Please sambung, I pun terhibur dgn story u. Rasa mcm I pun da kenal oppa

Tentang mereka2 yg sibuk nk jdi polis bantuan kat sini..u ignore je.

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Post time 13-4-2018 10:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i jeles dgn TT sebab ada oppa..i ni oppa i kat dalam drama tu...sob sob sob

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Post time 14-4-2018 01:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau nk create citer pun,  biarla konsisten uols.  Baru terhibur skit membacanye.  Ni kejap kata kenal thn 2015, pastu kata kenal berbulan-bulan.  Ter konpius kejap  

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2018 05:38 AM | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 14-4-2018 01:50 PM
Kalau nk create citer pun,  biarla konsisten uols.  Baru terhibur skit membacanye.  Ni kejap kata ke ...

ok sorry. Now i got what is the inconsistency.. haha. I dah edit ayat in the 1st page. my bad. penulisan BM I tak mencapai tahap memuaskan. sorry2..haha....after I grad phd in 2015, i habiskan belajar Japanese. Only in 2017 baru I start attend korean language class n starting to meet up with some korean friends in mid of 2017.. haha...

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2018 06:03 AM | Show all posts
sorry yek. I busy tahap gaban.. haha... ni buku i dah siap tulis n submit ke publisher. actually nothing really fancy pun. just that before this masa lepak makan Oppa ada cerita dia pernah keje kat China for 2 years and made friends dgn few Chinese ladies there. so i thought bagus sbb culture dorg tak jauh beza kan. but in the end Oppa ckp, they are all materialistic. I had some thoughts in mind sbb I rasa setakat die keje engineer xde la byk duit sgt kan. and plus Oppa punya 1st love dulu, dumped him for a super richer guy. so masa mula2 ktorg kenal, dia reveal his job as engineer je. it is more like dia nak tgk I ok ke kwn dgn dia bila dia dtg jumpa I asyik2 naik Grab n so on. which is bg I ok je. sbb I bkn nak couple dgn dia. nak fasih berlatih ckp bahasa korea je kan.

but in the end, sbb selalu share mcm2 cerita, ktorg jd close. in January this year, dia ckp dia kena fly blk Seoul, ada emergency matters. I ok je. but before check in, dia nak pergi toilet n he asked me to keep an eye for his stuff, I tak sengaja terjatuhkan buku or ala2 planner dia. that's when I nampak a business card reveal nama dia n position as President n Co-founder.

Of course terkejut. tp nak kata happy sbb tau dia president ke apa, I tak de la smpai ke arah tu. I x fancy a rich guy pun. I can afford myself from what I earned so far. so bukannya nk bermegah sbb I kenal a rich guy. not at all. but somehow kisah ktorg ke arah tu.

so that's how i try to relate dgn cerita dia sebelum ni bila some Chinese ladies nak couple dgn dia just for the sake of money. so I thought ok now nampak la relatable kan. haha. Ok end up mmg Oppa mengaku jugak la. tp dia ckp company dia company biasa kecik je. I bkn ksh pun kan. main reason dia tipu sunat psl keje dia is dia nk tgk Malaysia ladies jenis mcm mana. sebab bg dia if I ada PhD n keje elok, I nak ke berkwn dgn korean sengkek cm dia yg every time jumpa naik Grab.

so bila lama2 dh selesa n close, dia mmg ckp nak cerita psl company dia n so on. tp tak de kesempatan. so even though I terkejut masa mula2 tau, skrg ni apa2 hal pun dia share je dgn I. psl plan company ke apa. it's not my special capability la nk create cerita if ada yg kata i cuba menyeronokkan jln cerita ke apa. haha. in fact I ada je company profiles n products dia n so on.

and now I tau another reason dia kwn dgn I sbb I am a researcher. so for R&D products dia, he might need some advice on scientific assays and tests regarding his products to be marketable in M'sia. actually I bkn expert pun. jauh sgt la level nya. but I wont deny my capabilities on scientific research. i involve in research pun dah 10 years and I published quite a number of research articles internationally. so yg mana I boleh suggest and recommend, I will try my best

ok nnt i sambung lagi. sorry pd yg bengang dgn penulisan I yg tak jelas sblm ni, may bad, though! but somehow I bengang jugak bila ada yg ckp if I ada depression, I have to stay away from here n seek for medical treatment. well, does he or she really knows me to say that? I know my own self better than anyone. so katakan org tu suffered from depression jd org tu dilarang share some thoughts ke? well anyway, have a good day everyone...  

