my friend bgtau tau smlm, its snowing in central london. huwaaa...still snowing at this time of d year. cacamarba dah world weather skarang nih. hopefully masa akak pi oct ni summer-autumn gitu.. |
bungaros posted on 5-4-2013 11:10 AM 
my friend bgtau tau smlm, its snowing in central london. huwaaa...still snowing at this time of d ye ...
m going next week
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 11:50 AM 
m going next week
kena bwk winter clothing ler nampaknya. akak pi April last year...sejuk giler walaupn udah spring. dah ler ujan tetiap hari dgn angin kencang. 2 payung ranap, baju hujan yg disposable tu 3 musnah. nak pi oct ni tatau ler camna weathernye..
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 12:16 PM 
mid march aritu i just returned frm england, pergh sejuk giler ni nak gi lagi, dah spring p ...
takpe ler ada rumah kat sana, boleh simpan terus mana yg dah tamau guna. leceh kan nak usung jaket gedabak kehulu hilir.
Rushrush posted on 30-3-2013 11:03 PM 
Saya teramat amat bersetuju dgn apa yg lela cakap... main form of transport in London is th ...
tq uols
akan take note sumer benda ni dulu b4 buat booking
KIM.mafia posted on 5-4-2013 12:53 PM 
lelong kat iols la
jauh ler pulak nak mengantar, tak berbaloi ler paying for postage! ekekekeke...lain lah akak mai kl nanti
pinkyberry posted on 5-4-2013 01:55 PM 
Thanks sis...
Itu le yg pinky dok buat sekarang... sampai hubby dok kutuk yg pinky ni dok kem ...
ok lah tu your itinery hah. my niece pernah backpacked dgn her friend starting point dari my house pastu dia orang g eastern europe dulu n ends up in milan. but they have about 1 mth to travelled all the places lah n travellings on a shoe string budgets!
most of the travels are by coach n budget airlines but they booked way in advance. tak silap myself they spends something like £1000 for the whole month journey staying at hostels or sleeping in the coach or train.
u kena booked earlier all these places much earlier cos it is much more cheaper altho i bet you it is not going to be cheap too. december memang peak lah!
i hope u have funs wherever u choose to go!
Seronoknya baca celoteh uol pasal London, hiks!
London memang best.. lebih best dari the other 2, Paris & New York. Paris tak friendly, susah nak commute & makan2, New York pulak hostile sgt dgn org muslim (& ini semua pengalaman ai hehe.. pastu adik ai iras arab, sian beg dia selalu kena check dgn security huhu..). So tak hairan la London dapat kalahkan New York utk Olimpik 2012. Hambik ko! New York perasan sgt diorang global. Sorry NY, that honour belongs to London, always & ever.
Tapikan, London dulu, masa ai mula jejak 1st time tahun awal 90an, persekitaran sgt bersih, teratur & almost like Singapore, sterilised & gleaming look. Tapi zaman sekarang, no offence, sejak kedatangan immigrant makin besar & tak terkawal, London dah rupa 3rd world skali imbas. Jalan kotor & menggerutu, kereta bawak laju & takde lagi sopan2 (jgn terkejut ada da serupa mat rempit, dok tekan2 minyak mcm marah) kedai2 counterfeit makin bermahrajalela especially kat Oxford st, eeiii!!
Tapi still, ai masih enjoy London, Pascal situ lah ada aircon free (cuaca), makan sedap2 (coklat aneka brand, milkshake segera yg ai beli tak henti2, cafe pret a manger perrrgh!!) Tak lupa juga Harrods (ai tak enjoy sgt pegi westfield, rasa mcm bukit bintang hiks) dimana ai akan staright away gi food hall yg beyond2. Tak lupa juga kedai2 entertainment yg super besar & never ending choice cam HMV, Virgin, Our Price dan Tower (tapi tiga2 ni dah tutup sejak awal millenium lagi, so ai skrg depend pada HMV.. actually HMV pun dah nak KO dah, huhu sedihnya
Tempat tourist yg ai tak penah boring tiap kali bertandang: London Dungeon. Korang yg enjoy horror movies, ai rekomen pegi sini. 
applemy posted on 5-4-2013 03:33 PM 
Seronoknya baca celoteh uol pasal London, hiks!
London memang best.. lebih best dari the other 2, ...
betul ler tu, aku balik2 g london, balik2 g london. dingdong dingdong 25 tahun aku turun naik england.
aircond free khen takyah kena bayor mcm kat msia ni. mahal berdenyut! 
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 10:17 AM 
mieza...kalo nak g 2-3 jam kat BV tu i guess itinery tu ok kot altho akak sangat2 doubtful. dah gi ...
thanks for the info kak..mmg byk2 membantu mieza yg x reti pape ni.. ikutkan mieza xde nk sopping sgt ongkos nye x tebal..
mieza akan fly ke paris dlu..lepak2 sane then baru g london..
owh lupe..agak2 time mieza kt london tu stil sejuk ke? if pakai cashmere jacket tu dah ok x..ke nak bawak jacket tebal gak? insyaAllah if sempat mieza update live from london.. 
mieza386 posted on 5-4-2013 05:09 PM 
thanks for the info kak..mmg byk2 membantu mieza yg x reti pape ni.. ikutkan mieza xde nk sopping ...
Bak post sini cashmere jacket tu. Erm...unare going mid april khen frm the advise i received the weather is still in d single digit, so be prepared with coat.
Weather in europe/uk now is so unpredictable so u dont want to be frozen when u are there. Paris has never quite appeal me, i rather go to vienna or switzerland.
Kalo nak shopping g lah florence , i think florence is better than milan
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 05:02 PM 
betul ler tu, aku balik2 g london, balik2 g london. dingdong dingdong 25 tahun aku turun naik engl ...
25 tahun, bertuah akak 
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 06:50 PM 
Bak post sini cashmere jacket tu. Erm...unare going mid april khen frm the advise i received the ... Paris has never quite appeal me
Kan, Paris ni indah khabar dari rupa je. Ai nak fefeeling fairytale pun susah, dek org2 french yg kasar bila ai reply dlm english.. ooops! 
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