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NURMIMIE posted on 30-3-2014 06:01 PM 
bunuh diri?
i think kalau orang nak bunuh diri tak perlu tunggu lama lama terbang sampai habis minyak.
at any time boleh jer dia matikan engine kalau takut nak dive to the sea or ground. the longer you wait, chances of changing mind tu lagi besar kan..
razhar posted on 30-3-2014 10:20 PM 
...sila letak betting masing2....
percutian dua hari 3 malam di pulau perhentian..
razhar posted on 30-3-2014 10:18 PM
ntah le..pulau perhentian kaaa? tapi itu lah yang dilukis kat peta tu kan..kan...aku duk guna ...
Kalo perhentian dekat lor perairan ganu...ada se lagi ke tgh lcs natuna namanya tp indon punya |
kelana36 posted on 30-3-2014 10:21 PM 
i think kalau orang nak bunuh diri tak perlu tunggu lama lama terbang sampai habis minyak.
at any ...
ok lah.. stop lah citer pasal bunuh diri..
sebab bunuh dri neh mana ada satu teori yang solid modus operandi dia..
sama juga macam orang kata, banyak cara nak bunuh diri dari sembelih leher sendiri..
er.. kita dengar pun seriau..
NURMIMIE posted on 30-3-2014 10:21 PM 
percutian dua hari 3 malam di pulau perhentian..
so apa resepi di percutian tu?
MN lava suda masuk..... @slippergombak  |
Presiden_Lanun posted on 30-3-2014 10:22 PM 
TakaJuT aKaK
mak oiii terrornya pilot! soft landing tu... x berkecai.. 
razhar posted on 30-3-2014 10:25 PM 
so apa resepi di percutian tu?
kalau kat pulau perhentian ada ikan piranha,
boleh lah citer mandi manda sambil pakai bikini..
hzln posted on 30-3-2014 10:05 PM 
aku tak rasa realtime monitoring, kena gali gali gali juga nih rasanya
aku tanya sbb aku tertarik ...
haha.. sumber tak dikenali tu yg payah tu.
cuba ko baca berita ni, kalau ko x pnah baca la hehe
berita ni 13 Mac. time ni cerita inmarsat tak keluar lagi..
tp last part tu btau semula "The Guardian newspaper later reported that a Pentagon spokesman did not know where the information had come from"
diorg ni mmg sengaja je..
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/wor ... 70-pentagon-3238713
Malaysia Airlines flight "came down in the Indian Ocean" says Pentagon official as U.S. warship heads to region
A Pentagon official is reported to have said that it has information that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down in the India Ocean. As a result USS Kidd was reported to have been dispatched to the area and will reach there from its current search location in the next 24 hours.
The alleged change in position of the warship follows reports from the U.S. earlier today that the plane may have continued flying for another four or five hours after disappearing from air traffic control radars.
The Pentagon official told ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz: "We have an indication the plane went down in the Indian Ocean."
The Guardian newspaper later reported that a Pentagon spokesman did not know where the information had come from and the USS Kidd was on its way to Malacca Strait. The news also contradicts acting transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein who earlier said that the main focus of the search would be on the South China Sea to the east of Malaysia.
The CEO of Malaysia Airlines also denied reports that the plane had continued to fly for several hours. The Indian Ocean is to the west and covers a vast area.
Officially the search area is 38,000 square miles, roughly an area the size of the UK, and covers the Strait of Malacca as well as the South China Sea. The plane went down in the early hours of Saturday morning and the last definite contact with the plane was at 01:07 local time with 239 people on board.
At least 12 countries are now involved in the search with dozens of aircraft and sea vessels now involved in the search.
eva posted on 30-3-2014 10:26 PM 
mak oiii terrornya pilot! soft landing tu... x berkecai..
ai pun terkojut..
terus rasa nak salam pilot sambil laga2 pipi kanan, kiri dan kanan sekali lagi sebelum peluk tak mau lepas..
eva posted on 30-3-2014 09:46 PM 
bukan i yg ckp benda tu mengubah ciptaan Allah.. i luper nak kata i quote dr abg tu.
cik abe tu y ...
ko tak pernah mkn mc donald..mcdonald tu antara result gmf terbaik!!
NURMIMIE posted on 30-3-2014 09:45 PM 
berapa ratus boeing 777-200 dalam donia nan fana ini?
beratus boeing..tp yg exact kembar..dr sudut cat/rangka/kerusi..ada dkt israel..perfect twin..kalau langgar israel nnti tak boleh nk buktikn tu bkn mh370..sbb yg dkt israel kn dorang nk dismantle..
aku choose to tak nak percaya la setakat ni hal en. woods nih...sebab
1. dia diblindfolded cam ne dia boleh hantar & type text?
2. antar kat porem nape tak anta kat family or senang 911 terus
3. batteri iPhone la paling cepat habis... tapi tahan pulok (bak kata kaka Changa charge kat montotnye )
*lain la kalau dia dihijack oleh penguin2 Madagascar... semuanya boleh! hail Prince Julian!
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 09:53 PM 
masaalahnya xde saper pun boleh verify yg kita ni mmg byk ladang manggis. kt mana ladangnya pun xd ...
ko je yg tak tahu ada..tak semestinya tak ada..bkn byk pon..4 tan jah..
kelana36 posted on 30-3-2014 10:21 PM
i think kalau orang nak bunuh diri tak perlu tunggu lama lama terbang sampai habis minyak.
at any ...
Yup, agreed.. Klu nk bunuh diri n dia asyik hold niat die, akhirnya xjd bunuh diri.. Time gap akn buat die berubah fikiran.. So x mungkin kes mh370 ni kes pilot nk bunuh diri.. |
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