minahsaudi posted on 3-4-2013 03:44 PM 
i will try my best to assist you lah n hopefully lela will help u with others.
17 apr Wed (Day ...
i will try my best to assist you lah n hopefully lela will help u with others.
17 apr Wed (Day 1)
- sampai Heathrow dah lmbat kul 9mlm. then check-in hotel kat marble arch.
- naik HOHO bus round london - mcm impossible jer u nak ikut HOHO bus around london since u smpi malam khen - rase ni je yg sempat mieza wat mlm tu..then rest for tmorow lak.
18 apr Thu (Day 2)
· Bfast at hotel
· Bicester village - shopping - nak g naik train ker? u kena g marylebone train stn n i think journey is slightly over an hour. kat bicester village tu u nak stay for how long cos u kena balik semula london to go to big ben. mcm tak berapa nak agree with this but kalo u tau apa nak beli kat bicester tu n dah target barang i think u can make it. u must remember journey frm marylebone is over an hour 1 way plus u must also add journey frm hotel to marylebone tu. if u can return by mid afternoon then the rest of yr iti tu ok lah. just worry saja it cud be too tight for you apa lagi with yr ticket to MT at 4.30pm. - kak, mieza g BV naik train pg dlm kul 9am. smpai myb dlm kul 10am then sopping dlm 2-3 hours trus shoot back to marble arch. then baru g big ben, hyde park ng diana's memorial..tgk la mane2 yg sempat antara 3 ni sementara nk tggu msuk madame tussaud tu. ok x cmni kak? ke akak rase antara 3 ni ptt buang mane2..pls advise k minahsaudi ;-)
· Big Ben · Hyde park
· Diana’s memorial · Madame tussaud - ticket kul 4.30pm · Leicester Square -
- China Town/M&M Centre/Troccadero · Borough market ( dari Leicester sq take the jubilee line to london bridge, then u kena walk about 5-7mins to smpi borough market)
- good pastries and food. Close at 5pm. · Primark – closed at 9pm ( primark ni memang kat marble arch, u wont miss it) · Tower London · Tower Bridge
(i am a little bit sceptical u can do all these visitings plus going to bicester village in 1 day) - kak, yg visiting tower london, bridge ni rasenye just nk tgk cmne je..xkisah la dah mlm pn..tuk amik gambar je.. ok x? but if that day ade yg xsempat mieza xkisah asalkan BV and madam tussaud dpt g.
9) 19 apr Friday (Day 3) · Bfast at hotel · Buckingham palace- changing time at 11.30am · Piccadily circus - shopping · Harrods - shopping
- The nearest tube station to Harrods is Knightsbridge on the Piccadillyline. Use the Brompton Road exit for Harrods · Oxford street-shopping · HRC ( if u are staying around marble arch u walk down toward hyde park/speaker corner to park lane. HRC is on park lane)
10) 20 apr Sat (Day 4) · Transfer to airport - flight at 2pm · VAT claim and last minute shopping atairport. ( ewah sopping lagi..) - u kena awal datang cos VAT claim ni process dia rumit n queue sangat panjang - owh pjg ye queue nk wat vat ni..ade tempat len x kak selain kt airport? mane taw lg sng xyah nk rushing sgt..
i think u kena buat itinery yang realistic cket dear. seram i bacer! - hehe tu la mieza pn rase cm peak sbb tu nk mtk advise akak2 sume..huhu tqvm kak..