tak bising kalau kau nak bersantai tuuu
tak kan riuh pun
tapi pasal RASA.........
aku memang sensitif
sebab MALAUN dah berdondang sayang
takkan nak dibiarkan je kotttttttt
jubah hitam ka, leret melabuh ka
baju besi ka......tarak manfaat sikit pun
kan gugur segala noda dan debu
pasal yakin
susah nak dibicarakan
sebab kalau ada 1000 org ada 1000 tahap keyakinan masing2
sedangkan syurga tu lebih 100 tingkat
IMAN LEBIH 70 tingkat
serendah rendah iman, nampak ranting tengah jalan lalu dibuangkannya
(itu pesan NABI - aku sampaikan je)
ni bukan RANTING KAYU lagiiiiiii
ni dah kira GUNUNG BESI dah
ni cita kawan kita
time dia berinteraksi dgn TUHAN DIA
apa dia kata:
boringlah TUHAN
cita pi mai pi mai tang tu je
sat je agama naik, pas tu jatuh lingkup
kemudian umat yg lain pulak, pas tu jadi camtu gak
boring laaaaaa
buat la cita lain sikit
(aku pun teringin nak TENGOK cita yg lain sikittttt tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)
cuba cubalah fikirkan
NABI dulu berdakwah kepada golongan kafirin jeee
agar mereka masuk islam
sekarang ni
nak memberi peringatan kepada org2 yg dah islam!!!!!
haru tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
maklumlah semuanya dah terlebih BIJAK kotttttttt
hanya aku je yg masih BANGAP
pasal yakin
susah nak dibicarakan
sebab kalau ada 1000 org ada 1000 t ...
orangbesi Post at 29-1-2012 13:30
H'ah... Iman mempunyai 70 tingkat... dah masuk 1:30 waktu zohoq hangpa dok masih main internet gak lagi ka.. iman tara mana tu...
Iman cakap lain tapi buat lain ka.. iman dimulut sahaja ka... cuba hang habaq mai tengok..
P/S: Hangpa kalo dok cakap hangpa memang tera noh... tapi tang pebuat hangpa dok pelingkup ja noh..
Hang jangan marah kat aku lak noh... muhasabah diri tu...
ok ok
aku jawab pasal baru 2.30 je
kot2 le aku sempat hidup sampai pas isyak nanti
1. panas sangat tuuu, baru gelincir matahari
NABI pesan undurlah solat kamu hingga cuaca tidak panas sangat
sebab terbukanya pintu JAHANNAM pada masa tu
2. amal makruf dulu leeeeee
baru diri sendiri, niii dok asyik nak lepaskan diri sendiri jeeeeee
3. ikhlassssssss beb
kalau malu, segan, perasan je lebih, taksub
amacam cita...........................leh kasitau tak!!!!
A funny and weird coincidence, or something else? You decide.
The movie 2012 opened up with a little kid playing with a toy ocean liner, and then a taxi drives by, and then the liner capsizes. All these happened in the first 2 minutes of the 2012 movie.
And then on January 13th, 2012.
The Costa Concordia struck a reef off the Tuscan coast tonight (Friday, January 13, 2012) at around 8:00pm. There were approximately 4,200 people on board including passengers and crew – most were safely evacuated, but three are confirmed dead and it is feared that at least three more may have perished in this awful tragedy. There is rumor that some passengers were jumping off of the ship as it was sinking. It is too early to know the full details of this event. Below are images of the ship as it was sinking. From the screen captures of our Ship Mate app, you can also see the last reported location (off the Tuscan Coast near Giglio) and the last available image transmitted from her web camera.
Scientists bewildered by mass migration of snowy owls from the Arctic
January 28, 2012
SALMON, Idaho – Bird enthusiasts are reporting rising numbers of snowy owls from the Arctic winging into the lower 48 states this winter in a mass southern migration that a leading owl researcher called “unbelievable.” Thousands of the snow-white birds, which stand 2 feet tall with 5-foot wingspans, have been spotted from coast to coast, feeding in farmlands in Idaho, roosting on rooftops in Montana, gliding over golf courses in Missouri and soaring over shorelines in Massachusetts. A certain number of the iconic owls fly south from their Arctic breeding grounds each winter but rarely do so many venture so far away even amid large-scale, periodic southern migrations known as irruptions.
“What we’re seeing now — it’s unbelievable,” said Denver Holt, head of the Owl Research Institute in Montana. “This is the most significant wildlife event in decades,” added Holt, who has studied snowy owls in their Arctic tundra ecosystem for two decades. Holt and other owl experts say the phenomenon is likely linked to lemmings, a rodent that accounts for 90 percent of the diet of snowy owls during breeding months that stretch from May into September. The largely nocturnal birds also prey on a host of other animals, from voles to geese. An especially plentiful supply of lemmings last season likely led to a population boom among owls that resulted in each breeding pair hatching as many as seven offspring.
Animals have a better instinct than humans, at certain levels. Why did they migrate from the North Arctic? Could be because of the swamp methane gas forcing them out of there (check out my previous post on methane gas in the arctic), or because instinctively, they are moving to the New North Pole. Nature always knows before an event.
Dolphin, seal deaths plague New England. Scientists look for any connection between recent mass events.
77 dolphins that beached on Cape Cod in recent weeks are the second time in three months that New England has seen a mass of marine mammal fatalities. Now, scientists are trying to figure out why. They're also researching whether there's any connection to a die-off this fall of 162 harbor seals, whose carcasses were found between northern Massachusetts and Maine.
Scientists later determined the seal deaths were linked to an influenza virus similar to one found in birds but never before seen in seals. In a letter earlier this month, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and Rep. William Keating asked Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to investigate "any common cause" between the dolphin and seal deaths.
skip aje pape yg tak berkenaan.. thread ni untuk share dan discuss pape info berkaitan sambil berkongsi rasa.. takde sape yg paksa anda percaya 100%, terpulang la pada akal fikiran sendiri untuk menilai.. yang penting masing2 jaga iman dan akhlak masing2 jangan sampai tergelincir.. peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga..
orangbesi adalah ujian yg kuat bagi aku bila baca thread ni...tak boleh nak elak dari rasa meluat dan sakit hati serta menyumpah dalam hati....habih pahala yg ada sikit2 ni.....(kalau pun ada)