Maybe dorang ni golongan yang dominen so mereka lebih suka jika pasangan mereka kurang dominen. Not a fan of Swift and Yuna
satu nama...mcm2 cerita...apepon best citernye |
Well, since I pernah kenal TB ni secara dekat dulu (dulu means many years ago OK), so here are my thoughts about this man.
I must give this guy a credit that he truly deserve; he is a very nice, charming, and a type of man that you want to bring him home and introduce to your parents. (No, not because of his family background ke apa, but because of who he is as a person).
Dan disebabkan dia ni seorang yang sangat baik, mesra dan mudah didekati, then I don't really surprise when he dated Marsha dulu and now with Uqasha, yelah, knowing how opportunist Uqasha is kn?
I think TB is into a nice/ soft spoken girl, not into a rough/ loud type and for that, Uqasha CHECKED! (Or at least that's how she's portraying herself now!)
TB is a type of BF that will bring his GF to a spa for relaxing, lepaking and enjoying you-and-me time, instead of tempat-tempat merepek.
Not like many other jerks yang asal boleh jer, sibuk nak ajak check-in kat hotel2, he's totally not that type!
Masa I kenal dia dlu, he was quite a party goer (quite means bukan kaki la but he do clubbing la) but he will never force his gf to do something that he don't like. It means he will treat his GF with a great respect.
I know him many many years after he broke up with Fazura and I can tell that he still like Fazura at that time. 
Cisss dekat sini thread ni rupanya.. Dia ni dgn uqasha ke?ke juz stock geli2? Sbb uqasha tu boleh tahan gak sosialnya.. Uqasha ni call girl... |
apedehal replied at 2-6-2016 05:33 PM
ee..ni kalau xbetul..da boleh jatuh fitnah. tuanku tu pun da tua terketar ketar..larat ke
Jgn x tahu... Tua2 gayut pun,perempuan utk stock geli2 masih ramai taw..kila fairy,uqasha, tu semu stock geli2 si tua tu.. Yg perempuan pulak apa nk heran tgn terketar2 pun,janji dpt duit berkepok2.. |
He's anak arwah TAB kan? Adik beradik include t marsila, t Amir and tcjamidah, if I'm not mistaken. |
Dia tiga beradik je. Lain2 mak kalau xsilap. Marsilla mak lain. Yg kecik Shahira mak lain.
Chanela bukan ke cousin beliau? Chanela anak Tengku Ibrahim, bapak Bakar is Tengku Abdullah
rayna_raynes replied at 16-7-2016 12:56 PM
Dia tiga beradik je. Lain2 mak kalau xsilap. Marsilla mak lain. Yg kecik Shahira mak lain.
Chane ...
Yes you're right! I got it confused. |
hanipinky replied at 15-7-2016 08:12 PM
Well, since I pernah kenal TB ni secara dekat dulu (dulu means many years ago OK), so here are my th ...
Teringat 1 vc uqasha cakap mia tangan mia tangan mia tangan haha.kat situ nmpk uqasha ni jenis cmne. |
katanya Redza tu gatal and kantoi dgn Nisa pasal ppuan lain... nasib laaa tp mmg Redza tu ligat bab tgok ppuan dahi licin ni
tengku bakar ni umur dia berapa tahun..
xkawen2 rasanya, bersilih ganti awek dia.
fazura la, marsha la..
x suprise pon dia dgn uqasha..bkn hari tu ada gambar ke uqasha tudung dia dah terbang...
coverina good good kat malaysia je...overseas sexy bkn main hihihi |
oo kalo masih teringat n suka kat mek Jura why not continue je balik.. mek Jura pong single kan..
aku rase TB ni mcm makin muda lak mukanya |
kalau gatal kenapakah sampai sekarang redza tak kawin2 lagi? Dan siapakah yang dah declare in a new relationship walaupun belum sah bercerai lagi?
cmf_premierleag replied at 15-7-2016 08:59 AM
Nak tanya sket w/pun takd3 kene memgena
Intan ladyana ni mmg alumni KTJ ke?
Sbb now slalu tgk dia ...
Yes i pun ada nampak her pic with all the socialites including raline. Was very surprised to see her there siap buat double take lagi betul ke intan ladyana tu? Yela kalau ikutkan dia pelakon gred C je pun takdela famous mana but suddenly boleh gang dengan socialites |
Uqasha ..erra fazira in the making |
nia05 replied at 18-7-2016 01:25 PM
Uqasha ..erra fazira in the making
waddoyou mean? |
kesian la si Intan ni. I dun think she is a social climber la,,just opportunity datang depan mata, kapel dgn anak dato after soo many yearss mendambakan kasih pada si Kamal adli .. at least she gets better kan..daripada teurs tunggu si kamal tu
kan boyfren dia anak dato harus la duduk semeja dgn socialite skrg.kasi can la kat Intan,,dia pun bukan muda lgi..hihi..bekap Intan baekk punya
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