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Author: Fie'Z'idane

Betulkah teori ni????

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Post time 20-7-2003 02:42 AM | Show all posts

well the bedtimes stories lah : pasal those dynamic universe!!!

Originally posted by paparock at 2003-7-19 23:56:
Ye mbhcsf...nak aper:bg: Apa khabar awak? Hujung minggu tak jalan-jalan carik makan?........

salam Hello Papa....................there you are......
nak dengaq citerrrr laaa.......ish ish..
me? Fine..boring actually
yes talking about jln cari makn ..On Friday i was "home alone" so ...tak makn ape-ape..except...well.. 2 slices of bread and milo (no sugar ) about that..pretty healthy huh...hik hikhik....hic..cups...
kenapa nak  jln -jln cari makn?
bukan nasi kandaq berlungguk ke??:re:
but on second thought depa ni banyak minyak leerrr..tak banyak vege punya choices...but i am not a fussy eater..

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 20-7-2003 at 02:54 AM ]

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Post time 20-7-2003 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-7-20 02:42 AM:
salam Hello Papa....................there you are......
nak dengaq citerrrr laaa.......ish ish..
me? Fine..boring actually
yes talking about jln cari makn ..On Friday i was "home alone&quo ...

Untuk seseorang yang penuh formula macam ko, aku anggap mestilah health concious jugak...

Aku pun tak rasa mamak tak cukup sayur... Aku suka sayur dan ulam-ulaman a lot.....:bg:

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Post time 20-7-2003 11:07 AM | Show all posts


Kepala saya dah takder formula lebih kpd a product of what my sister tends to call as  muddled thoughts..itu facts..sbb kakak saya pun test saya kalau dia tanya soalan mcm mane saya approach the problem solving skills lah..
so  bless you for the flattering compliment...:bg:

lagi satu masyarakat kita tak suka buat senaman least kan kalau habiskan 20 minutes bersenam dalam 7 hari seminggu tu pun dah kira okay lah tu..and then ade byk misconception tetang exercise..ade yg cakap .basuh kain la , menyapu la ..that's not ..exercise yg berkesan ( bg healthy subjests) adalah yg boleh increase your heart rate ( at least 70-85 % from your basal herat rate) ..then..kalu dah capi  itu barulah ade cardiofitness..sikit..swimming is good . aerobic too..

tentang makan ni kan i tak terdaya lah .sbb depa ni makan banyak sanagt garam , i pun terpaksa sbb my mommy banned me from cooking..sbb nanti i tak bubuh garam all this malay tongues tak tahan masak tawaq..
keprluan grm sehari ialah setengah of the camaca teh shj!!ni masukkan  a pinch of salt "yerlah a pinch of salt is too many"......

then about cholesterol and stuffs..well...kalau leabelled pun No cholesterl or cholesterol free jangan la kena tipu lok ..look at the " saturated fat'..tu yg boleh  contribute tu the  raised cholesterol in the body....but i am not sure about tAichi though, what do you reckon?

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 20-7-2003 at 11:39 AM ]

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Post time 2-10-2003 09:05 PM | Show all posts
Sarah, what do you think of this (from Scientific American):

1. "Briefly, tachyons are theoretically postulated particles that travel faster than light and have 'imaginary' masses. Tachyons have never been found in experiments as real particles traveling through the vacuum, but we predict theoretically that tachyon-like objects exist as faster-than-light 'quasiparticles' moving through laser-like media."

2. ""First, we have discovered that photons which tunnel through a quantum barrier can apparently travel faster than light (see "Measurement of the Single-Photon Tunneling Time" by A. M. Steinberg, P. G. Kwiat, and R. Y. Chiao, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 71, page 708; 1993).

Second, we have found an effect related to the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen phenomenon, in which two distantly separated photons can apparently influence one anothers' behaviors at two distantly separated detectors (see "High-Visibility Interference in a Bell-Inequality Experiment for Energy and Time," by P. G. Kwiat, A. M. Steinberg, and R. Y. Chiao, Physical Review A, Vol. 47, page R2472; 1993). This effect was first predicted theoretically by Prof. J. D. Franson of Johns Hopkins University. We have found experimentally that twin photons emitted from a common source (a down-conversion crystal) behave in a correlated fashion when they arrive at two distant interferometers. This phenomenon can be described as a 'faster-than-light influence' of one photon upon its twin.

Because of the intrinsic randomness of quantum phenomena, however, one cannot control whether a given photon tunnels or not, nor can one control whether a given photon is transmitted or not at the final beam splitter. Hence it is impossible to send true signals in faster-than-light communications. "

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Post time 21-5-2004 01:10 AM | Show all posts


saya naikkan kembali untuk tambahan...pasal time machine , the 9 th dimension..and all...okay happy reading there 's a lot of things happy times here..bless those contributors...

yg i really nak feedback and sumbangan ...

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Robotic This user has been deleted
Post time 22-5-2004 10:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 21-5-2004 01:10 AM:
saya naikkan kembali untuk tambahan...pasal time machine , the 9 th dimension..and all...okay happy reading there 's a lot of things happy times here..bless those contributors...

yg i really nak ...

Ish ke 9 ganas betul.Sepandai-pandai Robot pun setahunya ada 4 je????????????????

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Post time 24-4-2006 12:26 AM | Show all posts
Hi. This is an interesting topic. Just curious, when you talk about 9 dimensions, which theory do you have to support it. Have you ever heard about the existence of 11 dimensions as mentioned in the M-Theory (SuperString Theory)?

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Post time 24-4-2006 12:45 PM | Show all posts
aik? baru aku sedar dah ada thread sal teori relativiti kat board ni... hehehe.... :bgrin:

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Post time 24-4-2006 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Yeah baru perasan semalam. Tgk post terakhir iaitu pada 22-5-2004  - dua tahun lepas! :D Hehe.

