Reply 1692# rimau_belang
yang best kat poundland tu, semua barang boleh dibeli dengan harga GBP1 !! :D
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1702# rimau_belang
hahha.. sebab tujuan june bukan nak soping sgt. june nak berjalan sepuas-puasnya. itu pun tak puas lagi.. hheheh..
takpe.. paris pun best.. boleh makan kfc halal gak! |
Reply 1707# boocik04
boocik,poundland tu kat mane?ape antare benda yg dijual kat situ? |
Reply 1708# june-july
june, same goes to me, i nak jenjalan je lebih tp..na gak la shopping sket hehehehehehehe |
sebab tu baru je 1 1/2 hari jalan kat London, kaki june dah cramp giler.. tak cukup prevention.. hahahha.. |
Reply 1711# june-july
kene work out one month sebelom pegi ni hahaha |
Reply boocik04
boocik,poundland tu kat mane?ape antare benda yg dijual kat situ?
rimau_belang Post at 23/6/2011 16:49 
poundland kat UK. banyak jenis barang dijual di situ. semua harga GBP1 sajerrrr.... |
Reply 1713# boocik04
ooo murahnye gbp 1..nt i tnye pakcik gugel hehehe tq boocik |
Saya orang baru dalam thread paris nie..Banyak pengetahuan saya perolehi dari pengalaman kawan2 semua.Inshaallah saya akan ke Paris pertengahan bulan nie.Ada tak antara kalian yang baru balik dari Paris...kongsilah pengalaman korang...dengar berita kat sane sekarang nie panas melampau..betul ker?? |
ade tak sape2 sini yg ade contact (org malaysia) yg boleh bwk tour 1 day trip ke paris dr london? Aku ngan family plan nk jln2 kt paris tp ayh aku nk tour guide plak.... |
Reply 1661# boocik04
salam boocik. sorry tak perasan boocik dah jawab soalan fairy ni...ok, nanti fairy try lagi masuk website tu.
btw, kalau tak silap boocik ada suggest alfa hotel kan? fairy dah check and rate memang mengancam la!! tapi
bila baca the amenities, aircond memang takde ke? coz fairy pegi summer, takut la pulak berpeluh ketiak karang
dalam bilik hehehehe..and alfa hotel ni kalau balik late nite kawasan dia ok ke? |
Reply 1661# boocik04
gerrrrammmmm!!!!! dah try banyak kali but the website tetap show singapore site!!!
fairy buang sg kat belakang the address pun tetap masuk singapore site 
dah check the tickets and sorang more than RM500!! |
Reply 1713# boocik04
sorry boocik another question hehehehe
berapa lama traveling time from orly to gare du nord to catch thalys train? nak budget the time
so senang standby nak beli tickets to amsterdam. i will be arriving at orly at 10am  |
Reply boocik04
salam boocik. sorry tak perasan boocik dah jawab soalan fairy ni...ok, nanti fai ...
fairy_fairy Post at 4/7/2011 17:26 
try e-mail dorang and tanya. masa boocik pegi tu during autumn so memangtak yah pakai air-cond.
you boleh guna google translate - english ke french dan e-mail dorang sebab english dorang tak berapa bagus... |
Reply boocik04
gerrrrammmmm!!!!! dah try banyak kali but the website tetap show singapore site! ...
fairy_fairy Post at 4/7/2011 17:34 
fairy... memang akan keluar website singapore tu tapi tukar country of residence tu pegi ke "world". nanti baru keluar world website tu... |
Reply boocik04
berapa lama traveling time from orly to gare du nord to catch thalys train? nak budget the time
so senang standby nak beli tickets to amsterdam. i will be arriving at orly at 10am...
fairy_fairy Post at 4/7/2011 17:55 
depends on apa transport you amik. kalau paling cepat, dalam 40 minit. paling lama 1 jam...
tapi kalau you dah dari orly aiport tu nak ke amsterdam terus, lebih baik naik flight easyjet terus ke sana.
tak yah le nak turun ke paris city centre & naik train. buat penat jer... |
Reply 1722# boocik04
dah check easyjet...no flight from orly to amsterdam.i checked other airlines but kebanyakan
ada 1 or 2 stops. direct flight KLM pun kat CDG jer.. |
Reply 1721# boocik04
thanks!! dah dapat masuk world website but the tickets are still expensive...RM450++ sorang...
nak beli now ke tidak ni? hmmmmmm....... |
Reply 1720# boocik04
dah book this hotel dekat jer dengan gare du nord but still looking for best deals
elsewhere too hehehehe |
Post Last Edit by alfitri at 7-7-2011 10:51
best baca story korang kat sini...by the way ,
we are going to Paris this coming 20 july...tak sabar nak soping ...hehehe
any advices for 1st timer ? tq |
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