so..bagi cn7 mana lagi berbaloi..shoping kat paris atau london..
sbb last trip kat paris,tpi before paris stay kat london 3 hari.. Reply 1676# miyoma
it is entirely depends on what you want to buy...or the brands that you wanna buy.
if nak LV or Longchamp...kat Paris cheaper...
If Burberry or AH... London la...
tapi if you ask me, mana best shopping, i prefer london sebab London ada store2 ni (yang murah vs luar)
1. Primark
2. Mothercare
3. ELC store
4. Tie rack
5. Argos
6. Clarks |
Reply miyoma
tapi if you ask me, mana best shopping, i prefer london sebab London ada store2 ni (yang murah vs luar)
1. Primark
2. Mothercare
3. ELC store
4. Tie rack
5. Argos
6. Clarks..
cn7 Post at 20/6/2011 20:27 
ada satu lagi masuk senarai.... POUNDLAND!!!  |
ada satu lagi masuk senarai.... POUNDLAND!!! Reply 1688# boocik04
ya ampun, how can i forget this??
move away Primark, POUNDLAND is on the top!
ngeh ngeh ngeh |
Reply miyoma
it is entirely depends on what you want to buy...or the brands that you wanna ...
cn7 Post at 20-6-2011 20:27 
thanks kak,i ask ni pon behalf of my sisters..
for me,kalo adidas,nike pon dah ok.. |
Reply 1686# cn7
hehe,shopping sakan ye mse kat sane cn? |
Reply 1688# boocik04
boocik,ape yg best kat poundland tu? |
Reply 1685# june-july
ya hampunnn,canteknyee gamba u...haritu stay paris bape mlm june? |
june duduk paris 3 hari, duduk eze village/nice 2 hari je.. sebelum tu ke london... nanti free june tempek gambor.. tempat n memang lawa sesangat. june terpikat sejak tengok samantha brown kat TLC tu pergi sini.. hehehhe |
Reply 450# nenektua
nenek,katne nak beli pass 19euro for 2days yg boleh naek metro and bas sesuka hati tu?hikhikhik share lerrr |
Reply 1690# miyoma
thanks kak,i ask ni pon behalf of my sisters..
for me,kalo adidas,nike pon dah ok..
younger or elder sister? If elder sister mintak komisen sikit for doing the homework on your behalf
Nike can be cheap at the outlet.
Adidas... tak berapa perasan sebab jarang pakai... |
Reply 1691# rimau_belang
hehe,shopping sakan ye mse kat sane cn?
takla sakan... tapi shop til i drop la jugak |
Reply 1694# june-july
june,nice must be a very nice place kan?jauh ta dr city of paris? |
Reply miyoma
younger or elder sister? If elder sister mintak komisen sikit for doing ...
cn7 Post at 21-6-2011 16:14 
elder sister..all the tickets yg travel dorang dah cover..memang patot la saya kena wat benda ni .. |
Reply 1699# miyoma
elder sister..all the tickets yg travel dorang dah cover..memang patot la saya kena wat benda ni..
baguihnya... my ypunger sisters semua bawak badan jer walaupun yang lain dah ditanggung  |
Reply 1698# rimau_belang
jauh sangat dari paris.. june naik keretapi malam. 8jam perjalananan. tido dlm ketapi je .. tapi pengalaman yang seronok.. |
Reply 1701# june-july
june pegi naek ketapi?hehe rasenye i ta g ke nice kot, paris sahajeeee hehehe |
i am leaving for paris tonite.. semoga Allah Taala mempermudahkan perjalankan kami... |
Reply 1703# braun
braun,semoga selamat pergi dan baelk,jgn lupe story mory kat sni nt taw..hehehe |
Reply 1704# rimau_belang
thanks rimau... insyallah nnti sy story morry |
Reply 1705# braun
mesti tengah teruja sgt2 kan?hehe jangan lupa jalan segala tempat..syiokkknyeeeee |
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