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Author: tig_cun

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Post time 15-2-2007 03:31 PM | Show all posts
Recently finished
1. the viscount who loved me - julia quinn: cerita pasal kate.. best, kelakar

2. it happened one autumn - lisa kleypas: menarik jugak cerita ni, interested nak baca the rest of wallflower series..

3. hot target - suzanne brockmann: the first 50 pages.. boring, lepas tu baru ok.. interesting enough, i cared about the secondary gay couple more than the main couple... kisah straight guy being lured to become not-so-straight guy, though he tried to deny happy ending for the gay couple though.. i do wish to read more on this gay FBI, Jules cassidy- very interesting character..

4. kiss an angel - susan elizabeth phillips : i totally fall in love with this book.. couldn't stop reading until finished..

5. while I was gone - sue miller: oprah's book club.. this author has some interesting things to say, but her writing is so boring.. i finished the other 4 books while reading this one.. i do not want to stop because i'm curious..  story of wanting more when you already have everything, where Jo, a happily married woman got restless and try to have an affair with an old acquaintance, only to discover the terrible truth about her friend's murder.. the story only starts to get interesting after this part - when she realised the consequences of what she had done..

[ Last edited by  periwinkle.. at 15-2-2007 04:20 PM ]

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Helen Keller's Biography

Sepanjang 5 hari bertugas di Kuching sempat gak khatamkan buku yang bertajuk Helen Keller A Photographic Story of A Life. Best sungguh baca buku begini yang penuh dengan gambar-gambar dan disusun dengan kemas. Jalan ceritanya ringkas dan padat.

Kisahnya mengenai kehidupan seorang kanak-kanak buta dan pekak bernama Helen Keller di zaman 1800 yang berubah dari seorang kanak-kanak yang 'buas' kepada kanak-kanak yang cerdik dan sopan. Dididik oleh seorang yang digelarnya 'Teacher' yang telah membimbingnya sehingga beliau dewasa dan menjadi seorang OKB yang sangat berjaya dan terkenal ke seluruh dunia. Sebuah buku yang bagus dan memberi inspirasi



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Post time 19-2-2007 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Just finished Nadia's Song by Soheir Khassogi.
Citer ni biasa2 jer.Emosinya tak terasa sangat.Hmm...orang Arab ni bukan baik2 sangat pun.Senang2nya berzina,murtad etc.Taktaula kalo setakat dalam novel jer.



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Post time 20-2-2007 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nara_Gaara at 19/2/07 11:40 AM
Just finished Nadia's Song by Soheir Khassogi.
Citer ni biasa2 jer.Emosinya tak terasa sangat.Hmm...orang Arab ni bukan baik2 sangat pun.Senang2nya berzina,murtad etc.Taktaula kalo setakat dalam ...

hahah.. yes it's true ok... orang mekah pun buat benda-benda camni.. so many shocking stories, so many, oh, so many i should say... even the muftis pun, jangan percaya sangat... mmg terkejut kita dibuatnya.. ALLAH!

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Post time 21-2-2007 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Baru habis baca nie...

Tajuk : The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
Penulis : Mark Haddon

Mengisahkan seorang remaja yang menjadi seorang detektif menyiasat kematian anjing peliharaan jirannya. Christopher John Francis Boone yang sebenarnya cukup bijak untuk menghafal nama semua Negara dan mengira hingga angka 7,000 berazam untuk mengikut jejak langkah penyiasat kegemarannya, Sherlock Holmes untuk menyelesaikan misteri kematian itu. Perjalanan anak ini bukan sahaja lucu, ia juga mungkin menyedarkan kita yang dunia ini sebenarnya mampu berubah mengikut persepsi orang yang melihatnya



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tanenboom This user has been deleted
Post time 23-2-2007 02:57 AM | Show all posts
Kalau girls suka dan bangga baca chick lit, guys mungkin tak suka dan segan nak baca guys lit. but...

baru baca The Ex-Boyfriend's  Handbook by Matt Dunn

Kalo ada sesapa rajin translate BM pastu tulis skrip, mestu boleh buat movie.

starring Saiful Apek, Umie Aida and Erra



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Post time 23-2-2007 01:16 PM | Show all posts

someone asked whether i read
Adriana Trigiani's other than
"Lucia, Lucia".
yes, i just finished reading
The Queen of the Big Time
and it is better than Lucia, Lucia.

This book shares quite the same plot
like Lucia Lucia.

It's about Italian immigrant living
in Roseto, Pennysylvania
and they re-created their former
lives there- down to the very
last detail of who lived next door to whom.

