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Author: novelloverzz

Peristiwa Dunia, Mitos & Sejarah

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Post time 17-6-2013 04:25 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 17-6-2013 04:23 PM
picca ronald goldman x nmpk la cika..

jap i adjust sket

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2013 04:31 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 17-6-2013 04:25 PM
jap i adjust sket

ok dah nampak thanks..

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2013 04:33 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 17-6-2013 04:04 PM
momod, sorry artikel lari tarikh tp still in June. ya hampun..

At 12:10 am [14] on June 13, 19 ...

kalau follow date exactly dapat +20 .. great posting..

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Post time 17-6-2013 04:36 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 17-6-2013 04:33 PM
kalau follow date exactly dapat +20 .. great posting..

tq nov..

i mmg follow kes ni... xtau la camna dia boleh lepas sbb evidence byk menjurus ke arah dia..
scary kan crime scene tuh

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2013 04:41 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 17-6-2013 04:04 PM
momod, sorry artikel lari tarikh tp still in June. ya hampun..

At 12:10 am [14] on June 13, 19 ...

sadis betul..dah la ex-wife bukan bini dia pun..x pernah tgk pic mayat ex-wife O J sebelum ni..pembunuhan penuh kemarahan..

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2013 04:44 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 17-6-2013 04:36 PM
tq nov..

i mmg follow kes ni... xtau la camna dia boleh lepas sbb evidence byk menjurus ke a ...

dia ada duit sbb tu dia bole terlepas at the first place...

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Post time 18-6-2013 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 18-06-1948

Pada  hari  ini  pada  tahun  1948,  telah  terlakar  sejarah  hitam  dalam  lipatan  sejarah  negara  kita  dimana  darurat  telah diisytiharkan  di  Perak  dan  Johor.  Perisytiharan  ini  adalah  ekoran  daripada  keganasan  dan  pemogokan  yang  dilancarkan  oleh  Parti  Komunis  Malaya (PKM).

Pada 18 Jun 1948 darurat diisytiharkan oleh Sir Edward Gent di Tanah Melayu kerana perjuangan komunis semakin hebat dan memuncak. Komunis berikrar melakukan pemberontakan bersenjata.


1.     Peranan PKM menyebarkan fahaman komunis.
Disember 1945, british arahkan MPAJA dibubarkan & menyerahkan senjata.
  • Tetapi, sekitar 6800 orang sahaja yang menyerahkan senjata sementara bakinya lari ke hutan & menyusun strategi untuk membentuk sebuah negara komunis.
  • PKM menubuhkan Min Yuen untuk mengumpulkan sumber kewangan dan keperluan lain seperti makanan dan ubat-ubatan.
  • PKM mempengaruhi AMCJA & PUTERA untuk menggagalkan PTM.
  • PKM mengumpulkan ahlinya & menyebarkan fahaman komunis ke sekolah-sekolah Cina & Kesatuan Sekerja untuk menentang British.
  • 1945, British menguasai 60% perniagaan Tanah Buruh Umum.
2.     PKM melakukan pemogokan untuk melumpuhkan ekonomi.
  • Contoh pemogokan ialah melibatkan pekerja di Harbour Board Singapura pada 1945.
  • Antara 1946-1947, terdapat 300-360 siri pemogokan di ladang-ladang getah.
  • Sistem pengangkutan juga dimusnahkan.
  • Langkah ini agak berjaya kerana pelabur tidak berani melabur di Tanah Melayu kerana keadaan yang tidak aman.
3.     Pemberontakan bersenjata PKM.

  • Februari 1948, Persidangan Pemuda-Pemuda Komunis Asia telah mempengaruhi PKM untuk menubuhkan republik komunis Malaya & melakukan pemberontakan bersenjata.
  • Serangan gerila dilakukan di hutan melalui Bintang 3 & di bandar melalui Min Yuen.
  • PKM menyerang kawasan ekonomi.
  • Kemuncak serangan PKM ialah 3 orang pengurus ladang berbangsa Eropah di bunuh di Sungai Siput, Perak pada 18 Jun 1948.
  • 19 Jun 1948, Pesuruhjaya Tinggi PTM iaitu Sir Edward Gent telah mengisytiharkan darurat dan mengharamkan PKM serta semua pertubuhan yang bekerjasam dengan PKM.

