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Author: Truth.8

Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born.......

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Post time 27-4-2013 10:32 PM | Show all posts
dalam bible pun mengatakan Tuhan itu satu,bukan 3...............

Mark 12:29

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."

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Post time 27-4-2013 11:43 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 27-4-2013 10:25 PM
agama kristian ni tak patut wujud pun.lagipun Nabi Isa AS bukan beragama Kristian.....

baca ni  ...

Kan kamu ni bermati-matian kata Injil dah korup......tapi sekarang quote pula ayat Matt 5:17, mana kredibiliti kamu ???

Kalau tidak faham dan baca keseluruhan Injil, janganlah berlagak macam pakar Injil di sini macam saudara sam1528 kau tu, memalukan !
Biar saya terang serba sedikit dalam inggeris;

Before Jesus died and rose again, the Law was still in effect, and as such, Jesus obeyed and supported it 100%.
But His death, burial and resurrection was the fulfillment of the Promise made to Abraham, and the Law, which came 430 years after, could not negate the Promise; but rather, the Promise supersedes the Law, which was introduced as a temporary measure (like a "nanny", so to speak) until the Promised Messiah came to fulfill all things.

If we look carefully at the context of the verse in which Jesus spoke of fulfilling the Law, particularly at what follows Matthew 5:17-19, we will note that Jesus was redefining the teaching from the Law and the Prophets. He was pointing out which principles from the Holy Scriptures had an eternal validity and their intended purpose, and how both were to be understood.

In short, Jesus was creating a spiritual law, which we may call the "law of Christ" (John 13:33-35) — and this becomes the norm for Christian living, not the old covenant law. This is demonstrated by the fact that one cannot find in the teaching in Matthew 5-6 any discussion of ceremonial laws such as the Sabbath and annual festival "holy time" regulations — a hallmark of Jewish religious observance based on old covenant commands.

While Jews concerned themselves with what Moses and their traditions said, Jesus superseded that approach to God with his own instruction. He became the standard of truth (John 1:17). In referring to both the Law of Moses and the tradition of the elders, Jesus boldly proclaimed, "But I say to you" (Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44). At the end of the Sermon, Jesus told his hearers that the wise person is one "who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice" (Matthew 7:24).

The orientation of the new covenant is to Christ and the cross, not to Moses and the tables of stone. The great sermon of the new covenant is not the one given on Mt. Sinai, but by Jesus Christ (John 1:17). He explained the spiritual-moral principles of the new covenant that apply to Christians. These are amply discussed in several places in the New Testament (in Galatians 5:22-25, for example). We should note that these places do not contain any mention of such ceremonial regulations as keeping a specific day of the week.

Matthew concluded his gospel with the following words of Jesus: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). The disciples are to teach and do the commands Jesus gave, not legalistically follow the Law of Moses (John 15:12-13). Since Jesus did not command Sabbath-keeping in Matthew 5:17-19, we cannot use this Scripture to justify teaching it.

In the interest of fairness, we should point out that some scholars object to the view that Jesus was referring to his own commandments in Matthew 5:19. The word for "commandment," entole, elsewhere in Matthew always refers to the Old Testament law. These scholars insist the expression "least of these commandments" would be better understood in the context as referring to the law as expounded in the Old Testament. If so, how are we to understand Jesus’ command to his disciples — to respect and teach the "least of these commandments"?

We have already seen that Jesus cannot be telling his disciples to keep each of the 613 regulations of the Law. That would lead to a logical absurdity, violate his own teaching in Matthew 5, and stand in conflict with other New Testament teachings and writings. (Since Jesus didn’t mention the Sabbath in Matthew 5, we cannot use this Scripture to insist that one of "these commandments" was the Sabbath "holy time" regulation.)

