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Originally posted by chicsee at 3-10-2006 10:01 AM
Macam2 perangai manusia eh....my mum pun pernah citer gak benda macam gini. Masa bayar cukup2, tup tup, malam dia datang lagik cakap dia bayar pakai duit $50 tak di balikkan duit. Bila tanya ng ...
duit $50 besar pe, mesti ingat on the spot nye or come back immediately.
Lagipun dah malam dah start kira untung, bleh tahu orang tu bubble ke tak |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 3-10-2006 08:51 AM
betul tu bang..
so...teruskan melaser waktu malam.... |
korang ingat tak kat Bugis Junction dulu ada satu kapal Bugis?? kat luar mekdi tu..:pmuka:
aku dari dulu heran " mana pegi sey " :hmm:
aku agak yang Istana kampung Glam tu ambik la lol
aku lalu tempat ni semalam , then aku nengok2 eh, cam kenal je kapal ni dulu kat bugis junction :bgrin::bgrin::bgrin:
kadang2 org tua ni cakap tak sentiasa betul...then org muda pula tak sentiasa salah... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 5-10-2006 10:34 AM
kadang2 org tua ni cakap tak sentiasa betul...then org muda pula tak sentiasa salah...
no choice, tegur nanti ada lak start kecik hati la apa la...
so terpaksa diam and shut up
:kant: |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 5-10-2006 10:45 AM
no choice, tegur nanti ada lak start kecik hati la apa la...
so terpaksa diam and shut up :kant:
shut up? hehe...aries pulang paku buah keras lagi ada....terus dia tersenyap...
actually citer nya mcm ni...one of my aunt yg tinggal di Bukit Merah nak pergi minta keje kat CDC (kira mcm organisation yg tolong org cari keje) di Jurong East which is at JTC bldg...so aries check kan then inform her where is the JTC bldg...then out of goodwill, aries check from internet...aries informed her yg she should go to Toa Payoh branch since kawasan rumah dia is under central area...dia mati2 cakap "kau salah lah...kawan makcik dah cakap tinggal daerah mana2 pun boleh pergi kat CDC jurong east"...aiseyman..degil nya...aries pun cakap "sembarang lah cik..."
so tadi dia call aries kat ofis...dia cakap "ha'ah lah buang masa aje datang kat CDC jurong east...dorang suruh cik pergi CDC di Toa Payoh"...aries pun cakap lah "tu lah...hari tu org dah cakap suruh pergi Toa payoh, tak percaya...kan sekarang dah buang masa" |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 5-10-2006 11:00 AM
shut up? hehe...aries pulang paku buah keras lagi ada....terus dia tersenyap...
actually citer nya mcm ni...one of my aunt yg tinggal di Bukit Merah nak pergi minta keje kat CDC (kira mcm or ...
kesian dia pose2 travel then hampa heheheehe
tapi mintak2 toa payoh nye memang best dan dia dapat apa dia nak.
cdc nye help ni best tapi leceh jugak la eh kena ikut zone. |
aku baru ni tahu ada binatang nama OKAPI
dia cam girapah tapi dia leher pendek la...
kelakar ek nama, okapi, pasal aku nengok some orang filipin eh, dorang sebut copy sebagai kapi. Kapi! kapi!
jadi tambah o depan jadi Okapi Okapi Okapi
ni binatang okapi ni

animal planet betul ek :tq: |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 31-10-2006 04:07 AM
aku baru ni tahu ada binatang nama OKAPI
dia cam girapah tapi dia leher pendek la...
kelakar ek nama, okapi, pasal aku nengok some orang filipin eh, dorang sebut copy sebagai kapi. Kapi! kapi ...
aku pun baru tau...thanks for the info dep :tq: |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 5-10-2006 11:16 AM
kesian dia pose2 travel then hampa heheheehe
tapi mintak2 toa payoh nye memang best dan dia dapat apa dia nak.
cdc nye help ni best tapi leceh jugak la eh kena ikut zone.
alhamdulilah....makcik dah dapat keje recommended by CDC... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 31-10-2006 09:45 AM
alhamdulilah....makcik dah dapat keje recommended by CDC...
alhamdulilah....tahniah..:tq: |
What's the difference between a muffin and a cupcake
muffin batter baked in a cup and frosted= frosted muffin
cake batter baked in a cup and frosted= cupcake
1. Muffins are a quick-bread.
2. Muffins have muffin-tops which rise above the pan like a mushroom. Cupcakes are usually level with the pan when it leavens.
