[/quote]Reply 1645# whitesurfer
[quote]sesapa nak beli Longchamp ke Lancel ke LV ke Coach ke I rekomen beli di Printemps.....dept store no sebelah Lafayete jer sbb org pun x ramai pastu bole claim tax dan dapat duit balik inside d store itself. Mcm aritu weolls nak le recce Longchamps Lafayette...mak datok!!! que punya la panjang dahtu store kecik jer. So I tanya salesgirl yg jaga Q tu dia rekomen instead to go Printemps. Tak tau la pulak Lafayete bole claim dan dapat cash balik from the store or not....
yes, agree!
Printemps boleh dapat the cash on the spot, where else Lafayette tak..masa i tanya bahagian de-tax kat Lafayette, the gal said...the process is a bit complicated, i dont recommend you to do it (for cash). So instead i went to Printemps. LV printemps pun tak sesesak Lafayette |
Reply 1612# boocik04
salam boocik. fairy nak tanya sikit ni...masa boocik beli ticket from this website, does it only show the page as singapore page? fairy cuba click malaysia, but still kena direct to singapore... |
Reply whitesurfer
hikhik,bestnye uols ade sdare kat brussel tu,rasenye iols na wat daytri ...
rimau_belang Post at 16-6-2011 13:00 
rimau_belang, me duk kat hotel francois..bilik besar,EUR53..jln kaki ke metro station, Bourse dan jln kaki ke Grand Place dan Mannekin Pis. |
alamak takde saper ke dah dok APPI Hotel tu? I really need advice ni.. my trip lg 3 weeks.. sempat l ...
axaman Post at 16-6-2011 14:13 
axaman, me duk kat appi hotel tu. i think vokura pun. ok je bg me duk sini. don't expect too much kat sini.
EUR50, bilik air kecik giler. shared bathroom. kalo nak private bathroom, byr lebih.
dlm byk2 trip europe, husband paling tak suka hotel ni. me ok je. dekat je, boleh naik bas, naik metro.nak ke Le Chateu jaln kaki 10 min. Le Chateu ada byk halal restaurant. we all jln kaki gak ke Gare Du Nord dr hotel. |
sesapa nak beli Longchamp ke Lancel ke LV ke Coach ke I rekomen beli di Printemps.....dept store no ...
whitesurfer Post at 16-6-2011 16:50 
sya pergi Printemps gak. tak ramai org pun, belikan hbag Coach org kirim..dr Appi Hotel leh naik bas sampai ke Printemps ni. |
Reply 1649# syasya99
hehe..kalo camtu alfa hotel lg murah la..44euro satu mlm..hihi tok yg bajet mcm i ni heeee |
Post Last Edit by syasya99 at 17-6-2011 22:50
Reply syasya99
hehe..kalo camtu alfa hotel lg murah la..44euro satu mlm..hihi tok yg bajet ...
rimau_belang Post at 17-6-2011 22:09 
sya memang nak book alfa ..tapi dah penuh, sya dah tanya 2-3 bulan seblm sampai paris, tu pun dah penuh.
harap rimau_belang tak confuse..appi hotel EUR50 kat paris, hotel francois EUR53 kat brussels. |
Reply 1653# syasya99
tq syasya,brape mlm dok kat paris?g mane je mse kat paris?hehe |
sesapa nak beli Longchamp ke Lancel ke LV ke Coach ke I rekomen beli di Printemps.....dept store no ...
whitesurfer Post at 16-6-2011 16:50 
hotel dh banyak penuh laaa.. i nak tukar hotel pun dh takde.. i fly rabu depan ni..
printemps mmg sblh la fayatte ke.. murah as compared to KL berapa byk difference |
Reply syasya99
tq syasya,brape mlm dok kat paris?g mane je mse kat paris?hehe
rimau_belang Post at 17-6-2011 23:16 
sya duk 3 mlm kat paris.
1st day - dah gone sbb sampai mlm dr swiss pastu tdo.
2nd day - pi Notre Dame, Palace of Versailles ( beratur 2 jam u! rela sbb nak sgt tgk Hall of Mirror tu)
3rd day - pi Eiffel Tower (mlm dan siang), Arch De Triomph ke, Museum Louvre.
4th day - pi cari hbag sedaramara kirim pastu balik london naik eurostar EUR40. |
Reply 1656# syasya99
hehe,sya...kat paris sume mahal2 x?swiss msti mahal kan |
kenapa asyik risau sgt swiss mahal?
mesti la semua pun negara eropah mahal kalu compare ngan duit kita dah mmg currency dia tinggi... |
Reply 1648# fairy_fairy
tak... kalau pakai website address yang boocik bagi tu, dia akan keluar untuk world punya. yang singapore punya site tu mahal. kena pos pulak tu tiket. kalau yang world tu, booking centre dia kat india, tapi kita boleh print booking slip tu sendiri kat rumah. sampai paris, bagi je slip & CC yang kita beli tiket train tu kat counter & dia akan bagi tiket.
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1652# rimau_belang
wah! dah pandai rimau compare rate hotel lain dengan alfa hotel ;). kalau nak duduk sini, cepat2 book. tak kena deposit apa pun, cuma e-mail je tarikh sampai dan tarikh nak check-out hotel tu... senang :)
(posted by mobile) |
Reply rimau_belang
wah! dah pandai rimau compare rate hotel lain dengan alfa hotel . kalau na ...
boocik04 Post at 18-6-2011 14:21 
boocik nak tanya kalo nak shoppim
kat paris atau london lagi berbaloi.. |
Reply 1662# boocik04
hehe..boocik,insya ALLAH...ade rezeki dpt la book aritu da email diorang pon..diorang kate nak book for next year kene tunggu 2012..hehehe...excited gile kan? |
Reply 1660# yellowtulip
yellowtulip,mmg la semua orang tahu currency europe lg mahal n tinggi, tapi menurut mereka2 yg da pegi sane,diorang kat cost of living kat swiss lebih mahal compare to london dan sewaktu dengan nya,sy hanya btanya tentang swiss sbb kalo de rezeki na pegi sane sekali,ape slahnye kan tnye pendapat kwn2 yg da pegi? |
Reply 1663# miyoma
bab shopping2 ni kena tanya cn7... dia lebih arif. boocik tak berapa minat shopping. he he he...
(posted by mobile) |
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