pagi leen..pagi baby..erra..yufa..
wah..wah..meka ni main balas2 hint ekk..
chun buat tu atas pinggan ke..npk mcm pinggan jerr...ngan rose lak tu..aduhh..
rajin tul chun ni takes time gak rasanya nak tabur/tampal kelopak2 rose tu jadi bentuk love..
CE, ngaku jer la terus terang..
hai kak fazy..kak baby ..sori sesangat..leen bz giler sehari dua nii...tu yg tak reply awal2..kak baby ,nanti leen uploadkan hari jumaat ni ek ..InsyaAllah ...
aaa..pasal gambo bunga yg chun letak tu ..rerupanyer yg tu dia dah letak dalam sebulan lepas..huhuh..sori ..sebab leen silap dpt info ..but whatever it is..maknanya mmg terbukti yg chun suka amik gambo benda yg membentuk simbol LOVE kan ..mmg berkemungkinan besar la he's xiao kai who sent ella the pic of that mustard sauce LOVE ..huhuh
btw ..yg bestnyer.. Chun acknowledge CE fans ..dia siap hantar New Year Card utk CE fans lg ..huhuhh..besttt kad yg dia hantar ..
Chun sent card for CE fans
Chun writes :
Chun Hua Baidu bar
& Tian Shi Xue Yuan
Happy New Year!
(signed) Chun
*Tian Shi Xue Yuan (loosely translated as Angel Academy), is, another major Chinese CE site besides =)
huhuh..means dia mmg tau kewujudan CE Baidu Bar (dipanggil ChunHua Baidu bar) dengan ..ntah2 biasa masuk baca infos dalam site tu ..CE baidu bar tu lg la banyak giler info pasal CE ..ekeke..kalau la dia masuk CEFC jugak..huhuh seronok giler..tah2 CE mmg sesama selalu masuk sana..tu yg tau2 je cara nak bagi hints kat CE fans tu..
a'ahh.. bz kak baby sejak dah start mengajar balik ni ..takper..petang ni japs lg insyaallah leen boleh tolong uploadkan utk akak .. hari ni leen habis keje awal ..
huhuh..cuba pk kenapa dia pos gambo ni ? kalau sekali tgk ..mcm takde apa2 significance pun kan dalam gambo ni ..ehehee..CE fans find out ..dalam kedua2 gambo ni ..kalau korang perhatikan ..ade masuk sekali nama gambo hotel ..hotel yg bebetul nama nyer terpampang kat bahagian atas umbrella merah putih tu (kat elah kanan gambo)..huhuh..teka apa nama hotel tu ?? nama hotel tu .. JIA HUA HOTEL
..kan ker nama penuh Ella..Ella Chen Jia Hua ..ehehe..CE fans assume yg Chun sengaja amik gambo tu termasuk dengan nama hotel tu sebab ade nama Jia Hua tu .sebab kalau nak pk2 balik ..tak tau apa significance gambo tu ...nak kata kalau Chun nak fokus kat fans pun ..sepatutnyer terus fokus ke fans je ..tak perlu masuk gambo bangunan tu semer.lg satu ..jauh giler amik gambo tu kalau sebab nak amik gambo fans kan ..ehehe..ntah .kebetulan la plak yer nama hotel tu Jia Hua ..
Host: Then let's look at this one. Who is, who is this? (Caption: actually never choose me?)
Guy: Oh, Zhang Shao Han.
Host: Eh, have you worked with her before?
Chun: Have
Host: Like her?
Chun: Who?
Host: Her
Chun: Not bad ar. We are.. we are.. good friends lah
Girls: They're all onscreen couple leh
Host: This is..
Guy: Cyndi Wang
Host: Have you collaborated with her before?
Chun: Hmm.. have. Advertisement. Host: So.. don't really like her
Chun: (shocked) No, no lah~
Host: This..
Chun: Ella~ (Lol, first to say her. Hahah~)
Guy: Ella
Host: She's very cute
Chun : Correct (Lol, his reaction damn fast hor? lol~) My little brother(AH~~~~~~~~~~~ His reaction~ His tone... So so so so so so so so sweet~and his smile~!!!!!!! )
Host: Brothers~ brothers~
Everyone: Da S~ (Caption: You have good foresight)
Chun: Wa, this picture is very old already is it? Should be lah
Host: So you mean... She was younger at that time lah..And then now change alot lah. No lah.
Chun: No lah.
Host: Ai yah, nvm lah, she also dun like you. She like another person ar.
Guy: The hairstyle is different, so she looks different
Host: So he(Chun) likes this sort of eyes, smiling eyes
Chun:No lah, i like everyone's lah, but because they all look the same, andher one(Da S) is slightly different, because she did smile.
Chun: Hmm, correct.
Host: Correct, because she did smile, so it looks much happier.
Guy: Angela also got smile leh
Chun: Her, but her eyes, can't.. can't
Host: Can't really see
Chun: is not really very...
Girls: bright.
Host : realise that he doesn't like those eyes with thicker eye shadows. Heseems to like those simpler make-up eyes. Then what about the lips?