It cannot be a literal observance of the Law of Moses that interests Jesus — this is seen by what he says in Matthew 5:21-48, where he radically reinterprets the commands of the Law. If it were a literal observance that Jesus wanted, the Gospel of Mark was in specific violation of Jesus’ command, because it interpreted Jesus’ view of the laws of "uncleanness" and said he had abrogated these Old Testament food regulations. See Mark 7:19 in any modern translation.)

What such Scriptures show is that Jesus left the question of interpretation and application of the Law of Moses open to changing circumstances. We can see this in his teaching in Matthew 5:21-48 and elsewhere. Of course, the Old Testament must be respected, and it has value as the word of God, but it is also time-bound to a certain extent. This practical view of the Law is demonstrated in the rest of the New Testament. It allows, for example, the apostles to understand that the ceremonial and sacrificial laws are no longer binding.

Nonetheless, Christians are to respect the Old Testament as the Holy Scriptures of God. They are profitable, when used wisely, for "teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," and can make one "wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15-16). But no one should place faith in the Law itself, for while the Law came through Moses, grace and truth have come through Jesus. Under grace, Christians are not required to keep a specific "holy time," go to a "holy place" such as the temple, or be under the authority of the holy levitical priesthood (John 4:21-24). These were ceremonial regulations, and Christians do not need to keep them.


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Post time 27-4-2013 11:48 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 27-4-2013 05:40 PM
Eeek? Allah is a physical perishable being? Ha ha , you are getting from bad to worse. I thought I ...

Yea.....go back to any previous post to find out who is lying.....what's false cannot be true and what's true cannot be false.

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Post time 28-4-2013 12:37 AM | Show all posts
Gunblade nice to see that you are still in the forum.

Just out of curiosity, what questions couldnt be answered?

When you are on the path in search of answers, to assume every interpretation of a holy book will give you what you want is like reading a FAQ.

Most of mankind have the following question : Why do i exist, What is my purpose, Where will i go after death.

What ever name Mankind gives God or our creator, if does not matter. For we understand we have been created. In pursuit to understand our creation, human kind will always have a story to tell. It is also not important who tells the story (jews, indians, muslims etc), what is important is that we recognise our place in the universe as a created being and that we have a creator.

Does our creator hate ? Unlikely. We exist because we are required part of the universal system. Does the Christian god want to wipe out muslims  or the muslim Allah want to wipe out Christians ? Unlikely. If Allah does not want Christians to exist, they will not. If Yahweh/Jesus does not want muslims to exist, they will not.

Christians and muslims say they believe in monotheism. But you see them saying that the God of that religion is Satan or their praying to a false God etc. But once you recognise that there are 2 separate Gods - one muslim and one Christian. YOU are really a believer in polytheism.

IF you really believe in your heart there is only one God, then Allah, or Yahweh, or the Indian Gods are one and the same. For mankind though separate by culture and language know in their heart that One God exists - it is just expressed differently by each culture.

So why did i choose Christianity over Islam? It is because of Christ's honesty in telling it as he sees it.

Is Islam's view of Allah unimaginable or unacceptable to me ? No, i find the description of Allah fits the description of my God.

What i find upsetting is when men decide for themselves that THEY interpret GOD's intentions and find excuses to cause violence and bring death to fellow humans.

That to me is unacceptable. That to me is Man imposing his interpretation.

I have said this many times - GOD does not need you humans to defend him, He can do that quite well himself.

And all of us and his current creation is pleasing to Him, because if not, we will fail to exist.

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Post time 28-4-2013 09:35 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 11:48 PM
Yea.....go back to any previous post to find out who is lying.....what's false cannot be true and  ...

Ha ha , that I challenge you. Go back to my previous post (post#22) and reproduce the argument in full. Lets see who is lying. Truncating an argument and spinning it is a sign of intellectual dishonesty .... like 'ehem ehem' you. What say you?


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Post time 28-4-2013 12:05 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 25-4-2013 11:58 PM
Gunblade, having a few copies of the bible in no way does it make you a scholar.

To understand an ...