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Post time 24-4-2006 03:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #151 MACD's post

Amboih! Lamanyer..... Masih ade org yang ingin tahu psl teori relativiti ke??? Tgk thread Time Machine

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Post time 24-4-2006 03:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #152 aku_EnSeM's post

Tapi itu cume sebahagian jer...

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Post time 27-5-2006 04:04 PM | Show all posts

velocity:displacement divide by time
acceleration:velocity divide by time

untuk kembali ke zaman silam atau ke masa hadapan rasa nyer tak boleh...
sebab: kalau boleh tentu orang masa akan datang dah sampai katy kiter sekarang:
pastu kalau kembali ke zaman dulu,  tentu kiter dah buat sejarah iter sendiri.
pastu tentu kiter dah  mati kalau kiter kembali ke zaman akan datang...

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Post time 28-5-2006 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by herie at 5/27/06 12:04 AM
velocity:displacement divide by time
acceleration:velocity divide by time

correct, to a certain extent.

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Post time 29-5-2006 07:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by herie at 27-5-2006 04:04 PM
untuk kembali ke zaman silam atau ke masa hadapan rasa nyer tak boleh...
sebab: kalau boleh tentu orang masa akan datang dah sampai katy kiter sekarang: pastu kalau kembali ke zaman dulu,  tentu kiter dah buat sejarah iter sendiri.

Ok. Camne kalau diorang ni pulang ke zaman lampau tapi tak reveal themselves to us in the present? Maybe diorang ada technology invisibility or something like that.

Lepas tu camne lak kalau diorang pulang ke zaman lampau, lepas tu apabila diorang buat sesuatu yang mengubah sejarah, contohnya membantu pahlawan2 Melayu menewaskan Potugis, satu universe yang baru akan di'spawn' dan kesannya ialah Kesultanan Melayu Melaka tak berakhir di dalam universe tersebut?

pastu tentu kiter dah  mati kalau kiter kembali ke zaman akan datang...

Camne lak mati. Apa akan terjadi kalau ajal kita bukannya ditentukan dengan tarikh pada kalendar tapi pada usia? Contohnya, katakan jangka hayat Abu (ajal) sudah ditetapkan selama 80 tahun. Beliau lahir pada tahun 2000. Pada umur 60 tahun (2060) beliau pergi ke masa hadapan iaitu tahun 2100 dan bercadang menghabiskan usia beliau di sana. Disebabkan ajal beliau hanya akan tiba 20 tahun lagi, maka dengan hipotesis ini, beliau hanya akan mati pada tahun 2120.

Amacam.Boleh terjadi tak benda ni?...

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Post time 30-5-2006 12:36 PM | Show all posts
since we can't possibly travel faster than the speed of light by the law of physics, i think that's out of question.

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Post time 30-5-2006 01:54 PM | Show all posts
If Einstein is to be believed, the fastest object in our universe is light. So it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light according to Einstein.

However, we dont need to travel faster than light. What we need to do is to find a wormhole. In below example, the distance from Earth to Sirius star is 90 trillion km (9 light years). Imagine a wormhole is opened at both ends, the traveling time would take much much less than that.


Now, imagine spacetime is a two-dimensional plane like above, is not it possible to travel back and forth through it?



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Post time 30-5-2006 05:24 PM | Show all posts
aah, cam Star Trek huh? (i dont remember what they call it though)

if that exist, maybe it's possible.

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Post time 14-10-2006 01:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1's post

Halaju lebih dari kelajuan cahaya....according to current theory is possible....
1st, further elaboration of relativity theory dan experimental observation, scientist theorize that dalam space 4Dimensions skarang ni (width, height,length,time) ader subspace (space di dalam space).....

subspace ni minutes, so small...micro micro planck (1 planck=1.6 x 10^(-35) metre)...tak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar, seperti bubbles...berlaku every micro microseconds....dan these subspaces, connect space biasa yg 4D, its possible that cthnyer satu subspace connect space di galaxy A dgn galaxy, kalau manusia dapat exploit subspace ni, dapat masuk dalam subspace dan control subspace....manusia dapat travel dari galaxy ke, in that sense, kita lagi laju dari cahaya la kan?...sbb cahaya takes thousands of years nak rentas galaxy to galaxy...dan theory ni dinamakan 'hyperspace travel' ataupun 'hyperspeed'.....

subspace ni mengandungi tenaga yang close to infinity, because the amount of energy required untuk connect space A dgn Space B sangat besar....tu kalau 2 jer space.....tapi 'subspace bubbles' ni connect to banyak giler space every micro micro seconds....

ader scientist US ni, aku dah lupa dah nama aper...dier kata, kalaula manusia dapat exploit energy yang ader dalam subspace, bumi takkan kekurangan tenaga selama2nyer.....tenaga dari subspace berjuta2 kali ganda lagi banyak dari jumlah tenaga dalam, manusia takyah risau pasal letrik, petrol keter etc...

dan, scientist theorize, dalam hanya beberapa cm padu subspace, tenaga yang ada didalamnya, cukup untuk bagi lautan di muka bumi menggelegak/mendidih....SubhanAllah....

aku baca dulu pasal ni dalam journal scientist apa ntah...lupa dah....

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 14-10-2006 01:33 AM ]



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Post time 17-10-2006 02:01 PM | Show all posts

Hyperspace traveling

reminds me of Stargate...

Anyway, this is a very nice post that deserves some credit points.

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Post time 17-10-2006 02:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #160 Arissa_Sofea's post

I was thinking on subspace / hyperspace of being a bigger dimension than 4D, not smaller...

Gonna update my knowledge on subspace later! Nak sambung buat kerja jap skrg.

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