Reply #1640 sekngucing's post
umur tak pjg mungkin sebab lawan ngan kyuubi yg dikawal madara.. satu monster.. satu lagi ninja lagenda..
aku carik2 spoiler.. sumer tulis kage bunshin naruto yg sebenarnye lawan ngan yahiko.. real naruto dah menyelinap ke tempat nagato.. lepas tu siap tanye nagato nak buat ape.. kira macam luarbiasa la tu outcome pertarungan diorg nih.. tapi spoiler je la.. tak tau la betoi ke idak.. |
Source: NF
Credits: Nightjumper
Verification: Confirmed
SJ cover is of Naruto( and Sakura and Kakashi)
Spine is of Sasuke
There's a pullout: "10th Chronicle Book"[or something like that]
(You'll know the history of 10 years of Naruto if you look at it)
Two-page colored cover: Left half has young Konan, Orochimaru(Nagato) and Yahiko. Below that, is how they are of the current day. Right half is exactly the same, only with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura instead.
Now, details of the color pages:
Everyone is standing around Sakura & Hinata. Sakura is healing Hinata. (Huge emphasis on Hinata's breasts. [Their size:] three cupfuls of rice.[or something like that])
Sakura is talking about how/why it came to be like this. Seems like she's thinking along the lines of "This is for Naruto's sake..."[OR "This is because Naruto...", I'm not sure.]
Gai: Let's go and back Naruto up!!
[Something about Katsuya telling Gai that'll they'll get in the way, and that Naruto left the village in their care, or something like that. Not sure]
[Long story, short, of Naruto VS Pain:]
Naruto does an attack with KB and Rasengan. Pain evades the attack. Naruto does decides to do a Tajuu KB, and have all of them throw debris at Pain, or something. Pain deflects them all, and kills every one of them except two. Pain tells Naruto to give up. Naruto fires up another FRS. Pain thinks he's safe at his range. Naruto tells Pain that he's given up... on giving up. And then some shit about a successful attack with KB and Rasengan.
The end. |
Now, details of the color pages:
Everyone is standing around Sakura & Hinata. Sakura is healing Hinata. (Huge emphasis on Hinata's breasts. [Their size:] three cupfuls of rice.[or something like that])
ni pehal ni..  |
Reply #1643 kroit92's post
diorang kagum dengan keranuman hinata... |
mcm2 spoiler diorang bt nk tarik penggune |
haha..entah betulentah tidak..nak yg ada gambar |
Balas #1647 pinguin\ catat
nak yg kuku kilat!!!!
x ke??? |
Reply #1642 stingbeh's post
three cupfuls of rice..hentai sangat |
Reply #1635 Uchiba_naruto's post
yup dia mmg idup lagi, dia sengaja pura2 kena tangkap, nak bebas katanya |
mana awek kuku kilat2.. aku menanti kukunya yang makin lama makin panjang tu.. huarghaha |
hopefully..kuku dia bertukar wrna plak kali nie....  |
huhu..still xder ke.. :-( |
boleh tahan hinata punya  |
wah.. kuku kilat2 dah ada! dr mana ek ra5dapat?  |
Reply #1656 pcboss's post
tajam jek mate ko ek..baru jek nk ckp...
[ Last edited by mojako at 1-4-2009 17:46 ] |
Balas #1654 ra5101\ catat
takleh lawan tsunade lagi ni |
| |