Last edited by cikatilia on 18-6-2013 04:42 PM



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Post time 19-6-2013 10:59 AM | Show all posts
19 JUN 2002 - First solo nonstop round-the-world balloon flight.

On the 19th June 2002, Steve Fossett launched his balloon “The Spirit Of Freedom” from Northam, Western Australia in an attempt to be the first soloist to circumnavigate the world.  He managed this astounding feat in just 14 days, 19 hours and 50 minutes.

He broke three balloon records along the way: fastest time around the world, measured by crossing 117° East longitude (13 days, 3 min.), longest distance flown solo (20,483.25 mi; 32,963.35 km), and longest time flown solo (355 hrs, 50 min.)

The balloon, The Spirit Of Freedom used a combination of hot air and helium, known in the industry as a 'Roziere' balloon. The balloon envelope was 140 ft tall and 60 ft wide. The balloon used a special onboard autopilot system called 'Comstock Autopilot' which can maintain the balloon at a constant altitude by using a computer to control the burners.

The balloon was launched from Northam, Western Australia and the projected flight was to cross the Pacific first and then to travel across Chile, down round Argentina and the Southern Atlantic Ocean. From here would then fly towards South Africa, over the Indian Ocean and would finally end up back in Australia at a longitudinal equal to or farther east than where the journey had begun.

The conditions onboard the basket (or gondola as it is referred to in this case) were far from luxurious! The actual gondola itself was no larger than a normal sized closet. Fossett would on average, manage about 4 hours of sleep each day, in broken down segments of 45 minutes naps. It would have been extremely cramped living in such a confined space. On top of all this, the temperature outside the balloon would have been well below zero and Fossett would have had to regularly climb outside the gondola to change fuel or to check on the burners.

Below, pilot Steve Fossett standing on the gondola of the Bud Light Spirit of Freedom balloon, just after landing down in Australia on July 4th 2002.

sumber :

1) http://www.balloonsoverbritain.c ... rst-successful-solo
2) ... -balloon-feats.html
4) http://industrialphotos.industri ... irit_of_Freedom.htm



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Post time 19-6-2013 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 19-06-1972

Pada hari ini 19.06.1972, Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdul Razak telah merasmikan pelancaran rancangan Perkhidmatan TV Pendidikan atau ETV. Upacara pelancaran ini telah diadakan di Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman di Kuala Lumpur. Sebaik sahaja selesai Tun Abdul Razak mengisytiharkan pelancaran rancangan TV pendidikan itu, para jemputan di upacara tersebut telah menyaksikan rancangan permulaan TV pendidikan itu menerusi kira-kira 10 buah peti televisyen yang telah disediakan khas untuk upacara pelancaran tersebut. Rancangan permulaan ini juga telah ditonton serentak oleh orang ramai di seluruh negara. Dalam upacara pelancaran rancangan TV pendidikan ini, Tun Abdul Razak telah menyifatkan upacara tersebut sebagai peristiwa bersejarah yang menunjukkan betapa mustahaknya pelajaran dan latihan tenaga manusia dalam pembanguan negara. Perkhidmatan TV pendidikan akan dapat memainkan peranan penting dalam melaksanakan kehendak Rancangan Malaysia Kedua untuk menyatukan sistem pelajaran bagi mencapai perpaduan negara. Rancangan TV pendidikan yang disiarkan melalui TV Malaysia adalah bertujuan membantu guru-guru dan juga para pelajar dalam beberapa mata pelajaran khasnya yang berhubung dengan sains dan teknologi serta tatarakyat. Sebagai permulaannya Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia telah membahagi-bahagikan 500 buah peti televisyen kepada Sekolah-sekolah Menengah di seluruh negara. Rancangan ini juga akan diperluaskan kepada murid-murid sekolah rendah. Oleh itu dengan pelancaran TV Pendidikan pada hari ini dalam tahun 1972, maka jelaslah bahawa kerajaan telah berusaha berbagai cara untuk membantu para guru dan murid-murid dalam usaha meninggikan prestasi masing-masing dalam bidang pendidikan.