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2018 06:05 AM | Show all posts
yokoono replied at 13-4-2018 10:11 AM
Please sambung, I pun terhibur dgn story u. Rasa mcm I pun da kenal oppa

Tentang mereka2 ...

sorry yek. I busy tahap gaban.. haha... ni buku i dah siap tulis n submit ke publisher. actually nothing really fancy pun. just that before this masa lepak makan Oppa ada cerita dia pernah keje kat China for 2 years and made friends dgn few Chinese ladies there. so i thought bagus sbb culture dorg tak jauh beza kan. but in the end Oppa ckp, they are all materialistic. I had some thoughts in mind sbb I rasa setakat die keje engineer xde la byk duit sgt kan. and plus Oppa punya 1st love dulu, dumped him for a super richer guy. so masa mula2 ktorg kenal, dia reveal his job as engineer je. it is more like dia nak tgk I ok ke kwn dgn dia bila dia dtg jumpa I asyik2 naik Grab n so on. which is bg I ok je. sbb I bkn nak couple dgn dia. nak fasih berlatih ckp bahasa korea je kan.

but in the end, sbb selalu share mcm2 cerita, ktorg jd close. in January this year, dia ckp dia kena fly blk Seoul, ada emergency matters. I ok je. but before check in, dia nak pergi toilet n he asked me to keep an eye for his stuff, I tak sengaja terjatuhkan buku or ala2 planner dia. that's when I nampak a business card reveal nama dia n position as President n Co-founder.

Of course terkejut. tp nak kata happy sbb tau dia president ke apa, I tak de la smpai ke arah tu. I x fancy a rich guy pun. I can afford myself from what I earned so far. so bukannya nk bermegah sbb I kenal a rich guy. not at all. but somehow kisah ktorg ke arah tu.

so that's how i try to relate dgn cerita dia sebelum ni bila some Chinese ladies nak couple dgn dia just for the sake of money. so I thought ok now nampak la relatable kan. haha. Ok end up mmg Oppa mengaku jugak la. tp dia ckp company dia company biasa kecik je. I bkn ksh pun kan. main reason dia tipu sunat psl keje dia is dia nk tgk Malaysia ladies jenis mcm mana. sebab bg dia if I ada PhD n keje elok, I nak ke berkwn dgn korean sengkek cm dia yg every time jumpa naik Grab.

so bila lama2 dh selesa n close, dia mmg ckp nak cerita psl company dia n so on. tp tak de kesempatan. so even though I terkejut masa mula2 tau, skrg ni apa2 hal pun dia share je dgn I. psl plan company ke apa. it's not my special capability la nk create cerita if ada yg kata i cuba menyeronokkan jln cerita ke apa. haha. in fact I ada je company profiles n products dia n so on.

and now I tau another reason dia kwn dgn I sbb I am a researcher. so for R&D products dia, he might need some advice on scientific assays and tests regarding his products to be marketable in M'sia. actually I bkn expert pun. jauh sgt la level nya. but I wont deny my capabilities on scientific research. i involve in research pun dah 10 years and I published quite a number of research articles internationally. so yg mana I boleh suggest and recommend, I will try my best

ok nnt i sambung lagi. sorry pd yg bengang dgn penulisan I yg tak jelas sblm ni, may bad, though! but somehow I bengang jugak bila ada yg ckp if I ada depression, I have to stay away from here n seek for medical treatment. well, does he or she really knows me to say that? I know my own self better than anyone. so katakan org tu suffered from depression jd org tu dilarang share some thoughts ke? well anyway, have a good day everyone...  

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2018 06:07 AM | Show all posts
and guys.. feel free to read my scientific write up on colour blindness  that i just posted in Forum Cari just now... thanks all..

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Post time 22-4-2018 06:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wow baru baca. Bertuah la TT dapat  kenal oppa yg kaya, smart, pandai, baik...  


hehehehehehehehe  Post time 24-4-2018 11:54 AM

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 Author| Post time 24-4-2018 03:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
indenial replied at 22-4-2018 06:56 PM
Wow baru baca. Bertuah la TT dapat  kenal oppa yg kaya, smart, pandai, baik...

well thanks..baik tu subjective..haha.. ada time2 'nakal' dtg, boleh tahan jugak perangai Oppa tu.. i just suka sbb he always thinks positively..maybe org yg involve in business memang mcm ni kan..n it's good for me sbb i memang kena bergaul dgn org yg selalu ada positive vibes..

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Post time 24-4-2018 11:55 AM | Show all posts
appleringo replied at 22-4-2018 06:05 AM
sorry yek. I busy tahap gaban.. haha... ni buku i dah siap tulis n submit ke publisher. actually n ...

oh ye ke? apa nama company oppa tu uols? kalau anak sedara kawan meols nk mintak buat praktikal kt tmpt oppa tu bleh ke?

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