Chun: Very difficult to choose wor
Guy: Is there a very qiu qiu(something like thick, bouncy kind? Lols) feeling?
Girls: Qiu Qiu
Host: He's very serious
Guy: Eh, he is really very serious wor
Host: You are also not choosing a wife
Chun: What? What? What did you all say?
Host: You are also not choosing a wife
Chun: But..
Host: You just choose one lah. Can stand seeing can alr lah.
Girls: Correct ah.
Chun: Hmm...
Girls: Being forced alr.
Host: Ai yah, that is, dun have to be responsible one lah
Host: This one, this one.
Chun: This one ba
Host: Orh, this one not bad.
Chun: Hebe
Guy: Hebe
Host: Don't like her?
Chun: Don't like. No lah~ My senior ye (How about Ella my dear Chunnie? Not your senior ar?)
Host: Who is this
Chun: Patty hou
Guy: Patty hou
Host: Alright lah (opens next one)
Chun: Eh, it's Ariel Lin leh
Host: Let's see who Chun likes the most. This kind of lips, who is it leh?
Chun: Who is that ar? Orh~
Everyone: Selina
Guy: I know why. Because most probably Selina's lips looks the fullest
Chun: Fullest?
Guy: Soft soft one, very shinny see through feel..
translated by babyval of CEFC forum
dalam klip ni ... ade satu part tu ..Chun kena plh eyes dan lips celebrities yg dia suka ..gambar muka diorang ditutup ..cuma bahagian bibir dan mata je yg didedahkan ...dalam banyak2 gambar mata tu ..ade jugak gambar mata Ella dan Angela .. tp Chun plh mata Da S korang tengok nanti reaksi dia masa gambar2 artis tu didedahkan ..rerasanye Chun mmg cam mata Ella awal2 lg sebab mata Ella disekalikan dengan kening Ella..huhuh..dan bukan nak kata ape ..Ella sorang je yg ade kening macam tu dalam ramai2 celebrities Taiwan sebab Ella mmg tak cantas kening dia ..hehehe..pastu tgk reaksi Chun masa diorang memula bukak gambar Ella..Chun terus ckp ..Ella..yg kelakarnyer dia boleh ckp Ella tu little brother dia laks...selama ni dia selalu ckp Ella tu senior dia..skang ni jadi little 'brother' laks dah ..ehehehe...lepas ckp tu terus gelak senyum manis gilerr sambil tgk kamera..obvious sgt perubahan dia masa tu ..ehehe..
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 31-1-2008 03:14 PM ]
Host: Okay, now we know, outer appearances wise, he likes outfits that are not too revealing, and then the eye shadow, make up must not be too heavy,
Chun: Yes. Something like that
Host: And then, must be clean.. and what about personality?
Chun: Character, actually, still alright. She's honest to me, and then...
Host: Cannot be a two-timer
Chun: That one of course!
Host: Correct lah~ Anyone also cannot two time lah.
Chun: Correct. And then, happy (cheerful , lively)
Host: Inner self..
Chun: Inner self must be honest, real, and not be a fake. Correct.
Host: Is not a hypocrite
Chun: Correct.
Host: and then here(pointing to her mind), she must have her own opinions, smart.
Chun: That one, that one still okay. If she is not smart, i can take care of her ar. (faints)
Host: Orh.. so he likes pretty dumb people.
Chun: No~ Not dumb
Host: The girl can't be too smart?
Chun: No, no, no, no.. That is, the feeling is right, can already. Doesn't matter if she is smart or not.
Host: I dun understand. I dun understand. I'm so dumb wor~!
*Chun talks about the criterias of her ideal woman ..ehehe..yg mana leen bold tu ..rasanyer ciri2 tu leen dah selalu mentioned kan kat sini ..
ok ..korang tgk kasut yg Ella pakai ni ..nampak cam besar sgt tak untuk Ella ?? ehehe..kalau leen , leen mmg rs nampak besar giler..kasut yg Ella pakai ni adelah kasut jenama Jordan ..dan ..kebetulannyer..Chun pun ade kasut yg sama jugak ...huhuh..sebabnyer Chun ade pos kan gambar kasut ni dalam koleksi kasut Jordan dia..dia post kat album dia ....
ni gambar kasut Chun
kasut yg dikatakan sama dengan kasut yg Ella pakai tu adelah kasut yg berada di rak tengah2 no. 6 dari kiri (baru perasan Chun letak sepasang2..pasang kasut no.3 dari kiri rak tengah2)..sejibik sama ..huhuh..sebab tu ade yg ckp Ella pakai kasut Chun sebab kasut yg Ella pakai lam gambo tu besar gabak ..ehehe..kalau pun bukan kasut Chun , tp tetap kasut yg berpattern dan jenama sama..huhuh..berapa banyak kasut diorang yg sama ni ? kalau kasut NIKE tu leen mmg tak heran dah ..banyak giler.kasut Jordan pun ade jugak yg sama ek ?