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Post time 19-6-2013 08:46 PM | Show all posts

Tarikh Peristiwa pada 19-06-1969

Pada  hari  ini  dalam  tahun 1969,  Persidangan  Pertahanan  Lima  Negara  telah  diadakan  di  Canberra,  Australia. Persidangan  ini  telah  dihadiri  oleh  wakil-wakil  dari  lima negara  iaitu  Malaysia,  Singapura,  Australia,  New  Zealand  dan  Britain.  Malaysia  telah  diketuai  oleh  Tun  Abdul  Razak  yang ketika  itu  menjadi  Perdana  Menteri  Malaysia merangkap  Pengarah  Majlis  Gerakan  Negara. Turut  serta  dalam  persidangan  itu,  ialah  Ketua  Turus  Angkatan  Tentera  Udara, Komander Udara  Sulaiman bin Sujak, Ketua Turus  Angkatan Tentera  Laut, Komander Laut,  K. Thanabalasingam  dan  Encik  Zainal  Abidin  bin  Sulong  dari  Kementerian  Luar  Negeri. Tujuan  persidangan  tersebut  diadakan  ialah  khusus  untuk  membincangkan  mengenai  pertahanan  negara  Malaysia  dan  Singapura  bagi  menghadapi  sebarang  ancaman  daripada  luar  selepas  pengunduran  tentera  British.   Dalam  persidangan  tersebut,  Tun  Abdul  Razak  telah  menegaskan  bahawa  semua  negara  sahabat  hendaklah  yakin  dan  percaya  antara  satu  sama  lain dalam  memelihara  kestabilan  dalam  negeri  dan  segenap  daerah  termasuk  Sabah  dan  Sarawak. Sesungguhnya,  persidangan  ini  amat  penting  bagi  Malaysia  dalam  menentukan  keselamatan  tanahair  dari  ancaman  negara  luar  disamping  mengekalkan  kemerdekaan  negara.



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Post time 21-6-2013 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Iraq 2006 Iraq Saddam Hussein's Lawyer Assassinated 21st June, 2006 : One of Saddam Hussein's main defense attorneys, Khamis al-Obeidi, was found dead after being abducted and shot. Hussein was being tried in what many had described as an unfair trial process, especially for defense attorneys who had believed that they were not given the proper protection during the controversial affair.

Third Lawyer in Hussein Trial Is KilledBAGHDAD, Iraq, June 21 - A lawyer on Saddam Hussein's defense team was kidnapped and later found dead this morning in a Baghdad neighborhood, the Interior Ministry said. He was the third lawyer representing Mr. Hussein or his co-defendants to have been killed since their trial started late last year.

The Iraqi police found the body of Khamis al-Obeidi, one of Mr. Hussein's defense lawyers, riddled with bullets in east Baghdad, a ministry spokesman said. Mr. Obeidi's wife, Um Laith, said that early this morning while she, her husband and three children slept, about 20 men in civilian clothes burst into their house in the neighborhood of Slaikh, on the edge of the predominantly Sunni area of Adamiya, and identified themselves as members of a ministry security brigade.

Mr. Obeidi, 39, had little chance to reply before he was seized, she said.

Iraqi witnesses said that Mr. Obeidi was transported in a convoy of vehicles by people known as belonging to the Mahdi Army, a Shiite militia known to be affiliated with the rebellious anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr. Witnesses said they wore flak jackets and shouted "terrorist" at one point.

Mr. Obeidi was taken to a spot called Hamidiya, about six miles from his house, according to witnesses.

His body was dumped in a place for construction debris, apparently retrieved again, and then dumped in a lot in Sadr City. It was then taken to the Tahtheeb police station there, an area known as a stronghold of the Mahdi Army, riddled with bullets in the head, chest and back.

Mr. Obeidi's identification cards allowing him access to the Green Zone, where the Iraqi High Tribunal is hearing Mr. Hussein's case, were tucked into the pocket of his dishdasha, a long traditional Arab robe, according to witnesses.

"This is the fate of those who defend Saddam Hussein," said an onlooker who was among those who had gathered at the station.

Another man in the crowd said: "Let Saddam save him now if he can."

Another member of Mr. Hussein's defense team, Najieb al-Nuaimi, said that Mr. Obeidi had felt that he was a target and had limited his movements to professional obligations.

"There is no security," Mr. Nuaimi said. "All of us have received threats."

Mr. Obeidi had been one of the most vocal members of Mr. Hussein's team in calling for better security or for the boycotting of the trial after the assassinations of two other defense lawyers in October and November last year. But despite the dangers he has also said that as long as there was a trial, then lawyers should participate in the defense.

Mr. Obeidi had been given bodyguards but he had chosen to live in his own house. It was not immediately clear where the guards were at the time of his abduction.

