kami kat sana 5 hari pun me rasa cam rugi aje
sbb kejap sangat, masa cam begitu cemburu sekali, ...
faraway1 Post at 15-7-2011 05:50 
mungkin lain org lain tanggapan nya... |
Reply 1744# rimau_belang
kita org punya pace cantik je..sampai kat paris,indah khbar dri rupa..
org ramai sgt,lpas tu kotor,bau hancing sampai dlam subway.. .
bnyk sgt mat2 bangla ngan pak2 itam dok tepi jalan jual2 barang merata-rata..
makan memang ok,bnyk kedai makanan halal..ayam golek pon leh makan..best |
Reply 1726# alfitri
salam sis. i pernah cerita my experience kat paris as 1st timer BUT dalam London thread..so i dah cari and just copy paste kat sini yer 
hi sis! me baru je balik yesterday from london..as for me, london takyah la nak risau sangat coz when i was there orangnya busy buat hal sendiri jer..tak mengacau UNLESS u stay out malam2 and lalu depan pubs. then get ready to see people brawling. my advice go to the other side and jangan tengok langsung kat diorang..coz orang mabuk ni nanti ingat u nak cari gaduh!
as for paris, sampai2 jer kat gare du nord, my friend and i dah ada unpleasent experiences!!
1. our 1st time kat paris..asked my friend to queue for tickets paris visit passe and me pegi kat dinding nak cari direction to our hotel. pusing jer tengok my friend dah bercakap with this one guy!! she said the guy wants to show her machine beli ticket and how to buy..i dah rasa suspicious coz there were so many people there kenapa mesti this guy pegi dekat my friend. AND of all the machine tickets yang penuh dengan orang dia bawa we all kat dalam2 yang tak ramai orang!! so i cakap dalam melayu to my fren camner boleh bercakap dengan the guy?? she said we just tengok what he wanted (dalam hati me dah geram coz i had to keep extra attention to our bags coz there was another boy who kept tailing us)..then when he showed the machine, instead of tekan instruction in english dia tekan french la pulak! tambah la me suspicious...the icing of the cake came when he offered to buy the tickets for us using HIS CARD!!! terus i cakap to my fren, i nak blah!!! u wanna play nice, u stay la dengan dia..so in the end tak jadi coz my fren refused and say we will just get the tickets from the counter. so, kalau kena approach by these people and i think they are from Algeria just make donno..dont be fooled by their good-looking faces!!
2. kat counter, encountered another unpleasant moment coz counter tu actually 2 TAPI sorang jer buat kerja..yang sorang tu gayut kat fon! tu ok lagi, then dunno what happened, polis tiba2 datang and yang buat kerja tu left her counter!! and jadilah satu drama antara French police, gadis ticket and a group of japanese tourist! we all tak tau hujung pangkal but it seems like the credit card used was fraud??? (yang ni we came with our own conclusion heheheheh) lambat juga kitorang tunggu smpi benda ni settle..mebbe around 20mins? and yes gadis counter sorang tu masih sebok bergayut!! then one of the japs tourist amik her pic and she screamed to the police to tell him that. depan2 kitorang, the gambar kena suruh delete by the police!!!!
3. dah dapat ticket, so nak pegi kejar train RER..card dah swipe and time my friend lalu with her luggage the door tiba2 tutup!! so, her bag sangkut...me dah panic terus asked her to wait while i get help...when i got back to her, she was already at the other side with the luggage!! me tanya la what happened? then she said with muka annoyed macam nak nangis that while i was away looking for help, a black man came and swiped his card so pintu buka and my friend baru jer nak tarik her bag and say thank u to the man, HE KICKED MY FRIEND'S LUGGAGE OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!! while his 2 companions bagi looks nak makan orang kat my friend!! ya hampunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!! nasib la my friend dorang tak kacau!! and these are 3 BIG MEN we are talking about! oh, someone bagitau the RER and METRO memang bau hancing and tahi during summer and this is so very true..so be prepared!
4. be careful with the men there, jangan la jadi so nice sedekah2 senyuman kat diorang or buat eye contact! we all kena kejar sampai nak masuk train coz my friend TERbuat eye contact with one of the men!
