Reply 1606# bdk2
I tak wat kerje lagi... cuti2 ni sgt tak efficient ler... bosannn! baru bgn tido ihikhik |
anyone pernah naik train from paris to amsterdam before?...
fairy_fairy Post at 29/5/2011 14:22 
saya pernah buat... naik dari gare du nord di paris dan sampai di centraal station di amsterdam. naik keretapi thalys. |
Reply 1608# boocik04
boleh tau berapa harga tiket? |
Reply boocik04
boleh tau berapa harga tiket?
fairy_fairy Post at 30/5/2011 09:27 
boocik kena EU90 for 2 pax (one-way)... |
Reply 1610# boocik04
boocik beli bila tu? i mean how long before the trip? sbab now fairy tengok still mahal ya amat the price!! now tengah tunggu glitch
like when i bought my eurostar train tickets!! hehehehehe
and kalau nak fly to amsterdam, which budget airline yang ada kat orly yer? |
Reply boocik04
boocik beli bila tu? i mean how long before the trip? sbab now fairy tengok stil ...
fairy_fairy Post at 30/5/2011 12:26 
boocik book 2 months before the trip. the journey takes about 3.5 hours. boocik tak guna website thalys sebab dorang tak accept malaysian cc so boocik pegi kat wesite ni --> http://www.raileurope-world.com
kalau nak naik flight dari paris ke amsterdam boocik rasa banyak sangat hassle dia sebab nak naik shuttle ke aiport dah 1 jam, pastu perjalanan amik masa lagi 1 jam. dari aiport nak ke amsterdam lagi 1 jam. so total 3 hours jugak. tambang lagi mahal pulak tu sebab include flight tiket, shuttle bus semua.... |
boocik, fairy nanti akan land kat orly...boleh naik train ke from orly to gare du nord? sebab will be leaving for amsterdam on the same day i sampai paris... |
boocik, fairy nanti akan land kat orly...boleh naik train ke from orly to gare du nord? sebab will b ...
fairy_fairy Post at 30/5/2011 12:53 
boleh... actually ada shuttle-type RER train kat orly. stop kat stesen antony, pastu tukar line B ke gare du nord.
kalau tak nak buat camni, naik shuttle bas sampai ke denfert rochereau pastu dari situ amik train line B ke gare du nord. |
Reply cn7
hi sis! me pun baru nak tanya the same question coz when i surfed orly airport websit ...
fairy_fairy Post at 29-5-2011 14:27 
I haritu claim VAT kat CDG... the officer yg suggest I claim terus ke credit card & bukan ambil cash... queue tak pjg tapi kena tunggu la baru dapat claim tu... |
ada saper2 dah stay kat appi hotel tu? alfa hotel dah fully booked so saya booked appi hotel tu.. tq.. |
kalau beli longchamp yg foldable tu agak2 ada limit ke braper boleh beli sorang? |
wah...ta sabanye na g paris next year..even rmai yang kate paris ta best pon...i still wanna go there...paris will be my last destination after london......heeeee |
Reply 1614# boocik04
mahal ta boocik naek thalys dari paris ke armsterdam? |
Reply 1620# whitesurfer
oh surfer...canteknye gmba2 u....bape mlm u stay kat paris?and train ke swiss bape jam? |
Paris best jugak.. esp The Louvre.. api notre dame jer yg dah tak gothic.. ekeke |
Reply 1612# boocik04
boocik,kalo dari eurostar dari paris ke brussel bape jam ek? |
Reply 1614# boocik04
boocik, i'm still amazed on how you can remember all the details. yes, you akan interchange kat antony station, after that direct to Orly station... you kena pilih either Orly Quest or Orly Nord. for those returninr/departing with AA, you stop kat Orly Nord. Claim VAT pun kat situ |
Reply 1620# whitesurfer
aah...moulin rouge...i remember d show....luv part can-can dance....ada lagi satu show tu, lupa nama dia...org kata best gak...next time kalu gi paris lagi, nak tgk lah... |
Reply boocik04
boocik,kalo dari eurostar dari paris ke brussel bape jam ek?
rimau_belang Post at 12/6/2011 10:47 
kalau naik thalys, about 1 hour and 15 minutes... |
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