Mr. Hussein is being tried along with seven co-defendants in a tribunal in Baghdad on charges of committing crimes against humanity in the torture and killing of 148 Shiite men and teenage boys from Dujail, a town 35 miles north of Baghdad, after an assassination attempt against the Iraqi leader there in 1982. With Mr. Obeidi's death, at least nine people directly linked to the trial process have been killed. Many of the judges and prosecutors live inside high-walled compounds protected by Iraqi and American troops and travel in armored vehicles with bodyguards.

Within 36 hours of the trial's opening last October, a group of men seized Sadoun al-Janabi, the lead lawyer for the former chief judge of Mr. Hussein's revolutionary court, from his Baghdad office. Mr Janabi's body was found with two bullet wounds to the head.

Then in November, gunmen ambushed two other defense lawyers on a Baghdad street, killing one of them, Adel Muhammad al-Zubaidi, and seriously wounding the other, Thamir al-Khuzaie.

The attacks had brought immediate demands from the other lawyers for the trial to be halted and moved to a location outside Iraq.

"We think that it's impossible to hold a trial in Baghdad in these security conditions, and that the court should be transferred to a location outside Iraq," Mr. Obeidi said in November.

After the first killing, Mr. Obeidi, one of the three main lawyers who has represented Mr. Hussein since the opening of the trial, had been among those who decided to suspend their participation in the trial, saying that they would consider returning to court only if the killers of Mr. Janabi were brought to justice.

"Under the present security conditions in Iraq, our clients' best interests are served by our suspending our participation in the trial, because we cannot move freely, much less undertake the kind of legal preparations that are essential to defend them," Mr. Obeidi said at the time.

The Iraqi Bar Association and lawyers appearing for Mr. Hussein and other defendants later accepted offers of protection from Iraqi and American officials. The killings have renewed doubts about whether it is possible to hold a fair trial in the midst of a conflict that has spurred revenge killings. Some Western human rights advocates have said that the killings reopened the issue of whether the trial should have been held outside Iraq.

Defense objections have also gone beyond the lack of protection, with claims that the court is inherently biased against Mr. Hussein and other defendants.

The Dujail trial is expected to wrap up in the middle of July.

John F. Burns reported from Baghdad for this article and Christine Hauser reported from New York. An employee of The New York Times in Baghdad contributed reporting.



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Post time 24-6-2013 10:58 AM | Show all posts

Marie Francois Sadi Carnot, 1837 - 1894
                                Marie Francois Sadi Carnot was a French statesman and the fourth president of the Third French Republic. He served as the President of France beginning in 1887. On June 24, 1894, while Prendergast's sanity hearing was underway, Carnot was stabbed by an Italian anarchist named Sante Geronimo Caserio. Carnot died just after midnight the next day. The Daily Herald of Brownsville, Texas noted that the assassination of French President Carnot "has added fresh interest to the case of Carter Harrison's murderer" because "t was freely predicted in the courtroom that this later slaying would have its effect on the Prendergast jury, the members of which are not denied newspapers, and that material would be found in the person of Prendergast for an example to would be assassin." Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-49337.

sumber :

nie gambar mamat yg stab dia

ilustrasi kejadian



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Post time 24-6-2013 12:25 PM | Show all posts
HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Penubuhan Amanah Saham MARA Berhad

Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1967, Amanah Saham Mara Berhad telah ditubuhkan dengan rasminya. Penubuhan Amanah Saham Mara Berhad yang juga merupakan anak syarikat milik Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) yang dipengerusikan oleh Encik Abd. Ghaffar Baba ini bertujuan untuk mengumpul dana kewangan bumiputera agar dapat dilaburkan dalam bidang perdagangan dan perindustrian secara saham amanah. Usaha yang julung-julung kali diadakan ini adalah selaras dengan Resolusi Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera Pertama pada tahun 1965, yang menuntut agar kerajaan menubuhkan syarikat bagi meningkatkan penyertaan kaum bumiputera dalam bidang ekonomi. Pada peringkat awal penubuhannya Amanah Saham Mara dianggotai seramai enam orang kakitangan dengan modal permulaan sebanyak $ 2 juta yang disediakan oleh MARA. Berikutan daripada itu Tabung Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera yang pertama telah dilancarkan pada 4 April 1968. Upacara perasmianya telah dilakukan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Abdul Razak Hussein. Hasil daripada pelancaran itu, Amanah Saham Mara telah berjaya mengutip sebanyak $ 2.2 juta daripada seluruh lapisan masyarakat kaum bumiputera. Sesungguhnya dengan penubuhan Amanah Saham Mara ini, merupakan salah usaha berterusan kerajaan selepas kemerdekaan untuk memajukan dan mempertingkatkan penyertaan kaum bumiputera dalam sektor ekonomi.