To understand another faith, you must first "walk in his shoes". To live his faith.
I'm sorry but I can't follow the reason. It's just like saying that in order to understand Christianity, I must believe in Christianity first? Anything can be correct within one's believe perspective even evidentally proven otherwise. I'd rather do proper reasoning before believing in something.

But what Truth8 underscores in this thread is that muslims just refused to accept what Christians tell them abt the purpose of Jesus's birth, life and death. And due to the lack of details abt Jesus in the Quran, muslims prefer to leave out the gaps( esp abt his ministry).
You missed something here, Muslims (me especially) refused to accept something that is without proper reasoning. See @Truth.8 argument here:

Truth.8 post #7:
If Jesus not devine than  why would God  need make him concieived in women womb  without intercourse?? God can do this to muhammad, abaraham and other prophets...why ?

simple : Divine is Jesus...
Truth.8 post #19:
divination more than miracles not parting red sea...Jesus fasted more than 40days...Jesus remain single...all this proof ...Jesus did not screw underage girl...

everything already explained....Jesus is Divine
Can human being gives birth to God? Why fasting more than 40days, remain single are the prove for divinity? I don't see the connection here. Is He absolute being?


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Post time 29-4-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-4-2013 09:16 PM
Which school u  s tudy english???

can u understand my topic??? i directly says muslims no idea  ...
can u understand my topic??? i directly says muslims no idea  why Jesus  was born.....meaning u muslims do not understand the son of God , Holy spirit and etc according Bible ..

I went to an English school and have successfully finished my SPM, alhamdulillah. I speak and write in English on a regular basis. I can speak, write, and understand English very well, alhamdulillah.

Here's where you are lying, your thread topic says :

"Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born.......".



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Post time 29-4-2013 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Brother nightlord, I thank you for your very nice response. If we meet in real life, we would become good friends, insyaAllah.

I totally understand your post, and for that, I will quote one of the Quranic verse :

And if you should ask them, "Who has created the heavens and the earth?" they would surely say, "They were created by the Exalted in Might, the Knowing." (Glorious Quran; 43:9)

Brother nightlord, I believe in coexistence. Islam never taught us to destroy the nonbelievers. If so, Christianity and the Jews would be wiped out the moment Muhammad s.a.w. took over Mecca. There won't be any more Christians and the Jews especially on the Arabic peninsular. It saddens me to see that are some Christians that are trying their bests to attack Islam, whereas Islam teaches the Muslims that the Christians are, in fact, a brother to Muslims.

It was not my intention to revert anyone back to Islam, neither it is my intention to make enemies. I remember proposing to some of the forumers here for a face-to-face discussion. All of them reject my offer.

It is good to know that there are good Christians in this thread. Though we see things differently, we see one thing for sure; that there is only ONE God that created the Heavens and the Earth and everything in between.

May Allah guide you and bless you with guidance, brother nightlord.

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2013 03:44 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 29-4-2013 02:47 PM
I went to an English school and have successfully finished my SPM, alhamdulillah. I speak and  ...
I went to an English school and have successfully finished my SPM, alhamdulillah. I speak and write in English on a regular basis. I can speak, write, and understand English very well, alhamdulillah.

Here's where you are lying, your thread topic says :

"Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born.......".


well that doesn't  mean you fully understand my topic...

muslims saya many things  about Bible is corrupt and Jesus not being Divine...hence I made a short title ....but u took other way around...clearly you need some good english teacher to teach you on the level of understanding...yes u do have good skill writing in english but in terms of understanding you failed...

I have  experience once  when an oxford graduate asking me to  translate malay to english ...besides he ask to breif the english understanding....there u are...u just same lilke him....

understanding and writing english two different things...

hope thats explained...


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Post time 29-4-2013 08:55 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 11:43 PM
Kan kamu ni bermati-matian kata Injil dah korup......tapi sekarang quote pula ayat Matt 5:17, mana ...
Kan kamu ni bermati-matian kata Injil dah korup......tapi sekarang quote pula ayat Matt 5:17, mana kredibiliti kamu ???

