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Author: dauswq

[SBS] Jealousy Incarnate - Gong Hyo Jin, Jo Jung Suk [Review spankee_fili pg 89

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Post time 3-11-2016 01:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eddlisa_uyuk replied at 3-11-2016 01:09 PM
harap tak sementara nak abis tuh berjurai2 laa air mata kot

Fertility Concerns and Preservation for Men

Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 03/2016
Many cancer treatments affect fertility. This effect can be temporary or permanent. Fertility is your ability to father a child. Infertility is when you are not able to father a child.

Before treatment begins, talk with your health care team about how treatment could affect your fertility. Also, ask about your options for preserving fertility.   

How cancer treatments affect fertility

How cancer treatments affect fertility

Fertility problems from cancer or cancer treatment occur in 2 main ways:

Damage to endocrine glands or endocrine-related organs. Endocrine glands and endocrine-related organs include the testes, thyroid, and adrenal glands. These glands and organs release hormones that stimulate puberty and control fertility.

Changes in the part of the brain that controls the endocrine system.

There are several concerns from treatment affect fertility for men:

Damage to the sperm.

Lowered ability to make new sperm.

Low or no production of semen. Semen is the fluid made in the prostate that carries sperm during sex.

Radiation therapy. Radiation treatment may kill sperm cells and the stem cells that make sperm. Treatments that can harm fertility include:

Radiation therapy to the entire body for stem cell/bone marrow transplants

Radiation therapy directed at the abdomen, pelvis, lower spine, and testicles or near the testicles.

Radiation therapy to the pituitary gland in the brain

Surgery. Depending on the procedure, surgery may decrease fertility or cause infertility. This includes removing the prostate, bladder, one or both testicles, or the pelvic lymph nodes.

Fertility effects

For some men, cancer treatment leads to permanent infertility. For others, treatment may stop or slow sperm production for years before it returns. In general, men who receive higher doses of radiation therapy or chemotherapy need to wait longer to regain sperm production. These men also have a higher risk of permanent infertility.

Other factors, such as existing fertility issues or age, also affect fertility. For example, men older than 40 are less likely to regain fertility. But, younger boys who receive treatment for cancer before puberty may not have as much sperm damage. However, stronger treatments may still cause permanent future infertility in children. Such treatments include chemotherapy for a bone marrow/stem cell transplant.  

It is important to note that although cancer treatments may make it less likely, a pregnancy can still occur. Many doctors recommend that men who had chemotherapy or radiation treatment wait 6 months so their sperm has enough time to repair. Talk with your doctor about the best time frame for you.


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Post time 3-11-2016 01:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Protecting the testes from radiation therapy. It is possible to shield the testes from radiation if the cancer is in another part of the pelvis. This prevents sperm damage.

Sperm banking. This procedure involves freezing and storing semen for intrauterine insemination or for in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. IVF is a process that involves collecting a woman’s eggs and fertilizing them with the stored sperm outside her body. Then the embryo is put back into her body to develop.

Sperm banking is an option for most men who have been through puberty. Even with few sperm, it is still possible to attempt pregnancy through a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). During ICSI, a sperm is injected directly into an egg obtained during IVF.

Testicular sperm extraction and epididymal sperm aspiration. This procedure is for men who do not have mature sperm in their semen. It involves removing a small amount of tissue from the testicle and examining it under the microscope for mature sperm. Then, any mature sperm are frozen or used immediately for IVF.

Testicular-tissue freezing. Researchers are still studying this procedure. It is for boys who have not been through puberty. The procedure involves removing, freezing, and storing testicular tissue before cancer treatment begins. This tissue contains stem cells that may become sperm over time. Researchers are studying how to thaw the tissue and surgically put it back into the body to restore sperm-producing capabilities.

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Post time 3-11-2016 01:56 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 3-11-2016 09:43 AM
Iols geram sebab jung won still x give up .huhu...mcm nk msk dlm tu dh ketuk kepala jung won ,move ...

siap burukkan hs padahal masa nari dgn dia takde pon hs burukkan dia.
hs siap puji dia cakap yg elok saja pasal jw.
geram tau tgk si jw ni.


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Post time 3-11-2016 01:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eddlisa_uyuk replied at 3-11-2016 01:09 PM
harap tak sementara nak abis tuh berjurai2 laa air mata kot

Gigih la hai iols google .Btol la side effect radiation boleh sebabkn kemandulan tapinya tak rasa doctor tu ada discuss side effect dgn hwa shin.Ke ada ?Tapi still benda tu bukan finalized .Maksudnya still ada hope .huhu..ingat lps iols chemo ,soalan first iols tanya kt Dr iols yg rupa ala jung won tu.Berapa lama saya boleh hidup?Dr tu jawap ,saya tak tau ,saya bukan Tuhan.Just enjoy your present life .Pejam celik dah 7 tahun pun selepas iols tanya tu.Hahaha..nmpk x ,iols stil nak pujuk ati ada miracle utk hwa shin ni  

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Post time 3-11-2016 01:58 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 3-11-2016 10:32 AM
Iols dh repost preview epsd 22 yg ada subtitle  kt ig .Sian hwa shin ckp kt mak dia ,dia nak hidup ...

stesen tv tu jahat. apa org sakit x boleh keja ke?
si hs yg bebetul sakit tu dok pg treatment semua x kacau pon keja dia as anchor kat stesen tu.
sian nari. x terpasal ilang kontrak.
hs pon kesian samaaaaa.. jgnlah idup bujang hs.