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Post time 25-6-2013 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Georgia 2010 Georgia Stalin Statue Removed in Georgia 25th June, 2010 : What was believed to be one of the last remaining large statues of former-Soviet leader Stalin to be standing in its original location was removed overnight in a secretive manner. Authorities in Gori, Georgia removed a large statue of Josef Stalin from the square in his home town and sent it to a museum dedicated to him in the town. A memorial dedicated to the victims of the 2008 war with Russia was set to replace the statue.

this is stalin

Who was Stalin...and what exactly did he do..why is he hated?
Stalin became the socialist dictator of the USSR. He suppressed all opposition to his rule by murder and intimidation. Using socialist policies like collective farming he created famine in places like Ukraine.

What made Josef Stalin such a cruel dictator?
Stalin was indeed cruel and responsible for the death of at least 35 million of his own countrymen. He often had them loaded for freight cars bound for a Siberian work camp. The dropped the cars in the middle of nowhere for those inside to starve, freeze, and die. They are still finding such freight cars.

He was indeed paranoid and believed everybody was out to get him. There are several reasons for this: he was short (little man syndrome), he was from the poorest part of Russia, Georgia, which most people made fun of, and he was not an eloquent speaker.

and yes..

he is the 1st in MOST EVIL MEN & WOMEN

Stalin was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee, from 1922 until his death, in 1953. Under Stalin’s leadership, the Ukraine suffered from a famine (Holodomor) so great it is considered by many to be an act of genocide on the part of Stalin’s government. Estimates of the number of deaths range from 2.5 million to 10 million. The famine was caused by direct political and administrative decisions. In addition to the famine, Stalin ordered purges within the Soviet Union of any person deemed to be an enemy of the state. In total, estimates of the number murdered under Stalins reign, range from 10 million to 60 million.

the statue

Josef Stalin statue removed from hometown in Georgia
A giant statue of Josef Stalin that stood in his hometown for almost six decades has been toppled as Georgia finally disowned its most infamous son.

The statue depicted "Uncle Joe" standing up with one hand tucked into his great coat as he stared across the Caucasus Mountains. It is thought to have been one of the most imposing likenesses of the tyrant in the world. Erected in the Georgian town of Gori in 1952, a year before Stalin died, the 20ft bronze statue stood on a soaring granite plinth and had survived a 1960s Kremlin campaign to banish Stalin's memory as well as a Russian military bombardment in 2008. But Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia's pro-Western president, said he wanted the statue moved into a local museum that devoted to the Soviet dictator. He argued that the late dictator was too closely associated with what he called the "Soviet occupation of Georgia".

"A memorial to Stalin has no place in the Georgia of the 21st century," he said.
A statue commemorating the victims of Georgia's short and disastrous war with Russia in 2008 would take the Stalin statue's place, he added. Giorgy Baramidze, Georgia's minister for European integration, explained that calls for the Stalin statue's removal had multiplied since the war against Russia. "The presence of that monument in the centre of Gori was especially shameful after the Russian aggression... by a state that is a legal successor to the Empire once created by Stalin," he said.

"Our historical ideals should be people who tried to build a normal civilised country rather than bloodthirsty hangmen." Officials in Gori, where Stalin was born on 18 December 1878, had the statue removed in the dead of night to avoid protests. Stalin, born Josef Dzhugashvili, remains a popular figure with many older Georgians and the authorities did not want trouble. Police set up a barrier to keep curious onlookers at bay and workers loaded the statue onto the back of a flatbed truck before driving off to an unknown destination.

Baffled Gori residents said they awoke on Friday morning to find the likeness of their most famous son oddly absent. Some of them, particularly older people who grew up in the Soviet Union, were angry, while the Georgian Communist party said it was "in shock". "This signifies the downfall of our nation," said senior Communist party official Soso Gagoshvili. "The authority of the Georgian nation could sharply fall around the world as a result of this. How could they treat the memory of a person who saved the planet in this way?"

