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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 7-6-2014 12:53 PM | Show all posts
AbukRokok posted on 6-6-2014 11:05 PM
kapal dah siap ka tunggu asteroid nibiru?
ramai ummah nk tumpang..dpt pahala besar brooouuuuuu :l ...

tambang blom bayo..lagi mao tumpang kaaaa?

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Post time 7-6-2014 12:54 PM | Show all posts
didi_lite89 posted on 30-4-2014 10:09 AM
nak share ckit pengalaman kat sini boleh.? didi slalu mimpi pelik2....ade satu mimpi, yg didi xkan l ...

kici,bley wat perenggan tak????

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Post time 7-6-2014 01:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razhar posted on 5-2-2014 02:25 PM
x mungkin..dia sorang yang teguh..bukan mcm lalang..berani buat berani tanggung...apa2 pun... ...

Obama...salah satu geng geng yahudi melebarkan fitnah akhir zaman..perbnyakkan mmbaca dan mghafal surah al kafi...semoga kita tidak tergolong dlm golongan mereka yg sesat

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Post time 7-6-2014 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
perbincangan ilmiah


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Post time 7-6-2014 08:37 PM | Show all posts
intanku posted on 7-6-2014 01:29 PM
Obama...salah satu geng geng yahudi melebarkan fitnah akhir zaman..perbnyakkan mmbaca dan mghafal  ...

Obama...salah satu geng geng yahudi melebarkan fitnah akhir zaman..

ayat yg ni aku kasi FULL MARK

perbnyakkan mmbaca dan mghafal surah al kafi...semoga kita tidak tergolong dlm golongan mereka yg sesat

bersyukur sangat2

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Post time 16-1-2015 01:31 PM | Show all posts

As salam
dah lama tak masuk sini


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Post time 19-4-2015 09:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by razhar at 19-4-2015 09:43 PM

la ni dah 8/10...masa dah suntuk.....andria pon dah lama masuk kubu dia..

Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG

What in the world are the elite up to?

In recent days, we have learned that the New York Fed is moving a lot of operations to Chicago because of concerns about what a “natural disaster” could do, the federal government is buying 62 million rounds of ammunition commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles for “training” purposes, and NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne Mountain because it is “EMP-hardened”.  In addition, government authorities have scheduled a whole host of unusual “training exercises” all over the nation.  So are the elite doing all of this in order to prepare for something really BIG, or should we just chalk up all of this strange activity to rampant government paranoia?

First, let’s talk about what the New York Fed has been doing.  What kind of natural disaster would be bad enough to completely shut down the operations of the New York Federal Reserve Bank?  It would have to be something very unusual, and apparently the New York Fed is very concerned that such an event could happen.  According to Reuters, the New York Fed has been transferring personnel to Chicago and building up its satellite office there just in case a “natural disaster” makes it impossible for normal operations to continue in New York…

The New York branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve, wary that a natural disaster or other eventuality could shut down its market operations as it approaches an interest rate hike, has added staff and bulked up its satellite office in Chicago.

Some market technicians have transferred from New York and others were hired at the office housed in the Chicago Fed, according to several people familiar with the build-out that began about two years ago, after Hurricane Sandy struck Manhattan.

Officials believe the Chicago staffers can now handle all of the market operations that are done daily out of the New York Fed, which is the U.S. central bank’s main conduit to Wall Street.

This seems very odd.

In all of U.S. history, there has never been a natural disaster in New York City that would have been bad enough to totally shut down the operations of the New York Fed for an extended period of time.

So why are they so concerned? Well, I can think of one event that could cause such a disruption… An east coast tsunami.

But other than that, it is hard to imagine a natural disaster which could shut down the New York Fed for an extended period of time.
Another very odd thing that we learned about this week is an absolutely massive purchase by the government of ammunition that is commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles.

[size=14.6666669845581px]Something else that seems very strange is the fact that NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne mountain after all these years…


It shut down nearly ten years ago as the threat from Russia seemed to subside, but this week the Pentagon announced that Cheyenne Mountain will once again be home to the most advanced tracking and communications equipment in the United States military.

The shift to the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado is designed to safeguard the command’s sensitive sensors and servers from a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, military officers said.

The Pentagon last week announced a $700 million contract with Raytheon Corporation to oversee the work for North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command.

Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command, said that ‘because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened.’

Spending 700 million dollars to move back inside a mountain just because it is “EMP-hardened” is a pretty big deal.
Do they know something that we don’t? On top of everything else, we have been seeing lots of strange “training exercises” being scheduled all over the nation recently.Another thing that has people scratching their heads are the weird closures of Wal-Mart stores all over the nation for supposed “plumbing problems”…
Not just one, but five Walmart stores across the U.S. are closing their doors due to plumbing problems that, in some cases, will take four to six months to repair.

Those closing include locations in Livingston and Midland, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and near Los Angeles.

For the Brandon Walmart, I talked to Hillsborough County and Walmart to get answers about why these plumbing repairs will take so long and whether the issues are connected, but local customers are already skeptical.

“Why is it just plumbing problems? It’s gonna take them six months to fix up the store?” asked customer John Mambrl.

Yes, is it really going to take them six months to fix the toilets? Either someone at Wal-Mart is extremely incompetent, or there is something fishy going on here.In the end, perhaps there is nothing to any of this. Perhaps all of these examples are just unrelated coincidences. But then again, perhaps not.


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Post time 19-4-2015 10:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
perembes replied at 25-1-2014 02:25 PM
saya baru2 ni bermimpi banjir besar...................sangat2 besar

Errrr.....ada mimpi bencana lain tak recently...?

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Post time 1-9-2015 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Lama dah senyap benang ni

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Post time 7-9-2015 03:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Setelah lama x berforum kini ku kembali..masih dengan peRASAan ini..ada berita Baru?..kita sebenarnya kerisauan melihat fonomena dunia akhir2 ini..saya percaya kalian semua risau tidak bersedia. semua mengikut sunnatullah..permulaan pertengahan klimaks dan penurunan..soalnya di mana kita?? Setelah tanda demi tanda mungkin kita tak pasti yg mana fasa kita yg kita berada ..teruskn usaha mencari..lihat dgn pndgn neutral..

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Post time 8-9-2015 07:57 AM | Show all posts
sebenarnya jika merujuk quran peristiwa yang dinyatakan sentiasa berlaku meliputi dulu kini dan akan datang. tetapi sayangnya umat Islam sendiri tak menghayati Al Quran. Kita menanti2 turunnya Nabi Isa Al Mahdi dan mencari-cari watak dajal..sedangkan ada ayat menyatakan secara direct dan perlambangan atau perumpamaan pada diri sendiri dan alam. puzzle ini yang kita perlu rungkaikan kodnya barula umat Islam tidak terus-terusan dalam zaman kegelapan.

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Post time 17-9-2015 10:12 PM | Show all posts
miftahuljamilah replied at 8-9-2015 07:57 AM
sebenarnya jika merujuk quran peristiwa yang dinyatakan sentiasa berlaku meliputi dulu kini dan akan ...

Benar, ramai yang lupa akan hal itu.

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Post time 5-10-2015 10:29 AM | Show all posts
mimpi2..memberi petanda pada yang ikhlas mencari terkadang diberi peringatan kepada dirinya..dengan cara tidak langsung..brgantung kepada kita untuk mempercayainya dan mencari jawapannya.Allah sentiasa memberi kita peringatan ..Orang Melayu lama sentiasa belajar melalui alam..sampai ada ungkapan Alam Terkembang menjadi Guru..mereka memerhati bahasa alam,peka dengan perubahan cuaca,keadaan tumbuh-tumbuhan,pasang surut air dan gerak geri haiwan..mungkin melayu hari ini terlalu sibuk dengan gajet sehingga tak sempat memerhati alam sekeliling..

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Post time 14-12-2018 12:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by PenjejakAwan at 14-12-2018 12:21 AM

Assalamualaikum... Aku antara sr thread ni yg dulu baca je tapi x register. semenjak dua menjak ni, aku baca bnyk pendpt2 tentang bencana2 yg nk berlaku. Tapi aku x fhm. Kan bgs klu thread ni dihidupkan semula... Ada tempat bertanya.. takde sapa2 kenal ke tuantanah ni... Minta la dia dtg balik... Hidupkn balik thread ni.. ke ada org yg dpt berhubung ngn dia?

P.s diorg kata 16hb ni bintang berekor nk dtg. Klu btl tu bintang berekor, baca syahadah je la siap2.. lagi 2 hari...

