Originally posted by Traza at 6-9-2008 09:48 PM
wahhh ramai kawan lu celebrate besday this month
BTW u remember me mentioning pasal forumer herbivor tu? Her bday is tomorrow. Otak dia ngan mine almost exactly same wavelength... sekali pandang each other jer dah leh communicate 2-3 hours of discussion.
BTW u remember me mentioning pasal forumer herbivor tu? Her bday is tomorrow. Otak dia ngan mine almost exactly same wavelength... sekali pandang each other jer dah leh communicate 2-3 hours of ...
Err.... my ex mom-in-law is 5th... and she and me are like the sun (that's me) and she's like one of the disintegrated and long-gone moons of Pluto... we simply dont get along, all thoughts are opposites... wow...
Err.... my ex mom-in-law is 5th... and she and me are like the sun (that's me) and she's like one of the disintegrated and long-gone moons of Pluto... we simply dont get along, all thoughts are ...
hahahahaha ... maybe tu pasal she is yr ex MIL ..
takleh nak klik .. org kata tu semer sign
yup nov
7th nov
seven eleven
kena masuk diary siap2 tuhhh
7th? Wow...i had a gut feeling it was 6th... close, ek? And dont hafta answer this if u dont want to... but please dear God Almighty dont tell me yr year is 78 or 81.