volumecontrol posted on 1-7-2013 06:19 PM 
sat core
saya ada degree in accounting, and skrg ada modal dalam 30k so macam mana nak memulakan ...
please go to wisma MCA jln ampang, that agent is only agent that deal wirh OZ visa, beware too many agent , too many scam, too many fraud nowadays, they deal with UK and OZ visa
Last edited by AHMADVW on 1-7-2013 07:43 PM
AHMADVW posted on 1-7-2013 07:40 PM 
please go to wisma MCA jln ampang, that agent is only agent that deal wirh OZ visa, beware too ma ...
ic,tq for the info, tulah mmg la takut jugak takut kena tipu. kita dahla macam org desperate kan. |
volumecontrol posted on 1-7-2013 06:19 PM 
sat core
saya ada degree in accounting, and skrg ada modal dalam 30k so macam mana nak memulakan ...
saya bimbang perbelanjaan bro semua tu melebihi pendapatan bro...
bestnye...tukang petik pon ok...malangnya kewangan x mngizinkan.... |
volumecontrol posted on 1-7-2013 06:19 PM 
sat core
saya ada degree in accounting, and skrg ada modal dalam 30k so macam mana nak memulakan ...
Kalau tak silap saya Australia memang tengah nak pakai akauntan dan ada dalam diorang punya SOL. So, mungkin boleh cuba apply Skill Independent 189 Visa.
Saya dalam proses nak buat.
Detail boleh tengok kat sini:
sat_core posted on 3-7-2013 12:52 PM 
Lawatan Kajian Kali ke 3 Perth Australia
u team dari dinogombak juga ke?
tomz posted on 15-7-2013 10:45 AM 
u team dari dinogombak juga ke?
saya menyertai program ke perth tu....
tomz posted on 26-10-2009 11:13 AM 
aku dengar peluang as pekerja banyak kat sana,
tapi aku tak pasti samada kerja as buruh ...
cuba keja offshore bro. kawan2 ramai dh berjaya jd kuli hartawan.. jd kuli tp duit berkepuk..huhu..
volumecontrol posted on 1-7-2013 08:33 PM 
ic,tq for the info, tulah mmg la takut jugak takut kena tipu. kita dahla macam org desperate kan. ...
Rajinkan diri beli paper The STAR, akan keluar 2-3 iklan pasal migration...
normally depa conduct FREE seminar for potential migrants
shop around before u commit and register wt 2-3 agents and attend seminar
normally they will give you free test to see whether u qualify or not
my tips, jangan tunjuk 'naive' sangat depan agents nie k...heheh
from time to time, the syarat become more strict and strict...
so if u nekad, go for it...satu lagi, jangan bayar sekaligus bila agent minta
some agents, ada work progress showing us the payment according to what they have been completed
and some agents have pretty old staffs with experiences, and others have active and progressive staffs
get familiar with difference kind of agents before u choose them...
good luck!
emm.. if saya now lecturer design di IPT government, ade ke peluang kerja kat Aussie or New Zealand ni,
diorang terima tak org malaysia utk kerja dalam bidang pendidikan (cikgu or lecturer) |
AHMADVW posted on 1-7-2013 07:40 PM 
please go to wisma MCA jln ampang, that agent is only agent that deal wirh OZ visa, beware too ma ...
tau tak service fee agent tu?
haritu aku ada google
tapi website x mention berapa
sat_core, mencelah sikit yer. Utk GSM tu bukan dpt PR, tp skilled visa 457. utk layak berhijrah / bekerja, bukan dpt PR. I just got my PR couple of months ago but not an easy process.
Cost of education in Australia way too high. i spent $AU11,000 for 1st year Law Degree and i have to do 4 years. rental average $AU100/week rate. even for local PR with VET cost of education for 1st year degree is $AU9,000. in return 20 hours/ week MAX allowed to work except school break.
Housing/real estate way to high. min house price to buy start with $AU200k, rental average $AU200/week rate. Salary wise, with the EEO Act 1987 / Fair Work Australia min Award rate is $15/hour. Kalau yg bertanya kerja petik buah tu, yes ada. under Working Holiday Visa, aged up to 30yrs old only. My pay rates $AU22/hour for doing IT
RM30k cukup utk belajar kt Australia?, I doubt. By they way, I NEVER sit for IELTS test and i got into the QUT University. By the way, I lived in Brisbane, Australia.
my one cent opinion.
Last edited by happywater on 9-9-2013 03:59 PM
sat_core posted on 5-6-2013 07:08 PM 
lebih kurang macam tu lah, klu modal nak ke australia RM8k dah cukup, RM10k is the best, nanti say ...
sat_core. saya pun nak pegi juga next year. 2014 maybe march kot. tlg guide apa patut.
saya nak redah je ni pegi sana. |
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