3. Muffins are a lot less sweeter.
4. Muffins are mored dense and heavy.
5. Muffins are usually bigger in size.
6. You could frost a muffin if you want to: I don't care.
7. Cupcakes contain a batter that can be thoroughly beaten - their batters are not usually sensitive to overmixing. Muffins - contain a batter than is very sensitive to overmixing(overmixing produces a too hard texture and low rising muffins).
8. Muffins are often sweet, but also can be savory.
9. A cupcake is a hand held, mini dessert cake.
10. You eat the frosted muffin and i'll eat my cupcake!
In the culinary world, muffins are known as a quick-bread used with baking powder as a leavener: they're a lot less sweet/less moist like cornbread muffins, cranberry orange, blueberry or zucchini bread. They're definitely a lot more heavier than cupcakes as well. I personally wouldn't put frosting on a muffin just 'cause it doesn't pair well with what your going to eat, plus, it's too heavy as a dessert. Cupcakes are cakier, moist, sweet, and lighter in texture which pairs well with a heavy buttercream. Cupcakes are usually leavened with baking powder as opposed to baking soda sometimes even both! |
Tadi masa nak balik...kat bas interchange..
Saw this Malay couple..abt 60yrs old...
THe wife pakai tongkat..jalan tempang2..
The hubby held the wife's hand.. pastu the hubby looked lovingly into the wife's eyes..
and the wife put her head on the hubby's arm...:love:
Aku pun tangkap feeling... nangis kat tgh2 interchange tu.. :cry::cry:
Tengok couple tu.. walaupun dah berumur and the wife cacat..
They show their love openly...
So touched....hmmmmm... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 6-12-2006 10:13 PM
What's the difference between a muffin and a cupcake
muffin batter baked in a cup and frosted= frosted muffin
cake batter baked in a cup and frosted= cupcake
1. Muffins are a quick-bread.
jawapan aku salah lah eh?... |
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 6-12-2006 11:03 PM
Tadi masa nak balik...kat bas interchange..
Saw this Malay couple..abt 60yrs old...
THe wife pakai tongkat..jalan tempang2..
The hubby held the wife's hand.. pastu the hubby looked lovingly into ...
ntah ntah tengah berlakon.... |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 6-12-2006 11:12 PM
ntah ntah tengah berlakon....
aku tak nampak pun cameramen kat2 situ...
tak tau la.. kalau dorang pakai hidden camera...
Tapi.. btul la.. aku tersentuh tgk old loving couple tu....
kalau aku dah tua.. hendak ke laki aku feeling2 camtu??? |
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 6-12-2006 11:19 PM
aku tak nampak pun cameramen kat2 situ...
tak tau la.. kalau dorang pakai hidden camera...
Tapi.. btul la.. aku tersentuh tgk old loving couple tu....
kalau aku dah tua.. hendak k ... :lol
tapi kekadang orang kita kalau tengok orang tua loving loving, apsal suka cakap tebiat eh?.
pada aku ok apa |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 6-12-2006 11:12 PM
ntah ntah tengah berlakon....
heheh mcm2 la kak b ni .. |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 6-12-2006 11:11 PM
jawapan aku salah lah eh?...
hehe...takde lah kak b...
kebetulan aries terjumpa article tu semalam... |
guvnor This user has been deleted
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 6-12-2006 11:19 PM
aku tak nampak pun cameramen kat2 situ...
tak tau la.. kalau dorang pakai hidden camera...
Tapi.. btul la.. aku tersentuh tgk old loving couple tu....
kalau aku dah tua.. hendak ke laki aku feeling2 camtu???
laki ko musti feeling2 punyer kalu ko cacat~~~ |
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Category: Negeri & Negara