The Castellucas live in Delabole farm.
The main character is Antonella Margarita
(Nella) and she's the 3rd daughter of 5 girls.
Assunta, Elena, Roma and Dianna.

Nella first meet with Renato Lanzara
at the gathering Nella's father held.
She was 14 and Renato was 21.
But the age-gap wasn't a problem
because Renato's fondness for books and poetry
match well with Nella's own love of learning
and it seems like a match made in heaven.

But when Renato's father died of heart attack,
he leaves Nella and Roseto without explanation

except for a "I'm sorry" letter...

Thought it's hard to forget one's first true love,
Nella goes on and years later,

she met Franco Zollerano.

The day when Franco and Nella
ties their knot,
Nella had a big shock
when their priest was actually
.... Renato himself.

I read,
I laughed and
I wept.
This book makes me fall in love again.
How we all crushed when our first love end.
How we get up and
find it is hard to love another man...

Well recommended.
It's a heartfelt story.



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Post time 26-2-2007 11:23 AM | Show all posts
i am currently reading this books yang entah  bila nak habis:

my best friend's girl

author: dorothy koomson

Best friends Kamryn Matika and Adele Brannon thought nothing could come between them - until Adele did the unthinkable and slept with Kamryn's fiance, Nate. Worse still, she got pregnant and had his child. When Kamryn discovered the truth about their betrayal she vowed never to see any of them again.

Two years later, Kamryn receives a letter from Adele asking her to visit her in hospital. Adele is dying and begs Kamryn to adopt her daughter, Tegan. With a great job and a hectic social life, the last thing Kamryn needs is a five-year-old to disrupt things. Especially not one who reminds her of Nate. But with no one else to take care of Tegan and Adele fading fast, does she have any other choice?

So begins a difficult journey that leads Kamryn towards forgiveness, love, responsibility and, ultimately, a better understanding of herself.



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Post time 26-2-2007 01:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1628 limau_nipis's post

limau, napa ntah bila nk abis? membosankan ke? im planning to buy this book ni...:hmm:

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Post time 26-2-2007 05:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1629 iman's post

iman, actually bukunya sgt ok, tapi bila dah cuti panjang dari baca buku.. tiba2 baca balik, tu input dlm otak lambat sikit...

lagipun asyik nangis je baca buku ni

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Post time 27-2-2007 08:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1630 limau_nipis's post

ooo, gitu kisahnya....

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Post time 2-3-2007 03:18 PM | Show all posts
i have finished reading this book... in 2 days, sebab e-book kat office

It was love at first sight for Lady Viola the night she met the dashing viscount John Hammond. Swept into a whirlwind courtship, it wasn抰 until after their vows had been spoken that Viola learned the shattering truth: her beloved John had never loved her, had married her for her fortune卆nd worse still, saw nothing wrong with that. Heartbroken, she vowed never again to let the deceiving scoundrel into her bed.

John never intended to hurt the headstrong beauty who has become a stranger to him. Now, after years of sham marriage, he is in need of an heir, and John is faced with a luscious, intriguing challenge梥educing his own wife. He must persuade Viola back into their marriage bed, but this time, he may be the one to lose his heart.

My review: I bagi 4/5 stars...

Of course, buku ni menunjukkan the hero, John is not perfect.. tapi buku ni menarik sebab percintaan selepas perkahwinan yang sangat best.. dua-dua ada salah, tapi they try to understand each other after 8 long marriage years... jangan expect John ni perfect, tapi expect this book is more touchy towards forgiveness and the human side of both characters.. Viola and John..

sedih sangat..



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Post time 4-3-2007 02:54 PM | Show all posts
my friend recommend buku P.S. I Love You.... belum sempat baca lagi.... nanti I update.... ada sesape yang pernah baca buku ni???.....

I baru tengah nak habis sons of fortune by jeffrey archer......

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Post time 4-3-2007 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nescafekopi at 4/3/07 02:54 PM
my friend recommend buku P.S. I Love You.... belum sempat baca lagi.... nanti I update.... ada sesape yang pernah baca buku ni???.....

I baru tengah nak habis sons of fortune by jeffrey archer ...

PS I Love You baru baca suku... tapi baca review kat sini, ramai cakap that is the best book Cecilia Ahern ever wrote..