Kalau tidak faham dan baca keseluruhan Injil, janganlah berlagak macam pakar Injil di sini macam saudara sam1528 kau tu, memalukan !
kan aku dah kata aku akan patahkan hujah kau dengan ayat dari bible gak............

p/s:say NO to roman katholik & Anglican


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Post time 30-4-2013 10:28 AM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 29-4-2013 08:55 PM
kan aku dah kata aku akan patahkan hujah kau dengan ayat dari bible gak............

p/s:sa ...

Don't use your low grade deceptive tactic on me, it won't work !

On the contrary you just showed to the world the true quality of a muslim; Deceptive, Dishonest and Propensity to Believe in LIes and Anything Vile.

Your nabi must be very proud of you.....

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Post time 30-4-2013 08:23 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 30-4-2013 10:28 AM
Don't use your low grade deceptive tactic on me, it won't work !

On the contrary you just show ...
Don't use your low grade deceptive tactic on me, it won't work !

On the contrary you just showed to the world the true quality of a muslim; Deceptive, Dishonest and Propensity to Believe in LIes and Anything Vile.

Your nabi must be very proud of you.....
rilex la,bro...takkan tertekan kot...baru kena skit je dah menggelabah.......

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Post time 2-5-2013 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 29-4-2013 03:44 PM
well that doesn't  mean you fully understand my topic...

muslims saya many things  about Bible  ...

hence you made a short title? Your short title is misleading, ANY ENGLISH TEACHER WILL AGREE WITH ME.

Looks like you are not apologizing for slandering Muslims by putting a misleading title. This is so not Christian of you. I can see now that you're not a Christian, perhaps you're here to put bad names to Christianity. Very bad of you.

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Post time 2-5-2013 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 29-4-2013 03:44 PM
well that doesn't  mean you fully understand my topic...

muslims saya many things  about Bible  ...
I have  experience once  when an oxford graduate asking me to  translate malay to english ...besides he ask to breif the english understanding....there u are...u just same lilke him....

AHHAHAHAH this is the best lie from you I've ever read. YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL CERTAIN ENGLISH WORDS PROPERLY. YOUR GRAMMAR SUCKS. Now, you're telling me that an oxford graduate ask you to translate from Malay to English? AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH..


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Post time 28-5-2013 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 29-4-2013 03:44 PM
well that doesn't  mean you fully understand my topic...

muslims saya many things  about Bible  ...

"I have  experience once  when an oxford graduate asking me to  translate malay to english ...besides he ask to breif the english understanding....there u are...u just same lilke him...." - by Truth.8

Hmmmm... too many grammatical errors in your writing..and you arrogantly pretend that you are sooo gooooooddd in giving freee English Lessons here? hahahaha're not an Englishman ey?hahahaha


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 Author| Post time 29-5-2013 07:23 PM | Show all posts
Cuai posted on 28-5-2013 06:26 PM
"I have  experience once  when an oxford graduate asking me to  translate malay to english ...

well, when i am in english will sound like:


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Post time 28-9-2013 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Allah itu Tunggal. Tidak ada apa-apa pun yang menyamai Allah bilanya semuanya Allah yang buat. Begitu berkuasanya Allah maka Allah boleh melakukan sesuatu hanya dengan berkata : "Jadilah Engkau." Memandangkan agama Allah telah ada sejak Nabi Adam, maka Nabi Isa (Jesus) itu diadakan untuk menunjukkan bukti kebenaran apa yang Allah kata.

Allah berkata : "Allah itu satu, tidaklah dia beranak dan tidaklah pula dia diperanakan."

Ayat di atas bukan ayat manusia tetapi ayat Allah sendiri. Maka adakah kita perlu menjadi penentang Allah sedang Allah itu Tuhan sekalian manusia?

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