Reply #1579 dino's post
dunia dah makin moden
tapi benda2 mcm ni masih ada
minta dijauhkanlah dari kalangan keluarga dan kenalan kita ... amin
ween = arween rasanya
byk gambar dia kat mawifc.. dulu-dululah
tasha bukan miszlyra
miszlyra = missmrs.. tapi rasanya dah tukar nick baru ..sbb dia tau dia dah terkantoi |
kenyang peot |
Reply #1581 niy's post
hoho mcm tu ka.... |
Reply #1585 dino's post
hang larik kenapa???
tak dak apa pun yg menyeramkan....
<gambo tak kuar le dino!> |
patut la tripod tak kasi |
Natural therapy for heart vein opening (heart problem)
For Heart Vein opening
) Lemon juice 01 cup
2) Ginger juice 01 cup
3) Garlic juice 01 cup
4) Apple vinegar 01 cup
Mix all above and boil in light flame approximately half hour, when it becomes 3 cups, take it out and keep it for cooling. After cooling, mix 3 cups of natural honey and keep it in bottle.
Every morning before breakfast use one Table spoon regularly. Your blockage of Vein's will open (No need any Angiography or By pass) |
uols semua dah makang?...harini gue makang ubi goreng rangup cicah sos cili dgn teh dangdut |
Reply #1590 tikusmondok's post
yg ni utk mencegah atau yg mmg dah tersumbat ?
ada kawan.. ayah nya baru admitted.. |
Reply #1593 tikusmondok's post
Originally posted by dino at 23-1-2009 02:58 PM
budget sungguh hikhik
recession time...koho-koho kumpul duit..nak menikoh |
tadi naik bilik bos aku
then godek2 lappy dia
adehlah bos aku
banyak sungguh VC blue budak2 melayu
aiya boss..
melayu jugak lu suka nengok eh?
| |