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tari replied at 22-8-2022 09:58 PM Serasi sbb bln yg sama ?
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:00 PM Sape lahir bulan Disember rugi umur kan
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:03 PM Member htr baju Tukang jahit
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:04 PM Sikit lagi beralih ms
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:06 PM Tq atas pencerahan
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:07 PM Esok on off bersiaran Kalo sempat mencilok mcm biasa
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:08 PM Bos pun ensem kan
tari replied at 22-8-2022 10:09 PM Senang ckp sendu
Tashu replied at 22-8-2022 06:50 PM Yeahuuuuuu
Tashu replied at 23-8-2022 06:55 AM pagi ni hujan renyai2
Tashu replied at 23-8-2022 06:56 AM dah page 82
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