wahh yeke sedapla sore dorg.. me mmg susah sket nak cam sore member len.. tp me ske dengo lagu tuh^^ kira dlm album nih sume lagu me ske sbb album yg lepas2 ada gak lagu yg me skip2 x dengo kui2
jap me nak tnye JJ ngan ledo men gitar pe.. sbb sambil nak dengo tuh nak feel2 sket
Jinnie nama mesra..nama betul lee jae jin..nickname,goat
limau baru nak berkenalan dgn FT island ek?
ni mesti tgk good dadies ni..heechul dgn hongki sgt lawak dlm tu..hongki jer yg paham heechul dlm variety show tu
hongki pun adorable sangat dalam tu..ramai gak lps tgk good dadies, tersuka kat hk..kiyo sangat
Originally posted by twinkystar at 21-2-2009 03:00 PM
Jinnie nama mesra..nama betul lee jae jin..nickname,goat
limau baru nak berkenalan dgn FT island ek?
ni mesti tgk good dadies ni..heechul dgn hongki sgt lawak dlm tu..hon ...
a'ah..comel betul
lawak bila katanya heechul asyik ulang2 dengar lagu FT Island kat playlist lagu dia..pastu ada sorg lagi member SUJU..si won kot.. buat lagu FT Island jadi ringtone sebab selalu sangat dengar oppa limau pasang lagu ft island..dia rasa best plak lagu tu
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 24-2-2009 10:33 AM puauaahhahah noopa (noona+oppa) nomu yeappo
ledo the cutest...
hehe..nak buat mcm mana..HK sangat cantiksss..even x pakai n makeup mcm girl pun tetap cantikkss..
leader mmg sentiasa kiyo and handsome..
leader-bangun tido pun tetap maintain hensem..
yang lain dah serabut serabai rambut
refer kat FT ISLAND outing kat Japan yg dorg kena terjah time tido tu..
bebudak FT ni nampak sgt kekanak-kanakan dorg..
tido pun banyak giler soft toys atas katil..minhwan la
ledo tido peluk teddy bear besar saiz org..kantoi situ
[ Last edited by twinkystar at 24-2-2009 12:51 PM ]
5 Member Idol rock band FTisland are grabbing attention, assome of their members start their new University life. FTisland'soldest members Lee Hongki and Choi Jonghoon are entering universitythis year - Hongki is taking the Movie & Theater course at KyungheeUniversity, where as Jonghoon is taking the Eletronic Digital Musiccourse at Kyunggi University.
These 1990ers were both acceptedinto college through their first college exam. Hongki recently attendedthe Orientation day, and he said that "by the time he got there,everyones faces were already red from drinking alcohol, and i arrivedlate so i just greeted them and left. It a shame i couldnt spend moretime with them"
Jonghun couldnt attend his Orientation day. Hesaid he is "looking forward to the entrance ceremony" and that "it wasa shame I couldnt attend the orientation day due to schedules"
The2 members seem like they can't wait to meet new friends, but it won'tbe easy seeing as they will be busy with many schedules this year. Onthe other hand, FTisland is currently busy with their 1st Mini albumpromotional activities.