5. masa kat montmartre, naik tangga to sacre cour, we all kena tahan by these konon2 deaf and dumb BIG GIRLS yang minta derma...when u ignored them, they actually HIT you!! me kena kat bontot, my friend kat dada..and i was so geram i actually maki the girls in malay!! terasa jer nak tolak dia from the stairs but considering her size, takut haku pulak yang masuk hospital nanti! hahahahahahaha
other than that, i really enjoyed my time in Paris  |
Reply 1748# miyoma
miyo, hehe bau hancing tu mmg rmai yg complaint kan....kena hati2 la kan?u g mane je mse kat paris..story mory sket |
Reply miyoma
miyo, hehe bau hancing tu mmg rmai yg complaint kan....kena hati2 la kan?u g ...
rimau_belang Post at 15-7-2011 17:19 
last trip sampai kat paris,we all ingt kat paris ni ok la,sbb my cousin can speak french..
memang ok if u can speak french,mostly people there can't speak english..memang lain ngan people kat amsterdam and berlin..
sampai je,terkejut tgok ramai sgt org arab ngan org itam..memang dah agak pon..so lpas tu cek in hotel..nasib baik hotel besar.
esok nya,my sisters in shopping mood trus g la valle village,indah khabar dari rupa,barang kat situ masih mahal dan kecik2 je kedainya..lpas tu pegi yg bagunan tiga segi tuh..x ingt dah nama..lpas tu blik
esok kan pegi etoile(yg macam gate),lpas tu pegi eifel tower..
last day g la fayytte.. |
yg best je kat paris kita org dpat tax refunds 120 euro free2 je.. |
apart from what was mentioned by my earlier post...paris ni best jer in my opinion  |
Reply alfitri
firi stay otel mane kat paris?
rimau_belang Post at 7-7-2011 14:42 
kat Holiday Inn...harap2 ok la...
(sorila lmbt reply) ) |
Reply alfitri
salam sis. i pernah cerita my experience kat paris as 1st timer BUT dalam London ...
fairy_fairy Post at 15-7-2011 16:05 
salam fairy,
thanks for your advices...seram gak dengar cite you tu...
hope for our trip would be wonderful...hehehe |
Reply alfitri
salam sis. i pernah cerita my experience kat paris as 1st timer BUT dalam London ...
fairy_fairy Post at 15-7-2011 16:05 
waaa... ngerinyer..
tak der la pulak kitorang jumpa pelik2 macam tuh..
jumpa semua friendly jer.. dari rome sampai ke london memang tak der masalah la
jumpa pak itam pun kitoarng buat bodoh jer..
Kalau jumpa pak arab dalam bas ok jer diorang bagi salam semua..
tapi kalau nak ikutkan kitorang memang jenis tak bother ngan orang lain pun..
ada yg approach jer trus kitorang blah..
tapi yg tak tahan kat Paris tu. hanjing pun dia bawak masuk subway, kalau chihuahua tak per gak ni spesis labrador yg besor..
sakan menyimpang kitorang ni haa.. |
Reply 1756# alfitri
parts and parcel of what makes an interesting journey! 
ni jer yang tak best...the rest tu memang buat me nak pegi paris
again which will happen this september!  |
Reply 1757# divasweet_77
me memang jenis tak layan orang but my friend who was with me jenis ringan mulut
sikit..tu yang ada yang nak melekat tu hehehehe |
Reply 1759# fairy_fairy
heheh.. pegi jgn tak pegi..
kalau bab repeat ni kita rasa nak pegi lagi ke rome.. bestnyer.. ngan munich.. |
Reply 1746# rimau_belang
Kami terkena dgn unfriendly Parisian waktu dlm train TGV. Depan we all ada couple eith baby. Kesian my 6 yr old daughter kena shout coz dia nak touch pipi baby tu. Lepas tu otw to London dlm eurostar, makcik french tu marah I suruh anak 2 yr old to kept his mouth shut. Kurang ajar betul, dia kick I punya chair, dia baling I dgn lapik kepala kat kerusi. Menyirap darah, i ckp kat dia what is your prib, this is public train! Padahal ada ramai family with baby tak pulak dia sibuk. Dah lah duduk kat tempat I at first. |
Reply 1749# fairy_fairy
Seram experience you ni. Tapi shopping memang best kat sana |
Reply 1761# mai_pinky
huh,teruk jugak kan?kesian u...naseb i g next year bedue je ngn cik hubby sbb takde anak lg..hehe..antare tmpat u g kat paris mane ye? |
Reply 1752# miyoma
lorrr..yeke..ta g disneyland ke?i rase spend 2nite je kat paris will be okay kan?hehe |
Reply 1753# miyoma
how did u manage to get the tax refund? |
Reply 1758# fairy_fairy
this september???waaaahhhh bestnyee g bape mlm?paris je?lg g mane? |
| |