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Post time 3-11-2016 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Claudia_Lestat replied at 3-11-2016 01:58 PM
stesen tv tu jahat. apa org sakit x boleh keja ke?
si hs yg bebetul sakit tu dok pg treatment sem ...

Gamaknya kerja permanent xpe kot sakit .nari kan still under kontrak .tapi hwa shin pun risau jgk kan aritu masa nk dpt treatment epsd awal2 .takut terlps peluang nk jd anchor berita pkl 9.

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Post time 3-11-2016 02:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Claudia_Lestat replied at 3-11-2016 01:56 PM
siap burukkan hs padahal masa nari dgn dia takde pon hs burukkan dia.
hs siap puji dia cakap yg e ...

Iols geram sebab dia tak giveup2 lagi .Degil pulak tu .huhuhu..jgnlah ending ala kal ho na ho

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Post time 3-11-2016 02:21 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 3-11-2016 02:07 PM
Gamaknya kerja permanent xpe kot sakit .nari kan still under kontrak .tapi hwa shin pun risau jgk  ...

x sempat lagi nak abihkan eps 21 ni.pagi tadi je dpt tgk kejap.

patotlah hs berat je dulu nak pi buat treatment.
takot kalo mgmt tau terus x dpt jadi anchor.


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Post time 3-11-2016 02:22 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 3-11-2016 02:09 PM
Iols geram sebab dia tak giveup2 lagi .Degil pulak tu .huhuhu..jgnlah ending ala kal ho na ho

aisehhh tak tengok pulak kal ho na ho mmg geram dgn jw ni.
dia x payah nak cakap hs sgt. nampak je sayang sgt kat hs tp psl pompuan sanggop je kata hs memacam.


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Post time 3-11-2016 02:28 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 3-11-2016 01:51 PM
Protecting the testes from radiation therapy. It is possible to shield the testes from radiation if  ...

Wah good info kaka @pauliza. Tq for your sharing.

Punyalah hebat JJS ni berlakon,bukan sekadar mulut dia je melontarkan dialog kan. Tapi dengan gesture badan dia, dengan mata dia ibarat berkata2 sekali tu sampai kita betul2 boleh rasa hancur luluhnya harapan Hwa Shin untuk hidup berkeluarga dengan Na Ri. Sama macam @dauswq cakap, mati pucuk ibarat bunuh diri bagi lelaki. Mesti Hwa Shin rasa dia dah takde nilai dah untuk Na Ri. Huhu, sorry kalau terbagi spoiler pada sesiapa yang belum tonton lagi. Huhu. Himnaeseyo Lee Kija-nim, fighting!

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Post time 3-11-2016 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by nada89 at 3-11-2016 03:14 PM
dauswq replied at 3-11-2016 11:21 AM
adekah pengakhiran citer ni jd mcm kal ho na ho?

Kejam sangat ya @dauswq ending Kal Ho Na Ho tu? Huhu, sebab tak tengok pun ceritanya.

Yang penting, janganlah author buat jalan cerita macam kebiasaan kdrama. Contohnya, bila Hwa Shin tahu dia tak boleh lahirkan anak, so dia minta break up dengan Na Ri, dan minta NR bersama semula dengan Jong Won. Disebabkan terlalu sedih, Hwa Shin berpindah ke luar negara (biasanya diorang suka pergi US kan, haha). Selepas beberapa tahun, dia balik semula ke Korea sebab dapat jemputan kahwin NR dengan JW. Kemudian, bila sampai dewan kahwin tu, HS berjalan ke arah NR dan tiba2 NR masih tak dapat lupakan HS. JW sedar bahawa cinta NR masih untuk HS, lalu JW serahkan NR pada HS, lalu berkahwinlah mereka dan kekal bahagia ke akhir hayat. Haha, typical bollywood punya storyline, Kuch kuch hota hai sangat kan.

Tapi, sepanjang 21 episod ni author-nim dah bagi kita flawless job (ada juga part yang exxagerate, sebab nama pun drama kan, hihi ) dalam storyline dia, harapnya kurang lah kemungkinan untuk dia mess up kan lagi 3 episod ni. I still believe in you author-nim.


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Post time 3-11-2016 03:23 PM | Show all posts
nada89 replied at 3-11-2016 03:12 PM
Kejam sangat ya @dauswq ending Kal Ho Na Ho tu? Huhu, sebab tak tengok pun ceritanya.

Yang pent ...