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Post time 5-3-2007 08:11 AM | Show all posts
ok dah start baca lisa kleypas lak.. hari tu try baca satu buku ni , when strangers marry.. haram tak sedap ok.. tapi sebab KRUfan and geng-geng kat sini recommend buku wallflower series tu.. i started with devil in winter (book no 3 in the series )

A devil's bargain
Easily the shyest Wallflower, Evangeline Jenner stands to become the wealthiest, once her inheritance comes due. Because she must first escape the clutches of her unscrupulous relatives, Evie has approached the rake Viscount St. Vincent with a most outrageous proposition: marriage!
Sebastian's reputation is so dangerous that thirty seconds alone with him will ruin any maiden's good name. Still, this bewitching chit appeared, unchaperoned, on his doorstep to offer her hand. Certainly an aristocrat with a fine eye for beauty could do far worse.
But Evie's proposal comes with a condition: no lovemaking after their wedding night. She will never become just another of the dashing libertine's callously discarded broken hearts -- which means Sebastian will simply have to work harder at his seductions...or perhaps surrender his own heart for the very first time in the name of true love.
My comment:
Okla buku ni, tapi I expect Sebastian to be more rakish.. ni dalam cerita ni, jadi baik sangat.. patut buat la ala-ala nakal sikit ke, kan rake paling famous kat London..
lepas tu Evie ni pulak, cubalah buat with more emotion.. how should I describe it.. macammana she overcomes her stutters etc
Overall aku bagi 3/5 stars



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Post time 5-3-2007 02:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1635 limau_nipis's post

agree with you.. hari tu dah baca buku ni, memang sebastian terlampau baik pulak, considering that dalam it happened one autumn, dia ni teruk betul..

sekarang tengah baca cat's eyes - margaret atwood, so far so good.. i like her writing, very much..

baru balik dari CM, pinjam..
1. Lady be good by SEP - tak banyak buku SEP hari ni, yang ada dah baca, sib baik jumpa buku ni.. terselit tempat lain, buku lama, murah pulak tu..
2. On the way to the wedding by Julia Quinn - latest JQ rasanya..
3. Lords of the white castle by Elizabeth Chadwick - dah lama nak try author ni, some say this is her best book, tak sangka jumpa kat CM..



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Post time 6-3-2007 09:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1627 moncherie's post

saya baru pinjam buku ni tapi belum baca lagi. nak tanya buku adriana trigiani yang lain ape yang best? lucia lucia macam popular je.

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Post time 6-3-2007 12:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1632 limau_nipis's post

limau..boleh share ebook ni tak?


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Post time 6-3-2007 01:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1638 amadeus's post

boleh dear..

min requirement: adobe reader 7.0 and buku ni 1 mb+
kalau no hal, nanti bagi e-mail ok

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Post time 12-3-2007 08:14 AM | Show all posts
taraaa.. i have finished this book last saturday.. nak start ngan buku lain puleee..

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Deftly evoking not only the romantic tension between hero and heroine but also the conflicts and challenges of the Victorian era, this superb romance from Kleypas launches her new series centered on the Wallflowers, four young ladies who are sick of being snubbed and overlooked by London's bachelors and who have banded together to find themselves husbands. Beautiful Annabelle Peyton represents Old World aristocracy; she's genteel but impoverished and desperately trying to maintain the appearance of wealth. Commoner Simon Hunt, on the other hand, is a brash, ambitious entrepreneur who has made a fortune investing in industry and railroads and is only marginally accepted by society. As Annabelle attempts to trap a moneyed aristocrat into marriage梬ith the help of her vivacious fellow Wallflowers, of course桽imon boldly pursues her, first with the desire to make her his mistress and then with far more noble intentions. The scenes involving Annabelle and the three other Wallflowers梩wo impudent American girls and a shy, stuttering English heiress梐re almost as enjoyable as the ones in which Annabelle and Simon try to outmaneuver each other. The protagonists inevitably wind up at the altar, but their story doesn't end there. Kleypas delves deeper, touching on Annabelle's changing mindset (specifically, her growing admiration of Simon's working-class roots and her acceptance of everything he stands for) and Simon's insecurity over taking her away from polite society. By turns amusing, sensual and sober, but always compelling, this is a first-rate offering from a truly talented storyteller.

My own review:
This is a really develop storyline, I prefere the book much better than the 3rd Wallflower series: Devil in Winter. The book is the 1st in the Wallflower series, and it clearly described how the 4 Wallflowers (Annabelle, Lilian, Evie and Daisy) strike a relationship with each other and pledge on finding a husband for each one of them.

The book is truly enjoyable, with excellent storyline. The hero (Simon Hunt) is not from some high aristocrat, but a thriving industrialist who is rich due to his quick business nature. I love the fact that the hero is a normal person and not from the lords of Englands.

As for Annabelle, she is a determined young woman who upholds her values high and determined not to be a mistress.

I would give this book 4/5 stars.. maybe the writer should develop a storyline about Hodgeham (the evil old man) and how Annabelle's mother coped with her life after the incident with Hodgeham

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