The son of a cobbler and a serf, Stalin grew up in grinding poverty in Gori and almost died there from a bout of smallpox he contracted at the age of seven. The illness permanently scarred his face

It was in Gori that he learnt to speak Russian at a strict church-run school before he went on to study to be a priest at a Georgian Orthodox seminary in the capital, then known as Tiflis.

In the Soviet era, an unapologetically hagiographic museum devoted to his life drew tens of thousands of visitors every month. It is still open today and it is there that the toppled statue is expected to find a home. The museum contains his personal effects and the modest hut where he grew up but makes scant mention of the purges, the Gulag, and the man-made famines he oversaw that killed millions. That too is to change, however, with the museum being overhauled to present a more balanced view of his legacy.



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Post time 25-6-2013 03:26 PM | Show all posts
2009 U.S.A. Michael Jackson Dies 25th June 2009 : Michael Jackson ( the King of Pop ) dies bringing worldwide outpourings of grief

On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication after suffering a cardiac arrest at his home on North Carolwood Drive in the Holmby Hills neighborhood in Los Angeles. His personal physician, Conrad Murray, said he had found Jackson in his room, not breathing and with a barely detectable pulse, and that he administered CPR on Jackson's bed to no avail. After a call was placed to 9-1-1 at 12:20 pm, Jackson was treated by paramedics at the scene and was later pronounced dead at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.[1] On the eve of Jackson's 51st birthday, the Los Angeles County Coroner concluded that his death was a homicide.[2] Shortly before his death, Jackson had been administered propofol and three anti-anxiety benzodiazepines, lorazepam and midazolam, in his home.[3] His personal physician was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter and is serving a four-year sentence in prison.[4]
Jackson's death triggered an outpouring of grief around the world, creating unprecedented surges of Internet traffic and causing sales of his music and that of the Jackson 5 to increase dramatically.[5] Jackson had intended to perform a series of concerts entitled This Is It to over one million people at London's O2 Arena between July 13, 2009 and March 6, 2010.[6] A public memorial service for Jackson was held on July 7, 2009 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, where he had rehearsed for the London concerts the night before his death. The service was broadcast live around the world, attracting a global audience of up to one billion people.[7] In March 2010, Sony Music Entertainment signed a US$250 million deal with Jackson's estate to retain distribution rights to his recordings until 2017, and to release seven posthumous albums over the decade following his death. Jackson's death is ranked No. 1 on VH1/VH1 Classic's list of 100 Most Shocking Moments in Music.[8]



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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 04:41 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 25-6-2013 03:13 PM
Georgia 2010 Georgia Stalin Statue Removed in Georgia 25th June, 2010 : What was believed to be one  ...

patutnya Stalin ni x layak ada statue pun..setuju x cika?

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 04:44 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 25-6-2013 03:26 PM
2009 U.S.A. Michael Jackson Dies 25th June 2009 : Michael Jackson ( the King of Pop ) dies bringing  ...

la rasa mcm baru je MJ ni meninggal dah 4 thn rupanya..

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Post time 25-6-2013 04:56 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 25-6-2013 04:41 PM
patutnya Stalin ni x layak ada statue pun..setuju x cika?

tu la pasal kena roboh
dah kena roboh statue kena hina taww


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Post time 25-6-2013 04:58 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 25-6-2013 04:44 PM
la rasa mcm baru je MJ ni meninggal dah 4 thn rupanya..


masih ingat betapa sedihnya peminat setianya

mcm one of my fren
kekdahnya mcm hilang laki ko


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Post time 26-6-2013 12:55 PM | Show all posts
HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Pelancaran 'Cybermall' Pertama Malaysia

Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1997, Menteri Tenaga, Telekom dan Pos, Datuk Leo Moggie telah melancarkan gedung membeli belah elektronik yang pertama di Malaysia. Cybermall ini merupakan satu lagi perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh MIMOS Berhad dimana ia membolehkan transaksi elektronik dan pembayaan dilakukan. Ia akan menawarkan pengalaman membeli-belah yang canggih kepada pengguna Internet. Selain itu Jaring Mall of Malaysia ini menawarkan pelbagai produk dan barangan keperluan harian. Mereka yang berbelanja di cybermall juga akan dikenl pasti dan akan menerima habuan dalam bentuk diskaun harga dan hadiah. Cybermall ini turut mempunyai maskotnya sendiri iaitu ‘Mak-Cyber’ atau ‘makcik’ yang akan menyambut para pengunjung.



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