gambar tu i adelah gambar S.H.E bersama Stephen Chow dalam rancangan Kang Xi Lai Le yg dirakamkan semalam ... perasan tak baju Ella mmg bebetul tertutup dan tak dedah langsung ..huhuh..blouse labuh dengan jeans ..ehehe..bukan ker Chun mmg tak suka awek dia pakai baju yg seksi2 dan dedah2 ni kan ..dalam klip in my previous post pun dia ckp dia tak suka girls yg pakai baju seksi tu la perasan mmg dah agak lama Ella berpakaian sopan giler cam ni ..dia cuma akan pakai seksi sket kalau utk persembahan je...tu pun seksi2 pun ..shorts je la..baju tak seksi pun ..kalau kuar casually pun dia mmg pakai tertutup ..siap t shirt lengan panjang lg tu ..err..Kang Yong tu patut berdiri jauh la sket dari Ella..kang ade laks yg jeles kang ..
credits to CEFC and
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 31-1-2008 04:07 PM ]
kak baby ..clip yg mana ? yg chun plh mata dengan bibir selebriti tu ker?? akak tak dapat tgk kan ... nanti leen upload utk akak kedua2 klip tu sekali dengan klip mv tu ..leen janji sorry sesangat sebab takut tak sempat ptg ni ..leen kena balik kg japs lagi ..malam kang leen upload..pagi esok InsyaAllah akak dapat download ..huhuh..nak akak tgk reaksi Chun masa dia ckp little brother..mata Chun masa tu mmg bersinar2 giler...siap dengan cara dia senyum tu ..iskk ..tak reti nak describe camner..sweet sesangatt..pastu boleh nampak air muka dia malu2..malu2 tp happy ..ehehe..Chun ni mmg kalau dengar nama Ella ke atau pun ckp benda2 yg berkaitan dengan Ella , perasan sgt perubahan dia ..
gambar close up kasut Jordan yg dipunyai oleh CE ..huhuh..tak tau samada diorang kongsi kasut yg sama , atau pun Chun bagi kasut tu kat Ella atau pun diorang mmg sesama beli kasut tu .. hehee
close up dari gambar yg menunjukkan Ella pakai kasut tu ..
credits CEFC
btw .. this is the clip in which S.H.E and Stephen Chow talks about CJ7
hehee..kalau korang tgk klip ni , org yg edit video berita ni macam CE fans lak memandangkan video ni banyak tunjuk close up kat Chun dan Ella secara bergilir2 ..CE plg dapat banyak coverage dalam vid nii...
translation and brief summary of the clip :
S.H.E and FRH specially came to Beijing to endorse Meng Niu yoghurt, and talking about Beijing, both SHE and FRH opened their hearts, because Beijing gives the 7 of them special impressions.
SHE & FRH's impressions of Beijing - 1st impression of Beijing
It's just talking about SHE and FRH's impressions of Beijing.
SHE visit Beijing several times a year, but the development of the city from their first trip to Beijing has left deep memories.
Ella: The first thought was that Beijing was very big, but subsequently, because from then until now it's been 3-4 years.. in this short period I feel that the infrastructure has developed very fast, tall buildings everywhere, and each skyscraper is unique in its own way.
H: Then everything is very beautiful, (E: When the water turns to ice) there are lots of good food, so I think everyone can come here to play and see.
(etc etc)
FRH have less of an impression, in fact it's Aaron's first time there. Chun feels that the city gives people a carefree feeling, not constrictive.
Then it talks about food. SHE remember the fried chicken wings, Ella likes it hot. Wu Chun remembers the roast duck very well from his previous trip to Beijing to train for Ah Bi Jian, especially one particular shop.
Then FRH try to speak Beijing dialect. Chun has a weird pronunciation.
Beijing Olympics.. both teams say they hope they can go and support. Each talk about the sport they want to take part in. Selina wants to train in diving or swimming cos she only knows how to swim. Ella wants to do weight lifting cos she says she's most explosive in terms of energy. Chun says he's most confident in basketball. Talk about Chun's impression of Yao Ming. At that time he didn't know Yao Ming's team, only thought they were very tall and agile.
Each person tries to promote Meng Niu yoghurt in their own style.
Calvin: Drink Meng Niu yoghurt, then you won't feel any more cold.
Chun: Want to be as strong ("meng") as me? Then drink Meng Niu yoghurt!
Selina: Want to be strong and be a princess? Then drink Meng Niu yoghurt!
Ella: Who is in charge of your health? Meng Niu yoghurt!
hello leen...kak fazy...n baby...yufa...smith...windunya kat u all...apa citer ce skrg ni...tak sempat nak baca apa yg leen posting...sbb bz...huhuhu...
leen cuti ...dalam seminggu jugak lebih kurang mmg leen online sokmo ..ehehe..ermss..waaa..lamanyer akak cuti raya cina ..mmg company akak tutup dari tarikh tu ker ?
tuh laa..tak sabar nak tunggu sambungan ff tu jugak ..bestt..ade lg satu ff yg best jugak ff ni lambat sket update ..
hai kak erraa...misssssssssss u so muchh!!! huhuh..lama tak nampak kak erra..yufa pun agaknyer dah bz stadi utk SPM tu ..hehee..takpe..akak gi la baca dulu yg belum dibaca..ade lg hints CE yg baru ... uhuks.