banner bod gosip tempatan yg baru sgt cun la... |
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-11-2014 01:50 PM 
boleh habis...kalau tak habis boleh tapau...
mcd ada yg burger double samurai tu tapi dah ou ...
burger samurai tu nampak macam x sedap je....
anna suka grilled or bbq burger je selalunya...
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-11-2014 01:52 PM 
dah taknak cakap pasal kawen/masalah rumahtangga la...i dah sampai termimpi malam tadi tengah maka ...
hahaha...tu la x sabar2 nak kawen namanya tu elle..
anna-zara posted on 14-11-2014 02:50 PM 
burger samurai tu nampak macam x sedap je....
anna suka grilled or bbq burger je selalunya...
sesuai dgn selera i sos burger samurai tu... tapi tu la,for limited time only...sob sob...
burger grilled tu pernah femes sebelum ni kan,yg bertingkat tingkat tu...i makan sekali je..oh kat tempat anna la kan burger yg femes tu..wangsa maju...
yang busy nak kahwin is pakcik JayChou...
Jay Chou's 13th album was delayed till winter from spring, finally it was confirmed from partner Vincent Fang's mouth, yesterday morning he had already completed recording, Jay Chou is going to release a new album in December, moreover the track list is over the originally planned 10 songs, he guaranteed the delay was worth it, but the netizens one after another stated, they wanted to see Jay Chou and Hannah Quinlivan's wedding photos even more.
Jay Chou's music has always been creative, before he revealed he finished writing two songs, one is about friendship in high school, getting keys to a scooter and riding around Yangmingshan with female friends, another song is "What Kind of Man are You?", after he loosened his mouth about marrying Hannah, has he increased the number of songs about men before marriage, at present we do not know, but, from his trip with Hannah to Europe, getting creative inspiration from the classic journey to conquering his fear of water by going surfing, he can record all these feelings in the new album.
Last week, Jay Chou returned to Taiwan from Europe after taking his wedding photos, he immediately began recording the new album, he also started filming the MVs, his good friend make up artist Funky Tu even played with his prop glasses, it seems they haven't forgotten to have fun during work, it matches Jay Chou's "a child at heart" personality, from the glasses on display on the table, you can see Jay Chou will be trying a different fashion to the past, it has a bit of Lady GaGa weird style to it.
In November, Jay Chou will be busy with "Opus 2" tour, he will only have a short period of rest at the start of the month, but with his workaholic disposition, he will continue filming MVs, there's a chance his wedding with Hannah might fall in December or during Christmas.
dah dekat dah release date his new album.. |
dah ada banner! sapa buat ye banner tu.... |
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-11-2014 02:55 PM 
oh ye ke..memang macam tu is it dgn orang2 tertentu... first time berlaku..tu yg rasa sangat pelik ...
selalunya macam tu la elle....
la awat aura negatif lak???
g mandi bunga bagi aura positif lak
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-11-2014 02:57 PM 
sesuai dgn selera i sos burger samurai tu...tapi tu la,for limited time only...sob sob...
oo sedap ek.....anna prosperity pun x suka...
yup burger kaw2 tu dekat je ng anna...
cuma kadang2 je kitorang beli...
anna prefer dulu ada satu stall HK burger....
lagi sedap ikut tekak anna n kawan2 lain
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-11-2014 02:58 PM 
haippp... mana ada...tak terfikir pun okay...
best la mimpi tu..ingat lagi dlm mimpi tu,i try ...
hahahha...kenal ke x orang sebelah tu???
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-11-2014 08:27 AM
oh dah tahu siapa punya banner tu...iols dah search...
salam jumaat awok. |
Esmiria posted on 14-11-2014 09:34 PM 
salam jumaat awok.
Salam pagi Sabtu Cik Es....
kalau ikutkan detective's instinct I ni, mula2 tengok je i terus fikir that guy yg I nampak hari tu doesn't fit in to that resort's surrounding.. maksudnya macam, he can stay at better place....why he chose to stay at that area...erm..only he knows why...misteri yg takkan terungkai.. and where he is going early morning like that...nobody knows tapi i rasa dia pergi main yacht...sbb masa breakfast dgn kawan lepas tu,i nampak ada yacht sailing near the beach's....>.<
jauh kan i fikir...huhu..takde kerja....>.< |
anna-zara posted on 14-11-2014 07:41 PM 
oo sedap ek.....anna prosperity pun x suka...
yup burger kaw2 tu dekat je ng anna...
reallyyy anna taks uka prosperity... first time kenal orang yg tak suka prosperity///>.<
yes..thats the popular stall name..burger kaw kaw.. yg HK tu tak pernah dengar pula..kurang femes agaknya..selalu mcm tu kan..ada je kedai yg kurang femes sikit ni yg lagi sedap compare to the popular one..mcm sate Kajang...yg femes Haji Samuri..tapi yg rata2 orang kata lagi sedap Sate Willy...yg Willy tu i tak pernah try...so tak boleh confirm whether it's better than Samuri or not...
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