Dalam kalho naho.. hero srk sakit,, last sekali kawan baik die si saif ali khan tu bersama ngn heroin si preity zinta tu

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Post time 3-11-2016 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Claudia_Lestat at 3-11-2016 05:31 PM
nada89 replied at 3-11-2016 02:28 PM
Wah good info kaka @pauliza. Tq for your sharing.

dah tengokkkkkkk huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... sedih bila hs nanges depan doktor tu.
setuju apa nada cakap tu. JJS mmg daebak. dlm ramai2 actor dia mmg no 1.


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 Author| Post time 3-11-2016 03:34 PM | Show all posts
jo jung suk klu tak menang pun, should get nominated utk best actor cari kdrama awards thn ni..

meh lobi bile review box dh bukak nnt

kali terakhir die tercalon dlm kategori best supporting actor cari kdrama awards yg pertama sekali utk wtk sbg bodyguard raja, yg ni ternyata berbeza

@nada89 @Claudia_Lestat @pauliza

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2016 03:37 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 3-11-2016 03:23 PM
Dalam kalho naho.. hero srk sakit,, last sekali kawan baik die si saif ali khan tu bersa ...

saif ali khan pun mcm jung won gak kan? org kaya, ade mslh dlm bab berpasangan..
bezanya dgn hwa  shin di sini, srk yg tolong pasangkan diorg walhal hwa shin lak jenis selfish dan arrogant type..


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Post time 3-11-2016 03:38 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 3-11-2016 03:34 PM
jo jung suk klu tak menang pun, should get nominated utk best actor cari kdrama awards thn ni..

m ...

kami cuba nanti ya... banyak kali dah dauswq invite ni.
bagi review drama semua..kami x buat buat pon.


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 Author| Post time 3-11-2016 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Claudia_Lestat replied at 3-11-2016 03:38 PM
kami cuba nanti ya... banyak kali dah dauswq invite ni.
bagi review drama semua..kami x buat bua ...

last sekali, claudia buat utk marriage contract kot klu tak silap
jealousy incarnate ni kali ke-2 la kan?


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Post time 3-11-2016 03:51 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 3-11-2016 03:40 PM
last sekali, claudia buat utk marriage contract kot klu tak silap
jealousy incarnate ni kali k ...

kat MC pon x buat
dpt ja laptop bukak porem konon nak tulis review sudahnya bukak drama ka show ka terus layan
review ntah kemana huhuhu...
nanti kami cuba ...

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Post time 3-11-2016 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Selepas tengok episod 21 with sub ni, banyak mesej yang kita boleh relate dengan real life kan.
JI buat kita fikir, kalau kita berada di tempat Hwa Shin, Na Ri, Jung Won, dll ni, apa tindakan rasional yang kita akan buat bila terjadinya situasi macam Hwa Shin ni. Namun untuk drama ni, ianya pilihan author untuk menamatkan cerita ni macam mana. Sama ada, HS perlu terus menyimpan rahsia tentang 'infertality' pada NR atau, HS jujur pada NR dan sama2 berusaha menyelesaikan masalah ni. Tapi tulah, cast2 ni dah banyak masalah dah, belum ada yang selesai, tambah lagi satu masalah haha. Viewers lah yang sengsara nak tahu sampai penamatnya. Oh lupa pulak, setakat ni satu problem yang hampir selesaikan, problem assexuality Chef Rak, tahniah Chef Rak, wish you happy dating okay

Selain tu, nada suka bila author tunjukkan yang lelaki dan perempuan ni berbeza sistem pemikiran dia. NR masih tak pasti sama ada proposal HS tu sesuatu yang serius ataupun sekadar nak tone downkan kemarahan NR masa isu live broadcast hari tu. Walaupun sebenarnya HS memang serius, tapi rasa insecure tu masih ada pada NR. HS pula macam sedih dengan respon proposal NR, dan terfikir2 untuk propose kali kedua, tapi dia takut martabat sebagai seorang lelaki dia jatuh kalau2 NR tolak lagi buat kali kedua. Hmm, nampak macam kompleks, tapi rasanya, benda2 macam ni yang matangkan sesebuah relationship kan. I learn something from this situation . Sebenarnya, NR ni just nak proper proposal kan, tapi si HS ni tak faham2, kalau ikutkan takkan NR nak kena cakap direct kat HS, mestilah malu sebab perempuan kan, so bila dah tambah masalah tidak subur ni, tak tahulah apa jadi. Haha. Tunggu jelah episod malam ni



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Post time 3-11-2016 04:07 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 3-11-2016 03:23 PM
Dalam kalho naho.. hero srk sakit,, last sekali kawan baik die si saif ali khan tu bersa ...

Oh padanlah nada tengok dekat YT, ending dia Preity Zinta cakap, "Every girls dreams of finding a good friend in her husband, but i was fortunate to find a husband in my best friend".

Oh my, nada tak kuat kalau ending dia macam ni, author-nim, jebal, its a ROM-COM , its should be happy ending right? Huhu..

Okay dah nak azan dah, stop jap meroyan, haha. Take care everyone Jangan stress2 okay.

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