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Post time 14-12-2018 09:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada org predict bulan februari thn depan seluruh dunia akan bergelap selama 17 hari... Org tu suruh sediakan bekalan makanan/minuman... Dan kita akan dikelirukan dgn tarikh.. bila sedar semula, kita akan beribadat pd tarikh yg salah...

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Post time 14-12-2018 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Edited by capiloton at 14-12-2018 10:41 AM
PenjejakAwan replied at 14-12-2018 09:47 AM
Ada org predict bulan februari thn depan seluruh dunia akan bergelap selama 17 hari... Org tu suruh  ...

menarik, cuba share sikit apa orang tu kata.

btw Febuari 2019, akan muncul meteor 2002 NT7.
sama ada hentam bumi, or cuma hampiri, aku tak pasti.
Dr Yeomans dah detect meteor ni sejak tahun 2002 lagi.

5 tahun yang lepas ada 3 meteor yang meletup dalam atmosfera bumi.
paling femes, Chelyabinsk event.

Ustaz zulkifli yang selalu bagi kuliah pasal Islamic eschatology pun ada sebut,
yang bumi sekarang sedang melalui "sungai meteor".
dari meteor impact ni la, akan berlaku ad-dukhan.


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Post time 14-12-2018 04:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
capiloton replied at 14-12-2018 10:36 AM
menarik, cuba share sikit apa orang tu kata.

btw Febuari 2019, akan muncul meteor 2002 NT7.

Cuba baca ni bro.

Atau kopipes je nama dia kat google, nanti keluarlah fb dia.... Dia pun tak tau apa punca kegelapan tu, cuma dia tau 17 hari... Analogi yg dia buat adalah berdasarkan peristiwa2 yg dh berlaku (sebab setiap perkara ada konsep pengulangan) dn dia juga ada guna nombor2, berpandukan Al quran dan sunnah....

Mengikut pengamatan beliau, angka 17 ni timbul berulang2 dlm krnologi peristiwa... Kes yg budak2 thai sesat dlm gua tu, dia kata mengikut pengiraan (aku x tau cmne dia kira), dia dh dpt agak diorg hanya akan keluar pd hari ke 17 (sblm diorg keluar lgi)... dn mmg btl diorg keluar hari ke 17...

Bnyk lg la yg dia predict... Tpi semua yg dia predict tu, bukan hal2 berkenaan kiamat ke atau apa2 yg berkaitan...

Errr bila asteroid feb thn dpn tu dijangka tiba? Maksd aku tarikh yg tepat?

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Post time 30-12-2018 12:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PenjejakAwan replied at 14-12-2018 04:57 PM
Cuba baca ni bro.

I rasa tetap vague overall dia ni bermain dgn interpretasi public yg bc apa dia ulaskan, i blm baca full, baca sepintas2, tp pasal kegelapan 17 hari tu kan, dia cakap kita akan tido dlm waktu gelap tu, so let say 1.2.2019 tiba2 gelap then kita tido atau bila waktu ptt gelap/malam kita tido, (ada 2 senario) then bila dah selesai gelap kita bangun, i rasa dia ckp general n up to kita utk interprete benda tu

So, mungkin ada yg kita akan terpecaya kita bgelap/ tido 17 hari, padahal kita bangun mcm biasa esoknya mengikut kawasan2/negara masing2

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Post time 30-12-2018 12:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PenjejakAwan replied at 14-12-2018 04:57 PM
Cuba baca ni bro.

Biasanya org mcm ni yg i observe dia mmg tak akan ckp direct/jelas/terang so dia ckp ikut apa dia kaji, n selebihnya dia serah pd public utk tafsir sendiri, pada i irresponsible, cause bahaya kalau org yg extreme percaya, dia pulak sng akan ckp Wallahualam dan sebagainya...

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Post time 30-12-2018 12:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PenjejakAwan replied at 14-12-2018 04:57 PM
Cuba baca ni bro.

Ni mcm 1 syndrome jugak - tgk/nampak no yg sama setiap kali dan di mana2, tak dpt 17 pun akan kira/cari/kaji segala kebetulan sampai dpt 17 dlm setiap events yg terjadi sekeliling kita, ofcourse dgn cara2 dia yg tersendiri

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